The Imam - Cover

The Imam

Copyright© 2018 by Harvey Havel

Chapter 18


12th of Jumaada al THanny 1417

(October 25, 1996)

Tariq had been in Iran, lecturing at the University of Mashad. A full investigation into the deaths of two lower ranked clerics failed to produce results. Tariq left Mecca like he wanted to: away from his anxiety, alone with his suitcase, and in the careful vigilance of his bodyguards.

Cloaked soldiers in long black robes stood at a respectful distance during a weeklong series of lectures. The lectures were well received. Tariq talked for hours about the political situation in Hindu India and the diplomatic initiatives of the Islamic council. Lies, of course. Over the years Tariq, as an international figure, had become adept at lying to large groups.

The plan for India had been successful for the most part. Violence, however, still remained. His detailed lectures praised the Islamic Republic of Iran for sticking to its revolutionary principles. He further extended thanks to the university for creating the most righteous Muslims. The cloaked clerics congratulated themselves, despite the mysterious deaths of the lower ranked clerics.

The university marked the burial place of Tariq’s great grandfather’s sister. He visited the grave several times and had his bodyguards carry away some soil from the burial ground. All seemed peaceful in Mashad, as the only tumult came from the restless desert sands that swept over the pilgrims who camped there. Most of the tour, however, was spent in Teheran under close protection. He gave a brief sermon in a stadium which served as one of the many cultural centers in Iran. He led prayers for five thousand at the Teheran University mosque. Twenty thousand pilgrims prayed outside. He traveled to Kerbala. The bodyguards gathered more pail-fulls of soil, adding to Tariq’s collection back home. At the most sacred tombs he presented a sermon to a small, privileged audience. He said that a new direction for Islam was taking shape, a theme he had stuck with throughout his tour of Iran. At Kerbala, however, he included a note about Western nations, a quick note which left the audience confused. He claimed in his ramblings that Islam should prepare to adopt the West as a mother does a bastard son.

Most of the believers from Mashad, Teheran, and Kerbala insisted he stay longer. But Tariq had nothing left to explain. His words were mysterious as he told a final group to look to the West for Allah’s message. He did not say more. He then returned to Mecca.

He arrived in Mecca with the sands of Iran still in his sandals. He had received dozens of messages from Pendi, several from the Advisor of Touring, and one from Sakina in Lahore.

Sakina’s message came in a telegram. Her husband, Imam Shabbir Hussein, had died. It asked that Tariq travel to Lahore and perform the burial. Among the heaps of recorded messages and the one telegram, still no message from Vasilla. Too many things depended on other people. Tariq feared Vasilla lost in Pakistan, never to return. He feared that his departing orders may have been too difficult for him.

Tariq phoned Pendi at the complex. Pendi tearfully claimed that Khozem and Rashida could not be broken apart. Even though the couple suffered from Pendi’s strategic move to stop sending support to his wife, Rashida would not leave Khozem. Pendi asked for more time, but Tariq could not wait. He relieved Pendi from his duties on the spot as the council’s stenographer. He then summoned his Advisor for Executions and waited in his Meccan home.

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