A Tale of Two Nannies - Cover

A Tale of Two Nannies

Copyright© 2018 by Lubrican


Romantic Sex Story: Foreword - When Bob's wife died in childbirth, he needed help with the baby. As an English professor, he couldn't really afford that. A little creative thinking solved the problem. He could offer room and board, and a little spending money, which appealed to one freshman girl. The only rub then was that they both had classes. It took two nannies to make things work. One knew a trick to get a baby to stop crying. She offered it a real nipple. If only that nipple could actually make milk. Turns out, it can.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   School   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   First   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Babysitter   Slow  

This story idea came from a reader called “okalways”. I thank him (or her) for the suggestion.

Now, it is important (to me) to put a disclaimer in here. It won’t make sense until the end of the story, but it still needs to be here. I decided to put some of this story in the scene of the Navajo nation. There were lots of reasons for this, but listing them wouldn’t make any difference. The issue is that I try to do my research, but researching Navajo names, subcultures, traditions and a lot more, turned out to be very difficult. It would take years of immersion in that culture to grasp the nuances of their ways. In a way, that led to a major plot path in the story. What I feel is important to say is that I very likely got some of it wrong. I don’t like doing that. I don’t like using “creative license” when it isn’t necessary. So please understand that the information provided about Navajo ‘things’ was only intended to help the story move along. I have great respect and admiration for the Dine’ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo). They have suffered much at the hands of my theoretical ancestors. I apologize if I’ve skewed anything.


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