Being Polite - Cover

Being Polite

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Flash Sex Story: Candy has good sexual manners.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Water Sports   Nudism   .

As I rolled off of my girlfriend after our usual three-minute fucking, she sat up and said, “It was so nice of Robbie to invite us to his beach house for the weekend. I know you get sleepy after you get your nut, and he must be lonesome without a girlfriend here, so I’m going to go visit him for a while and keep him company.” She put on a light coverup and left.

It was already getting light when she slipped back into bed with me and grabbed my morning woody. I woke up as she was dropping her pussy on it. It felt looser and wetter than usual but I figured it was because we had fucked at bedtime.

We had a nice breakfast but were surprised to see our host was nude. He explained, “This is a nudist beach so we just go with the flow. You don’t have to take your clothes off but I urge you to try it.”

Candy stood up and took off her robe immediately. I was surprised that Robbie didn’t get an erection seeing her nice tits and lightly furred crotch. But maybe he is too used to having naked women around. I got up and did likewise and sat down, kind of embarrassed. My soft pecker was a lot smaller than Robbie’s. But erection size doesn’t always correlate with flaccid size, I told myself.

It was kind of fun running around nude on the beach and swimming and fooling around in the beach shelters. After lunch Candy told me to go take a nap and she’d be there later. I couldn’t get to sleep and wandered through the house looking for her. I heard what sounded like fucking noises and followed them to Robbie’s bedroom. The door was ajar and I peeked in. Candy had a big hard dick stretching her labia wide as she moved up and down on it with her tits bouncing. I turned and went back to our room.

My thoughts were whirling. On the one hand I was upset at her fucking another guy when she was with me. On the other hand, I knew she sometimes dated other guys and that vivid image of her fucking did give me a hard on.

What bothered me wasn’t that there was another cock in her. I figured there had been plenty of them before me when she just peeled off her clothes at the end of our first date. Here, she had just assumed I wouldn’t mind her giving it to Robbie and didn’t even tell me first, let alone ask.

In a little while she got on the bed and, once again, slid a slick pussy on my rod. As she bounced with her eyes closed I decided to confront her. “I saw you fucking Robbie.”

Without missing a stroke, she said, “I was just being polite. He is our host after all. I thank you for our dates with a good fuck, in case you didn’t notice.”

I asked, “Do you do that for all your dates?”

“If I like them, why not? It feels good and it is polite to show appreciation.”

“So fucking me is just a means of social expression?”

She opened her eyes, “Oh no! I have special feelings for you. I don’t care as much for the other guys. It has always seemed to me that sex is a lot like sharing a meal. It can just be fun or it can have a special meaning. It just depends on who you are doing it with. Do you notice that I’m here right now fucking you too? Don’t you get all of my pussy you can handle? I am having a good time here and sex is only a part. Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

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