A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 10
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
“So?” Alex had caught up with Ronnie and was walking beside her. “Was that so hard?”
“No,” said Ronnie.
“Was it fun?”
“So why are you so nervous?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you want to see him again?”
“Do you want to see Chad again?”
“Not want, exactly, but I wouldn’t mind.”
“Would you let him do the same things Bob does?”
“No,” snorted Alex.
“Why not?”
“Boys are fun, but Bob is serious business.”
“Exactly” said Ronnie. “That’s my point.”
“I didn’t know you were making a point.”
Ronnie stopped and faced her friend.
“We played pool. I had fun. It would have been more fun with Bob. I kissed Ronny because you kissed Chad. I didn’t really feel anything, except nervous. But I’m glad I did it. I like kissing Bob. It makes me feel all squiggly inside. Yes, I had fun, but I would have had just as much fun staying home. I don’t understand any of this, Alex!”
“Calm down,” said Alex. “All we did tonight was go have a good time and meet some boys. We’re not trying to determine our futures.”
“I get that,” said Ronnie. “You said Bob was serious business. Talk some more about that.”
“Let’s walk,” said Alex. “It’s cold.” They started off again. It started to snow light, small flakes. “When I think about Bob, it’s complicated. No. Let me start over. What we did tonight was simple. It was just fun. There wasn’t anything serious about it. Maybe we’ll see those guys again and maybe not, but it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t feel important to see them again. Am I right?”
“Yes,” said Ronnie.
“But with Bob it’s different. Yes, he’s our employer. Yes, he’s our landlord. But he’s so much more. When I hold Jeffrey, I wish he was mine. And Jeffrey is linked to Bob. I wanted to do something crazy. I wanted to coax my breasts to make milk. When was the last time you heard of anybody doing that?”
“Never,” said Ronnie.
“Exactly, but Bob said it was okay to try. Think about that. He would allow me to feed his son with my milk. That’s pretty serious. And on top of that, just the process of trying has turned into something even more complicated. I never wanted to sleep with a man before. I’m going to do that tonight. I’m going to sleep with Bob tonight. I’ll be naked and maybe he will be, too. Yes, the reason for that is to make it easier to give me a treatment, but part of me doesn’t care if things get crazy while that happens. Right now, I’m in control of myself. I was in control of myself with Chad. But when I get in bed with Bob tonight I have no idea if I’ll be in control or not. That’s serious.”
“What if I slept with him, too?” asked Ronnie.
“I’m sure he’d love that,” snorted Alex.
“I mean at the same time. How would you feel about that?”
Alex stopped, this time but only for a few seconds.
“Both of us in bed with him ... all night?”
“I could either help with the treatments or help you stay in control,” said Ronnie.
“What if I don’t want to stay in control?”
“You either do, or you don’t,” said Ronnie.
“That’s why this is so serious, Ronnie,” moaned Alex. “I don’t know whether I do or don’t.”
They didn’t have far to go, and walked on in silence. The warmth of the house enveloped them at the same time they smelled something delicious. It turned out to be something Bob called goulash, in a crock pot on the counter. When they lifted the lid to look inside, they saw carrots, potatoes, chunks of stew meat, elbow macaroni, and celery. They found Bob in the living room, lying in the recliner with Jeffrey asleep on his chest. He was dozing, himself.
“You get the boy, and I’ll take the father,” said Alex.
“Okay,” said Ronnie.
“Come to bed after he’s taken care of,” said Alex.
Ronnie blinked. She looked towards Bob’s room. “There?”
Alex nodded.
Ronnie picked up Jeffrey, who fussed until she cuddled him. She took him to the nursery. Bob’s eyes opened blearily.
“You back?”
“Yes. Bedtime, mister.”
“You guys have fun?”
“We’re glad we went,” said Alex. “Come on. It’s time for a treatment. I’m sleeping with you tonight.”
“Is that wise?”
“Ronnie’s sleeping with us, too. She’ll need treatments during the night, too.”
“That’s definitely not wise,” he said.
“We’ll deal with it. Don’t worry. We know you need your sleep. So do we. That’s the whole point of being in bed with you.”
“That’s your whole point,” said Bob.
“And horny Bob is back,” sighed Alex.
Bob had been wearing a robe when Jeffrey fell asleep on his chest. He’d taken a shower and then put the robe on. For that reason he wasn’t wearing any underwear when Alex took him to his bedroom. By the time Alex had taken off her clothes, Bob was already naked and very erect. He got into bed and lay on his back. Alex used his bathroom to pee. After she washed her hands, she used her finger to brush her teeth with his toothpaste. She was pretty sure he’d kiss her.
“Should I do something with the crock pot?” she asked, when she came out of the bathroom.
“Crap,” he said, sitting up. “I forgot about the crock pot. It should be close to done by now.”
“I’ll get it,” she said.
“How about we go together?”
Neither put anything on. She preceded him and his eyes watched her naked backside as her hips moved. He gripped his cock without conscious thought but had to abandon it as he held onto the hot crock while she positioned a Tupperware bowl beneath it. He poured carefully so nothing hot splashed onto either of them. The bowl went into the fridge and the crock went into the sink, to be dealt with later. They had just settled in bed, side by side, when Ronnie came in, wearing a robe.
“Get in,” said Alex. “It’s warm already.”
When she slipped off the robe, she was naked. She exhibited no embarrassment or angst. Bob had one arm under Alex, and it was just natural to lay his other one out for Ronnie. When she got into bed, he pulled both of them to cuddle against him.
“I didn’t expect this,” he said.
“It will be fine,” said Alex. “It will just be easier and quicker to do treatments. That’s all.”
“Easy for you to say,” said Bob.
“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of you so you’re not frustrated and can sleep.”
“How will that work?” asked Bob.
To demonstrate, Alex rolled on top of Bob and pushed her nose into Ronnie’s hair, near her ear. Bob heard some whispering and then Alex sat up on his abdomen. She settled basically on his belly button with the tip of his rod captured between her butt cheeks. That didn’t last, though. She leaned forward to hang her breasts over his face, and he felt Ronnie’s hand grip his cock and stand it up. As Alex said, “Open wide,” and put a nipple in his mouth, he felt heat surround the tip of his cock.
He didn’t last anywhere near fifteen minutes. Ronnie stroked him while she sucked just the tip, and maybe five minutes later he erupted into her mouth. Meanwhile, he sucked avidly at Alex’s nipples.
“Time,” said Ronnie, and Alex rolled off of Bob. Her fingers went immediately to her pussy and she began masturbating without apology. Ronnie climbed up on Bob in the same position Alex had used. Her taller torso meant that when her pussy sank down onto him, it landed on his groin, but that didn’t matter because he was still soft after ejaculating. Her breasts were so small that she had to practically lie down on him, but soon he was happily sucking one of her distended nipples.
It was just natural for her hips to move. Alex’s hips had moved, too, making her butt inch forward and backwards next to Ronnie’s head as she sucked Bob, eager to get some more wild honey out of him. Alex, however, had rubbed her clit over and against the flat skin of his abs. When Ronnie’s hips started moving, her pussy lips rubbed across his cock and balls. Initially, that wasn’t an issue, because he was soft. By the time her fifteen minutes was up, however, a total of twenty-five minutes had passed since he spurted, and the activity he was involved in caused his penis to harden again.
Basically, when it was time to stop, Ronnie’s pussy lips were gliding along on top of and to the sides of his long, hard prick. Her clit was involved, too, and her movements were erratic. She was panting hard when Alex said, “Time.”
“Not yet,” gasped Ronnie. “It feels so good. I need to go longer.”
Something in her voice alerted Alex, but it was dark, so the only way she could “see” was by ‘Braille’. Her hands moved to explore and intuition warned her.
“Is he hard?” she asked.
“Soooo hard,” moaned Ronnie.
“Be careful,” said Alex. “Don’t jerk too much. You could have an accident.”
That accident happened within seconds of Alex’s warning, but it wasn’t a disaster. Basically, Ronnie moved too far forward and when she rocked back, the tip of his cock lodged in her inflamed pussy mouth. The head popped in easily, because of all the natural lube that was present, but it didn’t go deeper than that. The rhythm she’d gotten into caused her to pull off of it almost instantly, but both Bob and Ronnie knew what had happened. Bob’s hands moved from her back to her hips, and he tried to slow her down. She hadn’t had time to really think about the fact that she was, technically, no longer a virgin, and she was so close to an orgasm that she kept going. When it arrived, she knew it was going to be a big one, and she sat up straight, tipping her belly forward, so she could use her abs to whip her clit back and forth faster. When that happened, he could no longer resist cumming, and grunted softly as his penis spat globs of semen on his belly.
“Oh yeah!“ she squealed, as >her orgasm burst from her clit to expand everywhere in her body. It was as if her clit had turned into a mini sun that was burning everything around it away. Now Bob removed his hands. All they were doing was slowing her down, and at this angle there was no danger of penetration. Her pussy was coming dangerously close to the puddle of spunk on his belly, but just as he began worrying about that, Ronnie’s upper torso went stiff, frozen for a hand span of long seconds, and then she fell forward slowly, like a tree toppling in the forest. She landed bonelessly on Bob’s chest, her chin brushing his cheek. She was dead weight on top of him, but all he did was stroke her back.
“You okay?” he whispered into her hair.
“Uh huh,” she panted.
“Damn, I’m horny,” grunted Alex, next to them.
“I’ll take care of you in a minute,” said Bob.
Gently, he disentangled himself from Ronnie, sliding her to one side. Pulling the sheet up he cleaned off his abs and then rolled toward Alex and did the same thing she’d done, moving his hands in the dark to find where she was and where his finger needed to be. Her legs were wide and her hands pulled at his head as he inserted a finger into her, going deep to rim her cervix with his fingertip. She groaned into his mouth and they began a kiss that didn’t end until her hips lurched up off the bed and she came on his wiggling finger.
It was midnight when they fell into an exhausted slumber.
Jeffrey, and another treatment, got them up again at four.
Bob was well aware of the emotional levels of the girls. He was conflicted about his own feelings. One side of his brain kept whispering that what he was doing was trouble, waiting to eat him alive. The other side danced and sang with joy that he was finally involved with someone - two someones! - who treated him with respect and wanted his attentions. He fully understood that this relationship could not last forever. If they followed the path they were on, it would naturally lead to sexual intercourse. If that was resisted, the relationship would fragment and fail. That was just how things worked, at least in his experience. He had heard of “friends with benefits” but had never had such a friend. And while there was a friendship, of sorts, between him and the girls, there was also an age gap that would make a long-term friendship difficult. It was fine for now, but what would happen when they got bored with his staid ways?
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