A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 11
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
Jeffrey had sucked for five minutes, but it was more of a snack than a real feeding. Later that night, when Ronnie got up to take care of him, Jeffrey sucked at each breast for ten minutes. Alex watched for a little while, and then went back to bed, where she woke Bob up.
“Suck my nipples,” she whispered. “Please, suck them good.”
He began and, as usual, he stroked her, eventually sliding his hand into her panties.
“Wait,” she whispered. She took her panties off and climbed on top of Bob. “I want to do it this way.”
“You should leave your panties on,” he said.
“I don’t want to. I want to do it this way,” she said.
Like Ronnie had, she slid her naked pussy along his engorged penis, rubbing her clit against it. Like Ronnie had, she went too far forward, and when she slid back, the head of his cock nosed into her vagina. She stopped. Bob let go of her nipple. She didn’t move didn’t pull off.
“Alex?” Bob’s voice was soft, but tense.
“I’m okay,” she said. “Maybe this will help.”
“Calm down,” said Bob. “This is hard for me, too.”
“It’s hard for me!“ she hissed. Very deliberately she moved backward, sliding another inch of his prick into her pussy.
“Don’t do something you’ll regret,” said Bob.
She lowered her upper body and touched his nose with her own.
“I don’t regret anything, except that my breasts aren’t doing what they’re supposed to.”
“What you’re doing right now doesn’t have anything to do with your breasts,” he said.
“Maybe it will help.”
“Did you read that on the internet, too?”
“I didn’t do this wth Ronnie. You’re grasping at straws,” he said.
“Maybe,” she said. She pushed and got another inch. “But I don’t care.”
With that she rose on her arms and used her entire body weight to impale herself. He felt extreme pressure all around his penis, and a heat he’d almost forgotten.
“Fuck!” she groaned. “You’re big.”
“You went too fast,” he said.
“I want to do this.”
He wasn’t prepared to have this conversation. He remained silent.
“Would you make love to me, Bob? Don’t just fuck me make love to me?”
That sounded good. Whether it was good, or bad, he couldn’t be indifferent to it.
“Whatever you want, Baby,” he whispered.
She began moving, giving him a running commentary on what she was feeling. The pressure went away as she adapted to his intrusion. Soon she was panting, leaned over, thrusting and pulling to make his penis move within her, and make her clit move against him. He whispered sweet nothings to her, telling her she was beautiful, and sexy. He mauled her breasts, and gave her a “treatment” by pulling and twisting her nipples. He told her how good it felt to be doing this. She had what he thought must be an orgasm, because her breath caught in her throat and little sounds issued from her lips. Then she leaned down again.
“Get on top of me,” she panted.
He rolled with her, taking part of the sheet with them. Her legs swung wide and he went in deep, to soak in her hot depths.
“Oh yes,” she whined as his weight pinned her to the bed.
He knew what it had taken to satisfy Melanie, how to move. She’d demanded much more than just having it move in and out of her. He didn’t think about that now. His mind simply drew on remembered skills as he ground into her, rubbing her clit with all his weight.
That was when Ronnie came back from feeding Jeffrey. Her eyes, accustomed to the dark, took in the motions on the bed.
“You guys!” she yipped. “Are you doing it?”
“I couldn’t help it,” gasped Alex. “I needed it.”
“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” whined Ronnie.
“You don’t have to do it,” panted Alex.
“I know that,” said Ronnie. “But Jeesh. You guys are doing it!”
“It feels sooo good,” moaned Alex.
“Is it better than Uncle Dean?”
“It’s nothing like him. I don’t even want to talk about him. Could you please be quiet now?”
Bob hadn’t changed anything when Ronnie caught them. His mind had already adjusted to this new dynamic. Ronnie would find out sooner or later, because this wasn’t the last time he and Alex were going to do this. Like a switch had been flipped in his mind, he had already put Alex in a new category. They were lovers, for better or for worse. He hoped it would be for the better. That’s why he wanted to please her this time, to give her what she had asked for. He wanted to make love, and for her to feel like she’d been made love to.
To that end he kept working on her, and when Ronnie did subside, and simply stood beside the bed, watching, he went into overdrive to make Alex cum.
She did, and it was loud.
And in the middle of all that noise, he spurted.
He didn’t think about pulling out. He was too deeply involved. He was making love, and part of making love is the offering of gifts. The woman offers her egg, and the man offers his sperm. If birth control is involved, then the offering is symbolic, but it’s still part of the process. Nobody goes through the motions with no intent to achieve climax. That was his thought process. So when he felt the urge, he flooded her with his offering.
Later, there would be discussion about this. And some angst.
But in that moment, the offerings were made and accepted.
Ronnie wanted to talk about it right then.
Alex just wanted to go to sleep.
Bob knew that this new aspect of the relationship could cause some problems, and he needed time to think about it.
“Please, can we talk about it tomorrow?” he asked. “Let’s sleep on it.”
“Bob, this is huge! I just fed Jeffrey - with my own real milk! And now this? I can’t just go to sleep.”
“What can I do to help you?” asked Bob. “Short of a two hour discussion.”
“Well, not that!“ sighed Ronnie. “How did that even happen?”
“I don’t know. I think she was upset about her not lactating yet, and this was how she tried to compensate.”
“So she asked you to?”
“I made him do it,” groaned Alex. “Would you either go to sleep or go somewhere else?”
“You don’t have to be grouchy about it,” said Ronnie.
“Did he empty you?” asked Bob.
“I don’t know,” said Ronnie. “It seems like I don’t know anything anymore.”
“Lie down with me. Let me check.”
She did. He sucked, and got sweet milk within seconds.
“It feels different when you do it,” she sighed.
He slid his hand to her mons.
“Want some relief?”
“Yes, but only with your finger.”
“I’ll only do what you want me to,” he said.
“You’re still talking,” complained Alex.
They stopped, as Bob emptied both breasts and he fingered her to orgasm.
She tried to be quiet when the orgasm rolled over her by kissing Bob.
While she did that, her lust-soaked brain tried to imagine that his thick finger, deep inside her, was what had recently been deep inside Alex.
The next morning Bob had to go in sooner than either of the girls. When he got up, he stared at the bed for a minute. Alex lay on her back, with one arm to the side and one knee bent. He could clearly see her vulva, but there was no visible evidence that his penis had penetrated there, or left a deposit of his semen. Ronnie lay on her side, her body looking extra slim in just panties. He couldn’t see her breasts, but he couldn’t help but imagine Jeffrey tasting the sweetness they now offered. He got dressed as quietly as possible and left. He didn’t have time for a discussion about what had happened. That would have to be later.
Later turned out to be during office hours. He was packing his bag when the door opened and both Aleksa and Veronica came in. He turned to look at them and then went back to putting things into his briefcase.
“It couldn’t wait fifteen minutes?” he said, not looking at them.
“I’m not mad at you,” said Alex.
“I’m not mad at you, either,” said Ronnie.
He turned around.
“I’m glad.”
“It was my fault,” said Alex.
“There was no fault involved,” said Bob. “As I recall, we decided a while back that we’re all consenting adults.”
“Yes, but I know you didn’t want to,” said Alex.
“If I hadn’t wanted to, it wouldn’t have happened,” he said. “You didn’t rape me, Alex.” He frowned. “Where’s Jeffrey?”
“A woman down the hall is watching him for a few minutes,” said Ronnie. “Her name is Janet.”
“Janet Begay is watching Jeffrey?” asked Bob, his eyebrows rising. Janet Begay was in her sixties, nearing retirement. His nickname for her was Black Begay, not because she was African-American, but because he’d never seen her smile. She taught economics.
“She said she didn’t mind.”
“What did you tell her?”
“That he’d just been fed, and shouldn’t need a diaper change before we get back,” said Ronnie.
“He means about why we wanted her to watch him in the first place,” said Alex. She looked at Bob. “We just said we needed to talk to you privately and didn’t want you to be distracted.”
“By my own son.”
“I sort of told her you get all goofy around him.”
“Great,” said Bob. “Let’s go get him before she cooks him and eats him.”
““What?” gasped both girls.
“Kidding,” he said. “But seriously, I don’t want her to get suspicious.”
“Wait!” said Alex. “I just wanted to be sure. So we’re good?”
“We’re as good as you feel like we are,” said Bob.
She seemed to relax a little.
“Okay, good,” she said.
“That doesn’t mean we’re finished discussing this,” said Bob.
“That’s fine,” said Alex. “Okay! I feel better!”
“Me, too,” said Ronnie.
Bob looked at her and cocked his head. “I didn’t do anything new to you.”
“I know that,” said Ronnie. The girls turned and opened the door. Alex left first and, as Ronnie followed, she looked over her shoulder at him. “But you probably will.”
Bob groaned, but there was nobody there to hear it.
He grabbed his bag and hurried after them. Professor Begay’s office was just two doors down. When he got there, he opened the door without knocking. There, to his undying shock, stood Janet Begay, holding his son and giving him nose kisses. That ended as he came in and the woman handed the baby to Alex. His arms went out to her in the process.
“Babies are just so precious,” sighed Janet.
“They are,” said Alex. “Taking care of Jeffrey has made me wish I had my own.”
“Me, too,” said Ronnie.
“Well, you both have plenty of time for that. Get your education and then have lots of babies. I had six, myself. And I have twenty-seven grandchildren.”
Bob’s gasp drew her attention and she nodded.
“Robert. You have a delightful child. I’m so sorry about Melanie.”
“Thanks,” said Bob, automatically.
“And it looks like you have good babysitters. Those are hard to find, and you have two? People will think you’re greedy.”
“It takes two of us to cover the time,” said Alex. “He’s a busy man.”
Janet’s piercing eyes stayed on Bob. He felt like she was peeling back his exterior and looking deep inside him.
“I’m sure he is,” she said.
“We should leave, girls,” said Bob.
“These are not mere girls, Robert,” said Janet. “These are the young women who are caring for your child. You should treat them as such.”
“Oh, he does,” said Ronnie. “I never felt so grown up before I met Bob.”
“I’m sure you didn’t,” said Janet, still looking at Bob.
There was an awkward silence as people began moving. Janet’s grim countenance broke apart again though, and she smiled.
“Bring him back anytime, ladies. I love having babies around.” She actually winked. “As long as they’re somebody else’s and I get to give them back.”
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