A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 3
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
Bob’s world had turned upside down when a sad-looking doctor informed him that his wife had expired, in spite of everything the medical establishment did to avoid that. On top of that sudden shock, he was now responsible (alone) for an infant. Meanwhile, his professional life had to go on. His world still hadn’t “normalized” by the time he hired Alex and Ronnie to be his babysitters - defacto nannies, actually. Their seemingly casual acceptance of him as an admiring man continued to tumble his brain. Had he been able to stop everything and just rest and think, he might have made different decisions than he did. Reference was made to jail inmates at the beginning of this story, and their tales of woe as life “happened” to them in ways they hadn’t intended. That analogy is still relevant to what transpired with Bob.
What that entailed was that he sat there and watched Alex let Jeffrey suck at her nipples. She exhibited no evidence of discomfort or embarrassment about it, other than the fact that her face got a little pinker than usual, and her breathing rate increased. Of course that could have resulted from the fact that her nipples were being sucked.
Bob’s discomfort was because, within seconds, he had a full-blown erection in his pants. What he perceived as the girls’ teasing, when there was talk of seeing his erection, didn’t make him feel any better. He was a staid man, a settled man, a man whose life circulated around things academic. From his perspective, eighteen-year-old girls didn’t just become enamored with him and start feeling casual about nudity in his presence.
Bob could have benefited from the results of a poll of young college women. He might have found out that, compared to rash, impulsive, unstable college boys, who quite likely knew very little about pleasing a young woman, a lot of those young women looked with favor on the faculty men they interacted with. Most didn’t do anything about that but they found such men attractive. And the men, of course, didn’t do anything about it, either. There was too much to lose if a scandal developed.
It’s not fair to accuse the girls, in this case, of trying to cause a scandal. That wasn’t their aim at all. In truth, all they were doing was exploring their sexuality under what they would have called “controlled conditions.” Ronnie, especially, had no intent to become romantically involved with Bob. Alex’s thoughts were less structured. In many ways she was a typical college co-ed, enjoying a freedom she had never known before this. Ronnie, to be honest, was succumbing to Alex’s peer pressure, as she had responded to peer pressure before she came to college.
At the same time, this was like an avalanche of sorts. There were constantly moving parts, and the landscape was continually changing. Things would look very different tomorrow than they did today. And this would be true for all of the people who surrounded little Jeffrey.
It was a very slow-moving avalanche, though. Ronnie returned with a bottle, and Alex rather expertly got the nipple on the bottle into Jeffrey’s mouth. He stopped fussing and happily sucked down warm formula.
“I really wish I could give him real milk,” sighed Alex as she cradled the baby against her naked upper torso.
“This feels weird,” said Ronnie. “Does this feel weird?”
“Only if we let it be weird,” said Alex.
Ronnie looked at Bob.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“I have no idea,” said Bob.
“Is this weird for you?”
“I think that would be a reasonable supposition,” he croaked.
“It is a little weird,” said Alex, suddenly. “But not for the reasons I would have thought.”
“What do you mean?” asked Ronnie.
“I like it,” said Alex. “I mean it feels good. Naughty-good.”
“Naughty-good?” Ronnie was just standing there.
“I’m sitting here with a man staring at my boobs. If you would have told me being naked in front of a man would feel good, I’d have said you were high. But it does! I mean it’s Bob, so that matters, but still. I actually like being like this and seeing his eyes. It’s naughty, but it’s making me want to...”
“To what?”
“You know.”
“No, I don’t, Alex,” moaned Ronnie. “I don’t know anything! This has never happened to me before!”
“It makes me want to rub!” blurted Alex. “We talked about this before!”
Ronnie’s eyes widened and darted to look at Bob. His mouth was open and his eyes were blinking, but he didn’t seem to respond to what Alex had just said.
“You should try it,” said Alex. “Take off your shirt.”
“What? No way, Alex! This is different.”
“Oh come on. He’s seen you before. It will feel delicious. I promise.”
“This is different,” insisted Ronnie.
“Why? Because you can see him, too? He’s not going to be naked.”
“You’re not naked,” said Ronnie. “You still have sweats on.”
“If you take your shirt off, I’ll take my sweats off,” offered Alex. “I’m not wearing panties under them.”
“This is crazy!” moaned Ronnie.
“Crazy fun,” countered Alex.
“I have to go!” gasped Bob. He stood, and swayed as orthostatic hypotension caused his brain to be starved of oxygen for a few seconds. The front of his pants poked out obscenely, and both girls were presented with incontrovertible evidence of his arousal. He staggered, and then, as his blood pressure normalized, almost ran towards his bedroom. Once there, he stood, frozen, as his brain replayed recent events. His hands acted by habit as they undid his clothing. Habit wasn’t up to either folding that clothing, or putting it in the hamper. He stood, naked, his mind still overloaded, until another impulse caused his hand to grip his rigid penis.
He didn’t actually intend to jerk off to completion, while just standing in the middle of his bedroom, but that’s what happened.
And he didn’t know that this time it was he who had a secret audience.
Both girls, concerned by his staggering, had followed him to make sure he was okay.
This time it was they who stood in the darkened hallway and peeked.
Only Ronnie reacted verbally as his semen shot out in a long arc. She gasped.
But she covered her mouth as it happened, so Bob didn’t know he’d been observed.
Bob slept all the way through that night. The noises Jeffrey made during the night didn’t wake him. It was the first full night of sleep he’d gotten since Jeffrey was born.
He hadn’t set his alarm before falling into bed, still naked, with his penis still oozing semen. The house was warm enough that he hadn’t bothered with his covers, either. Alex was up early, as usual, and noticed the fact that he wasn’t in the kitchen. When she investigated, she found him sprawled, naked, on his bed. He was obviously sleeping, but had another erection. He was lying on his back, one arm at his side, and the other thrown wide. His boner leaned drunkenly at a compound angle, partly toward his head, and partly to the left.
She stood, staring at his penis for maybe fifteen or twenty seconds, her eyes taking in details she’d never had time to notice before. Of particular interest was the blunted head, with the thick collar of skin covering all but a small circle of the tip. Uncle Dean had been circumcised, something she’d learned about after it was used on her to “make her life better,” according to Aunt Lucy. Actually, it had made her life better, as far as Alex was concerned. Her cherry was gone. It had been fun, if a bit scary. It occurred to her that seeing this one wasn’t scary at all. Her brain made quick connections and she rationalized that was thanks to Aunt Lucy’s unconventional approach to things, too.
Instinctively she knew Bob would be embarrassed if he woke up naked, with her standing over him. She reached for the sheet, which had been pulled aside, and covered Bob’s lower torso with it. Then she shook him by the shoulder. His eyes jerked open and he half sat up.
“What?” he gasped.
“I think you overslept,” said Alex. “You’re usually up by now.”
He blinked, looked at the clock on the nightstand, and fell back on the pillow. His hands found his naked chest and he half sat up again, looking at his legs. He collapsed again when he saw they were covered.
“Thanks,” he said, only semi-awake.
“Sure,” she said. “I’m going for my run.”
She left and Bob took stock. That he was naked was no surprise. He slept that way. Or had, until he’d started his nocturnal voyeurism activities. Memories of the previous evening flooded into his mind and he sat up again. Alex’s behavior, when she woke him, seemed normal, except he didn’t really have a yardstick to compare that to. She’d never been in his bedroom before. He noticed his rigid penis, then, and wondered if it had been prominent when she was there. He didn’t think so. She would have said something. Wouldn’t she? Again, he had no experience to draw on to decide whether her behavior was normal or not.
He got up and took two steps toward the shower before his foot landed on something wet and slippery. He looked down at the polished hardwood floor, and more memories rushed into his mind. He’d just stepped in his own cum. He saw a faint, whitish line that was partly dried and partly still wet. Had Alex seen that?
“Fuck,” he said, softly. He was surprised at his own choice of language. He didn’t normally use curse words.
He went the rest of the way to his bathroom walking on one side of the foot he’d stepped in his spooge with, got a washcloth, cleaned that foot, and then returned to wipe up the rest. Then he took a shower and got dressed.
There was nobody in the kitchen when he got there, but he was late, so he eschewed breakfast and hurried to work.
When he got home that afternoon, Ronnie was standing in the kitchen, topless, nursing Jeffrey as she waited for his bottle to come out of the microwave.
“Hey,” she said, entirely unembarrassed.
“Hey,” he replied, on autopilot.
“How was your day?”
On one level, things were mundane. On another, they were anything but. The disconnect in Bob’s brain required that he respond, and usually a human would have responded in either one way or the other. Bob’s brain led to a response that was a fusion, of sorts.
“Better, now,” he said.
Even Ronnie, as inexperienced as she was, recognized the innuendo, and she blushed.
“Thanks,” she said.
“Did you see The Lord of the Rings?” asked Bob.
The microwave beeped. “Yeah,” said Ronnie, as she extracted the bottle. “We went to Franklin to see it. We had a movie theater in our town but it only showed old movies.” She handed the bottle to Bob. “Can you test this?”
He shook a few drops onto his wrist and set it on the counter.
“A little hot,” he said. “You remind me of Arwen.”
Ronnie blinked. “No way.”
“Way,” he said. “You’re tall, and slim. You look Elven to me.” He smiled. “Except for the ears, of course.”
“You mean my boobs,” said Ronnie.
“They’re beautiful, Ronnie,” he said. “You’re beautiful.”
“I’m not used to hearing things like that,” she said.
“You’ll get used to it,” he said. “I won’t be the last man to notice.”
“Alex is right,” said Ronnie. “This does feel naughty-good.” She cocked her head. “Does it feel naughty-good to you, too?”
“I don’t think I’m supposed to feel the way I do about all this,” he sighed. “It’s not exactly ethical. If anybody saw us standing here like this, I’d get fired.”
She picked up the bottle and shook some drops on the back of the wrist holding Jeffrey to her breast. She insinuated it between her and the baby and got him drinking. Then she looked at Bob.
“I guess we need to make sure nobody ever sees it, then.”
Bob wasn’t aware of it, but Ronnie repeated the conversation to her new best friend when Alex got home. What they’d seen, the night before, was just one more part of the slow avalanche that was changing the face of the world as they knew it. They didn’t feel inclined to resist where Nature seemed to be carrying them. If anything, they were eager to learn more, experience more, explore more.
For Alex, when Uncle Dean had divested her of her virginity, things had happened so quickly and so tumultuously, that it was difficult for her to remember the details. What stood out in her mind was the pressure inside her vagina, his weight on top of her, a feeling of panic as she realized she couldn’t move, and his grunts. Aunt Lucy had intended for her to have an orgasm, but that hadn’t happened. Uncle Dean had been too excited to last long enough for a virgin to come to grips with it all, and then learn how to enjoy it. Alex wasn’t upset about any of this. But she knew there was more. She’d never met another male she felt eager about finding that “more” with. To be honest, she didn’t view Bob as the romantic part of “more” but he’d already expanded her sexuality and it had been ... naughty-good.
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