Curiosity Killed the Cat - Cover

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Copyright© 2019 by Dark_Desires

Chapter 2: Discovery

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Discovery - This is a story about a loving relationship between a brother, sister, and their best friend. Experience the ups and downs of teenage relationships, first love, and the turmoil of life when transitioning to adulthood. The story is character and relationship-driven, and while there will be many sex scenes, this is not a stroke story.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports  

Saturday, May 04th, 1996, Sanford Maine

My Sister Amber’s birthday was today; that thought was all that it took for me to start stroking my cock. It was already as hard as iron anyway since I had just woken up. Teenage boys always wake up with hard-ons that feel like they can cut through steel beams, no? Grabbing my shaft near the base, I squeezed myself hard, reached over to my nightstand, and pumped some skin lotion onto my right hand. Yeah, I had just discovered the wonderful benefits of using it a couple weeks before. In my opinion, every boy should be given a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues once a month. Slathering myself all over the top third of my rod, I started pumping it, swirling my hand up over the head while simultaneously squishing it tight. Man, that felt good. Using one hand to hold my base, I made my cock point straight up while working it over good with the cream.

I closed my eyes and pictured Amber in her panties again. I tried to recapture the image that I had seen the other night when I had peeped through her door. It had been just barely ajar, and she had been changing for bed. I had only been intending to ask her some mundane questions about her upcoming summer schedule for her dance classes, but when I saw that her door was slightly open, I had felt compelled to take a look.

What I had seen took my breath away. Amber was standing with her back to me, and she was lowering her jeans down her legs. I was instantly mesmerized by her ass as it took shape before my eyes and popped out of her pants. She definitely had a woman’s butt, and it was perfectly shaped, like an upside-down heart, taut and firm. I ached to squeeze it. It gave just the barest jiggle as she shimmied her pants down to her ankles.

Then she had bent over to pull them off her feet one leg at a time. I swear my heart skipped a beat as I saw that sweet gap between her thighs, where a man’s fantasies live and die. It was nature’s best use of negative space, one that no artist could ever properly recreate. Her white cotton panties were skin tight, and bending over pulled them even tighter over her pussy mound. I could see the indentation where her lips met; it was the sexiest camel toe I had ever seen. I wanted to taste it. To smell it, touch it, hell I wanted to drown in it.

I don’t think that my cock had ever truly been hard before that moment. The speed at which the blood rushed to engorge my manhood was astounding. It was instantaneous; it went from being limp to a flagpole in a nanosecond. It had gotten so hard that it had actually hurt when it throbbed, and I thought that the head might explode because it had felt so tight. I nearly swooned with the hormones that flooded my brain, pushing all cognitive thought out of its way. I was dizzy with lust. I could only stand there, frozen, like a deer in headlights.

My sweet baby sister stood back up again in all her teenage glory, her coltish legs flexing as she shifted her weight. Her ass muscles contracted tightly as she crossed her arms across her body, grabbing the hem of her t-shirt. I held my breath as she peeled her shirt up over her head and tossed it onto the floor. With both hands, she had reached back again, that time for the white bra where it was clasped to her sleek tapered back. With a practiced flick of her wrists, the bra came apart, and just like that, it joined the shirt on the floor.

My little sister was standing topless in front of me. My obsession, my fantasy, barely eight feet away, topless. My mind stuttered. Her hands reached out yet a third time, and her hair elastic was pulled out, letting her ponytail fall free. She shook her lustrous mane of rich blonde hair, making it cascade down to the middle of her back. All I could smell was peaches at that moment, peaches to go with the view. It was intoxicating.

It had all happened so fast. Yet it had also seemed like each second was a day, as it ticked slowly away, like watching an old movie frame by frame. And then it happened, she turned. She must have sensed my large frame just outside her door. Maybe she heard me exhale as it expelled just a little loudly (I didn’t realize that I had been holding my breath), or perhaps she saw a glimpse in the crack.

For a brief moment, I saw her full-on, and my brain tried to take a snapshot of her five-foot frame. I wanted to store the image away, knowing that I would want to rehash it repeatedly. Like a treasured toy that was taken out time after time, playing with the image until it got polished and weathered with age. Her mound, covered in white cotton, pristine, like freshly fallen snow. It pulled side to side in sway with her steps; the curve of the elastic band just covering her pubis, four inches above, was her tantalizingly sexy belly button.

Above that were two globes of perfection; her magnificent breasts were without blemish. Her grapefruit-sized jugs wiggled a tiny bit, like very firm jello, as she walked towards her door. They curved upwards slightly and were capped by the most beautiful areolas; about one and a half inches of reddish-brown titillation finished with perfect pencil eraser sized nubs. Taking all that in and adding it to the sleek curve of her hips, her narrow supple waist, and her gorgeous face helped solidify the attraction that I already had for her. There would be no turning back after that point. “Davey, is that you?” she squeaked while moving swiftly to hide behind her door. She pulled it open wide enough to poke her head out, her bright liquid green eyes looking curiously up at me.

“Um ... yeah,” I gasped out in a nervous stammer.

“Davey, are you alright?” she asked while gazing at me quizzically.

“Um ... yeah, sorry, Sis, um ... I didn’t mean to see anything, honest!” I blurted out.

“It’s okay, Bro. I left my door open a crack by accident; it’s my fault, not yours. No worries.”

“Um yeah, sure, Sis, but ... I am sorry, I uh ... should have knocked or erm coughed or something ... sorry ... I kinda got shocked. I wasn’t expecting that!” I stammered.

I was reeling with the erotic imagery of my sister standing almost nude in front of me, even if she was now hidden by her door. I could feel the blood in my cock thumping to my heartbeat, which had accelerated significantly. Of course, she looked right down at it; she stared at my dick as it tried to break out of its denim made prison. I was still frozen. In fact, I was petrified to go along with my heightened state of arousal; I felt real fear.

I’m sure that she saw the lust in my face, and I was deadly scared of her rejecting me. Not as a potential lover, not that kind of rejection. I was terrified that she would reject me as a brother, as her best friend and confidant. For almost fifteen years, she had been my everything; I couldn’t lose that. I couldn’t lose her, ever. The lust I had was new, and it was wrong too. I knew that, but the love that I had for her as my sister was practiced tried and true. I loved her more than anything else in the world. As cliché as it sounds, I would’ve easily given my life for hers if ever it was required.

“Did you need something, Davey?” she queried.

“I was um ... just going to ask you if you had gotten your summer dance class schedule yet. I was hoping to coordinate your classes with my Jujitsu. I know that we should be on the same nights, and that would be cool, ‘cause then I can drop and pick you up. Save Dad the hassle, and you know we can’t rely on Mom being able to; not with her crazy hours she gets sometimes.”

“Thanks, Davey! You’re always thinking of me. You do know that you’re the best brother that anyone could ever have, right?” she said rhetorically while flashing me a dazzling smile.

Just receiving one of her patented 20,000-watt smiles always made me feel like a million bucks. That smile washed away all of my fears; she would never reject her, Bro. She loved me as I loved her; it was simple. We came as a pair, like left and right sneakers, or his and her towels.

“Always, Sis, you know that,” I quipped as I flashed her a big warm grin of my own.

“So yeah, I found out earlier today that my classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9. Your classes are on the same days from 7:30 to 9, right?”

“Yep. So that makes it perfect little, Sis. I’ll drop you off, and then I’ll be able to grab you at about 9:15. Sorry, you’ll have to wait a few minutes for me, but it beats waiting for Mom or Dad like we normally have to.”

“Yeah, I’m so glad that my older Bro has his license appointment already set for the day after you hit sixteen. It’ll be soooooo fun to have you drive us everywhere!” She grinned again, and her eyes sparkled with her excitement for the future.

“Damn, I’m so excited for that too, Amb! I hope that Dad had really meant it when he said that he would let me have the truck. I know he was planning on getting a new one anyway, so that would be so dope, Sis.”

“I’ll pester him for you; he can’t resist me. I’ll bat my eyes and go all ‘Daddy pullease’ on him. I’ll make sure he knows that since you already take care of me, this will make it safer and easier for you,” she said while grinning mischievously.

“Sweet, Sis, thanks. Well, I’d better let you finish getting ready for bed, gonna hit the sack now myself. Love you, Amber, goodnight, and sorry again for seeing anything by accident.”

“Night, big Bro. I love you too, always and forever, and no worries.”

Playing all that back in my head as I furiously pumped my swollen shaft had me grunting with highly pleasurable exertion. Rewinding my memory over and over again, I kept picturing her ass, tits, pussy mound, and her captivating emerald green eyes. I suddenly gasped aloud as I spewed my thick creamy load high up into the air.

It was a great cum; my first shot fired up into my face, right across my lips and cheek. The second volley hit my chin and neck, my third and fourth landed onto my chest in two long streaks. The fifth, sixth, and seventh squirted onto my rock hard belly. The next three petered out and dribbled down my hand and rod to gather in my pubes. That was one of the best morning sessions that I’d had in a while. I laid back and closed my eyes, still panting from the fury of it all. I found myself whispering out loud, “Oh, Amber, how I want you. I wish that I could tell you how I really feel. I think that I’m falling in love with you, my dear Sis.”

That Saturday morning flew by as I helped my parents set up the house for Amber’s birthday party. After helping clean the family room, dining room, and kitchen, I was delegated into blowing up about fifty party balloons. My sister was over at our friend CC’s house; they would be back by around two for the bash to start. All of our friends were coming, and it was a beautiful day out, so I was hoping to get everyone down for a game of softball. I knew that Amber loved playing, and she could bat the ball pretty far for such a tiny thing. She may only weigh about ninety-five pounds, but she was one tough cookie. I was pretty sure that was a trait that she got from our Mom.

The party was a blast; we all had a great time playing softball and throwing a Frisbee around some. My Dad grilled up some brats, burgers, and hotdogs. I helped him operate the grill, and we made sure that everyone had their fill. After which my sister got to open all of her gifts from our friends. She got a lot of girly stuff that year from her girlfriends—perfume, make-up, a cute purse, some clothes, etc. Most of the guys gave her gift cards, probably the smartest thing for a teen boy to give a girl. Although Martin, ever the goofball, gave her a t-shirt that said ‘foxy’ on it. My Mom frowned, but our Dad just laughed and said, “Yep, she sure is, and that sure beats being skunky!” My sister seemed to like the shirt, though, and Martin got a pretty big hug, enough to make me a little jealous.

After we had done the cake thing, and everyone had left for their homes, we did the family thing, and each of us gave Amber her presents. We always did it that way; it was more intimate when it was just the immediate family. My parents gave her a bunch of stuff. She got tons of clothes (I guess she needed them with how much she had grown), some nice earrings, and a whole skincare bath set. She also got some dance movies that she had really wanted, but the big gift was a new queen-sized bed (that would be delivered during the week sometime). She had needed a new one; she’d had a twin since she stopped needing a crib. She seemed very happy with everything that she had gotten, and she was her usual bubbly, sweet, energetic self.

When it came time for me to give Amber the present that I had gotten for her, I gave it to her last. It was our tradition; we always gave each other our gifts last. Don’t ask me how it started; I don’t really recall. It was simply something that we had done for as long as we could both remember. I had bought her a silver bracelet and had it engraved with her name on the front in Gothic lettering (we both loved Gothic letters). On the inside, it was engraved ‘Love Your Bro,’ with two etched hearts on either side of the writing. It also had two emerald chips set on either side of her name to match her eyes.

She squealed when she saw it and jumped on me. I don’t think that she had put her feet back on the ground for at least five minutes while she hugged me and kissed me on my cheeks. I swear, who tries to choke someone out when they love the gift that they gave you so much, hey?

“Oh David, I just love it, soooooooo much! Mom isn’t it wonderful! Dad, did you guys see it before? Oh, clasp it on me, Davey. I’m never going to take it off! This means so much to me, Bro! I love you, love you, love you!” she exclaimed repeatedly.

Needless to say, I got quite a few more kisses on my cheeks and a lot more hugs. I had saved most of my allowance for the past four months to buy her that present. My parents were generous to us, and I got forty dollars a week back then. Maybe it seems weird that I would buy jewelry for my baby sister and that my parents didn’t even bat an eye over it. It was just how we were, though; we were that close. It was nothing for my sister to receive her first real piece of jewelry from her brother and not a boyfriend.

I had planned on it for months, way before I had even started perving on her. I admit, though, at that point, it had taken on way more meaning for me when I finally gave it to her. Looking back on it now, I guess I considered it like I was giving her a secret promise ring or something—an undisclosed token of how I really felt, as if towards a lover, not a sister.

After the party was over and all of our guests had left, I helped my sister take her gifts up to her room before our folks hugged us goodnight and went off to bed. Their bedroom was at the back end of the house on the ground floor, and they had their own patio area and double doors to get to the backyard. Mine and my sister’s bedrooms were upstairs at the front of the house, one on each corner, with a long hallway that ran the width of the house in front of our rooms. We had a bathroom in between us that we shared, each bedroom had a private door to access it, and there was no other way in or out of it except through one of our bedrooms. The only other room that was upstairs was a guest room that rarely ever got used and some linen closets. We enjoyed a lot of privacy upstairs, which in the coming months would be a blessing.

I had finished brushing my teeth, was stripped down to my boxers, and had been pulling down my blankets about to hop into bed when I heard a soft knock on my bathroom door.

“Yeah?” I called out.

“Davey, can I come in?” Amber asked quietly.

“Yeah, sure, just let me cover myself with my blanket, one sec. Okay, you’re good, come on in.” I said.

My sister poked her head through, saw that I was sitting on my bed with my blanket pulled over my lap, and walked over to me. She came in wearing a white and blue flowery nighty that went to her knees, her breasts made soft pillows in the front. Her hair was tied back in a long ponytail, and she was barefooted as she patted across my carpeted floor. She stopped about a foot away from me, reached down with her hands, and grabbed both of mine. She stared deep into my eyes; her emerald green irises looked more like jade to me in the low light.

“Davey, can I ask you something? Something personal?” she asked quietly while she blushed faintly.

“Of course, Amber! Sweetie, you can always ask me anything. Always. Never be unsure with me. There is no one else on this Earth that I feel closer to. So if you can’t ask me, who could you ask, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what I figured, too,” she smiled. “So, um ... well ... what I wanted to know was. Have you ever kissed someone, Davey? I mean like ‘kiss’ kiss; with tongue and stuff?” she asked shyly.

“Um, okay, that’s not what I expected you to ask, but no probs, Amb. Yeah, I have a couple times, but not much. I kissed Suzy Larks at the Christmas dance in the school gymnasium; she caught me under some mistletoe. After a couple of normal kisses, she said that she wanted to go somewhere quiet. So we went to the janitor’s room, and we French kissed there for a while. She taught me how to kiss better, she said that it was too wet and rushed the first few times. My first time was not that good, though, and it had only lasted maybe a few minutes. That was when Alice Parkinson tried to use me to get Billy Baker jealous last year. I didn’t really know what I was doing, and I probably slobbered all over her,” I laughed a bit when I said that.

“Why didn’t you go out with Suzy after the holidays if you were making out with her at that party? You didn’t want her as your girlfriend?” she asked me with a puzzled look.

“Um, well, I dunno, I kind of got a bit shy the next time I saw her. I just said ‘hi’ and waved and didn’t really stop to talk to her. It was almost two weeks after the party when we had all went back to school when I saw her again. I just figured that she probably didn’t want me as her boyfriend at that point,” I shrugged and looked down at where our hands were joined.

“Oh, okay. I bet she still liked you, David. You’re the best guy in the whole school! Anyone would want you to be their boyfriend,” she sounded very sure of herself when she said that.

“Well, only girls, hopefully!” I joked. “Meh, I’ll meet someone eventually. I just need to wait for the right one, Amb. Was that all that you wanted to ask me? If I had kissed with tongue before?”

“Um, no, I also wanted to ask you to um ... well ... I want to know what it’s like, Davey. I mean, I’m afraid ... what if ... what if I really like a boy, and he asks me out on a date or something, and I don’t know how to kiss properly? I would die of embarrassment if I sucked at it and people found out, or if the boy didn’t like me anymore after,” she whispered.

“Amber, was there a specific boy that you like? Was there someone that you want to kiss, or that you want to ask you out?” I asked with trepidation.

“Kinda, I mean, I probably shouldn’t like him, ‘cause I know he’s a goofball, and he’s always causing trouble and stuff. But I think I like Martin, and CC says she thinks he’s going to ask me out at school next week. And well, I’m nervous, Davey,” she squeezed my hands when she said that to me, and her eyes got all doe-like while imploring me to help her.

“Okay, I guess I understand, Amber. But what can I do to help, though? I mean, I guess that I can try to tell you how to kiss, but I don’t know how much it will help. What about if you watched some movies with good kissing in it or something?” I answered half-heartedly.

I couldn’t help wilting a bit inside when she had told me that she liked Martin. It felt like a dagger stabbing through my heart. I couldn’t say anything about it though, what I felt towards my baby Sis wasn’t right anyway. I would need to swallow my feelings and try to be as supportive of my Amber as I could, even if it killed me to do so. I loved her enough to want her to be truly happy, even if it was at my expense.

“Well, Davey, I was thinking that it would help if you kissed me. You know, like to help me practice. You’re the only person I trust. I know that you would never, ever hurt me, and I feel so close to you, Bro. I kinda thought that we could have some kissing lessons between us. You know, until we are feeling good enough not to be scared. Would ... would you do that for me, Davey? Would you teach me to kiss?” she could barely whisper the last few sentences, and she dropped her eyes to stare at where her hands were clenching mine rhythmically.

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