Eric Olafson, Neo Viking (Vol 1)
Copyright© 2000 by Vanessa Ravencroft
Chapter 30: Out in the Cold
The lights flickered and Astrid said.” Looks like his Tech stop has trouble to get through our armor and hardened systems. She then pried open an access panel and said.” I am sure I can fix this!”
Her hands pulled chip connectors and reset them and then she turned. Eric flip open your left armrest. Beneath is the Code sequencer. They could not have altered your Command Codes, without your permission! All they did is bypass it and tying in their own!”
I did and pressed my hand on the now exposed DNA reader.” The lights came back on strong and Astrid said.” Shields engaged. Just then two of the Gauss projectiles slammed into us. The kinetic energy made the boat shudder, but the shields held.
I leaned back in the seat. “I had about enough of these bastards! Sif both engines to full throttle, dive planes to 60 percent and take us on 91 degrees north.”
She pushed the accelerator levers for both screws and said.” Aye!”
Astrid closed the panel and threw a compact device on the floor.” You got full control now, weapons too!”
“Open gun ports and charge FTL’s!”
“Faster than light Forced Energy Projectors extended and at 98 percent Eric!”
The green cross hairs wandered across the main viewer, turned red as they lined up with the first Brunar Boat.” Fire!”
The Poseidon was pushed sideways as two sun bright spears of light hit the Brunar boat and virtually vaporized it and a few thousand gallons of water with it. An enormous gaseous bubble with debris and superheated gases rushed to the surface.
One Bendixen and one Lindbergh boat remained intact and both forgot about their own conflict, turned and tried to flee, side by side.
I turned on Nilfeheim radio.” This is Eric Olafson speaking, calling both fleeing boats. Stop your engines and surface. If you do not I blow you both out of the water!
“Astrid, target a spot next to the second boat!”
“FTL’s still charging, Eric and at 34 percent.”
“Switch to Sub-Roc.”
The left torpedo tube of the Poseidon opened and an underwater missile accelerated fast driven by bubble streaming rocket motors, covered the distance to the second Brunar boat, in a few heartbeats slipped underneath its bow and exploded only about fifty meters beyond them. The shock wave tumbled both boats like toys and reached us a half a minute later as well, with much less force however. The Radio crackled in the typical way all ELF transmissions did and I heard Brunar Bendixen’s voice.” We surrender and surface now!”
A second voice came on.” This is Isegrim Olafson. Our boat is damaged but I think we can emergency surface.”
There was no help we could render to the first Lindbergh boat. Its hull pierced on both sides. Filled with water, sinking like a stone. If anyone in there survived the explosion they were already beyond the depth of even Nilfeheim swimmers.
Astrid rubbed her temples.” The voice of your Old man can be pretty loud when he is excited, but I knew what I was doing. “She turned and grinned. “I always wanted to become an Engineer you know, a real one!”
Sif simply hugged us both and Astrid said. “What you did earlier was really hot in a very twisted way. I am sorry but I get confused with two Sif’s around!”
I remembered that I still wore the mask and rushed in my cabin to change.
All four sub marines floated on the surface. Their crews standing on the decks Astrid remained behind the control of the FTL turrets and the snub-nosed muzzles moved back and forth in their ball like turret housings aiming at the other boats. I too was on the top of my boat standing by the bow as Sif steered the boat slowly towards the red sub of my father. He was supported by two of his crewmen. The wind was ice cold and the sea was rough but Sif expertly steered the boat with the waves and limited the rocking. She was even better than I thought.
The men with Father were Greifen and Bjorgolf. I knew the other three by sight but not by name. I yelled over “What is wrong with him?”
Father answered himself.” I broke my leg as the explosion hit us.”
Greifen added.” Your Sire also hit the steel frame with his head real bad.”
I smirked and yelled back.” Better check that steel frame then, knowing the thick skull he has!”
Brunar Bendixen yelled using an amplifier.” It is not over! You might have the upper hand now but I challenge you right now Isegrim Olafson! You are the clan leader of the Olafsons and if I win you are as dead as if on the ground of the Ocean and I will be lord over what was yours!”
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