Hey, You Want Some Pussy? - Cover

Hey, You Want Some Pussy?

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2018 by Tony Tiger

Flash Sex Story: Horny wife offers it to other guys.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Slut Wife   .

There was that voicemail again. It came about every four weeks. I recognized the number and voice and called her back. No text trail to leave as evidence.

“Hi Kathy. Sure I’d like some. Be right over.”

Even though I was 19, I rode my bike. Didn’t want to borrow the family car and it was easier to stash out of sight. I went in the back door. Kathy was waiting at the kitchen table, naked as usual. Her 26-year-old body had nice curves including the full and slightly sagging breasts.

“C’mon big boy, get naked. I’m horny!”

I stripped in the bedroom and she grabbed for my already risen pecker. She tasted it a bit then lay down on the messy bed. With the wet spots and the smell, it had obviously just been the scene of serious fucking. She pulled my head towards her swollen and hairy pussy. I put up with this even though it wasn’t my favorite thing. Yeah, it was kinda cummy but she’d wiped off the outside anyway. I parted her fur and licked and sucked her clit to a climax. That hairy cunt could do things none of the other girls I fucked could match with their trimmed or shaved ones. They all insisted on condoms. Kathy wanted it bare. YES!

“Stick your hard meat in me you stud,” she ordered, spreading her legs to open the gates of a reddened and seeping cock socket.

This was what I wanted. She was slick with semen, as was usually the case when I fucked her. She knew I knew and got off having a fresh dick fucking where another had just recently been and left its juice. It was pretty damn dirty and erotic. I had learned to like that silky feeling pleasuring my hard shaft as she FUCKED me. This woman didn’t just lie there letting me use her hole to get off in, like so many other girls did. And when she came, HANG ON! She was such a hot slut!

Kathy had been married for five years. Her libido was extremely dependent on her hormone levels so sometimes she was so cold her hubby couldn’t get any. And then at her fertile times she couldn’t get enough. She told me that he’d fuck her when he got home, at bedtime, and in the morning on those days she had an itch. She’d be climbing the wall by noon. She only worked mornings so she had a group of “studs” to call for feeding her hunger all afternoon. She could usually do two or three guys before hubby arrived home and then she’d fuck the hell out of him too. He had to know she’d just been fucking but didn’t ask and she didn’t tell. I’d bet that even if he complained she wouldn’t stop, her need was so strong.

She really got off feeling all the different sperm being shot into her womb when her egg was waiting. Her contraceptive was an IUD so she knew that the eggs were probably being found by somebody’s wiggler and fertilized. Her body wanted to be pregnant; her mind knew she shouldn’t. This was a compromise.

We fucked to climax, her cunt muscles sucking my balls dry. Ejaculations into her grasping snatch were so intense they almost hurt. THAT experience is probably why I, and her other cocksmen, kept “cumming” back for more of her pussy.

I played with her lovely tits, resting for a short while, then went at it again. This shot left me totally drained so it was time for me to pull it out, wipe it off, and leave.

As I dressed, I heard her on her cell, “Hey, you want some pussy?”

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