A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 6
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
Doing anything every four hours is a challenge. It doesn’t sound like it would be that difficult. Four hours is a long time in most circumstances. But doing something every four hours means doing it six times a day and the average human sleeps eight hours straight, or at least should. So Alex’s schedule meant that both she and someone else were going to ruin every night’s sleep for the foreseeable future. There was no established timeline for how long it takes to fool a woman’s breasts into producing milk when she hasn’t had a baby. If hormonal treatments are included, that changes things. If the schedule isn’t adhered to properly, that affects things. Each individual woman’s physiology makes the process different. A woman who has lactated in the past might be able to get her breasts going again within a week. A woman who has never lactated hasn’t grown the necessary tissues, so naturally, it will take longer for her to get her breasts to respond. Reports of success vary from a week to several months.
For Alex, an additional difficulty in keeping to a good routine was that all the things people needed to do during the day were scheduled for them by the university. Class times were set, and there was no wiggle room on those. Bob flatly forbade either girl to skip a class just so Alex could get her nipples sucked. To be honest, he didn’t expect this whole thing to work anyway, but Alex was persistent, if not stubborn. It was easier to go along with her goofy plan than resist it. And of course, it would be difficult for any man to eschew being around two scantily clad women, whose breasts he got to play with.
Bob took care of her three o’clock session. He put her on the couch and just had her pull her shirt up. He got on his knees between her spread thighs. This allowed him to fondle and suck her breasts with minimal other-body contact. He insisted she resist trying to masturbate while he sucked, and when he did so himself, after the session, he did it in private. Ronnie took care of the seven o’clock session, and they both got up to feed Jeffrey at midnight. They got him back in bed and, because they were legitimately tired, lay down together on Ronnie’s bed so Ronnie could take care of Alex’s business. Alex was supposed to get up and go back to her own bed, but both girls were tired, and it was comfortable, lying there together. Alex fell asleep and Ronnie wasn’t far behind her.
It was the three-in-the-morning session that went sideways. Alex had set her alarm, because it was in the middle of the night. When it went off, she fumbled out of Ronnie’s bed and kicked something with her shin, trying to get to the clock to silence it. Jeffrey was awake, but not crying. He was just over three months old, at that point. She lifted him out of his crib and let him start her treatment while she warmed a bottle. When he’d eaten and was changed, she laid him down in the crib, still awake, and went to Bob’s bedroom. She crawled on the bed and shook his shoulder.
“Bob, wake up,” she said.
“It’s your turn. I’m letting Ronnie sleep.”
“What?” he mumbled.
Alex would never be able to articulate why she did what she did. What that was, involved pulling the sheet off of Bob. He slept nude, just like she did. These days, when she took care of Jeffrey in the night, she was naked as she did so. Now she moved until her body pressed against his. Her hand slid over his hip to find his penis and she fondled it.
“Wakee, wakee,” she crooned in his ear. “Time to suck Mamma’s nipples.”
His cock was soft when she first found it. It was another new sensation for her to feel it, squeeze it and move it around. There was nothing on her body that had that kind of texture or substance to it. It was like handling cooked noodles, except this noodle was dry and warm.
Bob had had a rough day. All day long he’d been unable to concentrate, and he continually found his eyes straying to co-eds he was around, and his mind wondering what their nipples looked like. He’d basically locked himself in his study when he got home, eating left-overs and then going back in there. He was sleeping hard when Alex crawled into bed with him, and his body resisted waking up.
Her presence, however, was not un-noticed by his brain. He didn’t think about Melanie this time. His brain just observed that something was stimulating his penis, and made the natural response for him. Alex felt the thing in her hand getting firmer, thicker, and eventually longer. She’d never jacked off a boy before, but she’d seen how he did it. To be fair, her intent wasn’t to jack him off. To be fair, she was tired and her mind was fuzzy, too. It just felt good to touch him like this. It was, perhaps, the unintended by-product of getting to know him, and liking him, and feeling very comfortable around him. Maybe falling asleep next to Ronnie had engendered a desire for her to prolong close human contact.
Bob woke to find her hand sliding slowly up and down his erection. He could feel she was naked. She was pressed against him. The situation fairly screamed a situation rising far above mere consent. His hand found her breast and squeezed it. Her face was right there ... so he kissed her.
Sleep deprivation can result in many behavioral changes. Granted, nobody in this scenario was seriously sleep-deprived, but they weren’t their normal, clear-headed selves, either. Alex had no lucid image of what she wanted, except that she wanted this close, intimate contact. Bob’s desires were more predictable. He had resisted. He had warned her. He had done the right thing, or at least tried to. She had taken the initiative.
His hand slid down her body and wormed its way between her legs. She bent a knee instinctively, and got a man’s finger in her pussy for the second time. This time, she welcomed it.
“Mmmmm,” she murmured. “Suck.”
She rolled onto her back as his face followed, and he started on the nipple nearest to him. She’d lost her grip on his erection when she rolled, and now her other hand fumbled to find it again. He was fully awake, now, and let her grip him. He could already feel that the erratic movements of her hand wouldn’t bring him off. He wasn’t worried about that, though. She had taken the initiative. Now he was going to give her something more than his mouth on her nipples could provide.
He used his finger like it was a back-scratcher, trying to touch and scratch every square inch of her vaginal tube. Her hips started bucking in response and he probed deep to rim the little circle that was her cervix.
“Oh fuck,” she groaned.
“We really can’t do that,” he said. He kissed her again, a long, French kiss, and then went back to nursing while he applied pressure to her clit with the base of his finger.
When she went off, it was loud. It was so loud it woke Ronnie up three rooms away. Her initial response was that Alex had fallen, or something, and was hurt. She got up, also naked, and went to the nursery. Jeffrey was asleep and Alex wasn’t there. She heard another gasping groan of agony and followed the sound to Bob’s bedroom. The door was open. Her eyes were accustomed to the dark, and a streetlight sent illuminating beams through the thin curtains that covered his window. It was easy to see Alex, flat on her back, with Bob’s head over her breasts, and his hand moving rapidly between her wide-spread thighs.
“So gooood,” moaned Alex.
“You have to leave, now,” panted Bob.
“No,” said Alex.
He got up. Even in the dark, Ronnie could see the stalk jutting from his groin. She watched as he gripped it and started stroking rapidly. She saw Alex roll over and sit up on the side of the bed.
“Shoot it on me again,” she gasped.
“Alex!” groaned the man.
“It’s okay. Do it,” said Alex.
Ronnie couldn’t see the spurts when they came, but she heard Alex’s excited coo and saw her hands moving over her breasts, like she was massaging them or perhaps spreading some precious lotion all over them.
“You guys!” she gasped.
Dark forms turned to look her way.
“You guys!” moaned Ronnie again.
“Why are you all bent over?” asked Alex.
That’s when Ronnie realized her wrist was firmly trapped between her thighs pulling and pushing.
“We’ll talk about it in the morning,” said Bob. His voice sounded tired. It was still dark. No lights had been turned on. “We’re all tired and need sleep. It won’t do any good to try to hash this out now. Get some sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday. We’ll have time to figure things out then.”
“Actually, it’s already Saturday,” said Ronnie. She was very literal-minded. “It’s I don’t know what time it is, but it’s already Saturday.”
“Get some sleep,” said Bob again.
The girls left and Bob fell back on his bed. He had no idea where his semen had gone, but he wasn’t going to worry about it tonight. Within minutes, he was asleep.
It was different for the girls. When they got back to their room Ronnie turned on the light on the night stand between the beds. Alex groaned, winced, and covered her eyes with a forearm.
“That was crazy!” said Ronnie. “How did that happen?”
“I don’t know,” moaned Alex. “It just did. All I want to do is go to sleep.”
“He got his stuff on you, didn’t he,” said Ronnie. It was a statement, rather than a question. “You rubbed it on you, didn’t you.”
“Yes,” said Alex, who just then felt the coolness of the fluid evaporating on her front. When he’d shot on her, it had met her expectations, feeling warm, intimate special. And rubbing it over her breasts had been exciting, too. Now, though, it just felt slightly sticky and cold. She went to the bathroom, ran the water until it got warm, and then wet the corner of a towel. She used it to clean herself off. She went straight to her bed and crawled in it, pulling the covers over her.
“You can’t just go to bed,” objected Ronnie. “We have to talk about this!”
“Tomorrow,” groaned Alex.
“I can’t wait until tomorrow,” complained Ronnie.
“Tomorrow!” insisted Alex.
“You mean later today,” said Ronnie.
Alex pulled the covers further up, covering her head.
Ronnie gave up and turned the light out. She was wide awake. She felt jazzed up, like it was her birthday, and there would be presents for her. Her pussy tingled. She reached to clamp her wrist against it. It took her ten minutes, but finally she got her buzz.
She was almost asleep when Jeffrey woke up, hungry and wet.
Alex slept through her eight A.M. treatment time. Nobody woke up, in fact, until nine-thirty. It was Jeffrey who roused Alex. He was wet, and unhappy about it. It’s possible he was bored, too, but who knows, with babies.
She put on a robe and took care of the baby. She let him suck for as long as he was interested, and then just cuddled and cooed with him. She was standing beside the microwave, getting his bottle ready when Bob shuffled in.
“Morning,” he said. His hair was flying all over the place. Jeffrey’s arms reached. It was the first time he’d done that.
“He wants his daddy,” she said, surprise in her voice.
“Hey, big fella,” said Bob, taking the baby in his hands.
The microwave beeped and she took the bottle out. She shook a few drops out on her wrist and handed it to Bob. Bob put the nipple to his lips and Jeffrey eagerly sucked.
“Not quite as good as hers, huh?” he said. “But you get more to drink.” He looked up to see Alex staring at him. “About last night.”
“Last night was fine,” said Alex, cutting him off. “Nothing bad happened last night.”
“Things almost got out of control,” he said. “Actually, things did get out of control.”
“Things did not get out of control,” she argued. “Last night was fine. That’s all there is to say about it.”
“Alex, if we keep going...”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” said the girl. “I’m telling you, I’m okay.”
“We can’t just sweep this under the rug,” groaned Bob. “We’re going to end up having sex!”
“So?” Alex’s jaw jutted out. “I’m trying my hardest to be able to feed your baby with my own breast milk. Is it such a huge leap to also sleep with his father?”
Bob’s jaw dropped. She sounded angry. He had no frame of reference in which to evaluate this.
“Listen to yourself!” he sputtered. “You can’t sleep with me!”
“Why not?” she argued. “We’re both consenting adults.”
“You’re a student!” he yelped.
“I am your live-in nanny,” she countered. “Yes, I go to classes, but what happens here, away from campus, has nothing to do with that.”
Bob blinked.
“So you want to sleep with me.”
“I don’t know!” she yelled. Jeffrey jumped in Bob’s arms and the nipple popped out of his mouth. His face scrunched up. Alex was there in an instant, putting her face next to his. “I’m sorry, baby,” she cooed. “It’s okay.”
He relaxed and Bob got the nipple in his mouth again. Alex stepped back.
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