Sperm a'swimmin
by Tony Tiger
Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger
Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies, if you are old enough to know who they were, and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.
Marty Mae wasn’t the brightest candle on the cake there in the Ozarks holler but she was one of the prettiest. That got her plenty of attention from the horniest boys even though her fundamentalist mother didn’t want that to happen. Maw thought if her daughter didn’t know about certain things she wouldn’t do them.
It doesn’t work that way sometimes as she and her daughter found out. Marty Mae was pregnant and didn’t even recognize it. It would be a while before her mother noticed the lack of periods, the enlarging breasts and belly, and the morning sickness. Too late for prevention and education.
Her girlfriend, Wanda Sue, said to her one day, “You look like you’re pregnant. I’ve seen mah Ma that way enough times to know. Have you been fucking?”
Our dear young woman answered:
“It were July and hot round here lahk usual. Ah were picking berries and poke and got out bah the beaver pond. It gits fed from a spring and is a lot cooler then everythin else, ‘specially me frum walkin round these hills.
“So ah took offen’ mah dress and got in and it shore felt good. After a bit thet boy from down the road, Rubin Joe, come by with and he were squirrel huntin but he saw me and took off his clothes and got cooled down too. All us kids around here knew about this place and had seen each other nekkid before.
“He be already graduated from school and Ah ain’t seen him in a while. His pee-pee thing sure looked a lot bigger then Ah remembered. We swam for a while and then got out to dry off. When he looked at me that pee-pee thing started swelling up and sticking out. Ah asked him why that was happening. He seemed surprised that Ah didn’t know and thinked about it for a minute, then told me that was so it could fit into mah part. Ah asked where that were and he said down between mah legs just like his was. Ah told him ‘no way’ and he said he would show me so Ah said to go ahead.
“That’s when he had me lie back and he put that long hard thing down where Ah pee and started pushing. It wouldn’t go in right away until something popped and hurt for a moment and then it went deeper and deeper every time he pushed. It sure felt good. He kept pushing it in and out and then after a little while he made kind of a groaning sound and Ah felt it get hot deep inside me where he was reaching. When he pulled out there was some white stuff all over his hard thing and it was drooling out of me. He thanked me and got dressed and left.
“Ah thought that were pretty neat so when Maw and Paw were gone that night and Ah showed mah step brother where his pee-pee thing could fit and he moved it in and out and put that white stuff in me just like Rubin Joe, that other guy, had done. He liked it and said he wanted to do it again when his thing got soft after he pulled it out. He came to mah bed later on and did it just like he said he could.
“My step brother, Sammy, called what we did ‘fuckin’, and we started doing that at least once every day. Then he asked if his friend Freddie could do it too and Ah said, ‘why not?’ since mah part seem to be always ready for more. Freddie’s thing was even bigger than the other ones and build me up real good and it pleasures me a lot, especially if he did it right after Sammy. He said Ah felt real ‘sexy’ when he could do that, whatever that means. If Sammy stayed and watched he’d get big again and shove it in me after Freddie got done and left.
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