Good Medicine - Sophomore Year
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 21: A Good Talk With Mom
October 8, 1982, Circleville, Ohio
Author's Note: This chapter has been modified to comply with site guidelines as of 2025-03-29
"I want to, yes, of course; but we reset things for good reasons. Why the change?"
Katy got up from the couch and sat back down in my lap, draping her arms over my shoulders.
"I wanted to from the minute I saw you naked. I've dreamed about what it would be like."
"I felt the same way when I saw you naked," I said. "Well, even before, when you first let me touch you. But I can't promise you anything right now, Katy."
She sighed deeply, then moved her face very close to mine.
"I know."
She kissed me, then put her head on my shoulder and snuggled close when I wrapped my arms around her. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted her, but my experience with Jocelyn told me that crossing that line would change things in ways I couldn't predict. This would not be like Emmy or Sandy or even like Becky, who simply looked at the possibility we might be together. But I also didn't feel as if it was as extreme as it would be with Tasha, where it would be an ironclad, irrevocable commitment to marry no matter what else happened in my life.
We cuddled for about five minutes before she sat up and rested her arms on my shoulders again. She stared deeply into my eyes for a moment before she spoke.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure," I agreed.
"Do you remember that talk we had back in August? After my dad basically offered a dowry?"
"Sure," I replied with a goofy smile. "I still don't have any use for fifty cows!"
"Silly!" Katy exclaimed, lightly slapping my shoulder.
"So what about it?"
"You know I'm applying to colleges now, and I wondered, if I went to Ohio State, you would want to live together."
"That seems like a very big step," I said. "Way bigger than you asking me to go to bed with you."
"I know."
"And how would it work with the two colleges and finances?"
Katy laughed softly, "Always practical!"
"I pretty much have to be. I thought you were, too."
"If Mom and Dad rented an apartment for us in Circleville, it would be about halfway between both schools."
"And they would do that? Without us being married?"
"But wouldn't it be a commitment? I mean, you know, living together and sleeping in the same bed and stuff?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then why not marry immediately? I mean, at that point, what's the difference other than the piece of paper?"
"I accept!" she exclaimed gleefully, then her face changed. "Sorry, that just kind of popped out."
"This is kind of out of the blue," I said gently. "I'm not saying 'no', but you caught me completely off guard. What happened?"
Katy took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"I really, really want to make love with you. I've been thinking about it like non-stop for a couple of weeks, and I guess I was considering what it meant. You know, could I do it just because I wanted to feel good and make you feel good? I could, I think, but I don't want to just do it for the sake of doing it, if that makes sense."
"It does."
"You know my parents like you a lot, right?"
"Well, I decided to talk to my mom about us. Please don't be upset, OK? She was totally cool. I told her how I felt and what I wanted. We had a really good talk, and it helped me think more clearly about things. She made some excellent points about you and me, about college, and about sex."
"You told your mom you wanted to have sex with me?"
Katy laughed softly, "She knew that last year! In fact, she was pretty sure we'd already gone all the way. Obviously, it didn't freak them out."
"No, but it sure as heck explains the talk I had with your parents back in August."
"I know. And I was telling the truth then, Mike. I didn't know they suspected, or rather, were sure we were already doing it."
"And their response is to let us live together?"
"Dad actually said get married, but Mom was OK if that came later. She won, as she usually does."
"You said 'if' you go to Ohio State."
"I have to decide between Ohio State and Stanford. I haven't been accepted to either yet, but I'm sure I will with my grades, SAT scores, and letters of recommendation."
"And your decision rests on my answer?"
She nodded, "Yes. If we're together, I'll go to Ohio State. If not, then I want to go to Stanford."
"And you were going to tell me all of this before we made love?"
"That was part of my struggle. I want to do it with you, Mike. I want to do it so badly I almost can't stand it. I thought about waiting until afterwards to tell you, but I was afraid you would feel trapped. It wasn't meant as a trap, but I think you would have felt that way. So I decided I had to tell you first."
"When do you need to decide on which school?"
"In the Spring. You have some time to think about it, and we have time to work out the details."
"I almost feel like I'm deciding your future."
"Wouldn't that eventually be true if you asked me to marry you?"
"I suppose it would," I admitted.
"Ohio State is not a bad school. I'll easily be able to get a job, and I'm sure I'd find something I'd be happy doing. Stanford would give me more possibilities, but not so much more that I'd risk losing you over it."
"So that's really where you want to go?"
"Have you ever had competing interests? Where you had to balance the plusses and minuses?"
"And in most cases, you end up trading one desire for another, right?"
"Usually, if not always."
"According to my dad, your goal should be to maximize the positive and minimize the negative. Being with you is WAY more of a pro than going to Stanford, but if I can't have you, then the pros of staying here are pretty small."
"You do remember I was hoping to put this decision off for a few years, right?"
She nodded, "Yes. Me going to Stanford doesn't have to be the end, but I'm afraid that if I'm 2,000 miles away and only see you during the Summer and on breaks, AND take a permanent relationship off the table for four years, we most likely won't happen. Does that make sense?"
"Though you could go to Stanford Medical School in three years ... if I was important enough."
"Katy..." I sighed.
"Sorry. That sounded like a threat or something. I didn't mean it that way. I just meant you might consider that option, which I know you haven't."
"My mind is spinning right now," I said.
"How about we take a sauna?" she asked. "I promise to behave."
I chuckled, "I believe I'm the one who's supposed to make that promise!"
"YOU aren't the one so horny you can't see straight!" Katy laughed. "But I promise not to attack you!"
We headed to the basement, and Katy turned on the sauna. We cuddled on the couch in the basement until the rocks in the sauna heater had come up to temperature, then undressed and went in. Katy put water on the rocks, and we settled down on towels on the bench.
"So, how would this work?" I asked.
"Well, first, you get me excited, then... you make us both feel really good!"
"I know how THAT works, Katya Dmitryevna!"
"Oh, you meant the OTHER stuff?" she smirked.
"Well, Mom and Dad would rent the apartment for us and pay for it, along with any utilities, plus give us some money towards food and gasoline. We'd have the money you currently spend on your dorm, too. And I'd work during the Summers."
"What about my Summer job in West Monroe?"
"You could find one in Circleville or talk to Mr. Sokolov about working at his store full time."
"That won't work because it would put either Nancy or Paula out of their full-time jobs during the Summer, and I wouldn't do that."
"That makes sense. There are other businessmen at church. Heck, you might be able to even work in the mailroom at Dad's bank or something like that. They take college students."
"What about my study group? I wouldn't be home until nearly midnight, and I'd have to drive back for early morning classes. And I would have to spend lots of time on campus, including Sunday nights for our study group."
"I'd still see you more than I do now, and besides, you told me medical school would be worse."
"And you'd still sleep with me every night, which is a MAJOR plus!"
"I think maybe a cold shower is a better idea than a hot sauna!"
"Do you know what surprises me the most?"
"That you can sit there, naked, and not want to."
I grinned evilly, "Oh, I certainly WANT to, but I can't agree to your terms. At least not right now."
"And if I said there were no terms?"
"Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure I would believe you."
In fact, right at this moment, I was sure I wouldn't believe her because of what had happened with Jocelyn. There was no doubt in my mind that if Katy and I made love, I would be agreeing to the plan she'd concocted with her parents. A plan which, in a way, matched the fantasy plan I'd repeatedly voiced — the bikini-model heiress. We wouldn't be wealthy, but all my concerns about finances would disappear along with Katy's virginity. And once she started working and I moved past my first year of Residency, we'd actually be very well off.
Katy sighed, "Because I told you what I talked about with my parents."
"Yes. And I'm glad you did because otherwise, we might have done something you would regret later."
"I don't think I know another boy who, sitting here in this sauna, looking at my naked body, wouldn't say 'yes'. And that's why I love you, Michael Loucks."
"It certainly IS very nice to look at! ... !"
"Stop!" she growled. "Now you're just being mean!"
"We could do that, you know?" Katy suggested quietly. "Taste. If you wanted to."
"Imagine being able to do that whenever we wanted," she whispered, "and even more."
"If this is your idea of marketing, I'd say it's pretty effective," I chuckled.
"We could do it..." she whispered. "Just once."
"I don't think we could do it just once," I said. "I think we'd do it every chance we had!"
Katy laughed and kissed my cheek.
"Want to?"
"In the worst possible way. But that's a lifetime commitment I can't make today."
She withdrew her hand and kissed my cheek again.
"It's OK, Katy. It really is."
"But now I got you excited again..."
We cuddled for a few minutes, then Katy led me from the sauna to take a cool shower. We dried off and dressed, and then she led me upstairs for a soft drink. We sat on the couch and cuddled while we drank them.
"I didn't mean to put pressure on you," Katy said quietly.
"Honestly, I'm not sure you had a choice. I think you're right that if you go to California, it makes things very difficult for us. And if you decided what you wanted, then you had to say something. You've certainly given me something to think about."
"You aren't offended by my parents' offer?"
I shook my head, "No. I don't feel any pressure from that. Sure, it would make my finances much more secure, but I have a plan that will work."
We finished our soft drinks, and Katy walked me out to my car. We exchanged a soft kiss, and then I headed back to McKinley.
October 9, 1982, McKinley, Ohio
Clarissa was sitting across from me at a local coffee shop on Saturday morning.
"May I say something very selfish?" she asked.
I nodded, "Sure."
"If you go live with Katy, you won't have enough time for me. Or anyone else, really."
I smiled, "Why, Clarissa, I didn't know you cared!"
"Not THAT way!" she laughed. "But I do. I know you have to look out for yourself, but I need you. So do Sandy and Angie. The guys, too, but they'd never admit it."
"I'd still be at the study group," I protested.
"And always looking at your watch because you needed to run home to your, well, wife, I guess. You'd only be here for class and studying. Who would I have to talk to?"
"I don't know what to say," I said.
"Sorry. That was totally selfish, but I had to say it because I think you're seriously considering it despite everything you've said. I just wanted you to know how I felt. Can I ask why, all of a sudden, you're back on the committed relationship idea?"
"Because she asked," I chuckled. "And if you think about her motivation for asking, it makes sense."
"But don't you feel as if you're being bought?"
I shrugged, "She said her parents assumed we were sleeping together, and when she talked to them about college, they offered a way forward."
"I know it's not about sex," Clarissa laughed. "You and Sandy have been doing the horizontal bop almost every night!"
"And have you noticed her reduced stress levels?"
Clarissa smirked, "And the smile on her face. Whatever you're doing for her appears to be working. I doubt she'd be happy to give that up."
"At some point, she will have to. Either because I decide to have a steady girlfriend, or she decides to have a steady boyfriend."
"I guess I'd point to that, too. I mean, why decide now? You'll only be twenty when you have to answer her. Are you that sure she's the right girl?"
"If I was that sure, I'd have said 'yes'."
"You do realize she just ramped up your stress level?"
"Yes, I know," I sighed.
Clarissa got up, moved to my side of the booth, and scooted close.
"I think it's too much pressure, Mike. I know I have a vested interest because you're my best friend, but I think you have to tell her 'no'. And maybe not see her again."
I blew out a long breath. Then took another and let it out.
"And if she IS the right girl?"
"Then I guess she wins, and we all lose," Clarissa sighed and slumped against me.
I put my arm around her and held her. I knew some people would think Clarissa wasn't thinking about what I needed, but I knew she was and that what I needed from her was someone to point out the 'cons' that I might not consider. It was the same thing Jocelyn would have done in similar circumstances. And it was also the case that Clarissa hadn't raised one issue which had occupied my thoughts from the time I'd left Circleville — Tasha.
"You're not upset with me, are you?" Clarissa asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"No, of course not. I wanted to know what you thought."
"It's just I've never had a friend quite like you, you know, someone who understands me and doesn't judge me and who has similar life goals. Obviously, eventually, something will have to change because you will get married."
I chuckled, "Unless you decide to play for the correct team, at least as I see the teams."
"Not likely!" Clarissa laughed. "Though you do cuddle pretty well for a straight guy."
"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or take offense!"
"A compliment, you big oaf! It's obvious you care, and you're the last person in the world I have to worry about taking anything the wrong way."
"Because I'm basically the only person who knows you, deep down."
"True. And that's what worries me."
"I know."
"Are you going to say anything to anyone else?"
"Probably just my mom," I said. "Well, and Doctor Hart. I don't think it's wise to say anything to anyone else."
"You might ask Sophia. You told me what she said about you two dating, even though you make a really cute couple."
"I think she's probably right, though the shared experience might help. But the stress levels would be outrageous. Having a wife who has a normal, relatively stress-free job is probably the best choice."
"What does Katy want to do?"
"Computers. Of course, that would peg my stress meter, but she has one of her own, which she likes to program."
"What kind, do you know?"
"An Apple of some sort. I couldn't tell you anything more than it has a keyboard and a small TV set for the screen. Oh, and before I forget, I promised to go to Katy's band concert on Thursday. It'll work out, but I need to talk to Fran about typing our reports during the afternoon instead of that night."
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