A Tale of Two Nannies
Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican
Chapter 8
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction School Polygamy/Polyamory Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Babysitter Slow
It might be an odd analogy, but fellatio is a little like Brussels sprouts. You either like it or you don’t. Lots of women will engage in fellatio, for one reason or another, but only a minority of women really crave it. That’s understandable. Just as Brussels sprouts have a unique taste, so, too does semen. Women who have tasted more than one man’s semen will tell you it tastes different from man to man. Brussels sprouts taste a little different, depending on how they are prepared. The point is, you either like Brussels sprouts, or you don’t.
Alex liked preparing Brussels sprouts, but she didn’t like so much eating them.
Ronnie, to her unending surprise, decided semen was her most favorite new food.
Neither girl actually intended to taste Bob’s semen. To be fair, neither knew what to expect at all, as neither had ever done this before. It took them fully ten minutes to realize that having part of his penis in their mouths was actually kind of fun. Part of that was the noises he made. It was obvious he loved what they were doing, even if they were novices about doing it. Ronnie was the first to slide her lips more than halfway down his shaft, and then clamp them tightly and suck as she dragged them back to the tip. That got an, “Ohhh fuck me to tears,” from Bob.
Alex was encouraged, and did the same thing. That’s when she got a taste of semen, as Bob leaked. She pulled off to explore that taste. Her stomach lurched, but then settled as she thought about it. It wasn’t the taste that was unpleasant. It was the concept of what it was that bothered her. She swallowed, intentionally. This was something she was going to do again. He deserved this. It would be okay.
Meanwhile, Ronnie almost deep throated him and her fingers drifted onto his balls as her mouth displaced them from his shaft.
“Stop!” he gasped.
Ronnie didn’t want to stop.
Which is why she got two full spurts in her mouth before she realized what was happening. As she pulled her mouth off his cock, his semen drooled out of it, only to be met with a third shot, which leapt upwards towards the “o” of her lips, only to fall back down, fruitlessly. Her mouth closed and the taste registered.
Ronnie, it turned out, liked Brussels sprouts. A lot.
By the time she processed all this, his penis was already half soft, but she went back to suck it some more, hoping to get more honey out of it. That’s what she called it in her mind. It was wild honey, faintly sweet, but with lots of other tastes in there, too, like the pollen from lots of different flowers.
“Oh fuck,” panted Bob, as she sucked his mostly soft penis all the way into her mouth.
Ronnie finally gave up, and got to her knees. Alex was lying beside Bob, staring at her friend. Ronnie moved to make another curtain around Bob’s face with her hair.
“You promised,” she said.
“C’mere,” he responded.
She stayed on her hands and knees, but they basically made out for five minutes.
“Jeesh, you guys, get a room,” joked Alex.
Bob looked into Ronnie’s eyes.
“I can give you an orgasm, too,” he offered.
“I want to, but I’m scared,” she said.
“It doesn’t have to be like I did with Alex,” he said. “There are other ways. I can just touch you.”
“Let him,” whispered Alex from outside the curtain. “You’ll love it. I promise.”
Ronnie sat up on her calves.
“Okay. But you have to stay.”
Alex grinned.
“We’re so kinky!“ she squealed.
They were all naked, now. Ronnie was lying between Alex and Bob, in an intimate sandwich of sorts. Bob was kissing her again, and stroking her arm, side and hip gently. A horseman would have recognized what he was doing as gentling motions. Alex, for her part, just lay against her friend, pressing her breasts into Ronnie’s back. It was, strangely, more intimate than they’d ever been together, even though Ronnie had sucked her nipples.
“I want to touch you,” whispered Bob.
“You are touching me,” said Ronnie.
“I want to suck your nipples,” said Bob, being more direct. “Just like I suck Alex’s.”
“Okay,” sighed Ronnie.
She’d felt this before, when he sucked briefly that day that seemed so long ago. She still remembered the zings of joy that had shot throughout her body. She’d made him stop because it felt too good. Now, she determined, she wasn’t going to make him stop.
She rolled against Alex, who moved to let her lie on her back. She watched as Bob’s mouth captured Ronnie’s jutting nipple and sucked, gently.
“Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow,” moaned Ronnie.
“Feels good, doesn’t it,” cooed Alex.
“Sooo good,” whined Ronnie.
“Maybe we could get your breasts to lactate, too,” said Alex.
“Okay,” panted Ronnie.
Bob had put his free hand on Ronnie’s sternum when he began nursing at her. Now he slowly moved that hand downwards. He lifted his lips from her breast.
“I’m going to touch you all over,” he said. “That’s how you’ll get your orgasm.”
He didn’t wait for her to approve or disapprove his plan. He went back to sucking, and kept his hand moving.
Her hips and legs were rigidly closed when he got there, but her pudenda jutted forward anyway, and her clit was helpless. He hooked his index finger and did a “come here” motion with it, letting his fingertip diddle her bump. It was like magic. Her legs parted, her knees came up and spread wide, and her butt lifted six inches off the bed. She yipped and whined. Her more open posture allowed him to straighten his finger. Then he used three stiff fingers, whipping them back and forth, sideways, over her suddenly slippery pussy lips.
If she’d yipped before, when she came she sounded like a lonely coyote. Bob raised his head to find that Alex was sucking the other nipple. Ronnie was thrashing so hard that Alex’s head was rising and falling four or five inches.
“Okay, okay, okay, okay!” yelled Ronnie. Her hands came up to push and both of her partners in this new enterprise gave her room to feel less restricted. She flopped, and relaxed.
“I get it now,” she panted, rolling her head toward Alex.
“Pretty intense, isn’t it,” said Alex, smiling.
“You okay?” asked Bob.
Now Ronnie’s head rolled his way.
“Not so much,” she said.
He frowned. “I’m sorry. I hoped you’d like it.”
“Oh, I liked it!” she panted. “That’s the problem. I liked it too much. Alex told me that after you made her cum last night, she’d have let you put it in her. I felt that way too while I was having my orgasm.”
“Oh,” said Bob.
“That’s the first orgasm like that I ever had,” said Ronnie. “I think I’ve been doing it wrong.”
“Doing what wrong?”
“Masturbating,” said Ronnie.
“I don’t think you can do it wrong,” said Bob.
Ronnie demonstrated how she’d always rubbed in the past.
“It never occurred to me to use my fingers, like you did,” she said.
“Ahhh,” said Bob. “Well, now you know there are lots of ways.” He got off the bed. “Thank you both. I had a delightful time. You can relax. I’ll go check on Jeffrey.”
“Naked?” teased Alex.
“Why not? If he needs to be changed, he’ll end up naked too,” said Bob.
After he left, Ronnie looked at Alex.
“I’m in big trouble, Alex.”
“Because I don’t think I’m gonna be a virgin a whole lot longer.”
“That’s just hormones. You’ll get past that.”
“I never wanted a man to take my virginity before,” sighed Ronnie. “I never even thought about losing my virginity before!”
“Let him give you lots of orgasms like that. You have plenty of time to think about who gets to pick your cherry.”
“Okay,” said Ronnie. “Do you still think about letting him have sex with you?”
“Oh, only constantly,” said Alex, grinning. “I’m suffering from hormones, too.”
“In the interests of what’s left of my ethics, I need to check in with how you girls are ... um ... emotionally,” said Bob. They were eating a late lunch.
“What do you mean?” asked Ronnie.
“A lot happened this morning. I did something to Alex without asking first. I need to check in and see how everybody feels about ... things.”
“You’re really not like other men I’ve known,” sighed Ronnie.
“If you’re worried I’m freaked out by what you did,” said Alex, holding a piece of cantaloupe in front of her lips, “I’m not.” She popped the fruit into her mouth. “I was freaked out, but not anymore. I didn’t expect it, but I ... uh...” She trailed off, looking embarrassed.
“Did you like it?” asked Ronnie.
“You could say that,” said Alex. “You could say that a lot.”
“Why are you embarrassed?” asked her friend.
“We’re sitting here talking about him going down on me,” moaned Alex. “I’m not used to doing that!”
“You know the crazy thing?” asked Ronnie. “I was embarrassed when I found out he’d seen me letting Jeffrey suck, but I got over it. And since then, I haven’t felt embarrassed about anything! It’s too new and interesting and exciting.”
“So are you going to let him do that to you, too?” asked Alex. Her tone of voice suggested she was challenging Ronnie.
“I don’t know. I can’t imagine it. I can’t imagine him wanting to, or me wanting him to. But I couldn’t imagine having the orgasm he gave me, either.” She looked at Bob. “I loved that. You can touch me like that any time you want to.”
Bob frowned. “You know where this is leading,” he said.
“I know where you think it’s leading,” said Alex.
“I don’t care where it’s leading,” said Ronnie. “I’m so glad I went to college!”
“Ronnie?” said Bob, softly. “Are you on birth control?”
She froze, blinked several times, and then said, “Of course not.”
Bob looked at Alex, who shook her head.
“Then the last thing you need is my sperm getting anywhere near your vaginas,” he said. “And yet, that’s where this is leading. You may not think so, but I’m telling you, Mother Nature will win out, sooner or later.”
“Do you have condoms?” asked Alex.
“I do not,” said Bob.
“Would you get some?”
“Sure,” said Bob, “but my experience with them is that they aren’t the best solution.”
“You mean they break,” said Alex.
“I mean when two people get going, sometimes they’re too impatient to suspend operations to install a safety device. It breaks the mood.”
“I’m not as convinced that will happen as you are,” said Alex. “I want to sleep with you, and everything we’ve done so far has been fantastic but I think that’s enough for me.”
“So you want to continue masturbating together,” said Bob.
“Yeah,” said Alex. “That’s fun. Isn’t it for you?”
“It is,” said Bob. “And I really don’t want to ruin your lives, so maybe that will be enough for me, too.”
“If you’re really worried, then get some condoms,” said Alex. “It’s better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.”
“Okay,” said Bob. “Would you think about getting on the pill? I think you can get a prescription at the student health center.”
“I’ll think about it,” said Alex.
“Me, too,” said Ronnie. She grinned. “Isn’t that insane? I’m thinking about getting on birth control pills! Me! Veronica Jean Simmons, Beanpole Simmons, is thinking about getting on birth control! This is crazy!”
“That’s why I want to check in with you. I think we should have intentional check-ins.”
“You mean like family meetings?” asked Alex.
“Yeah,” said Bob. “I think it’s important for us to be able to talk about things.”
“I’m horny,” announced Ronnie. She grinned. “I can’t get over being able to just tell somebody I’m horny.”
“Do you want to do anything in particular about that?” asked Bob.
Ronnie sat back in her chair.
“I have lots of ideas.”
“Such as?” asked Alex.
“Okay, now I’m embarrassed,” said Ronnie. “I can tell you I’m horny, but getting specific about things makes me feel jittery inside.”
“Do you remember when I said maybe we could get your breasts to lactate, too?” asked Alex.
“Yes,” Ronnie answered.
“I was joking, sort of, but do you want to? Do you want to start treatments like I do? Things can happen, then. You wouldn’t have to say what you want. Things can just happen.”
Ronnie closed her eyes. She said nothing for a long time, but neither Bob nor Alex intruded on her thoughts. Instead, they got up and dealt with the dirty dishes. Finally, Ronnie opened her eyes.
“I can’t really imagine it. I love it when Jeffrey sucks.” She looked at Bob. “I love it when you do it, too.” Her hands came up to cover her modest mounds. “For these, to give real milk ... I just can’t imagine it.”
“So you don’t want to,” said Alex.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just can’t imagine it happening.”
“I can’t wait to feed Jeffrey real milk,” said Alex. “I don’t really know what it will feel like, but I know I want to do it. When he sucks now, it’s like you know there’s a party going on behind a door, but you can’t get the door open.”
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