A Study in Black and White - Cover

A Study in Black and White

by Anne N. Mouse

Copyright© 2019 by Anne N. Mouse

Erotica Sex Story: A little more from our favorite butt boy, Calvin...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/mt   Consensual   Gay   CrossDressing   Shemale   TransGender   Fiction   MaleDom   Black Male   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution   .

An Adventures of Cocksocket Story

Calvin knew he was dreaming, or reliving a memory. His butt was full of the cock of the large black man who was slowly pushing in and out of his ass hole.

One of the man’s large hands was lazily giving his own cock which felt like it was so hard that it ought to burst its skin a long slow stroke in time with the movement of the cock in his ass. The pleasure that wracked his body seemed to peak as the cock reaming him reached its deepest point, and the hard muscled body above his was in closest contact with him. Indeed the hand that had been on his prick trailed up to his chest where a new set of swellings were pushing forth.

“Such a cute, little white girl-boi,” the giant who had impaled him rumbled, the depth of his voice literally shaking Calvin’s body, as if the clench of fiery pleasure that issued from his oh so sensitive new breasts at the touch of his lover wasn’t enough to cause him to tremble as his whole body seemed to try to clamp down on the cock in his ass hole.

A little spurt of cum shot from Calvin’s cock, and the giant above him laughed while asking, “Are you going to cum from me fucking you?”

“I think I will,” Calvin answered, not the least embarrassed to almost wish he could have the massive log that was lodged in his butt and massaging something utterly pleasurable within his body in his mouth.

After all during the past months he had discovered that his mouth and ass hole were a source of pleasure he’d barely imagined before running from home.

“So, little girly boi, have you chosen a name?” the slow steady probe of the velvet covered steel prong in Calvin’s butt had not ceased for a time that felt nearly endless. Yet the question was important, for just as he knew he had chosen, not been forced by hunger to be here, to start to grow a set of breasts, and to have the hair permanently removed from his face, so too he could chose his own name.

He, not Hammer had made the appointment, He, not Gina had decided on the hair removal, and breasts. So he needed a name that hadn’t been put on him by Hammer. “Denae,” he squeaked as the hand at his new breast tweaked his nipple setting off a chain reaction of spasms through his body.

This seemed to spur his lover to great urgency and as his cock spat cum over his head the man above him roared out a shout of dominance and Calvin almost wished that he really was Denae and that he was a girl who could get pregnant as he felt the hot thick ropes of his lover’s cum filling his butt.

Within a few moments his lover had rolled off to the side and Calvin felt his utterly empty, except for a large load of cum ass hole begin to close in as if to keep his lover’s offering for later. Somewhat surprisingly to the youthful transvestite that he had become, the man who had purchased a night of his services rolled against him and cuddled him.

“I’d like to keep you, Denae,” he rumbled.

Oh how tempting that was, yet, Denae, or Calvin, and at the moment, Calvin hadn’t been sure which had been the more dominant, his male self or his female persona, wanted to prove that he was independent of both Hammer, and Gina who had introduced him to the black giant who was at the moment treating him more like a lover than as a service provider.

“I want to in a way, but, would Hammer let me go?” he asked.

“You save money don’t you?” his client asked.


“Gina knows about it?”


“Then Hammer knows about it. You think about coming and being my girly boi Denae,” the man who cradled her in his arms, and Calvin had felt more feminine than ever before, said.

“Give me some time Mack, this is all new to me. Oh and don’t pressure me at work either, I like the clinic you and Gina run. I’m learning a lot there,” Denae said.

“Go to sleep, then, you have a clean scrub here,” Mack had said.

Denae drifted off while being held by a man and wondered if she ought to accept his offer. Yet one little niggle kept a part of her worrying. Mack had paid for sex with her, or with Calvin, and that probably meant that he really didn’t respect her.

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