My Name Is Andi - Cover

My Name Is Andi

Copyright© 2019 by TheBatofGotham

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - While on a camping trip with his sister and his Grandpa Andy saves what seems to be a young girl from being raped. Due to a misunderstanding, his reward is being turned into his younger sister's twin.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Magic   Romantic   BiSexual   Incest   Sister   Grand Parent   Pregnancy  

We all have one day that ultimately changes our lives forever. Mine just so happened three days after I graduated from high school. My Grandpa, sister and I were camping. For the most part, I was having fun. That is until a family with five boys inhabited the cabin next to ours. Then it started going downhill for a while at least.

I woke up early that morning. I took in a deep breath as soon as I stepped outside and looked around. Not even twenty feet away from me was a beautiful deer. She had her head down to the ground eating what I assumed was grass. I was lost in the joy and beauty of the deer when I heard the door creak open behind me.

“Morning Grandpa.” I yawned out.

He took a sip of his hot cocoa then said, “It sure is nice to be greeted in the morning in such a nice manner. Your sister just nods and says, ‘sup’.” He rolled his eyes. Kids these days.”

“So she’s just being herself this morning then,” I stated.

He shrugged then said, “Not sure. Haven’t seen her yet. I thought she was out here with you.”

We both looked in the direction that the deer had recently vacated. Then I smelled breakfast cooking. I waited until I heard Grandpa’s stomach growling.

“She’s probably hanging out with one of those boys from the next cabin down. I’ll go look for her.” I said as I started walking.

All I heard was Grandpa calling out, “Thanks, Andy.”

As I walked to the neighboring cabin I thought of how things went from fun and games with my two favorite people. They had arrived at camp halfway through our third day here. Then the three boys started showing lots of attention to my sister. They seemed to ignore me for the most part, I was just fine with that, at least I thought I was at the time. But what really bothered me was the fact that my sister Alice paid more attention to those three boys than me. Even though she’s younger than me, she’s always been more popular than I have been so I was used to her going off and playing with friends and flirting with boys and the occasional girl. But this was our family vacation. It was just supposed to be the three of us. It’s been that way since Grandpa Jim adopted us after our parents died.

I found myself in front of the door and was about to knock when I heard one of the boys call out, “Hey Justin! Is that you?” A couple seconds later. “Oh hey Alex. How are you doing? Have you seen my parents or Justin around?”

I wanted to complain and tell him he got my name wrong, yet again but I just gritted my teeth and said, “Not really. But I’m guessing...”

“Oh well. I’ll see you later.” He said before he quickly closed the door in my face.

After wishing that Grandpa would kick them out of our Grandma’s old cabin for the millionth time I went on a walk to find my sister. While searching I spotted a few stray hikers. Then I finally came across this couple making out. I recognized the man, it was the Dad from the family in the next cabin. And a few feet away I saw Justin looking longingly at his Dad making out with someone too small to be his Mom. Before I even turned away I noticed something about the couple. If they hadn’t turned slightly she wouldn’t have looked up and we wouldn’t have caught a glimpse of each other’s faces. My sister Alice looked worried as I mouthed the word sorry and walked away. My sister was making out with a married older man, and I was in shock. I had originally intended to walk back to our cabin but I ended up walking to the little pond that wasn’t too far from us. The image of my sister kissing that boy kept running through my mind. Along with a few of the other boys I’ve seen her kissing.

I was getting close to the pond when I heard a scared voice call out, “Who’s there?” At first, I thought she had been talking to me then she continued, “Don’t come any closer, Steve. I told you not to follow me anymore.”

When she started to scream my legs and body went into autopilot. I ran to the pond and found a man forcing a young woman onto the ground. Before I knew it I was pulling him off of the girl and pushing him away. When his senses came back to him he punched me in the face. The fight didn’t last very long. It wasn’t until he was unconscious on the ground that I noticed that his pants were not only open but his dick was sticking out. The young woman sneezed and I turned to look at her. And when I saw that she was naked I quickly turned around.

“Turning your eye away from a strange naked woman, you must be a gentleman. How wonderful,” she told me. Then soon she spoke again, “Okay, you can look, I’m dressed.”

“Are you okay miss? He didn’t hurt you did he?” I asked her.

She chuckled then replied, “I’m fine. You got here before he did anything really serious.”

“Thank goodness. Can I walk you back to your camp or anything miss?”

She smiled, “My name is Lisa. And I don’t need any help getting to where I need to be.” Lisa then gave me a strange look and when she spoke I couldn’t move or even turn away. “Tell me what I can do for you. What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted?”

I couldn’t help but answer. It was as if the words were being spoken by someone else through my lips. But they were the words I had been keeping inside for a long time, “I wish I could be more like my sister. Be more ... free and capable of being loved and cared about.”

Alice had always been able to make friends easier and more of our family and the community had loved her especially when our parents had been alive.

Lisa nodded and said, “I can help with that. I just need to give you a kiss.”

I still couldn’t move and she came closer to me. When her lips pressed into mine, I felt an energy course through my body.

And when that energy was the strongest I heard my sister calling out to me, “Andy! What’s wrong?”

When Lisa let go of me I fell to the ground. I saw both Lisa and Alice kneeling over me. Lisa had a smile on her face but Alice looked worried.

“There is nothing to worry about Alice. Everything will be fine. Andy saved me from being raped and as a reward he wished for this.” Lisa said.

Before my sister could say anything I finally spoke, “How did you know...” What was that sound I wondered. “How did you know my sister’s name?”

“Simple. I read it from your mind when we were kissing. I would have gotten more but our link was disconnected when your sister came barging in and pulled us apart.” Lisa informed me.

Alice was mostly worried but I noticed a little anger when she shouted, “So is that your way of blaming me for my brother suddenly growing breasts? Because I know he wouldn’t have asked to have that done to him.”

“Oh, but he did. He said he wanted to be more like you. So he’s in the process of becoming more like you. Or should I say he’s turning into your twin?” Lisa enthusiastically said.

Alice fell from a kneeling position to being on her butt, “In the process of becoming my twin? Impossible.”

Lisa looked a little confused then as she pointed to me she smiled and said, “Impossible? Does that look impossible to you? I’d say she’s halfway in between his old self and you at the moment. He probably still has his penis. You can check if you’d like.”

There was a moment of hesitation then Alice said, “No. I don’t think so.”

“Oh well. I got a glimpse of him looking at himself in the mirror from his mind. And I must say he had a really nice penis. Pitty it won’t last much longer.” Lisa told my still stunned sister.

I was beginning to feel very drowsy so I couldn’t make out much of what they said after that. But I suddenly felt Alice shaking my shoulder.

“Alice, why are you shaking me like that?” I wondered aloud.

“You were laughing hysterically. I tried getting your attention but I couldn’t get you to stop.” Alice told me.

“I was laughing? Really?” I asked.

“You were. It’s part of the transformation process. Each person reacts to it differently. You know once I even had a person or ... That’s beside the point. You may have been laughing like crazy but you should know that you’re just fine.” Lisa said.

“That’s what you think. My brother is now my sister. How is that fine?” Alice half-shouted.

“I’m your what? Did you say, sister? And why do I feel a draft in between my legs?” I asked. I couldn’t move my head very much at this time. It wasn’t due to Lisa freezing me in place but I felt really sore. It hurt to move every muscle in my body.

“She did say you were her sister. And you feel a draft because your sister pulled down your pants to see your penis before it vanished for good.” Lisa laughed at the end.

Alice yelled, “I did not pull down his pants. You did that because you wanted to see his dick. I just didn’t look away. And speaking of his pants can we pull his up. It’s weird looking at a pussy that looks just like mine.”

We stayed by the pond for half an hour. Lisa had explained a few things to us. The thing that caught my attention is that except for Alice everyone else would remember me as having always been a female. There might be a few people that would be somewhere in between. Like they’d remember me as a girl but have a strange feeling or memory of me as a guy. Kind of like Deja vu or how when you’re leaving the house for a trip you feel like you’re forgetting something important, or you meet someone for the first time but you feel like you’ve met them before. I think that’s how it was explained.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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