Pussy Petals - Cover

Pussy Petals

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Flash Sex Story: A woman's special part is like a beautiful flower and has a wonderful nectar.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   .

A one-eyed-trouser-trout is quite blind so the appearance of what it gets into is irrelevant for its purposes. Other parameters come into play for a man’s small head. However, the big head generally appraises the overall female first and it’s the visuals that help play the biggest part in getting both heads ready for action.

Some pussies are just a slit between the two lips, framed by the thighs, and looking like they are tightly closed against any entrant. Those are not very interesting to me. I like the ones that are artistically represented by a well-known woman artist, resembling some kinds of flowers. Orchids seem to look like the delicate parts of a woman’s welcoming place.

The woman who owned the first pussy I ever experienced wasn’t the prettiest, didn’t have the biggest tits, but set a lifetime standard for me. Melanie was my brother’s girlfriend at the time and he convinced her, rather easily as I look back, to take my cherry. That first time I didn’t pay much attention to visuals, as you might expect from a horny teenage virgin, but later when he moved on to another girlfriend and she became mine, I got much more thoroughly acquainted with the details of her pussy.

It wasn’t until I experienced some others that I truly appreciated the beauty of hers and that kept her as my lover for a long time. She knew how much I celebrated that special part of her and was delighted to take my brother back when he was between girlfriends so I could watch her pussy welcome his cock like a flower welcomes a bee. He was the first man to enter there and I was the second.

She tried some other guys out of basic curiosity, thoughtfully taking selfies of their maleness filling her flower to share with me, but they didn’t appreciate it nearly as much as I did and she damn well knew it.

The nectar from the flower was delicious too, even when modulated by some other juices that had been deposited. She adored the fact that I could appreciate all of that without being judgmental. With my brother, I was able to watch her flower blossoming and reaching its potential. That helped her discover how much she enjoyed being the focus of visual attention. The few times that I was able to watch her with some other men she just glowed.

I don’t know why I didn’t ask her to marry me but I didn’t and she finally found someone that she could be close to who made that commitment. He wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but in her prenup she somehow managed to get permission to be naked with me whenever she desired.

He’s never wanted to see his lovely flower being pollinated by another. That’s his loss, as far as I’m concerned, and she agrees with me. If they ever split, I want to pick that blossom all by myself!

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