A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 4
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
They turned to face Bob awkwardly, without the smooth, practiced movements of models, who get used to people staring at them. Bob’s eyes hungrily raked over their bodies. Part of his mind was trying to remember ever doing this - just being able to take his time looking at a naked woman - and it was coming up blank. Melanie had had too many body issues to parade in front of him naked.
“Beautiful,” he sighed.
“Really?” came Alex’s voice. He realized she had some body issues, too.
“Absolutely. This is every man’s dream. You’re both like visions of Aphrodite.”
“Like who?” asked Ronnie.
“The Greek goddess of love,” said Bob. “The Romans called her Venus.”
“First I’m an elf and now I’m a Greek goddess,” sighed Ronnie. “This is getting better and better.”
“I could look at you like this for hours,” said Bob.
“Are you going to you know,” asked Alex.
“Do you still want me to?”
“Yes!” said both girls, together.
Bob felt something soothing seep through his penis.
“It won’t take long,” he warned them.
“But you haven’t even started, yet,” said Alex.
“It still won’t take long,” he said. “You are the tap to my faucet, ladies.”
Alex laughed and stopped turning.
“Can we stand here and watch?”
“Yes,” he said, already breathing more deeply. “Do you want to do something while I do something?”
Alex got it first.
“No!” she gasped. “That’s too much.”
“Okay,” he said. “It’s okay if you change your mind, though.”
He reached for his rod and started stroking it. His eyes bounced from Ronnie’s flat breasts to Alex’s full ones. Both had stiff nipples. Then his eyes wandered lower. Alex’s pubic hair was exactly the same shade as her brown head hair. Ronnie, however, had darker pubes than her strawberry-blond tresses. Bob wondered if exposure to the sun lightened her long hair. He could see just a hint of full lips between Ronnie’s legs. Alex’s hair covered her completely, though.
“You two have no idea how beautiful you are,” he panted.
“Maybe we do,” said Alex, who was also panting gently.
“I’ve never felt like this,” moaned Ronnie.
“I wish I could see you like this all day,” he blurted.
“You can’t,” gasped Alex. “Not all day.”
“I wish I could,” he groaned. “I’m almost there. Pull your nipple!”
“Pull your nipple like Jeffrey does when he sucks on it.”
“My nipple?” Alex’s voice sounded strained as her fingers automatically went to the nipple on her right breast.
“Yes!” he gasped. “Pull it. I wish I could suck it like he does.”
Her mouth formed an O as he felt the cum start through his penis.
“Now!” he groaned. “For you!”
He spurted hard. The first shot rocketed out of his penis and flew two full feet into the air, arcing to fall between his shins. He had aimed it at them without conscious thought, but as he watched it he wrested control back and pulled his cock up so that the second and third jets landed on his abdomen.
Ronnie was dancing from foot to foot, her hand waving like she was trying to fly without moving her arms.
“Fuck!” grunted Alex, and her hand went from her breast to her crotch. Her fingers pressed there before she turned and ran to the doorway of the bedroom. She turned toward the bathroom.
Ronnie had watched her friend run off. Now her head turned toward Bob. She looked uncertain.
“Don’t leave,” panted Bob. “It’s okay, now.”
The girl bent over, resting the weight of her upper torso on stiff arms as her hands gripped her knees. Her hair hung down almost to the floor.
“Wow!” she said. Her head lifted and she shook her hair to expose her face. “That was intense.”
“Yeah,” sighed Bob. His hand was still wrapped around his shrinking cock.
“If just watching you do that made me feel like this, I’d faint dead away if a boy touched me.”
“You wouldn’t faint,” said Bob.
“I think I would.”
“Come here,” said Bob. “Touch me.”
She stared at him.
“Come on. It won’t kill you. Touch my knee.”
“Just your knee?”
“Of course, just my knee.”
He was surprised she did it. Her left hand reached, parting her long hair, and her fingers rested lightly on his kneecap.
“There,” he said. “You’ve touched a man while you felt the way you do.”
“Thank you,” she said.
“For what?”
“For everything,” she said. “I’d better go check on Alex. I think she’s kind of freaked out.”
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll clean up here and leave, so you two can get some sleep.”
“You check on Jeffrey while I check on her?”
“Deal,” said Bob.
She left. Bob used his shirt to clean up the semen that had soiled yet another hardwood floor in his home, and then wiped his abdomen dry with it as well. He left and heard voices coming from the bathroom. Nobody was crying or screaming, though, so he just trudged to his bedroom. He dumped his clothes in the hamper, set his alarm, and went to bed.
He got his second full night’s sleep since Jeffrey had been born.
Alex hadn’t been freaked out, except she got so turned on that she had to rub and she still wasn’t willing to do that in a public setting. Ronnie found her ‘abusing’ her pussy but that was different. Ronnie had seen her doing taboo things before. Ronnie had done some of the same taboo things herself, in fact.
Alex’s upbringing hadn’t really prepared her for any of this, to be honest. The difference between her parents and her aunt and uncle was night and day. It wasn’t that her parents screamed that sex was wrong, or evil or any of that. They just ignored it completely, saying nothing about it at all except that sex was for after marriage. They had let her date, but had established a nine P.M. curfew. Farm work came first, and then taking care of her siblings. What had happened with Aunt Lucy and Uncle Dean had been a wild side trip into a realm that was only scratching the surface, in terms of real exploration or understanding of her own body. Their insistence that she keep losing her virginity a secret, and that losing it didn’t mean she should go out and have sex with boys, did more to make her think sex was ‘wrong’ or ‘dirty’ than anything her parents did. And, because Aunt Lucy also gave her some pointers on masturbation, she’d included that in “things I probably shouldn’t be doing” too.
In some ways, Ronnie’s experience was on a parallel path. Her parents also took the ‘See no sex, Speak no sex, Hear no sex’ attitude, believing, as many parents do, that if it isn’t talked about, it won’t happen. Her brother was only a year younger, so she didn’t do a lot of caretaking in that role. Rather, there was lots of competition between them as little brother tried to do whatever elder sister got to do. Her brother, though, went the sports route. His interests were entirely different than hers, and they had little to do with each other outside the family unit. Living with another girl was a whole new experience. It was, in fact, this semi-symbiotic relationship the girls had developed that helped Alex when Ronnie appeared in the doorway to their bedroom.
“Ohhhhh,” groaned Alex as she realized Ronnie would know she was rubbing off.
“It’s okay,” said Ronnie, who went to her own bed.
Shortly thereafter, the girls were rubbing together. They were physically separated by ten feet, but they felt closer to each other than they ever had.
Things had been kicked up a notch, but that didn’t mean everything changed. Bob didn’t start parading around with his stiff cock hanging out. The girls didn’t change their routine, either. Part of that involved the discipline required of all of them to navigate college life. For Bob, it was making sure he was prepared for classes. For the girls it was making sure they kept up with understanding what their teachers tried to leave with them. At home, it was like any household where a baby lives. As far as Jeffrey was concerned, he was the sun and everything orbited around him. In that sense, hiring two nannies was one of the best things Bob had done, because there were plenty of people around to see to whatever Jeffrey needed. If the nannies were doing homework, Bob played daddy. If he was preparing or going over lecture notes, one of the girls stepped in.
They also all cooked. Bob had learned to cook for himself, because Melanie didn’t like cleaning up in the kitchen. The best way to have a clean kitchen, as far as Melanie had been concerned, was to never mess it up in the first place. Her diet had been heavy on salad, as she tried to be happy with her figure. Bob cooked specific things he liked in small quantities. Alex was the best chef, because she’d learned to cook for a farm family. She could prepare just about anything, but her preferred cooking vessel was the crock pot she had Bob purchase soon after she started working for him. Ronnie was more like Bob. She knew how to fix things she liked. One reason she was a ‘bean pole’ was because her appetite was moderate.
What changed in incremental stages happened at night. When Jeffrey got hungry, one of the girls would go topless and let him happily suck on a real nipple until his bottle was ready. Bob watched. He always got stiff, but he didn’t whip it out and jerk it. For most of a week, neither girl asked for an encore performance.
Then Alex started researching inducing lactation on a more serious level. She brought up the issue one night, about a week after they had watched Bob spew in front of them.
“It takes a lot of stimulation to make it work,” she said. It so happened that Ronnie was holding the baby, who had reluctantly abandoned her stiff nipple to get liquid. “What I’m doing with Jeffrey won’t be nearly enough. And it has to be more regular, like almost on a time table.”
“Hmmm,” was Bob’s response.
“I guess I could stop letting him suck me,” said Ronnie. “That would give you more time with him.”
“It still wouldn’t be enough,” said Alex.
“So you can’t do it?” Ronnie sounded sad.
“I could do it, but I’d have to have ... help.”
“What does that mean?” asked Ronnie.
Alex looked around the room. In the process she looked at Bob and Ronnie, but she didn’t hold their eyes.
“Somebody besides Jeffrey would need to ... suck,” she said, quietly.
She didn’t mention reading about breast pumps, and how they might be employed. That idea didn’t appeal to her.
“Somebody?” said Ronnie tentatively.
“She means us,” said Bob. He had no idea where that came from, but he said it with conviction.
“Us?” Ronnie squeaked.
“You and me,” said Bob.
There was a pause, during which Alex remained silent. Now her eyes went from one to the other of her housemates.
“Okay,” said Ronnie. “I get you doing that, but me?”
“I think she’s only looking for a little help from her friends,” said Bob.
“Yeah, but I mean, that’s, like, being ... gay ... isn’t it?” The word sounded odd coming from Ronnie’s mouth, as if it was the first time she’d ever used it.
“She’s not asking you to choose women over men, or even have sex with her,” said Bob. He looked at Alex. “That’s right, isn’t it? You’re not asking for sex.”
“Good gosh no!” squealed Alex, loud enough to make Jeffrey jump in Ronnie’s arms. She calmed. “No. No sex. Just sucking and manipulation.”
“You must be very serious about this,” said Bob.
Alex blinked.
“Gee. You think so?”
“I’m not teasing you,” said Bob. “I can imagine how hard it was for you to ask for this. It must mean a lot to you to let yourself be that vulnerable.”
“You want to know the truth?” asked Alex. She didn’t wait for someone to answer her. “The truth is I’ve never been this close to anyone outside my family. I mean we’ve only known each other for a little over a month, but it feels like a lot longer than that. And when I hold Jeffrey, I...” She stopped and Bob saw her eyes glisten. Her face twisted. “I want to feel like a real mother. I know it’s silly, but I’ll probably never get the chance to do this again.” A single tear escaped her eyes and rolled down each cheek.
“Hey,” said Ronnie, going into maternal mode. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. It’s just strange.”
“You’re sitting there topless in front of us,” said Bob. “You recently let my son suck at your nipples. I masturbated in front of the two of you last week. I think things are already strange.”
“So you’re saying you’ll do it?” asked Ronnie, staring at Bob.
“I guess I am,” said Bob. “Alex was honest. I will be too. Ever since I saw your breasts naked I wished I could do what Jeffrey was doing. Now I have an excuse.”
“Jeeze Louise,” sighed Ronnie. “I just don’t want to become a lesbian.”
“Then I’ll suck on your breasts, too,” said Bob. “Just to keep you interested in guys.” He was joking. He was joking intentionally, because he could feel the tension in the room. But Ronnie didn’t take it as joking.
“Okay,” she said. “Deal. But that’s all for now. Just that.”
“For now?” asked Bob. His radar was flaring. “What does that mean?”
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