Eric Olafson, Neo Viking (Vol 1)
Copyright© 2000 by Vanessa Ravencroft
Chapter 13: Funeral
The image of Ardalf’s face as the sword slipped into his body would not leave me and I dreaded going to sleep even more than before. When I finally was so tiered I had to sleep I would dream and see the scene all over. One particular dream was especially disturbing as I saw my mother standing by the dead boy and shaking her head.
Father was busy integrating the Steiner clan and he left me completely alone, even when I was at the burg and he was there. I spend most of my time at Uncle Hogun’s now anyway. In school they treated me now with a different kind of respect and usually made a b line around me. Even Yngve grew distant and did not talk to me as much as he used to and when I asked him he said. “They won’t admit it, but most of them are afraid of you now. As much as they like to talk tough and appear to be killing Vikings, you have actually done it.” Then he added looking away.”I however will admit it, Eric. I am afraid. I can’t help it. I saw you fight Ardalf on Nilfeheim Radio.”
I could not even find words to defend myself. I just wished I could wash that sticky feeling of my hands. No matter how much I washed my hands. I still had this sticky feeling I had when my hands were caked with blood.
Yngve sighed. “I am leaving Nilfeheim very soon anyway. My father thinks it is better I finish Union school on Helgoland. I have an Uncle there and he invited me. He said it would be less stressful for me there and they do have better facilities and offer advanced classes.”
“How soon will that be?”
“I will leave at the fifth of September.”
“That is less than two weeks.”
“I know Eric, and I can’t wait. I was off planet and out there I do not have to fear bullies or proof myself killing. Sorry Eric, you’ve been a good friend, no doubt. But I am simply incompatible with our world.”
A friend of Uncle Hogun was now training me three times a week. He was a strange man, named Carl Lindgren, who lived in an apartment right under the roof of the Inn. He did not speak much, and was almost as brooding as Richard the brooding Off-Worlder living with te Keepers. He had a thin but very athletic looking body. Carls gray beard was a sorry looking thin grizzle and he had many scars on his body and one across his face that gave him an especially evil look, but when it came to fighting with an ax he had no equal, so Hogun said and I was almost certain he would even be able to stand against Richard for a little while only when it came to the spear he grunted once a word of praise as I scored a few times.” You either were born with a darn spear in your hand or you had a teacher that is beyond anyone on Nilfeheim.”
Uncle Hogun would sit in the back yard and watch us train. I could concentrate and forget my nagging guilt only when I was diving or when I needed all my wits in a bout with Carl Alhquist. I never heard of a Alhquist clan and Uncle Hogun told me never to mention that before Carl.
It was a few days before my birthday as we just had finished and I was soaked with sweat and put the Sword on the rack. Carl’s body was also glistening as he sat next to Uncle Hogun and received a tankard of ale. Hogun smiled and said.”Seeing you two go at it is a feast for the eye. Carl wiped his lips and with his gnarly voice said.” Maybe another year and that whippersnapper will give me a run for my money. I would love to meet whoever taught him.”
Aunt Freydis who never came out in the yard before suddenly appeared in the door and her usual smiling face was replaced by an expression of sorrow and distress and she said breathless.” They just said it over the radio. Eric’s grandfather died in a flier accident on Pluribus!”
At first I thought she had misunderstood, but Hogun rushed into the house only to call me moments later.
He had opened the wooden cabinet where he was keeping the large vid screen and his GalNet terminal. Lars Igvarhein sitting behind a desk said.” Again these are breaking news. We just received word from the Union Capitol that our Representative Erik Gustav Ragnarsson was killed in a flier accident. Details are not yet known only that Union Police is investigating. A picture of grandfather appeared behind the media man and a ticker band repeated the news. Then the screen went dark switched to blue and an official looking logo appeared. A voice said.” Incoming Call for Eric Olafson from Union Police headquarters.”
Uncle Hogun appeared behind me and put both of his hands on my shoulders and said.” Call accepted. Eric Olafson is here.”
A dignified looking man in dark blue uniform appeared and he too had a somber face. I was not thinking anything at that moment. My mind was blank or I simply wanted to believe I was just imagining what happened and yet I knew it was all too real. The man spoke.”Are you Eric Olafson?”
“Yes.” I managed to say.
“I am Captain Bartholomew Swiggard of the Union Police of Pluribus Unum. We found your name as contact in your Grandfather’s documents. There is no easy way to say this, but I have the sad duty to inform you that your Grandfather Erik Gustav Ragnarsson, Planetary representative of Nilfeheim lost his life in a tragic flier accident. As it looks, his flier was hit by a malfunctioning heavy cargo bot. We are still at the beginning of our investigation and will of course keep you posted, on behalf of the department and myself I would like to express me deep felt condolences.”
“My grandfather can’t be dead! He...”
“I am sorry, Son, the med crew said he did not suffer. Death was instantaneous.”
I tried to straighten myself, “Is there anything I must do? Bring him home?”
“No, son. Despite the fact that he was the representative of a small world, he was well respected and liked and the assembly will arrange everything.”
After Grandfather told me about the young businessman and his excuse for not following up on arresting father, I did not think of him as I did before, still he was my grandfather and I knew he had cared for me. His death came as a shock to me.
That Uncle Hogun had guided me to a table and Aunt Freydis put a cup of hot chocolate before me I barley registered. The we sat around the table saying nothing.
One of the first guests walked for that evening and said.” I heard what happened. Will you be open tonight?”
Hogun nodded.” Yes, the Inn will be open. Erik Gustav would not have wanted it any other way. Business is business he always said.”
The Inn slowly filled and those guests who knew that the Ragnarsson clan Chief was my grandfather came over and offered their condolences to me. I accepted them in the proper and formal ways of our planet as the entire situation slowly sank in. Grandfather was dead. He was the only thing that stood between me and my father’s greedy fingers. Now the Ragnarsson clan was officially dead and the name would be buried along with the shields and flags in the Cave of Extinct clans, a cave in the side of Mount Asgard behind the field of graves. It had been part of the school excursion. I was now the rightful heir but I was by our damned laws an Olafson first. I could not take on the name of Ragnarsson. If I ever had sons and would want to give my second born the same chances as my first born. I could allow him to revive this old name and split my belongings and the clan in half giving each son a fair share and his own name.
That a second born got his fair share on Nilfeheim in this manner was rarer than finding a White Tyranno. I knew of no story or incident were a third or fourth born getting anything. I never liked unfair situations and the more I thought about Nilfeheim laws and customs the more I hated them.
By custom I was the heir but I was not able to do anything about it until I was sixteen. Father would in the meantime in full control as I could not be!
The Elder who acted as the speaker of the Circle approached me and I got up to pay the required respect, but he motioned for me to sit back down. “I am here because the greatest man of this planet died. A man who has done more for this world than we will ever truly know, man who was a personal old friend of mine. I am here to pay my respect to you, his grandson and to make sure his last will is carried out!”
A dark shadow appeared in the door frame, filling it almost completely. I knew this silhouette well. It was that of my father. He entered and stomped towards me and the Elder. Hogun came rushing form behind the bar and as he stomped by tankards started shaking on the heavy table. Father held up his hand. “I am not here to fight or argue with you Brother. I am here because I heard the news and was summoned by the Speaker of the Elders.”
Father glared at me and I was certain he was hiding a triumphant smile behind his beard, but his eyes signaled hatred and promise of pain.” I see you teach that misbegotten son of mine, that dribble of scum that run down my leg his rightful place. Sitting in the draft room with drunkards and the Low men, the Servants and have-nots.”
“He has provided you with the riches of the Steiner clan, brought much honor to the name of Olafson and you are still not satisfied with his performance? You still treat him like an outcast? “The Elder asked with a surprised tone.”What must he do to gain your acceptance?”
Father snorted. “If he declares before the elders that he steps back from all his rights as first born and thus makes my beloved Lothar heir of all. Then I will consider myself satisfied and will allow him to be raised by this apron wearing Innkeeper.”
My old friend Erik has actually predicted you would act this way and it might come to a surprise to you that he had taken measures to protect his grandson and his interests. Here is what the Circle of Elders has me say to you:
“Erik Gustav Ragnarsson is still the clan leader until such time he received a Warriors Funeral and all the honors this world can bestow upon his memory and only after the Sigil and the flag of the Ragnarssons is buried in the Caves of Honored Past he is that no longer! Until then the Elders will decide if Erik Olafsons deed killing two Tyranno Fins and serving the Gods at Hasvik with Honor is to be considered an adult. All Ragnarsson business until then is to be conducted by the man chosen to do that and that is Hogun.”
Father’s smile vanished and said.”Then I shall take steps that make this a mood point. Eric you come now with me to the Burg and the last time you will be seen in public is when you declare your decision to accept Lothar as the first born.”
The Elder leaned forward.” This is a very personal message from me Isegrim. I know where Harkun was and what he did. Should Eric not return to Union school every day until he reaches his sixteenth year. I will forget that I am an Elder and remember that I am a Union Citizen too.”
Father suddenly started sweating! His mouth opened and closed and I wondered just what Harkun did that was so shocking. Father said.” I give my word then.”
The Elder nodded.” I hold you to it!”
Father got up and growled.” You may remain with your Godfather for now until I say otherwise!
Then he stomped out.
The Elder then took Hogun to the side and both disappeared in the kitchen. It took at least half an hour before Hogun and the old man returned and Hogun’s face showed shock and anger. I clearly saw how he tried to keep himself under control and then returned to take care of his guests.
I was excused from school for two days and for the next two weeks I only had to return to the Burg for the weekend. I did not see anything of father, but Harkun told me that I was to remain in my room or do my chores and not to go near the High Halls. Uncle Hogun did not speak much with me at all and said he was too busy with going over the accounts and the business things grandfather had left behind. Then the body of Grandfather arrived and Uncle Hogun took me with the flier not to the Spaceport but to the empty plain outside town and what I saw brought back what I really wanted. Before it was only a dream, now my desire to become a Star ship captain lit a fire inside me. A real 3000 meter Union Battleship had landed. It was taller and more massive as any surface mountain on Nilfeheim. A gleaming wedge shaped man made object, dwarfing Mount Asgard nearby to insignificance. Every skimmer and floater of Nilfeheim was there and yet they all would have found room in just one of the ship’s cargo holds. To my friend Yngve it was the sight of Pluribus that made him realize the true power of the Union. To me it was this ship. Space Marines in their crisp midnight blue Uniforms came marching down a ramp lowered to the ground from the ships bottom side. Uncle Hogun who had brought me right to that ramp and a man in black Uniform, bare of decoration, except for three golden rings on each of his sleeves flanked by the marines stopped before me and saluted with crisp precision moves.”I am Captain Horatio Reynolds of the new battleship USS Ragnarsson and I have the great honor and the sad duty to bring home to you Eric Olafson, the remains of your Grandfather Erik Gustaf Ragnarsson.”
He turned on his heels and eight beings not all of them human carried the coffin down the ramp, where it was received by eight Elders, and the old men themselves carried it all the way to the Thingstead roundhouse.
The Captain of the ship shook my hand and the gestured to the ship.” This Trafalgar Class Battleship was received by the United Stars Navy only a week ago and by a resolution passed in the assembly with 100 percent of the votes it was named to honor your grandfather.”
“I thought he was just the representative of this our planet?” I finally managed to say, not able to take my eyes of the ship.
“He was indeed but it does not matter how small the place you come from is, if you conduct yourself with honor and you treat others with respect. Your Grandfather so I was told was also a leading voice in the Trade and Finance committee, well respected for his opinions and his council. The beings that carried his remains off the ship are all from the Assembly and they all respected and liked your Grandfather.”
Hogun took me by the shoulder and led me away” You need to be with your grandfather. That is tradition and everyone is watching you know, especially your father. It is expected you stand at least four hours guard at his bier while he lies in state.”
The body of my grandfather had been dressed in his traditional Neo Viking clothing and he was holding an ax. The lower part of the body was covered by the Ragnarsson flag. He did not really look like I remembered him. It was more like looking at something artificial.
The Elders were there sitting in their traditional seats in the roundhouse. Grandfather’s seat was decorated with another Ragnarsson flag. One of them stepped forward and handed me Grandfathers sword.” He had willed this to you while he was alive and now it is proper you receive it and the Circle of Elders has decreed you earned right and honor to carry it at all times. The Elder girded it around my waist. I now saw father sitting in his seat in the rafters leaning back hand to his chin and observing everything. He actually held his whip coiled in his right hand and I felt his eyes on me even when I was not looking
Hogun pointed me at a spot right to the right hand of Grandfather and said.” You stand there. Try to remain there as long as possible. In the wee hours you can take a break. I am here too.”
To my surprise I saw Greifen and a few of the other Servants and Freeman of the Ragnarsson clan decked out in their finest and wearing Ragnarsson Black and twenty two clan chiefs. After I found my spot the clan chiefs made a line and the first stepped before me. “The Lindgren clan was a stout ally of the Ragnarsson clan and when seals and flags of this noble name are laid in the Caves, let you be assured the Lindgren’s will not forget and our oaths shall be renewed with you.”
The other clan chiefs said similar vows and each time they turned and looked up where father sat. Greifen who stood to my left said, without really moving his lips. “Every time your father wants to ease things on you and try to somehow make peace with you, his wife spews her poison and makes him do the opposite. He was proud as any father when you slayed the Tyrannos, but when he wanted to celebrate she called him in her chambers and as he came out he was mad at you. The day you gave him the Steiner clan I heard him say to Harkun how proud he was of your conduct. After he left the bed chamber everything has changed again.”
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