Mother and Son Alone - Cover

Mother and Son Alone

Copyright© 2021 by Celena

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young mother finally relents to her handsome son's advances

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   First   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Small Breasts  

Hello, My name is Naomi Stone. I’ve always wondered if other mothers and sons might live the way that my son and I do. After much thought, I decided that I should write it all down in the hopes that it could help others who might be in the same situation.

I’m thirty-six years old and widowed. My husband Richard died in a horrible car accident a little over a year after we were married. We had just celebrated the fact that we had gotten pregnant. My gosh, we were elated! We’d been trying

almost since the day we were married.

We both came from good families, but we were both only children, meaning neither one of us had any siblings, and it so happened that neither did any of our parents. By the time our son Ricky was three years old, both sets of his grandparents had passed on, one of the downfalls of them having children late in their lives. They were all in their mid to late forties when Richard and I were born.

I was only twenty years old when Ricky was born, so by the time I was twenty-three, I was a widowed young mother as well as orphaned.

Richard and I had had a wonderful yet very short marriage before he was killed. Oh what a beautiful sex life we’d had in those couple years! He absolutely adored my little body. I was only four feet eleven, with perky little “A” cup breasts, a flat tummy and a tight little ass. There was Asian and Native American heritage in my family, and as a result, my shoulder length hair is shiny and so black that it’s almost dark blue, and I have big brown eyes and fairly dark skin.

Richard loved that I let my pubic hair grow wild, saying that he loved the natural look. And I loved how he constantly had his face buried in

there. He just loved rooting around, looking for my delectable love-honey, and he always made my little kitty just RUN with that honey. When he’d make me cum, I’d always squirt gallons! My God, I miss him.

After mine and Richard’s parents passed away, my son was all the family that I had, and I wanted him with me constantly. As the years passed, we became closer and closer.

My parents had been very wealthy, and when both passed, they left me very wealthy. Richard had planned ahead and bought a very large life insurance policy, so between the insurance pay-out and my

inheritance, I would never have to worry about money. Every day though, I would have traded all of that money for just one more day with both my parents and Richard.

I’d bought a quaint, two bedroom, two bath cabin that was on thirty acres of mostly wooded land. The woods were dense, and my cabin sat almost a mile back on the property. And that’s the way I liked it. It wasn’t because I didn’t like people, it’s just that I’m a dyed-in-the-wool nudist, at least when no one is around. I was never embarrassed about my body. My parents instilled that in me. From the time that I was fourteen, it was normal for us to

visit nude beaches or nature camps. From that age on, seeing both parents nude was nothing unusual. To us, naked skin was normal. Yep, we were all free spirits. So being nude around my son after he’d turned fourteen was an everyday occurrence at my house. I’d asked Ricky right after his birthday if he’d mind if I stopped wearing clothes while we were home. He answered, “I wouldn’t mind at all Mom, as long as the same rules apply to me too!”

One day while he was out of school for spring break, we were sitting in opposite chairs and watching TV. I’d been sitting “Indian style” in my chair and without realizing it, I’d let

my knees relax and and now my little kitty was in full view. I just happened to look up at my son and noticed that he was staring at my exposed crotch.

Ricky finally realized that he’d been busted. I said, “Ricky, is there anything you want to ask me? I know what you were staring at. You’re getting to be older, so anything that’s on your mind, it’s okay to talk about.”

He looked at me and his face was beet red. He swallowed hard and tried to speak. “Uh ... ummm ... I’m s ... sorry Mama. I’ve ... uh ... never really paid much attention to you ... down ... there. You know,

ummm ... where you ... umm ... p ... pee from?

I had to smile, because he was so cute in his innocence. I said, “ Well, if you’re old enough to be curious about human anatomy, then you’re old to enough to learn.”

I decided to take what some would consider a very ... bohemian approach. I turned the TV off, got up from my chair, and walked into the kitchen.There, I opened the “junk drawer”, ( don’t judge, everybody has one ) reached in and grabbed a flash light. He’d followed me so I reached for his hand and said, “Come on buddy, let’s go into my bedroom and you can have a close-up look

around, that is, if you want. Okay?” If he wants to get a close-up view of my puss, I was going to let him. Better me than internet pornography, at least that’s how I justified it.

I propped up some pillows against the headboard of my bed and laid down, making myself comfortable. I then told him, “ Come on up here and join me. Here, take this other pillow and when I raise my bottom up, put it under me. That way my vagina will be nice and high so you can get a good view.” He was mesmerized to say the least.

I then said, “First things first: you know how you and have been going

around naked, since you’ve been fourteen, while we’re home? Well, I know that you realize that most other families aren’t as nonchalant about family nudity as we are. You and I have even spoken about it, about how we shouldn’t tell anyone at school or any other people, right? Well, what we’re about to do HAS to be kept between us, okay? The way I see it, you’re my son and I’ll raise you as I see fit. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of. Whether you’re short, fat, tall, skinny or old and wrinkly, it doesn’t matter. You should always be body-positive.”

He said, “I understand Mama. I’m like you. I hate wearing clothes. I

like being naked!”

That made me smile! My gosh I love this boy! “Okay son, what would you like to know first? Like I said, you can ask me anything. No subjects are off limits, and you can use this flashlight to see better if you want.”

He sat in thought for a moment, then finally said, “Ummm ... are all girls that hairy between their legs?” I answered, “ Not all women have as much hair on their vaginal area as I have. Some women choose to either trim their pubic hair or remove it completely. I like the natural look and so did your father. He used to love to run his fingers through it.

He’d always say how it felt like silk. And besides, pubic hair has a function. It’s there to collect and concentrate pheromones.”

Ricky looked lost in thought for a moment, then asked, “What are phe ... pheromones?” I answered, “Pheromones help humans and others animals attract a mate. Some insects and other things put out pheromones as well. Tell you what, now don’t be embarrassed or shy, but put your face down closer to my vagina.” I spread my legs out wide and pulled my knees up so he could have better access. He looked at me for a while, then slowly began to dip his face down to within just a

couple inches from my vagina. I asked, “Do you notice a faint, slightly musky aroma?” He answered in the affirmative. “That my son, is a woman’s special aroma, and it contains pheromones. People aren’t usually attracted just by pheromones anymore. Men and women are attracted to each other for a number of reasons. But once they’re attracted to each other, eventually kissing and hugging will come into play. And if they’re REALLY attracted to each other, they’ll both start thinking about having sex. That’s called being ‘turned on’. Then that slightly musky aroma will get stronger and stronger

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