A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 7
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
Alex sensed the door opening and closing again, through the plastic shower curtain. She assumed Ronnie needed something.
“Is Bob back yet?” she called out.
“Bob is,” said Bob, pushing his face through the gap between the curtain and wall.
She squeaked and, instinctively, covered her breasts.
“You scared the pee out of me!” she accused.
“All the drains go to the same place,” he said, grinning.
“Never mind. Ronnie says you two came up with a solution to me going out of my mind with the horniness caused by you two.”
Alex turned off the water. It felt strange to have him staring at her there, in the shower stall. It wasn’t that she was naked. That didn’t bother her. It just seemed an odd place to be naked while somebody looked at you.
“What happened to you on your walk?” she asked. “Did you get hit by a car?”
“No. Why?”
“When you left you were angry.”
“And churlish,” he added.
“I’m not an English major,” she said.
“Rude and uncooperative,” he said.
“Are you going to stop being churlish?” she asked.
“Uh huh. May I offer you a towel?”
“Yes. I don’t know what to think.”
“Then think nothing and let me serve you,” said Bob. He pulled the curtain aside to show he was holding a towel. “Let me dry you off.”
“This is getting better and better,” said Alex, “except that now I wonder if you weren’t abducted by aliens, and they used a mind probe on you, maybe.”
“No mind probes,” said Bob, as he helped her out and began rubbing the towel across her exposed skin.
“Let me do that,” she said, taking the towel from him. “You’ll scrape a layer of my skin off.”
“I’m not well practiced at this,” he said.
Ronnie came in holding Jeffrey, who was wide awake and gurgling happily.
“Is everything okay in here?” she asked.
“Everything is weird in here,” answered Alex. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“So tell me about this idea you had,” said Bob.
Ronnie took the lead, which was good, because Alex had no idea what he was referring to.
“We thought that maybe we could help you out when you help us out.”
“Go on.”
This was where Ronnie got shy and lost her nerve.
“Um ... oral?” she said, softly.
“I see,” said Bob, a little stunned. That was something else Melanie refused to do. She said it debased her. He had, in fact, only had one girlfriend before getting married who ever sucked his penis. Her name was Cheryl and her parents had moved, taking her with them. “I could get on board with that.”
“Gee, what a surprise,” said Alex. “I’m cold. Can we continue this in the bedroom?”
“Absolutely,” said Bob. “I’m all for continuing this in the bedroom.”
“What happened to you?” asked Alex.
“I just thought about things, and decided you’re right. We are all consenting adults. What you wanted wasn’t the end of the world,” said Bob.
“What about all that ‘I could get fired’ stuff?”
“I could get fired, which is why neither of you can say anything to anybody about any of this. My fate is in your hands.”
“Why would you do that?”
“I said we should be honest with each other, so I’ll be honest. My wife didn’t do much to fulfill me, emotionally. Then, when she was pregnant with Jeffrey, all I got from her was negativity. She cheated on me with multiple other men. Jeffrey probably isn’t even my biological son. I was in the depths of despair when you two came into my life. My life is immeasurably better because you two came into it, and I don’t just mean all the help you give me with Jeffrey. That saved my sanity, but the emotional attention you’ve sent my way has also revived my spirit.”
“And you get horny all the time and want to jump our bones,” said Alex.
“That, too,” admitted Bob. “I just decided you’re big girls, and the decisions you make are yours to make.”
“Including the ones that involve you,” confirmed Alex.
“Yes,” he said.
“So if I wanted to blow you right now, you’d let me?”
“I’d want things to be a little more romantic than that,” said Bob. “I suspect you would, too.”
Alex pulled the shirt over her head she’d gotten from the chest of drawers. She was still naked from the waist down.
“That’s true,” she said. “I’d like to point out that that’s one of the things that makes you attractive. You want to jump my bones, but you’re a gentleman about it.”
“To a degree,” he said.
“What does that mean?” asked Ronnie.
“It means you’ll still have to put up some resistance if you want to remain vaginally chaste,” he said.
“Sometimes I think you’re speaking a foreign language,” said Ronnie.
“He means he still wants to fuck us, and that we’ll have to keep resisting if we don’t want him to,” said Alex.
“Indubitably,” said Bob. “Could you please put on some pants? I have this fantasy flashing through my mind in which I’m shaving you as bald as Jeffrey’s butt.”
“I used to trim,” said Alex, “but I didn’t think I’d have much chance to go swimming at college.”
“We have a pool at the athletic facility,” said Bob.
“I didn’t bring my bikini,” said Alex.
“I’ll buy you one,” said Bob.
“You just want to finagle a way to shave me.”
“Indubitably,” he smiled.
“This is making me dizzy,” said Ronnie. “If anybody would have said things would be like this at college, I’d have called them a liar.”
“Things aren’t like this at college,” said Bob. “You two are in a unique situation. At least I’m pretty sure it’s unique.”
“I agree,” said Alex. “I sort of doubt there are any other girls at this university who are trying to make their breasts produce milk for a baby.”
“Not the way you are,” said Bob. “But there are plenty who might do it the usual way.”
“You mean they’re having sex and might get pregnant,” said Ronnie.
“Indubitably,” said Bob.
“Could you come up with a different word, please?” moaned the tall girl.
“Assuredly,” said Bob, smiling. “So. Somebody mentioned oral. I’m very interested in exploring this avenue. I have time.”
“With Jeffrey watching? That’s awful,” said Alex. “Besides, the whole idea is to help you after you’ve gotten all worked up.”
“Who says I’m not worked up? I don’t think you ladies understand. All I have to do is look at either of you and it’s off to the races.”
“This is what my mother was talking about,” said Alex, firmly.
“Let me guess,” said Bob. “She said all men want the same thing.”
Alex nodded.
“I can confirm that rumor,” said Bob. “We all want the same thing, and we want it all the time.”
Alex looked at Ronnie.
“I’m sure aliens mind-probed him. I’m sure of it.”
Bob’s playful innuendo aside, he didn’t try to force something happen. A lot had already happened, and everybody needed time to process it. He didn’t need to push it. Two hours later, Alex asked, “Is anybody free to give me a treatment?” Ronnie was playing pat-a-cake with Jeffrey, who had no idea what was going on, but loved the attention. Bob was reading one of the books in his new course.
“I can do it,” said Bob.
“It’s almost time for his nap,” said Ronnie.
“Well, then, after he goes down, you can help with something else.”
“What?” asked Alex.
“Who says it has to only be one at a time?” asked Bob. “Two mouths means more stimulation.”
“Oh,” said Alex, uncertainly.
“Go get ready,” said Bob. “I’ll help Ronnie put the boy to bed.”
Jeffrey was tired, and didn’t object to being laid in his crib. Ronnie seemed agitated.
“Are we really both going in there together?”
“Why not?” he asked.
“I don’t know. It just seems strange.”
“The whole situation is strange,” said Bob.
“That’s true.”
“If I told you I wanted to kiss you, how would you feel about that?” asked Bob.
“I don’t know. It makes me tingle.”
“Does it scare you?”
“Being kissed by a guy scares me, but you don’t scare me,” she said.
“Could we try a little one?”
“You really want to kiss me?”
“Ronnie, I’ve told you how much I’m attracted to you. You need to get used to the idea that a man can be attracted to you.”
“It’s hard,” she said.
“A kiss might make it easier.”
He didn’t just kiss her. He assumed she’d be stiff and nervous. It was possible she had very little experience. So he gave her tips on how to make a kiss better.
“Let your lips relax,” he said. “We’re just going to brush lips, at first.”
He did that, with his hands on her waist. To his delight, she began to apply more pressure.
“You know how you suck the tip off a new ice cream cone?” he asked. She nodded. “Do that to my lips.”
Within five minutes their tongues were dueling and she was breathing hard. He finally pulled away.
“So, while that was going on, did you think about girls?”
“No,” she sighed.
“Then I don’t think you have lesbian tendencies.”
“You did that on purpose!” she accused.
“You said you needed some assurances.”
She got a crafty look on her face. “What if I need more assurances?”
“Oh, there’s more,” he said, grinning. “Much more. But I suspect Alex is getting impatient. We’d better go.”
“Yes!” said Ronnie. “Let’s get her as horny as I am!”
Alex had, indeed, been getting impatient. She was lying on Bob’s bed, topless. Her lower torso was covered by a pair of purple sweat pants. The first thing Bob did was reach for the waistband of those and tug, gently.
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