A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 13
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
The next day was Saturday, but Bob woke up at the usual time. He reflected on the fact that Alex hadn’t come back to bed, and decided it could mean one of several things. It was possible that she was unhappy about him having inseminated her, though he had to admit her laissez-faire attitude about her reproductive situation made that unlikely. He knew that the girls helped each other out, in terms of treatments. Ronnie, of course, didn’t need treatments any longer, but she might have taken care of Alex during the night. It was also possible that Alex was just too exhausted to wake up for treatments.
What he did not expect was to find Alex in the rocking chair in the nursery, with Jeffrey attached firmly to one nipple. She was dozing with her head back, while Jeffrey made noises that Bob recognized from past sessions with a baby bottle. He looked closer and saw, around Jeffrey’s mouth, the clear indications of milk escaping from his lips as he tried to suck and breathe at the same time. His little hands pushed repeatedly at the breast he was eating from.
So it hadn’t been his imagination.
He felt arms go around him from behind as Ronnie embraced him and put her chin on his shoulder.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it,” she commented.
“I wasn’t sure about what happened last night,” he whispered.
“You got her started. I got her going. Jeffrey is a very happy baby, now. She makes a lot of milk.”
He turned his head and kissed her cheek.
“You make him happy, too.”
“I need to talk to you,” she said. “Somewhere else.”
They left, together. Both were wearing robes. Instead of the kitchen, where he expected her to go, she turned and went to his bedroom. He followed and watched her sit on the edge of his mattress.
“Things are changing,” she said, to open the conversation.
“I see,” he said. He didn’t see, but it seemed like the thing to say. “Are you unhappy with the current situation?”
“In a way,” she said.
“Do you want to go live somewhere else?”
“Oh no,” she said. “Not at all. That’s not it.”
“Perhaps you should just tell me what it is,” he said.
“I’d like you to keep an open mind about it,” she said.
“I’ll try,” he said. “It would help if I knew what it was.”
“I’m jealous of Alex,” said Ronnie.
He blinked, as confusion invaded his mind. He needed to keep an open mind about Ronnie being jealous?
“I’m jealous of what she has with you.”
His confusion didn’t abate. In his mind, he and Alex didn’t “have” anything. Then his befuddled mind began to make suggestions as to what she might be talking about. She went on before he could voice them, though.
“We both know how you feel about the ethical considerations of being ... um ... intimate with us. We get that. And when we first came here, neither of us had any real desire to be intimate. I’m not sure how that evolved, but it did. It isn’t really important, in terms of how it happened. What’s important is that our feelings have changed. We think of you differently now than when we got here.”
Now Bob’s brain insisted that he say something. It was his duty as the adult in the situation.
“A crush,” he said. “It’s understandable. We’ve been thrown into a situation that became more intimate than any of us expected. Emotional reactions are the natural result. I can see how that might be confusing.”
“Alex said something like that,” said Ronnie. “And maybe it is just a crush, but I still have to deal with it.”
“Time usually deals with crushes,” said Bob.
“Do you have a crush on me? On Alex?”
Bob’s brain rebelled at the thought that he, a grown man, could ‘crush’ on someone. That seemed to trivialize what he’d done. He didn’t want what he’d done to be trivial. It occurred to him that the girls might feel the same way.
“Maybe it’s a little more serious than a crush,” he admitted.
“Is it? Is it good?” he asked.
“This is the first time this has ever happened to me,” she said. “I don’t know good from imaginary. What I do know is that I don’t want it to stop.”
He’d just gotten up, but suddenly he felt tired. He sat down on the bed beside her.
“The only way it will stop,” she went on, “is if Alex and I move out and don’t take care of Jeffrey anymore.” He felt his gut tighten. “Neither of us want that, though, so some other solution will have to be found,” she finished.
“What do you have in mind?” he asked.
“Monday, we’ll both go to the clinic and get on birth control,” she said. Her voice sounded strained. He could understand that. Her inference was crystal clear. He’d pretty much given up on trying to do the right thing with Alex. It sounded like Ronnie wanted him to give up doing the right thing with her, too. Strangely, the tension in his body actually eased a little. To be honest, he was tired of doing the “right thing.” Something occurred to him.
“We’re a team,” she said. “We’re a team when it comes to taking care of Jeffrey. We’ve agreed to be a team when it comes to you, too.”
“Wow,” he said.
“It’s not so strange. We both like you. We both feel a connection to you by feeding Jeffrey. We both love how you treat us in ... bed.”
“You’re talking about a pretty significant escalation, in terms of you and me,” he said.
“I know. I’m ready to escalate things.”
“That I don’t know,” she sighed. “Actually, I know some of it. I got jealous last night when I realized Alex had come from making love with you. We did something ... strange ... because of it.”
“That’s not important. What’s important is that we talked for a long time and worked things out. I realized I just don’t want to wait any longer. I know how I feel about Jeffrey, and Alex. I think I know how I feel about you. I just want to find out if it’s real or not.”
“And if it’s not real?”
“I have to lose my virginity sooner or later. I can’t think of any man I’d give it to, except you. I know at least that you care about me.”
“I care a great deal about you,” said Bob. “You’re not the only one who’s confused about all this.”
“You’re confused?”
“It’s not normal for a man to be so strongly attracted to two women at once,” he said. “It’s not acceptable, anyway.”
“If both women agree it’s acceptable, then it’s acceptable,” she said.
“A wise and mature outlook,” he said. “Unusual, but wise and mature.”
“Most girls don’t go through what Alex and I have gone through,” said Ronnie.
“That is decidedly true,” he said.
“So you’ll do it?”
“Do what?”
“Agree to make love to both of us?”
His cock lurched under the robe. He looked up at the ceiling. His rational mind was telling him what the “right” response was. He tried to push that aside, but was still restricted in his answer.
“I’ll think about it,” he said.
“Good,” she said. She stood up. She untied the belt of her robe and let the garment slide off her shoulders, baring her nude body to him. “You can think about it in bed.”
This was a different girl than the Ronnie Bob thought he knew so well. Had he been a fan of the kind of movies where people get taken over by aliens, or demons or whatever, that might have come to mind, but he’d never sat through one of those. Under the circumstances, though, he was able to look at things fairly dispassionately, at least in the beginning. Nor was she in the throes of passion. Rather, she was a woman on a mission, even if she wasn’t sure exactly what the mission involved.
To that end he had her sit on top of him. That did two things. It helped her feel in control, and it helped her actually be in control, to some degree. He then pulled her down to lie on his chest and kissed her.
“You know if we make love, you’re probably going to start leaking,” he said.
“Is that bad?”
“No. I’ll just have to wash the sheets.”
“Maybe I should wear band-aids,” she said, her face straight.
He smiled.
“I like you,” he said.
“I bet you say that to all the naked girls lying on top of you,” she replied.
“You’re smart. You’re cute. You have a heart twenty times bigger than your boobs.” He stopped and waited. She didn’t smile. “I also think you’re more uncertain about all this than you want to admit.”
“What I am is tired of worrying about it,” she said. “I like rubbing on you like this, but I think I want more.”
“You think?”
“Okay, I know I want more. I’m just not used to being in that place.”
“Well, you’re in charge,” he said. “I’ll just lie here.”
“Gee, don’t be too romantic or anything,” she complained.
He kissed her again, and then whispered into her lips.
“Okay. How about this? I want to make love to you. I want to put my penis deep inside you, and make you cum.”
“Mmmm, that’s better. Tell me what it will be like.”
“Uh...” He was at a loss for words.
“Will you cum in me?” she asked.
“I shouldn’t,” he sighed.
“What if I want you to?”
“Why would you want that?” he asked. “Why would you risk getting pregnant?”
“It will be my first time,” she said. “Shouldn’t my first time involve the whole experience?”
“Your first time should be with a boy your own age, who is wearing a condom, after you get on the pill,” he said.
“I might not know exactly what I want, but I do know I want it to be with you,” she said, her voice suddenly firm.
“Look,” he sighed. “When I did that with Alex, I wasn’t able to control my lust. I’m positive it will be the same with you. That means I won’t be reasonable or responsible. I will cum in you, and I’ll try to cum as much as possible. I’ll be imagining getting you pregnant, Ronnie. Just thinking about getting in you makes my cock so hard it almost hurts. You really need to get on the pill first, because I’m always going to be helpless with lust for you.”
She sat up. Her hair drifted all over until she pulled it all behind her.
“Now that was romantic,” she sighed. She scooted back until she could fist his prick. “Will this really fit in me?”
“It really will,” he said.
“Right now?”
“Didn’t you hear me?” he groaned.
“I did. Is there always this much talking involved? If there is, how does anything get done? You’ll have to help me. I don’t know what to do.”
“Push the tip into your sex,” he said, giving up.
She tried, but he was too hard for her to bend.
“Raise up a little,” he suggested.
She did that, flexing one thigh and leaning to one side a little. Things worked better and he felt the tip of his cock push into heat.
“Once it’s started, ease down on it slowly,” he said.
She leaned back, straightening her body, and sank down on him. It was like a hot knife going into soft butter. In the time it took her to draw a breath, she was chock-full of her very first, very hard penis.
“Ohhhhh, fuck,” she groaned.
“I said slowly,” he panted.
It was impossible. As he lay there, staring up at her slim body, it just couldn’t have been that easy. Her pussy had seemed to swallow him whole. He could clearly see the soft impression of his prick, distorting her flat abdominal wall, pushing out. Her hand came to drag fingertips over that slight bulge, as if she could see it, too. Her eyes, however, were looking at the ceiling, her head back, her hair hanging. She was breathing erratically, a few short gasps, followed by a long pause as she held her breath, followed by three more panting breaths.
“Lie down on me,” he said. “You went too fast.”
She didn’t respond, so he reached for her wrist and pulled her down. Her chin landed right by his ear and hair seemed to cover their heads like a blanket. She took in a deep breath and it rushed out into his ear. Now that her entire body weight wasn’t impaling her on him, her lungs seemed to work better.
Her hands had landed on his shoulders when she fell. Now they gripped and pulled a little bit. Her body slid forward and his penis moved in her. Her fat, swollen clit scraped along the bottom of his rigid member and her breath caught in her throat again.
“Ohhhh, fuck!“ she gasped. It was odd, hearing that word coming from her. Normally she didn’t use vulgar language of any sort. Alex had a potty mouth, sometimes, but not Ronnie.
She pushed with her arms, raising her upper torso to a forty-five degree angle, her fingers still gripping his shoulders. She stared down into his eyes.
“You okay?” he inquired.
“Don’t ever take it out of me,” she whispered.
She started slowly, moving him deeper in her, and then moving forward to pull him about halfway out. Within fifteen seconds she was going faster, somehow having learned how to control her movements perfectly, so she never pulled completely off of him. She did, however, slam backwards with incredible violence. He felt drips of moisture on his chest, and moved >his hands through her hanging hair to find her leaking breasts. He almost laughed as he spread his hands to press the palms against her nipples, imagining them as big, organic band-aids.
“Yes,” she hissed, suddenly.
“Yes?” he parroted.
“This was so the right decision,” she panted.
She altered her angle a little, letting her body down, and suddenly she was off to the races. Her breathing was ragged and her throat started making grunting, whining sounds. When she came, he thought a coyote had suddenly jumped through his window. It was a very lonely coyote, and it cried for its mate. He couldn’t believe how loud she was. He had been so fascinated by all this that he hadn’t really been thinking about his own body. Now it reminded him that there were two partners in this dance.
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