Rentin a Wifey - Cover

Rentin a Wifey

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Satisfying some needs and making a living in the hills sometimes takes other than the traditional marriage. This way worked for them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Slut Wife   Prostitution   .

Mandy Mae was your typical rural hill country housewife during the week. Corralling, dressing, feeding, and generally keeping up with a passel of kids. Some of them were from her womb and some came along with her husband. She thought he’d sired the latest who would be three years old soon. Her others had various seed sources.

Weekends were a different story. Her husband was too handicapped to work but with some accommodations he managed to screw just fine. That was good because his little pension wasn’t enough to get by on and her pussy had to be kept in shape for her job.

Careful eating and exercise had kept her mommy body fairly trim and firm. Her pussy muscle control was way above average and few visiting peckers could guess that three children had begun life through that tunnel of love. She had long flowing wavy red hair and blue eyes thanks to her Irish heritage. She was a typical hot redhead that took to fucking like a duck to water.

Many fond memories from her single days stiffened peckers when their owners saw her in church. Speaking of which, she didn’t believe much of what the old fire and brimstone preacher said, but preferred the idea of “love one another” because “love” surely included sex. No matter how many varieties of sperm were still swimming around in her womb on Sunday morning she felt like a good person for how they got there.

She had one of the few cell phones in the area which an agency had given her. They had bought her some nice clothes too. She kept those at the small apartment in town she used on working weekends.

This situation had come about when a businessman neighbor was going to an event and needed to take a companion. The need was casually mentioned at church and she rather spontaneously said, “I kin do that!” Her motivation then wasn’t sexual but a strong need for something interesting to do. He was a gentleman so she gave him a nice kiss when he dropped her off at home. A few weeks later he manufactured another need and took her out again. A warm hug along with the kiss plus some cash. She was enjoying this!

Then came a whole weekend away. The neighbor was working a convention out of town. Two days and nights long so he offered to pay her for her time and help. Oh, that was exciting. A real job! They sure need the money. When he asked if he needed to get one hotel room or two she replied that she hated to sleep alone.

She enjoyed working the sales booth even though she was mainly a physical attraction. It was effective so they had lots of paying customers. She was so wound up by the experience that she screwed his brains out both nights. There had been so many peckers in her twat before her marriage that fidelity was a moot point. He gave her $400 for the weekend.

As soon as she got home Sunday afternoon she got naked with her husband and threw the money on the bed. She pointed to her red furred snatch and said, “Look what this thing is worth! I’ve given away a fortune in my life. But you’ll always get it for free, Sweetie. Get between my legs and let me tell you about my weekend.”

Her husband was surprised at how aroused he got listening to what his wife had been up to, and what had been up her. Although he was aware when they were dating that his pecker was only one of several that regularly shot sperm in her cunnie, it had never been so out in the open. Plus, she was married this time. They had another hot fuck that night after the kids were in bed.

Word got around and she was asked for other engagements. She refused to just go out and fuck. That would make her a common whore. She must play the role of a substitute wife which could include sex as a part of the assignment but not as the main focus. It could only occur on weekends as well. Multiple males and kinky sex were off limits too. It didn’t fit her image.

That wifely image was not pretend. She had full and nicely hanging breasts, a slightly rounded belly, comfortable hips, inner labia that protruded like flower petals, and trimmed hairy ginger pubes. Her appeal was to the discerning man who wanted a real woman, not a youngster with small tits, skinny hips and a shaved snatch.

Mandy invested some of her earnings in getting her tubes tied. She had plenty of kids already and never used condoms. Shots of sperm deep inside were also essential for her own satisfaction.

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