Cutty - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by bokkey

Chapter 37: The Lap Dance Lesson

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 37: The Lap Dance Lesson - The mysterious ms Brendan wants a lesbian relationship with Donna, and more...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Slut Wife   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Oral Sex  

“The first thing you must know about lap dancing,” Rebecca said, as she walked across the room, inspecting the strength of the pole, and observing the angles of the mirrors, “is that you must have belief. Believe in yourself, believe in your sexual powers.”

“Quite the setting you have here.” She complimented, as she elegantly swayed around the pole.

“Thank you, Ms. Red Pussycat.” Donna replied meekly.

She looked around the finished room, thinking on how different it was from who she really was, or better, who she had been. She felt out of touch, and all sorts of conflicting emotions boiled up.

“Soooo,” And Rebecca walked seductively up to Donna, “we first start with that.”

Rebecca stopped in front of Donna, standing close, very close to Donna. She smiled erotically and looked Donna straight in the eye. They held that look for a long time, as Rebecca overpowering her, dominated her, by doing nothing more than smiling.

For her part, Donna felt Rebecca’s growing presence, power, and she did not dare to breath, did not dare to look away. She felt compelled to look into those bright, dark, eyes.

“You feel it?” Rebecca finally asked.

“Yes...” Donna stammered, finally daring to take a breath, “ ... Ms. Red Pussycat.”

“That,” Rebecca explained, “is confidence.”

“That is power, sexual power. That is how you expose yourself. That is what will satisfy any customer. Once you have harnessed that power, you can lap dance. Without it, it is impossible. The dance will be a mockery. “Instead of arousing the client, she will laugh and probably request another dancer to take your place. That would be very bad for you, not only because of the loss of money.”

“Walk towards the mirror.” Rebecca instructed.

Donna walked up to the wall mirror as Rebecca indicated. She stood in front of it, looking at herself. All sorts of thoughts went through her head, as she observed her new look.

“I am crazy to go along with this.” She thought, “Look at me. A T-shirt that leaves almost nothing to the imagination. A skirt so short, the ridiculous tiny thong is in plain view, stockings fit for a porn star, and clear high heeled platform pumps to top it off.

“What is left of me? Where is the old housewife? The one that took care of her home, her children and husband? Look, she is now deeply buried behind layers of make-up. I am a mockery of my old self. A farcical, stupid weak woman, an unfit wife, a terrible mother.”

“What do you see?” Rebecca asked, as she stood half behind her and looked at Donna’s reflection in the mirror. She caressed Donna softly, tracing her fingertips across Donna’s exposed bottom cheeks, down her legs and then up, where her fingers touched the blue thong barely covering Donna’s vagina.

Donna could feel Rebecca’s fingers gently stroking her labia, as if the thong did not exist, before they moved up to her ass cheek and back to her back.

“I see...” Donna fought hard not to blurt out her true opinion, “I see a beautiful woman, Ms. Red Pussycat.”

Rebecca giggled a little, as she continued to softly caress and mold Donna’s ass cheeks.

“I see so much more,” She explained, whispering into Donna’s ear, “I see a truly beautiful creature; an object of desire, an erotic dream come true for both men and women.”

Donna was surprised by the compliments.

“Thank you, Ms. Red Pussycat.” she responded, grateful.

“So, now we have to make you see that, teach you how to see that.” Rebecca went on, her face now cheek to cheek with Donna’s, as they both looked intently at each other in the mirror.

Donna broke the stare to look at herself. She could not see anything positive in her appearance. She looked slutty, even whorish. It was not her. This was evil. It was a forced-on look. It was what she thoroughly hated.

“You think too much.” Rebecca chided, “When you think too much, life becomes very unpleasant.

“All you need to do, is embrace who you are now, embrace who you are becoming. Forget about your past values, your past morals. Think of how happy your customer will be when she sees you. How impressed she will be.”

“Then, focus on what you think it is your customer will want you to do for her, what she wants to do with you.”

Rebecca slowly pushed Donna closer to the mirror. She fondled her exposed left ass-cheek some more and cuddled closer to Donna.

“You have very soft skin. Well taken care off the last few months. Smooth.”

Donna looked herself into the eye, as she almost touched the mirror.

“Let me help you with the first steps, Cutty.” Rebecca whispered softly.

She positioned herself behind Donna, and as her body molded into her back, she spread Donna’s arms outward onto the mirror. Then she pushed Donna’s face until it gently contacted the glass.

“Kiss yourself, Cutty.”

Donna looked straight into her own eyes and saw her own frustration, submission.

“Keep your eyes open, Cutty.” Rebecca encouraged Donna, “And kiss yourself. Kiss Cutty.”

Donna looked at herself and slowly pressed her lips onto the mirror.

“A kiss, Cutty,” Rebecca whispered into Donna’s ear. Her hot breath flowed past Donna’s ear to her cheek. Her right hand gently molded Donna’s ass-cheek, its fingers penetrating Donna’s crack, trailing the thong. Her left hand started to gently flow up and slide, slowly, down the side of Donna’s torso; gracefully gliding from Donna’s arm pit down to her hips, and up again.

“A kiss, not a peck. Cutty does not do pecks.” Rebecca admonished.

Donna opened her lips and pressed them back against the mirror.

“Breath heavily, Cutty, and kiss.” Rebecca whispered, as she continued to fondle Donna’s body.

Donna followed Rebecca’s instructions as best as she could and kissed her image. Kissed Cutty.

On her own, she added some tongue, which trailed over the mirror, flowing out the side of her mouth, showing Rebecca this time she was truly kissing.

“Better, Cutty, Better.” Rebecca continued. “Now, pull back and look at yourself.”

Donna did just that, as Rebecca kept on fondling her gently. Her lipstick had smeared across the mirror, blurring her reflection. But she had no trouble seeing how her lipstick had smeared around her mouth. She had made a mess of herself with the kiss.

“Kiss again,” Rebecca ordered.

Donna moved forward and kissed the mirror again. Breathing heavily without being told.

“Gooood.” Rebecca complimented softly even as she moaned and let her hands take more liberties.

Donna now kissed herself with lots of tongue as she knew she had to.

“Compliment yourself, Cutty. Compliment Cutty.” Rebecca whispered.

“You’re hot, Cutty.” Donna told her image as she kissed and moaned, feeling ridiculous.

“Better, Cutty, you can do better.” Rebecca told Donna.

“Mmmm, I love your lips, love your tongue.” Donna tried.

“Compliment Cutty on her clothing.”

“You ... you are dressed so slutty, so hot...” Donna said.

“ ... Ready to fuck...” Rebecca whispered, a finger entering Donna’s puckered asshole, while her other hand slipped underneath Donna’s short shirt, underneath the bra, straight to the nipple.

“ ... So ... ready to fuck...” Donna said, as she as reluctantly returned her own gaze in the mirror.

“ ... Like a whore.” Donna added with self-contempt.

“You say it like that is a bad thing,” Rebecca corrected, “Say it like the really good thing it is for Cutty.”

“Like a good, wanton, whore.” Donna tried, forcing herself to get into the right mode. She began to understand what Rebecca was hinting at.

“I love to kiss you, love to have my tongue scrape the insides of your hot mouth.”

She pressed her right cheek onto the mirror, pretending to cuddle her head against her image.

“ ... Cutty...” Rebecca reminded her.

“ ... I love you, Cutty.” Donna said as she continued to kiss herself, smoothly following up on the instruction, “Love how you have no limits, love how you dare to expose your inner slut.”

Rebecca nibbled on Donna’s exposed lower neck and shoulder. “That’s better.”

Donna, encouraged by the compliment, now really got into it. She kissed the mirror with lots of tongue, moved her head from side to side, as if really making out with Cutty.

“Your whorish shoes, too short skirt, the barely visible thong.” She whispered to herself, “Cutty, you impress me. You are a true object of desire. Made to serve.”

All she hated, she just turned around and pretended to like it. Everything she found disgusting, she made into a flattering compliment.

“Beautiful slut, whore for Ms. Brendan. Whore for everyone she wants to sell you to.”

And saying this, Donna pressed her upper body onto the mirror too.

“Hmmmmmm.” She exhaled, as she rubbed up and down the mirror.

“Say your name.” Rebecca demanded.

“Cutty, I want to fuck you, Cutty!” Donna replied.

“Now, masturbate, Cutty,” Rebecca instructed, “Fuck yourself.”

Donna’s right hand moved down, in between her now spread legs.

“Faster!” Rebecca urged and pushed Donna’s hips forward, by using the finger still embedded into Donna’s rear, to grind against the mirror.

Donna franticly pushed her own fingers into her soaking slit. She was hardly surprised she was so wet. Her body had not been on her side for the longest time now.

“Hmmmm, Cutty!!” She moaned in faked appreciation of her image. “Do me, do me!!”

She frantically kissed her image, kissed Cutty, as she wildly bucked against the mirror.

“More, more, more!” She screamed, encouraging Cutty to fuck her.

Rebecca lessened her fondling and smiled arrogantly at Donna. Making her sway her hips sideways by simply moving her right hand, with its finger planted in Donna’s asshole.

Donna did not care. She wanted to do this, get this over with. Follow the instructions. Please her Mistress.

And cum while doing so...

“Cutty! Cutty! Cutty!” she screamed, as she felt her juices flow more and more.

Her fingers, now rubbing the area closely around her clit, as the clit itself was way too sensitive now, together with her exposed nipples toying with the smeared lipstick on the mirror, achieved the desired effect.

In between her frantic kisses of Cutty, she saw herself with her upturned skirt, her thong pushed to the side, exposing her blood filled vagina, her belly, with the belly button’s piercing, her stiff nipples underneath the pushed up shirt and bra, and her face ... full of lust.

She was Cutty now, she wanted this stupid, self-destructing orgasm. She scraped the mirror with her teeth, trying to bite Cutty, bite herself.

“Kiss me, Cutty. Lick me, Cutty!!” she screamed in ecstasy, as she felt her orgasm arrive.

“Fuck me, Cuuuutttyy!!!” She screamed finally, as her orgasm took over. “Oooooooh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!”

Donna slowly descended downward alongside the mirror, one arm high up, the other firmly nested in her vagina ... Cutty’s slick, hot cunt.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me good!” Donna murmured, as she fell on her knees, ass still upwards, Rebecca’s finger still inside her.

“Hmmmmmm, Cutty...” She approved with a whisper.

The orgasm was good. The orgasm was perfect. Cutty had done a good job.

“Back on earth, Cutty?”

Donna opened her eyes. And looked around. She must have dozed off, maybe even fainted.

With her orgasm gone, her own feelings returned with a vengeance. The remorse and humiliation of her acting out, again, washed over her.

“Don’t feel bad.” Rebecca told her, seeing her troubled face, “Go fetch a glass of water and clean yourself up a bit. That will do you good.

“No shower; clean only your face. I want you to still reek like Cutty wants to. You did quite a number on yourself. You just be glad there was no big dildo in the vicinity, or else Cutty would have ruined you ... Cutty.”

“Now you have learned a way to switch into Cutty. That will be very crucial for your further development. And not only for the lap dances. You must learn how to switch into the slut on a whim. “It will be difficult at first, maybe you will need help in the beginning, just like I helped you just now. But eventually you will be able to switch in a split second, without anyone noticing it.

“Once you mastered that, life will become very, very easy, and very exciting. Gone are the natural boundaries of the old you. In are the limitless possibilities a slut like Cutty opens up.”

Donna looked into Rebecca’s eyes. Did she also have an alter ego? Was she also switching into slut Red Pussycat on command? She could not read Rebecca’s face. Her expression a neutral, smiling face. A façade?

Rebecca looked on, as Donna pulled herself to her feet and stumbled unsteadily out of the room to wash up. For a moment she had a sad look on her face but Donna did not notice. Donna was too busy with herself.

Facing the mirror in the bathroom she saw herself. Hair wild, lipstick smeared all over her face and breasts, shoulders. Clothes in disarray. Truly, a ‘Cutty after the fuck’ look. She had fallen so low ... again.

“Am I a slut? Why do I keep on submitting, no, eagerly participating? Am I going nuts?”

Donna started to clean herself as her thoughts ran wild. She could not understand herself anymore. She did not like herself anymore. She disrespected herself. Better, she loathed herself right now.

But as she worked through her feelings, her own hands were busy applying slut make-up. Changing her into Cutty, the wanton slut. How could that be? It was not even on auto-pilot. She took great care in applying the make-up. Perhaps because of the punishment that would follow if she did not, but still...

A frustrated Donna also noticed that despite the fornication, or maybe thanks to it, both her holes were inflamed. She desperately needed to scratch herself.

She went back into the bedroom to collect some toys and returned to the mirror. She looked deep into her own eyes.

“Donna has problems with doing this, but Cutty loves it.” She told herself, as she coated the dildos. “I better let Cutty to do this. I must try to be like the person in the mirror. I must lose my inhibitions.” She told herself.

“I can do this.” She told herself, “I can be Cutty.”

And with that, she pushed the two dildos into her vagina and rear ... Cutty’s cunt and ass.

“Fuck, this feels good!” she sneared to herself, “Yes, really ... fucking ... good!”

“I need ribbed ones for this!” She said, “Must buy some really rugged ones to satisfy this itch.”

Donna looked sluttish into the mirror, forcing her alter ego to take over. She needed Cutty for this. She wanted Cutty to do this for her.

“Fuck, this feels good. Fuck I’m hot! I am fucking good looking. Look at those tits wanting to escape that bra. Look at those cunt-lips swallowing that dildo.”

Donna kept on talking to herself, pushing herself to be Cutty. It was not easy, but she was determined to get it done. With deep breaths, and by focusing on the relief the dildos gave to her, she felt herself become free of the burden of Donna.

The obscene sopping of the dildos became an arousing stimulus, a welcomed addition to her erotic situation. The skimpy clothing became perfect, just clothing for the occasion, allowing easy access, and arousing her sexual state. The high heeled shoes made her ass easier to access.

Cutty took over. Slowly Cutty emerged. She saw Cutty smiling at her, happy to be set free. Happy to be in control.

One leg was placed on top of her dresser, shoving aside the numerous toilet items on top of it, once neatly organized by Donna. Cutty did not care. She just moaned with lust, as her hands worked the dildos inside and out of her nether holes.

“Yes, “ Cutty said, “Fuck yourself, Cutty, fuck me!”

Followed by more shoving of her dildos.

“Fuck whoever sees me doing this!” she screamed, “I want it, I do it!”

At which point Cutty increased her pumping.

“Ohhh, that feels so good, so fucking good!”

Long scratching hauls made sure every itching surface was reached.

“Cutty, you’re the best!!” She thanked her second persona.

Within minutes the itches subsided, though her ass and vagina were now even more lubricated with the smelly mixture of gel and vagina juices.

“Yessss.” Donna exhaled; happy her itch was gone. At least for the moment.

Cutty was now gone, having done her work. She could not be bothered to clean-up the mess she made or the rearranging of her clothing and make-up. She was done and did not worry about such boring consequences.

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