The Imam
Copyright© 2018 by Harvey Havel
Shia Muslim legend has it that Ali, the fourth Caliphate of Islam, began a familial line of Imams, or religious leaders, to perpetuate his vision and uphold his glory. Through history these Imams have been driven into hiding due to dangers posed by enemies of the Shia faith. The twelfth Imam is said to be that final Imam who would return to this earth and restore Shia Islam’s unity and glory. Yet we must ask: What of today’s Imam?
Currently Shia Islam has many sects, and legend also has it that the current Imam is represented by an open and visible leader, or bavasaab. This story is an attempt to put such a relationship between the current underground Imam and his visible representative into modern context. This story is an absolutely FICTITIOUS account of the events preceding the twelfth Imam’s rebirth into our world. In no way is this story meant to anger or offend anyone of the Shia Muslim faith. Instead the project is an attempt to look at Shia Islam through a human lens, as the only substance which truly binds us together is our humanity.