A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 9
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
Ronnie was subdued. It wasn’t because it was Saturday afternoon and she’d already been involved in two sexual situations that day, three if one included her peeking at Bob and Alex in the wee hours of the morning. A lot had happened in just that one day and it felt like she’d stepped through a door into a different world. Most strange of all was how, as Bob’s finger had been claiming her virginity (that’s how she thought of it) she’d stared at his stiff penis, right there in front of her, and gone further from “He wants to put that in me,” to “That thing could go in me,” all the way to, “I wish that thing was in me right now!”
She understood perfectly what Alex had alluded to, in terms of being in the afterglow of an orgasm, and one’s defenses being down. Her problem was that she felt her defenses eroding to the point that there might soon be no before or after. She was afraid she was going to start wanting ... something ... in her pussy all the time.
They’d all taken a nap after their after-lunch activities. Jeffrey’s unhappiness had awakened her and she’d gotten up to go pacify him. It had been time for a bottle, but he hadn’t wanted one. Instead, he wanted to suck her real, live nipple. She let him, sitting and rocking while she thought about things. She was startled to realize she was naked. She’d gone to take her nap that way, and had been that way ever since. She hadn’t even thought about putting something on when she got up to take care of Jeffrey.
She decided it was because things were moving so fast. She came from a small town where nothing moved fast. Everything dragged along placidly, reliably, happening as expected. There was no crime where she was from, and nothing exciting ever happened. Even when Megan Carter got pregnant while she was only sixteen, it hadn’t shaken things up all that much. Both sets of parents had rallied around the young lovers and, by the time Megan had the baby, they were properly married. She’d had a second child before she graduated from high school.
She thought about what date it was. She hadn’t been keeping track, lately. Knowing the day of the week was enough, because then she knew what classes to go to. Her social life had changed only minimally, in the sense that, before coming to college she’d spent all her time with her family. She was doing basically the same thing now, except that now her family consisted of Bob, Alex, and Jeffrey, instead of her mother, father, and brother.
She was mildly shocked when she figured out the date. She’d been gone from home a whopping seventy-seven days. Thanksgiving was only two weeks away, and she hadn’t thought about that at all!
Seventy-seven days ago she’d been a girl who didn’t have a boyfriend, and had only gone on what amounted to chaperoned dates, a confirmed virgin, and wallflower. Now, she walked around the house naked, let a baby suckle her breasts, had sucked another girl’s breasts. She had not only seen a man’s stiff penis shoot silvery streams of stuff up into the air, she had swallowed some of that silvery stuff. And she had watched her best friend get finger-fucked, had been finger-fucked herself, had watched Alex get her pussy licked, had gotten her own pussy licked.
It seemed incomprehenible. It was becoming muddled in her mind. So many things had happened in those few seventy-seven days, that she was having trouble sorting them all into separate memories.
The craziesty part was that everything that had happened seemed ... normal ... in her muddled memory. None of it seemed strange or odd. And more was coming. She knew that. She could feel it in her bones. Well, not in her bones ... in her stomach. No, that wasn’t right, either. It was in the neighborhood of her stomach, but it wasn’t her stomach. She stopped rocking, shocked, as she realized it was her womb. She was feeling something in her womb. It shocked her, because she’d never felt anything there before this.
Just like she’d never felt anything stiff inside her vagina before this.
Jeffrey was finally hungry. She could tell. He switched from her nipple to the one on the bottle easily, and slurped and grunted and gasped. He was a greedy little thing.
She wondered what it would be like if her breast was providing him the milk he was so greedy for.
Her womb tingled again.
Alex woke up and stretched. She felt great. The first thing she thought about was that she was starving. She got up and her nudity registered. She’d never slept nude at home. A lot had changed in her life. She recognized the irony of the fact that she thought of being naked in this house as both a small change and now completely normal. It was a little chilly, so she pulled on some sweats. Ronnie was in the kitchen, stirring something in a big bowl. Alex went to stand beside her and reached for a banana. She saw the ingredients, then.
“Chocolate chip cookies?” she asked, passion in her voice. “I love chocolate chip cookies.”
“In about twenty minutes you can have one,” said Ronnie.
“One? How about six or seven?”
“Eat ‘em too fast and they’re gone,” said Ronnie, parroting her mother.
“Where’s Bob?”
“I don’t know. I’m afraid to go find him.”
“I know what you were talking about, now,” said Ronnie.
“What was I talking about?” asked Alex around a bite of banana.
“About wanting to let him do everything.”
“Oh,” said Alex.
“I feel like I started down a hill, but it’s muddy and I can’t stop, and I keep going faster and faster and I’m scared to death I’m going to fall and kill myself.”
“It won’t kill you,” said Alex. “It didn’t kill me.”
“Alex, I’m a virgin! I’ve always been a virgin! I don’t even know how to go on a date. I mean if some college guy asked me out, I’d be terrified and probably fall to pieces.”
“You don’t have to do anything, Ronnie. Bob won’t make you do anything.”
“I know all that!” snapped Ronnie. “The problem is I want to do everything. I’ve never wanted that before!”
“It’s not the end of the world. You had to get to this point some day. Isn’t today as good as any other? Like I said, it won’t kill you.” Alex opened the refrigerator and looked around in it. She got out a carton of cottage cheese and then selected a coffee cup from the cabinet to put some in it. “Where’s Jeffrey?”
“In his crib playing with the mobile. That was a really good idea to get him one of those.”
“We’ve had to get most of what Jeffrey needs,” said Alex. “Poor Bob. He knows almost nothing about raising a baby.”
“It’s hard to think of Bob as being helpless,” said Ronnie.
“That’s because you have a crush on him.”
“I do? Is this what a crush feels like?”
“Oh come on. Surely you’ve pined after a boy before.”
“When you look like a boy, you don’t think about boys that way,” said Ronnie.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Ronnie,” said Alex. “Guys love all that long hair, and look at Bob. He thinks you’re beautiful.”
“Well, yeah, but...”
“But what?”
“I don’t know,” sighed Ronnie. “This is just all too new to me.”
“Do you like what’s happened?”
“You mean the sex stuff?”
“I mean all of it. Are you glad you moved in here?”
“Yes!” said Ronnie, instantly.
“And do you like taking care of Jeffrey?”
“Of course I do.”
“And do you mind that Bob gets a boner when he thinks about you?”
“Well, no. I don’t mind, exactly. It’s just so hard to believe it’s true.”
“Girl, we need to work on your self-confidence. I think we need a night out. We’ll go to the student union and flirt with boys.”
“I don’t know how to flirt.”
“Then I’ll teach you.”
“Of course. Bob can take care of Jeffrey. He’s learned enough that he won’t do any harm.”
“What should I wear?”
“Guys don’t look at clothes like girls do. It won’t matter. We’re just going out to have some fun. Don’t worry about it.”
Ronnie took a breath.
“Okay!” she said.
Bob was still sleeping when they went to his room. The stress he’d been under recently, both emotional and physical, had drained his batteries. Being able to release tension with the girls had been just what the doctor ordered, in terms of letting him settle into a deep, restful sleep. He’d pay for that later that night, when he wouldn’t be able to sleep, but he needed the sleep he was getting right now.
The girls stood, side by side, just looking at him for a minute. He was still naked, too, lying on his side with both hands by his head. He almost looked like he was mimicking the stereotypical hand sign for “sleep”, except his palms weren’t together.
“I get how you feel,” said Alex, softly. “I can hardly believe I’m standing here, looking at a naked guy.”
“And the crazy part is that it’s okay to do it,” said Ronnie. “I mean he wouldn’t mind.”
“I feel lucky, in a way,” said Alex. “I thought finding a boyfriend was going to be a pain in the ass.”
“Why? You’re really pretty. I bet lots of boys want to take you out.”
“It’s not that. Guys have looked at me ever since I grew boobs. But finding the right guy seems to require magic or something. I mean lots of guys want to get in my panties, but that’s all they really want. They’re not looking for a real relationship. You want your boyfriend to be interested in other things, too.”
“Is that what Bob is? Is he your boyfriend?”
Alex giggled. “No. that would be silly.”
“Then what is he?”
Alex thought for a bit.
“You know what I think?”
“I think he’s not our boy-friend. He’s our boy-toy.”
“That’s silly,” said Ronnie. “Only older women have boy toys.”
“Who says?” said Alex. “If we wanted to, we could go over there and get him hard and play all we wanted. He’d be fine with that.”
“Well yes, but...”
“But nothing. We’ve got a good thing going, here, Ronnie. He’s a great guy. He knows how to treat us. He stops when we want him to. We’ve got a great place to live. What’s not to love about it?”
“It just feels ridiculous to call him my boy toy,” said Ronnie.
“Tell you what. We’ll go over to the student union, and if you don’t have a boyfriend by the time you leave, then Bob can be your boyfriend.”
“That feels ridiculous, too,” said Ronnie.
“You, my friend, are too damn picky,” sighed Alex.
Alex woke Bob up by kissing his cheek. He rolled onto his back and his arms flopped to lie beside him.
“We’re going over to the student union for a burger,” said Alex. “You have Jeffrey duty for a few hours.”
“Okay,” sighed Bob. He stretched, and then lifted his head. “I’m naked. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. Neither of us is offended.”
“Good. Have fun. Do you need money?”
In addition to room and board, Bob gave each girl fifty dollars a week. He paid them in cash. If they bought something for Jeffrey, he reimbursed them in cash. If someone besides him was going grocery shopping, or whatever, they used his credit card.
“We’re good,” said Alex.
“Have fun,” said Bob.
“We intend to,” said Alex.
Alex had dressed Ronnie in skinny jeans, which actually looked good on her, and a summer tank top. They both wore winter coats. Bob lived three blocks off campus in housing owned by the university. The land had been bought and the houses erected seventy years earlier, when faculty was expected to live close to campus. Now it was mostly rented to junior faculty and teaching aides and the like. The administration had resisted renting to “regular” students. “Regular” students tore things up and had parties, all of which was a headache the housing manager didn’t want to deal with.
The union was another two blocks into the campus proper, and both girls were chilled when they got there. The warmth and noise of the place was welcome. Ronnie had never been there before so Alex gave her the grand tour, pointing out the six-lane bowling alley, a room full of pool tables, and the little cafe off to one side. Upstairs there were various rooms for meetings, seminars, or whatever. There were also quiet places, where a person could sit and read, away from the hubbub downstairs.
They went back down, where small groups of students sat in booths behind the bowling alley, which was at full capacity. Beer was available, but customers were carded. The administration had come down on the “let them do it in public and maybe they’ll moderate things,” side of the argument. It seemed to be working. It was noisy, but nobody seemed to be staggering around, drunk. They got in line at the grill and ordered food. When they got it, Ronnie was astonished when Alex led her to a table populated by three young men.
“You got room for wandering strangers, here?” she asked, cheerfully.
The guys looked and instantly moved chairs to make room. An extra chair was purloined from a nearby table and the girls set their trays down.
“I’m Chad,” said one of them. “Ronny,” said another. “And I am their leader and alpha male,” said the third. He grinned. “Andy,” he finally finished.
“What he is, is the head bull-shitter,” said Chad. “Thank you for gracing us with your poise and beauty,” he said, smoothly.
“Okay,” said Alex, facing Ronnie, as if the men weren’t there. She pointed at Andy. “He’s basically harmless. He likes to flex his muscles, but he’s probably mostly talk.” She moved her hand to point to Chad. “This one is dangerous. He has a silver tongue. Be very afraid of him.” She looked at Ronny. “We don’t know about him, yet, but since he has the same name as you, it’s a decent omen to start things out on.”
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