Heaven Sent - Cover

Heaven Sent

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

He was walking his dog as he did every day about this same time. He had a particular path through the park by his Allentown, Pennsylvania home that weaved it’s way through the park and ended up being a measured mile when the circuit was completed. He had just reached the halfway point and was on his way back home when suddenly his dog started behaving very strangely.

“What is it, Maggie? What’s wrong, girl?” he asked his three-year-old German Shepherd. She had frozen in place, looking straight ahead with her head cocked to one side as if trying to figure out what the sound she heard was and where it was coming from.

That’s when he heard it too. Or rather he felt it – it wasn’t so much a sound as it was a feeling that suddenly came over him. Maggie took off running and it was all he could do to hang on to the leather leash and keep up.

Maggie ran a short distance until, rounding a bend, he saw her. She was sitting on a park bench alone and she was visibly upset and seemed to be crying.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!” she screamed in pain, but it was a pain unknown to him as if her very soul was breaking. He didn’t hear her cry with his ears, but he felt it deep inside instead. Her soul was so desperately sad, it cried with an indescribable pain.

She was way too young to feel like this, he thought. His own heart hurt for this young woman and he didn’t even know why.

“Miss, are you all right?” he asked. Maggie went up to her and put her chin on the woman’s lap nuzzling her as if trying to help her too. The young woman looked up, her face soaked with the tears she had cried. She didn’t say anything, but no words were needed – the sadness in her eyes spoke for her.

“Come with me. I can’t leave you here alone like this!” he said, “My name is Etan.” He held out his hand. She looked up at him and took his hand. He helped her to her feet, steadying her for a moment, then he pulled her into an arm-in-arm position next to him so he could help her walk. She was unsteady on her feet and he didn’t want her to stumble and fall.

They walked the rest of the way back to his apartment without saying anything. He didn’t know what to say and she wasn’t in the mood for conversation anyway. He unlocked the door to his condominium and held it open for her.

“Come on in, this is my place,” he said. He held the door open for her and she came in slowly, looking around cautiously.

He noticed her hesitancy. “It’s okay, come on in,” he said smiling. She came in then and he took her over to the sofa. “Make yourself at home. Would you like something to drink?” he asked.

She nodded and gave him a weak smile. As she sat down, he went into the kitchen and returned a couple minutes later with two cups of hot tea. “I thought you might like something warm to take the chill off – I noticed you aren’t wearing a jacket or anything,” he said, offering her one of the cups.

“Thank you. You are very kind,” she said.

“You know my name, but I still don’t know yours,” he said.

“I am called Alexia,” she said simply.

“Alexia, that is a very pretty name. So where are you from Alexia and what were you doing crying on that park bench?” he asked.

“I am from a far off place,” was all she would say. Alexia was being very evasive and mysterious about herself and how she came to be on that park bench. Etan didn’t push her, figuring she had her reasons. She would tell him what she wanted him to know as they went along. They sipped their tea and she started feeling a bit more comfortable.

At least she stopped crying he thought and he smiled at her. He had sat on a chair placed at the other end of the sofa to give her a little space and show that he wasn’t a threat to her – after all she was sitting alone in a strange man’s apartment. He wanted her to feel at ease and relax.

They finished their tea and she set her cup down. “Thank you, Etan. I am feeling much better,” she said shyly.

“I am glad. Where are you staying while you are here in Allentown, Alexia?”

“I don’t know. I just got here and I have no place to stay.”

Etan thought this very strange considering she had no luggage or even a small carry-on bag with her.

“Well there are several decent hotels in town and some of them are pretty reasonable. Do you have any money?”

“No,” she said, looking down sadly. Etan felt her sadness deep inside his own heart. It was more than mere empathy – it was as if he himself was going through this right along with her.

He didn’t know how this strange young girl got to Allentown or where she came from. He didn’t know why she had no clothes except for the plain turquoise dress she wore and why she had no money. She was not a local – that much he knew. So how did she get here and why had she come?

It was all very mysterious and he would get to the bottom of all this. But not tonight. It was getting late and the woman had obviously had a tough day. It was obvious what he had to do.

“Look, Alexia, it’s too late to try to find a hotel or someplace for you tonight. You have already told me you have no money, even if we found a hotel with vacancies. And it’s not safe for you to be out on the streets. Besides, it’s supposed to rain tonight and I can’t turn you out like that.

“So why don’t you just stay here tonight. I will let you have the bedroom and I will make up the couch. Tomorrow we can start early and see about getting you a place and whatever else you need, okay?”

“Thank you Etan, you have been so sweet and so kind to me.”

“It’s quite all right. I was going to order a pizza for dinner. You are welcome to share it if you like.”

“I would like that. I haven’t had anything to eat yet and I’m very hungry!”

So Etan called up his favorite pizza place and ordered two medium pepperoni pizzas and when the delivery man showed up, he paid for them and gave the guy a generous tip because it had indeed started raining.

After they finished eating, Etan got up to put the rest of the pizza in the refrigerator and cleared the dishes. “Please Etan, I’ll do that. You go into the living room and relax. I will take care of this – it’s the least I can do after you bought dinner!”

So Etan went into the living room and sat on the sofa. He purposely sat on the end of the sofa allowing her to sit wherever she felt most comfortable and a few minutes later she came out of the kitchen and sat down on the sofa. But instead of sitting at a distance as before, Alexia felt safe enough and relaxed enough to sit closer to him.

As they sat together watching television, Alexia leaned on his shoulder and Etan cautiously put his arm around her shoulder. Alexia felt his movement and looked up at him with a smile, letting him know she was okay with this. She snuggled closer to him and he relaxed and pulled her to him.

They watched television for a couple hours and by then it was time to think about bedtime. “Alexia, if you like to take a shower before bed I will get you a towel and a bathrobe. I know a nice hot bath always makes me sleep better, but I took a shower this morning.”

“That does sound nice.” So they went back to the bathroom next to the master bedroom and he showed her where the towels were kept and gave her a white robe to put on after her shower.

Etan made up the couch while she was showering and by the time she came out he was sitting in his recliner with the couch made up for the night.

“How was your shower?” he asked as Alexia came into the living room in her robe.

“Oh, it was wonderful! I feel 100% better now. Thank you.”

“I’m glad. Tomorrow after breakfast we will see about finding you a proper place to stay and get you settled in.”

“Etan, I know I’ve said this already, but I want you to know how grateful I am that you came along and helped me. I don’t know what I would have done if you and Maggie hadn’t come to my rescue. You have been wonderful to me and I really do appreciate it very much.”

Etan took her hands in his. “It’s my pleasure. I have enjoyed the company and you made pizza night something special.”

Alexia kissed him on the cheek. “Good night, Etan.”

“Good night, Alexia. Sweet dreams.” and she turned to go to the bedroom and shut the door.

The next morning Etan woke to the smell of a delicious meal cooking. Curious to see what was going on, he put on his robe and walked down the hall to the kitchen. As he got closer, he could smell bacon and eggs being cooked and the sweet sounds of a woman singing softly to herself. He rounded the corner just in time to see Alexia, with her back to him, cooking at the stove.

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