Kelly Gambles - Cover

Kelly Gambles

by Honey Moon

Copyright© 2019 by Honey Moon

Erotica Sex Story: Kelly is a gambler. Penniless after a losing night at the casinos, she had to get home before her husband found out she hadn't gone to visit her sister. Blowing a tire and almost crashing, Kelly ends up stranded on the Atlantic City Expressway. Thankfully the tow truck driver was a woman! Kelly learns her secret, and gambles again. Can she fuck a futanari without a condom, while ovulating, and get off of the huge penis before she gets in trouble by cuckolding a husband who had a vasectomy?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Hermaphrodite   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Cream Pie   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   .

Kelly Vance sighed as she drove through the night. At least she had a full tank of gas. She had heard horror stories of what a woman had to do to get gas on the Atlantic City Expressway after losing all her money at the casinos. The chill of fear raced through her once again. All her money! The young bride didn’t dare use her credit cards to recoup her losses. She had sworn to her husband that she would never gamble again. How could this happen? Her system had been foolproof. Still, the cards had taken every penny she had brought with her! Why did she ever sit in at a ‘hit soft seventeen’ table?

“Thank God Robert will never find out!” she almost sobbed as she raced the sunrise home. “I’ll just sell a few more pieces of jewelry, and he’ll never know the difference!” The pretty little redhead glanced at her new three thousand dollar tennis bracelet. “I saw one almost exactly like it on QVC last night for ninety dollars. Robert’s eyes are a little weak. He’ll never notice!”

With a sickening bang and thup-thup-thup, the steering wheel jerked wildly in Kelly’s hands. She screamed as she fought to stay in control of her beautiful new Porsche 911 GT2. “Oh God, no!” she cried as the vehicle finally slowed to a stop. It could have been much worse. Luck and skill had prevented a deadly outcome to her little adventure. Kelly hardly gave a thought to her narrow escape. “A flat tire? Why now? I’m going to sue somebody over this!”

She grabbed for her cell phone and stopped. Robert thought she was out with her sister in Manhattan. She didn’t dare call him for help out here on the expressway! What choice did she have? If she called a tow truck, the bill would surely note her little mishap had taken place on the way back from Atlantic City! Robert would see it. He’d know in an instant that Lady Luck had once again lured her astray!

Kelly climbed out and hurried to the front to throw open the hood. “I’ll put on the spare myself!” she cried, before her heart gave a sickening lurch. “Where’s the spare?” Kelly had forgotten something vital. To save weight, the GT2 carried no spare, just a canister of tire sealing foam, an air compressor and a pressure gauge. “What in Hell am I supposed to do with this junk? The tire blew wide open! I can’t fix that!” The cold air chilled her through the thin material of her dress. “I didn’t even bring a fucking coat!” Kelly got back behind the wheel and began to weep.

The crying woman was just on the verge of calling her husband to confess when blinking lights in her rear view mirror caught her eye. “A tow truck?” Hope and fear gripped her. How would she pay? Maybe if the driver was a reasonable man, she could pay him with her bracelet. She didn’t dare think about what else some filthy mechanic would want in exchange! She turned the heat up in the car, trying to will her nipples to lose their chill induced firmness before the driver could notice. It was no use.

Relief washed over Kelly. Tall and busty in form fitting overalls, the driver jumped nimbly down to the road surface. A woman had gotten out of the truck’s cab! “I’m saved!” she gasped thankfully. Surely she’ll understand the trouble I’m in!”

The driver walked up and tapped on the passenger side window. “Are you okay? I was heading for home when I saw your blow-out. I circled back to see if I could lend a hand.” The statuesque woman smiled. “That is unless you already called for a tow. I should warn you though. Nobody else you get at this time of the morning would treat your car with the respect it deserves.”

Kelly grinned joyfully. “You’re a lifesaver!” she sighed. “I should say right up front, I have no money on me.”

The driver grinned back. “Not a very good night at the casinos, huh?”

“Something like that.” Kelly smiled sweetly. “My husband thinks I’m with my sister. Otherwise I’d call him. He doesn’t approve of me gambling. He swears I’m an addict. That’s why I don’t dare use my credit cards, either. He’ll spot in on the bill for sure!”

Her new friend laughed. “I understand. What hubby don’t know won’t hurt you!” Her eyes sparkled. “I’m sure we can work something out. Let’s get you safely off of this highway, first.”

Standing well out of the way, Kelly watched as her car was carefully hoisted up the incline onto the flatbed of the transport truck. When the Porsche was secured, the young woman realized she had a small, but annoying problem. At an even five foot in her stocking feet, Kelly looked up at the truck cab and gulped as the driver casually reached up and opened the passenger side door. The emerald green sheath dress she wore tonight wasn’t helping any. Getting into a low slung sports car had been a little tricky. Climbing up into a truck’s cab would be nearly impossible to do without totally embarrassing herself.

“Don’t laugh at me!” Kelly cautioned as gathered the skirt above her waist. With well toned legs, and pert firm derriere completely exposed, she began trying to climb up to the open door.

“I wouldn’t dream of laughing.” Her new found friend promised solemnly as she watched with wide eyes. The driver suddenly lunged forward as the redhead slipped and toppled backward. “Easy there, sweet-cheeks!”

“Thanks!” She would have fallen if it wasn’t for the strong hands suddenly cupping her ass cheeks. “Nearly made this night even worse! Um, sorry about the bare hiney. This dress does not hide panty lines in the least!” Kelly whispered as she was effortlessly boosted up to the open door.

The driver walked around and effortlessly swung herself up into the driver’s side of the cab. She turned to smile at her customer. “My name is Alex Freeman, what’s yours?”

“Kelly Vance.” Kelly extended a hand. Alex’s was strong and warm as it dwarfed hers in its tight grip. “I am ever so glad to meet you!”

“Same here, Kelly.” Alex took off her greasy cap and tossed it in back of the seats. She raised an eyebrow. “You certainly are dressed to kill. I bet you’re glad a sister picked you up, and not a brother.”

The redhead felt her face grow warm. She didn’t want to sound stupid, or worse, racist. She smiled shyly. “Um, y-yes. I guess so. I wouldn’t want to, uh, tempt anyone. I, I don’t mean it would be wrong if a black man liked me or anything.” Kelly felt like sinking into the seat cushions and vanishing away. “That came out wrong!”

Alex laughed. “Take it easy, sugar. We’re friends here, right? Itty bitty you would tempt any man alive. This late and anyone may get some damn fool idea in his head.”

“Well, I’m just glad you’re a woman.” Kelly relaxed. “I feel so much safer, and that’s the truth!”

A strong ebony hand reached out and clicked a button on the CD player. The mellow tones of Frank Sinatra filled the cab. “Frank is my man.” Alex grinned. “Unless you want me to play a little rap for you. I’ve got a few party mixes here that’ll really get your blood flowing.”

Kelly giggled. “Frank is just fine.” Her face brightened. “I like Will Smith thought.” Her blush returned. “He’s damn sexy, too. I paused his shower scene in “I Robot” and Robert threw a fit.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have anything that, uh, mild.” Alex took an exit and looped around until they were heading back towards Atlantic City. “I’m just teasing you, honey.” They drove in silence for a while as Frank crooned. “Almost there, sugar.”

This wasn’t the glitzy area near the casinos. Alex threaded her way down side streets in what had to be the bad part of town. Kelly couldn’t help thinking again how lucky she was that Alex was a woman! “Will this take long?” she asked as they pulled up to a battered garage and Alex thumbed a remote to open the large bay door.

“Not too long, honey.” They pulled inside, and the door came down behind them. Alex parked and jumped casually out of the truck. Circling around, she opened Kelly’s door and held out her hands. ‘Let me help you down.” She said brightly. “I wouldn’t want you to stumble and ruin that gorgeous dress.”

Kelly scooted off the seat and let Alex grip her waist. She laughed at how easily the statuesque muscular woman lifted her down. “Thanks.” She looked up at her car still on the truck bed. Shouldn’t you have lowered it off before pulling inside?”

Alex shook her head. “There’s a little matter of setting the payment schedule first, sugar.” The woman had a sudden hungry look in her eyes. “You have something I really want, itty bitty Kelly.”

The redhead sighed. “Well, you are saving my life.” She took off her bracelet and held it out to Alex.

“That’s not what I meant.” Alex unzipped her dirty grey overalls and shrugged her upper body out of the garment. She tied the sleeves around her waist. “I was thinking I could, how do they say it. Take it out in trade.”

Kelly’s eyes opened wide. A bright yellow sports bra struggled to contain heroically sized firm breasts over the abs of a serious athlete. Muscles rippled under lovely mahogany skin as Alex reached for her. “What are you doing?” she gasped in a muffled voice as she was pulled tight against the woman’s strong body. Kelly had to struggle not to be smothered by the all imposing warmth of Alex’s massive cleavage!

“What’s wrong, honey?” Dark eyes flashed playful fire. “You have something against getting a little taste of brown sugar?”

“I, um, no! That’s not it at all! It’s just, you’re a woman!” Long repressed memories of certain girl-scout outings and late night groping at high school slumber parties flitted through her mind. “I, I don’t do girls!”

Alex smiled sadly. “I don’t work for free, sugar.” she released the startled redhead and went to the wall and pressed a button. The door started to rise. “Let me just get your car out of my shop. You can then call for another tow.”

“Wait! Don’t be hasty!” Kelly gulped nervously. “I should have said I haven’t been with a girl since high school.”

The door stopped its ascent and began to close again. “Then it’s settled.” Alex smiled broadly. “We’ll relax and have a pleasant little romp, and then I’ll see about fixing your flat.”

Kelly had trouble keeping her eyes off of that impressive chest. With her lovely dark skin, muscular build, regal cheekbones, and hair cut short like a skull cap, Alex looked like a warrior queen from a fantasy panting. The petite redhead felt her nervousness melt away. “I’ll just tell my husband that my sister wouldn’t let me drive home so late. Lisa will back me up on that.”

“Come on, itty bitty.” Alex took Kelly’s hand in her firm grip. “I want to clean up first. Let’s go upstairs.”

The young bride giggled as she was firmly led up a flight of metal stairs. When they entered the apartment over the garage, she was surprised. “What a lovely place!” she exclaimed as she eyed the living room and its tasteful antique furniture. Then she spotted something that made her heart leap with joy. “You collect Bratz dolls too?”

Alex laughed as Kelly rushed over to the huge breakfront display case. “I have a few.” She admitted as the redhead stared at the dozens of dolls filling the sturdy old cabinet.

“My husband thinks they’re a waste of money, but I don’t care!” She paused as she reached for the doors, and only continued when Alex nodded her approval. Kelly opened the doors and reached inside. “Oh! You have the Peyton and Nevaeh twin set! I just got them the other day!” She reverently removed a doll and stroked a finger along its hair. “Nevaeh looks great with the streaks in her hair, don’t you think?”

“I’m glad I’m not the only adult who loves them.” Alex sighed. “It’s a shame they won’t be around for much longer though.”

Kelly stomped her foot. “It’s so wrong! They guys who make that overly tall, giant boobie slut are trying to shut them down! I hope that the Bratz win their stay and the appeal!” Anger glowed in her eyes. “Do they think I’ll start collecting that whore doll now? The bitch would be about seven feet tall! Don’t get me started on those gigantic breasts either! Someone seven feet tall would never be able to walk upright with a fucking rack that big!”

“Are you finished?” Alex chuckled. “I may only be six foot eight, but my ‘rack’ is clearly bigger then that poser doll’s. I do quite well in the posture department, I’ll have you know!”

The petite redhead nearly dropped the doll she was holding. “Oh God! Alex, I didn’t mean anything about you! You have the figure of a Goddess!” Kelly smiled shyly. “I just hate that stupid doll, that’s all!”

“It’s all good, girlfriend.” Alex smiled back at her new friend. “You have the figure of an angel, sugar baby.”

“An underdone angel.” Kelly looked down at her more modest top and sighed. “I’m such a shrimp. I never wear a bra. It seems kind of pointless if you’re barely an “A” cup. I’m twenty-three and people think I’m a kid because I’m so little. Did you know the casino actually called the DMV to see if my driver’s license was real before they would let me gamble?”

Alex took the doll from her hand and placed it back in the cabinet. She once again pulled Kelly to her. “You’re a little Loli angel, that’s what you are.”

The redhead’s eyes grew large. “You like Japanese animation, don’t you?”

“I like Hentai, little one.” Alex bent and kissed the petite woman in her arms, actually lifting Kelly off of the floor in the process. The kiss went on for timeless minutes as their tongues boldly caressed each other.

“Me too.” Kelly sighed. “I have so many nasty things I’ve downloaded. If my husband knew about them he’d go ballistic!”

Alex sighed in return. “He sounds like a real tight ass.” She released Kelly. “I’m filthy from work, sugar. You make yourself at home while I grab a quick shower.”

Kelly smiled sweetly. “Okay, Alex.” She had already forgotten that this was supposed to be payment for changing her flat tire. There was a wistful need in her voice as she continued. “Don’t take too long, or I may start without you!”

“If you do, you’ll surely finish with me, loli angel!” Alex quickly ducked out of the room.

The redhead laughed. That was almost the reverse of her normal love life with Robert. He always took too quick, and she nearly always had to finish without him! Kelly took Alex’s advice and made herself at home. She found the woman’s bedroom, and looked with approval at the huge four poster canopied bed.

“Alex has great taste. I bet she spent a fortune on this bed alone.” Kelly indulged in her other favorite hobby. Snooping! She sighed looking in the closet. Alex had some lovely things, but it would be stupid for her to even consider trying anything on with her shrimpy little body!

She turned to the nightstand, and pulled open a drawer. “Oh goodie, looks like I found her toy box!” Inside was a VERY large royal purple vibrating dildo, among other interesting things. “Oh my goodness gracious!” Kelly held up a rather scary looking object she recognized as a butt plug. It slipped from her fingers and dropped back in the drawer when she spotted an odd soft silicone tube-like device with a lifelike vagina molded onto one end. “An onahole! I’ve seen these in dirty manga! Alex’s boyfriend must have a huge cock if he needs a pocket-pussy this big! I didn’t know they made them in the foot long variety!”

She noted an assortment of lotions and scented lubricants, too. “Alex must get into some serious playing with her boyfriend!” Some people had all the luck! Robert thought sex only meant missionary position. She wished he would want to try something new, just one time! She also wished he was large enough to use an onahole as big as this one!

Kelly closed the drawer with a grin. “I think I will make myself at home.” The slender woman kicked off her heels, then struggled out of the tight sheath of her dress and hung it carefully in Alex’s closet. With a giggle, Kelly slipped her naked body between the cool, nearly frictionless, red silk sheets of the big comfy bed. “This might be just what I need.” She sighed as she wriggled her body in anticipation. She though about her old girl scout troop leader and hoped Alex’s tongue was as playful and long!

It was tempting, but Kelly managed to keep her hands from slipping down to the growing dampness between her legs. Her heart thumped happily when she heard the water stop in the shower. Alex walked in, her skin gleaming darkly from the moisture still clinging to her lovely body. “I know your secret.” Kelly said softly.

Alex started, and a hand gripped the towel that was wrapped only around her hips. “I was going to tell you first. I wasn’t going to force you into anything.”

The redhead giggled, and pulled the silken sheets a little lower to bare her own modest assets. It was so sweet that Alex was worried having a boyfriend meant anything to her. After all, wasn’t she the one that was married? “You’re not forcing anything on me. I am an adult, shrimpy body notwithstanding. I’m going into this with eyes wide open.”

Alex smiled her relief. “I’m usually more careful in getting to know a new partner before I let them in on my secret, but this is a very special circumstance.” Her hand relaxed and the towel dropped to the floor.

“Don’t be silly, Alex. I don’t care if you have a boyfriend. I’m happy you know a guy who likes toys too.” Kelly’s mouth suddenly felt dry, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head in shock. “What the hell is that!” she stammered, pointing a trembling finger at the rather large penis jutting proudly from between Alex’s legs.

Looking confused, Alex took a step closer to the bed. “I thought you figured out I’m a futanari. What’s wrong? Wait, what do you mean about me having a boyfriend?”

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