Good Medicine - Freshman Year
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 16: The Joy of Sex
August 16, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio
Liz threw her arms around me on Sunday morning when I walked out of my room.
"Thank you! Thank you!"
I hugged her tightly to me.
"Mom let you out of 'house arrest'?"
"Yes. And I know you're responsible. If you weren't my brother, I'd kiss you!"
"Just remember, you have to behave, because if you don't..."
"I know," she sighed. "I'm on parole. Did Mom tell you that Paul agreed to plead guilty to one count of statutory rape and one count of oral sodomy on a minor?"
"No. When did that happen?"
"Friday. The County Prosecutor called here to make sure Mom and Dad were OK with the plea bargain."
"How much prison time?"
"Four years. But I guess he could get parole before then."
"And how do you feel about that?" I asked.
"Guilty. I mean, I wanted it! I really liked doing it! And now he has to go to jail because of it."
"I know. I don't know what to say other than to tell you I love you."
"Thanks, Mikey. Are you leaving straight from church?"
"Yes. I have my stuff in my car. I'll drive over to Jocelyn's house to get her."
Liz giggled and looked around, "You have NO idea how good it feels! Can I tell you something?"
"I don't think I need sex advice from my little sister!"
"Mike, the first time, just go slow. And it might hurt her a bit. That's normal."
"I feel the need to stick my fingers in my ears and say 'la-la-la' so I can't hear you!"
"Don't be dumb, Mikey. If she still has her cherry, it can hurt or bleed a bit. I did."
"WAY too much information!" I protested.
"Oh, please! I told you what he did to me and what I did to him!"
"Which was also 'too much information'! I'm going to church!"
She squeezed me tightly in her arms again, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then let me go. I headed downstairs and got into my Mustang for the drive to church. I stopped at the Shell station for gas so I didn't have to stop on the way to Cincinnati and arrived at church at my usual time. I set about my usual morning tasks, but my mind was elsewhere. I knew I'd have to work very hard to focus during the service.
I was surprised that the service went quickly, which usually wasn't the case when I had to force myself to focus because I was anticipating something. Immediately after announcements, I received Father Herman's blessing, talked for a moment with Tasha, said 'goodbye' to my parents, and walked out to my car.
"Mikey?" I heard Liz call.
"What's up?" I asked as she walked up to me.
"I meant to ask, what did you tell Tasha and Emmy? I don't want to mess up your life!"
"I just told Tasha I had something to do, so I was leaving early, not that I was going away. Emmy knows I'll be in Cincinnati with Jocelyn, but not why. I have a picnic date with her on Wednesday."
"OK. Have fun!" she said, winking and licking her lips.
"Go back inside!" I said, laughing.
She gave me a quick hug and went back into the church building while I got into my car to drive to Jocelyn's. When I arrived, Jocelyn was waiting on the front porch with her bags, which I quickly loaded into the back of my car. She went into the house to let her parents know we were leaving, and once she was safely buckled into the passenger seat, I pointed the Mustang in the direction of Cincinnati.
"What's the plan?" she asked.
"We'll be early enough to go to the game today if you want. The Reds are playing the Giants. Our dinner reservations are for 5:00pm."
"What? You aren't going to simply rip my clothes off and ravish me when we get into the room?"
"If that's what you want..."
"No. I think you're right. Let's go to the game, then have dinner and dessert, and then we can make love."
"I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday," I agreed.
August 16, 1981, Cincinnati, Ohio
"Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loucks," I said, presenting my MasterCard.
I had a credit card that I'd arranged with the bank by depositing money into an account as security. It ensured I had a card if I needed it in an emergency without the bank having to take a risk on an eighteen-year-old with no credit history. Mom had suggested it would also make checking into the hotel easier as if I presented a credit card, nobody would doubt I was actually married to Jocelyn. The desk clerk pulled a card from a file.
"Good afternoon, Sir! Welcome to the Netherland Plaza Hotel! We have you staying with us for two nights. Would you please sign this registration form?"
I signed the form and pushed it back across the counter. The desk clerk put it into a file, then tapped a few keys on the keyboard of his computer. A minute later, he put two keys on the counter.
"Room 816. Would you like help with your bags?"
"Yes, please."
He tapped a bell on the desk, and a bellman walked over. The clerk handed him the keys and told him the room number. He put our bags on a cart and led us to the elevators. Two minutes later, he ushered us into a room with a king-size bed, two very comfortable-looking chairs, and a large television. He set our bags on stands he took from the clothes closet, and after I tipped him, he left.
"Nice room!" Jocelyn observed.
"Check out the bathroom," I grinned.
She walked over and looked in.
"A Jacuzzi!" she squealed. "And a huge shower!"
"M'lady approves?"
"Did you ask for those?"
"Believe it or not, my mom's suggestion was to ask for a room with a whirlpool."
"No way!" Jocelyn laughed. "That's just too funny!"
"My mom is cooler than you think," I said.
Jocelyn turned and looked at me with her head cocked to the side, "Did you just tell me she wasn't a virgin when she married?"
I shrugged, "I only said she's cooler than you think. We need to walk over to Riverfront Stadium. We're cutting it very close."
Jocelyn took my hand, and we left the room and walked about four blocks down Vine Street to the stadium. I went to the ticket window and bought two tickets in the Loge boxes of the upper deck, managing to get good seats between third and home because the strike earlier in the season had caused a lot of people to stay away. For a Sunday game to only draw 20,000 fans was unheard of, but people were pretty upset. The Reds ended up winning 2–1, and when the game ended, Jocelyn and I walked back to the hotel.
"I think we should dress privately," she said. "I want to wait to see anything until it's time."
I nodded, "OK. Do you want to shower first, or should I?"
"I'll go first. I brought my robe, so I'll put it on before I come out, then dress while you're showering. OK?"
"Sure. I'll take my underwear, pants, and shirt into the bathroom with me."
That's what we did, and thirty minutes later, we were both dressed — me in my grey suit and blue tie and Jocelyn in a nice blue dress that complemented her figure and was the perfect color for her tanned skin and light brown hair.
"You're beautiful," I said quietly.
"And you're handsome! Take me to dinner, kind Sir?"
"Let's go!"
She looped her arm in mine, and we left the room. We walked the three blocks to The Maisonette on the 6th. We were seated quickly, with a busboy pulling the table out for us so we could sit on a red canapé. Once we were seated, the busboy pushed the table back in front of us.
We looked at the menu and ordered Caesar salads to start and Chateaubriand for two as the main course, with broccoli and baked potato. The waiter asked about wine, but I declined. The last thing I wanted to do was get in trouble OR get drunk.
"Just keep track of how much everything costs, and I'll pay you on Tuesday morning before we go home," Jocelyn said. "I have enough cash with me."
"You'll gladly pay me Tuesday for Chateaubriand today?" I teased.
Jocelyn laughed softly, "Well, for the other thing, it's traditional for the man to pay!"
"American Gigalo!" I grinned.
"You're terrible, Mik!"
"I know!" I chucked.
The food was outrageously good, and the service was so attentive it was almost oppressive. During our meal, we were greeted by the owner of the restaurant, Mike Comisar, who seemed like a really nice guy. When we finished, I paid the bill, left a generous tip, and then we walked to Fountain Square to have ice cream at Graeter's, something Dale had strongly recommended.
"He was right!" I grinned as I ate a sundae. "This ice cream is absolutely the best!"
"I'm glad Yellen's isn't this good," Jocelyn laughed. "Or I'd gain twenty pounds! You didn't get your chocolate cone!"
"And you didn't get your Rocky Road!"
"I suppose it's a day for firsts," she smirked, making a big deal of licking the ice cream from her spoon.
I smiled and raised both eyebrows in appreciation, causing her to laugh. We finished our sundaes and then walked hand-in-hand back towards the hotel. Each step closer made me more and more nervous, and my palms grew sweaty, and my knees felt weak.
"Relax, Mike," Jocelyn whispered. "You'll do fine."
"But I want it perfect for you," I protested.
"And you think being a nervous wreck is going to make it perfect?"
"No," I said. "But I can't help it."
"I have an idea," she said. "Do you trust me?"
"Are you kidding?"
When we got to the hotel room, Jocelyn asked me to get some ice and buy some Cokes from the machine, so I did that. When I came back, I heard water running and Styx playing on my 'boombox'. I slipped off my shoes and put them next to hers.
"We're going to sit in the Jacuzzi for a bit," she said. "That should help you relax."
I chuckled, "Right! Because having you naked in a bathtub with me is a sure-fire way to be relaxed!"
"Take off your clothes and get in the tub, Mike. Turn on the water jets when you do."
"Like, right here?"
"Oh, for Pete's sake!" Jocelyn laughed. "Sometime in the next hour, your penis is going to be in my vagina, and you're worried about me seeing you naked?"
"This is harder than I thought," I said.
"It BETTER be!" she laughed.
"Jos," I sighed.
"Michael Peter Loucks! Strip! Now! That's an order!"
I nodded and slipped off my suit coat. She held out her hand, and I handed her the coat, and she hung it on a hanger. I removed my belt, which she took from me and put on the shelf. I removed my shirt, which she hung up, and then my pants, which she put on the hanger with the coat. I removed my socks and tossed them aside, then removed my undershirt. I was standing facing her, wearing only my briefs. My heart was racing, but I was so nervous, no blood was flowing to the place it should have been. Jocelyn crossed her arms, tapped her foot, and waited expectantly.
I took a deep breath and quickly slipped off my briefs and tossed them on top of my undershirt and socks. Jocelyn smiled and nodded approvingly.
"Go get in the tub, Mike. And for God's sake, TRY TO RELAX!"
I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I climbed into the Jacuzzi and pressed the button to start the water jets. The swirling motion of the very warm water began to work its magic on me. About a minute later, I shut off the tap as the tub was full. A minute after that, I nearly had a heart attack when Jocelyn walked into the bathroom stark naked.
She was just shy of two inches shorter than I was, standing about 5'9", and had long, wavy, light-brown hair. Her nicely sized breasts were pale white, contrasting with the tanned skin that surrounded them, showing distinct bikini lines. The same was true lower, where neatly trimmed brown pubic hair contrasted white skin, which itself was contrasted by the tanned skin of her stomach and long, gorgeous legs.
She climbed into the tub, sat between my legs, and scooted back against me. She took my arms and placed them around her. My heart started racing even faster than it had before.
"Jesus, Mike, you're going to have a heart attack if you don't relax."
"You aren't nervous?"
"Compared to you? I'm as calm as you were on test days at school!"
I took a couple of deep breaths and willed myself to calm down, but it was a tough thing to do with a fantastically sexy girl sitting naked in my arms.
"Sorry," I said. "I'm going to ruin this, aren't I?"
"No, you aren't. I just didn't expect to have to lead the entire way. It's OK. I'm prepared."
"Prepared?" I asked.
She laughed, "I studied!"
"I went to the library and checked out a copy of The Joy of Sex! I read it cover to cover. Twice. And reread certain parts of it. And then I bought a copy."
I had to laugh, "The same way you studied for exams!"
"Well, neither of us has any experience beyond kissing and a bit of careful touching. I knew YOU wouldn't do it."
"I, uh, thought we'd just kind of figure it out like people have for a half-a-million years or so."
"You thought wrong."
I felt Jocelyn's hand on mine, and she directed me to cup her breast. She sighed at the contact and turned her face for a kiss. I moved my head and touched my lips to hers. Her lips parted, and we exchanged a soft, sensual French kiss. After a minute, she broke the kiss.
"Better?" she asked.
"Yes," I said, shifting as blood began flowing to the necessary place.
"I like being in your arms and feeling your hand on my breast. Would you touch me, please?"
"You mean...?"
"Yes," she sighed.
I moved my other hand slowly down from her stomach over her mons, feeling her pubic hair on my fingers before they touched puffy labia. I slid a single finger between Jocelyn's legs, and she squeezed them tight. I wasn't totally sure what to do, so I simply began moving my finger up and down.
"Right there," she gasped when I touched a particularly sensitive spot.
I gently rubbed, and after a minute, she shuddered.
"You just gave me my first orgasm from a guy," she whispered quietly.
"Should I keep going?" I asked.
"If you don't, I'll kill you," she said fiercely. "And rub my nipple!"
I did as she asked, running my thumb across a very erect nipple. Jocelyn shuddered again a couple of minutes later and then a third time.
She took a deep breath and let it out, then moved to stand up. She stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel, and motioned for me to get out. I did so, and she began to dry my body. When she finished, she handed me a fresh towel, and I did the same for her. She hung the towels on the rack, took me by the hand, and led me to the bedroom.
"Put on the Air Supply tape," she requested.
I nodded and did what she asked.
"Sit," she said, pointing to the chairs. I sat down, and she came over and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, and she snuggled close.
"Mike, you aren't going to be any use to me unless you relax."
"I'm trying," I said.
She kissed me, and once again, our tongues met as we exchanged a slow, sexy French kiss. Jocelyn shifted a bit, and I felt her hand searching. She found what she was looking for and began gently stroking me. I moved my hand to her breast and gently ran my fingers over it, then cupped it in my palm. After a couple of minutes, I was fully erect, and Jocelyn broke the kiss. She smiled, slipped from my lap, and knelt on the floor in front of me. She grasped my shaft and slowly ran her tongue over my glans.
I groaned deeply and nearly lost it right then.
"Mike, I want to do this. Otherwise, you won't last a minute. OK?"
I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt warm lips on my glans and then the most intense pleasure I'd ever felt as Jocelyn took me into her mouth. My pulse was racing, and my head was spinning. She sucked gently and moved her hand up and down my shaft, and I exploded into her mouth with a loud groan. I thought I was going to pass out from the combination of her tongue and the gentle sucking that seemed to pull fluids from the deepest depths of my body. My orgasm seemed to last forever. I only realized it had ended when I felt cool air on my wet member.
"Mike? Are you OK?"
I opened my eyes and nodded. I held out my hand to invite her to sit on my lap again. She did and snuggled close. I wrapped my arms around her and held her for a minute.
"Uh, do you need to go spit or wash your mouth out or something?" I asked when it dawned on me what she had done.
She giggled, "I swallowed, silly! It's not like it's totally gross or anything."
I moved my hand to her chin and turned her face to me. I planted a kiss on her lips, and she pulled back quickly.
"You might not want to really kiss me until I do rinse my mouth," she said.
Something told me that wasn't the right move, and so I pulled her to me and gave her a proper French kiss. It didn't taste gross or anything, so I kept the kiss for a full minute.
"I, uh, didn't expect that!" she said.
"Me neither!" I said. "It just seemed like the right thing to do after what you did."
"Would you do that for me? I mean, you know, kiss me there?"
"I have NO clue what to do," I said.
"Remember when I said I knew you were patient and would listen?"
"I can tell you what to do. Let's get into bed, and I'll teach you how to make me feel good."
"When did YOU become a sex goddess?" I chuckled.
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