Eric Olafson, Neo Viking (Vol 1)
Copyright© 2000 by Vanessa Ravencroft
Chapter 25: Mutation
The doctor smiled as he removed the Derma-patcher from my face.” The thing was missing you, Eric. You haven’t been here for a while!”
“It was sort of quiet; at least in the being hurt part of my life!”
He padded me on the shoulder. “I was joking Eric. I am glad you don’t show as regularly as you used to. No worries the rest of this crazy world keeps me and my staff quite busy.”
“So you haven’t gone to that Kentucky place of yours?”
“Not yet, but I am still planning to do so. My contract runs out in two years. Kentucky isn’t just any place you know. It is perhaps the most beautiful place on the entire planet, but then I guess it’s where I am truly home and that seems to everyone always the nicest place.”
“I am beginning to see the beauty of our world, but I still want to leave.”
He looked at his readout that was floating before him like a soap bubble and with a flick of his finger made it vanish.”Well your are good as new, but I am curious about that mutation you developed.”
I blinked confused.”What mutation?”
He shrugged. “I am no Gene mutation expert but I was under the impression they used sea turtle DNA to splice into the Settlers of Nilfeheim, but it seems you are growing a new sensory organ much akin to the electro sonar senses, Terran sharks and I think the Tyranno fins of this world have.”
“Not that I understood half of what you said, Dr. Dwyer but you are saying I am growing something? Is it dangerous, do you want to treat me for it?”
He shook his head. “It doesn’t appear to be dangerous and it seems to be a normal development, but you are the first. It could be some left over DNA strand from the days of old and you are the first actually developing it. As I said I am no expert on this, but I have downloaded the scans to Med Center and they weren’t concerned just mildly interested.”
I touched my head.”I don’t feel anything different, but to be told I am mutating something isn’t very comforting. What did you mean by Sea turtle DNA and what are those?”
“You know you can breathe underwater, as all of you can. Nowadays it is strictly regulated and in most cases simply prohibited to do much DNA splicing and tailoring but back in the days of the Second Exodus when all those colonists left Earth, it was widely used and with little thought of the consequences.”
I know about the Gene Clone wars. We discussed them in school.”
“Well to answer your question, the DNA tailors wanted to make the Settlers heading for a Water world more adapted to their new home and decided to give you gills and better eyes. Normal fish gills were deemed impractical, so they opted to give you similar abilities as Terran sea turtles. As they can’t really breathe under water like a fish but have a gill like system that allows them to be submerged for a very long time in both fresh and salt water. Something most fish can’t by the way.
The ability you are developing however seems that of a different species. It’s more that of a shark or as I said that of a Tyranno. Now it is possible the DNA Techs on earth have experimented with shark DNA on one or maybe two families before they left Earth and it may have surfaced in a few generations every now and then. To all this you need to add the DNA repairs the Union clinic did to Nilfeheim settlers over the past 2000 years. So it is very rare but not totally uncommon that there would be a mutation. Since it seems it is part of your DNA and perhaps it was triggered since you are now in the puberty phase of your development. I would not worry about it much. If you feel any discomfort you can always come back and I have another look.”
“What DNA repairs?”
“Your world had a very small Gene pool to begin with and since you don’t travel as much or expand it would have deteriorated. Now I know they kill deformed or handicapped children on this cruel world but even that could have not prevented a serious DNA pool problem without the Union clinic intervening once in a while. It isn’t done much anymore; you reached a good gene pool level now.”
“What do you think will happen to me?”
“Medical Main on Paracelsus ran a simulation and they think you or maybe your children will develop some sort of sonar sense. Probably quite useful in the water.”
“Maybe that explains how I could somehow see Steiner attacking even with blood in my eyes.”
“Probably does. So I would not worry about it. Are you too old for a stick of sparkle bright?”
“Probably not!”
He handed me one, wished me good luck and I left the clinic. A little confused about the whole mutation thing but the doctor wasn’t worried and that was more or less good enough for me. He was one of the few persons I trusted completely.
Father and the other clan chiefs half a dozen elders, even uncle Hogun actually waited for me outside. Isegrim not being responsible for me being in the Clinic was as novel as the fact that he actually waited, but then I remembered I promised to pay for two boats and I was sure that was his reason.
They greeted me and Father handed me Mördaren.” You did well today! The name Olafson is whispered with respect up and down the Wharf!”
Hogun simply hugged me again. “When will you learn to stay away from this place? You keep picking fights and always with swords and weapons. “Then he smiled. “Adolph Lindbergh has ordered a banquet to celebrate the purchase of boats, your heroic fight and the official friendship to the Elhir clan. I put a young Fangsnapper on the spit just for you!”
In all this strange development, his simple warmness and care made me feel much better. Not that I had the same regrets as I still had about killing the Steiner boy. I still ended a life and I heard the old man’s word’s echoing in my head.” Death is awful final, Eric!”
I wondered what he would say if he heard about this and I decided to call the old man tonight, maybe he had purchased himself a PDD by now and was registered on GalNet.
Our group went back to the wharf and father turned and what he said almost floored me.” What is your opinion, Eric my Son? I was thinking about the New Sweden Sub model, but the others are good as well. You are more in tune with modern technology as I am. I will listen to your opinion!”
The Peerson clan chief laughed.” It took you a long time to recognize your son for what he is, Old Isegrim, but it is good!”
I didn’t buy it, something had to be wrong. This was the father who wanted me dead, beat me daily and tortured me without remorse. He had killed my mother and yet he acted as if nothing ever happened and now he asked me for my opinion. But I played along, even if this sudden change was temporary or just on the surface, it was better than before.
He nodded and sighed. “Yes Gunnar, there is much to be said and done, there is even more that never should have been done or said, but even I cannot remain blind to what the Gods trying to show me for a long time, that he is indeed my Son and a true Olafson.”
I tried to ignore what he said and instead gave him my opinion on the boats.” I think they are all equally good manufacturers and their products are comparable, but since this is a serious investment I agree with your choice and we should buy the best possible and stay with one manufacturer for ease of parts and maintenance.’
We did go to the New Sweden stand and after looking at the Holos of various models and picking the features he wanted, the sales man said.” You picked the top of the line and he scribbled a number on a PDD pad and slid it over to father. He whistled and scratched his beard. I glanced over and saw the number 4, 5 million Credits.
The salesman said.” We can offer loan packages.”
I looked at father, and then said.” We take them, do you allow me to pay for it father?”
He simply nodded.
The Salesman blinked and then grinned all over his clean shaven face. “What a pleasure to do business with you. I put in the order right now and you should expect delivery in two month.”
Why my personal allowance account held over 16 million was not entirely clear to me, but I had contacted Mr. Silverzweig and he did assure me that everything was fine and that it was my money indeed and that I still would get full control over the rest when I was sixteen. He said something about the interest my main inheritance earned would make sure I did not have to worry about money.
The fact that we bought two boats was talked about all over at the banquet an hour later, New Sweden Maritime insisted on paying for the festivities.
The two men of the Greifswald Werft found me and Sid Winslow simply took a seat across me at the table and said with a smile on his face. “She is a beauty and well maintained. There is nothing wrong with her. I suggest you let us update the reactor though. It’s nearly at the end of its lifetime and if you use the flight modus it will take much energy.”
“What flight modus?”
He laughed. “You are joking of course. You must know your Poseidon is fully flight capable and if you want to replace the missing Isah Pods. It is fully space-worthy with very old but still good shield generators.”
His partner Piotr shook his head.”I wouldn’t recommend that, the FTE’s and the torpedoes are not legal. Down here no one cares but that is still serious military hardware, being 500 years old or not, you would need a license.”
“It can fly?” I spurted out.
“Of course, and why not? You can add Arti-Gravs as option to any boat and sub. Your old sub however was meant to fly from the start. The Markan Wars are over for 550 years now but still famous in terms of war ship building.”
“I never heard of these wars.”
“It was a local thing between two Ocean rich twin planets. Most of the conflict was fought in and on the planets oceans, it reached the apex as they nuked the shit out of Markan One and Union forces ended it by arresting the King of Markan II on Genocide charges. Most wars are now fought in space or on planet surfaces with equipment that can operate in any environment. But dedicated naval units, real ships meant to operate in water are rare nowadays. Your Poseidon was meant to fly between those planets as well”
Adolph Lindbergh came over, ignorant of the Off-worlders and was all serious. “Your advice to have the PDD examined confirmed that my son was murdered. The SII technicians say only a directed EM pulse could have disabled the PDD and the only thing capable of doing such is a device called Tech Stop. Then he did turn to the men from Greifswald.” I want to order a boat with weapons!”
I heard Piotr say.” Maybe not as rare as I thought!”
Adolph left with the two talking business.
I wondered if this was the begin of new clan wars and if Nilfeheim would survive another period of clan wars, fought with modern weapons again. The words of the Off world engineer about nukes made me worry. I am sure this could escalate and someone might get the idea to nuke a burg or two and that would certainly be the end of Nilfeheim.
I needed the advice of the Old man, badly and wanted to go to downtown to make a GalNet call as my PDD was not GalNet enabled and Uncle Hogun’s was locked away and turned off.
But I was called over by father and the others and asked to sit with them and Uncle Hogun placed a tankard before me. “Drink Nephew! The food will be right out.”
I wanted to say something about the Ale and he leaned closer.”It’s Sparke bright soda, but in a man’s mug. Just be careful not to get a purple beard again!”
I had to laugh and forgot about my own idea to go and make a call and seek advice. Sif’s father was sitting with us and he was merry and toasted me and my father.
I actually started to enjoy myself. The food was delicious and there was so much, and the men talked to me and there was laughter and even my father laughed and somehow looked different when he did.
The tables had been put up outside, the weather was nowhere near as nice as it was during Grandfather’s funeral and the temperatures slowly dropped planet wide, but it was not raining and Hogun’s helpers wheeled braziers out, as the sun was about to disappear behind the horizon.
Leif Elhir was just telling a tall story about a Tyranno Hunt as he mentioned seeing a White Tyranno, why this made me turn my head and listen more closely I could not say, especially since I did not believe in that old tale, that surfaced every so often. But Leif Elhir was not known to be a man of great imagination either.
“I tell you it is the truth! “He slammed his tankard on the table. “Just out by the Naffjord trench. You know where the Ocean really gets deep. I saw him in the distance! Glowing white he was almost as if there was a light inside. First I thought I get him, but my Harpoon man said it was still out of reach. We could only see him so well because he was so big!”
Peerson wiped foam of his lip. “My father has seen him too, the Big one! All white he said he was. And he was sure it was a male! My father was no coward and I challenge anyone who says otherwise but he said he was too afraid to even get close enough for a shot.”
Leif said. “I am no coward either, but I would not spear that White one even if I could. I think it is something like an Elder among the Tyranno’s. A fish worthy to be slain by Odin alone.”
I never heard father tell any stories but he too participated. “I saw that White one only recently, and it was up here and not down by the Uhim grounds! I do not think it is meant to be hunted.”
“Well I suppose it is possible, there is a white Tyranno. “ Said Uncle Hogun setting down more mugs.” Albinos are rare but not unheard of in any species. I think they have seen a white Fangsnapper too, down south.”
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