Eric Olafson, Neo Viking (Vol 1)
Copyright© 2000 by Vanessa Ravencroft
Chapter 5: Grandfather
Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach.
This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore brand new stuff as his mother took great care before he left home, today his tunic was ripped and his breeches dirty.
Yngve’s family belonged to one of the newest clans who weren’t older than maybe two or three generations. He was much ridiculed over this fact. Yngve’s parents were not as strictly tradition minded and their home featured many off world technology items. For which I envied him. “Who beat you up today?” I asked more or less knowing the answer.
He shrugged and wiped the blood from his lips. “Annar and Gunnar, the twin brothers did it this time but they were egged on by Sigvard.”
Fighting, brawling was prohibited on school grounds and strictly enforced. “So they are going to be in real trouble if the teacher asks what happened to you.”
“I can’t. Sigvard said he kills me and his clan will attack my family and beat up my parents. I will take the detention I am going to get for not speaking but I am not telling anything to Mr. Walters.”
I sighed and said. “We still have some time. Let’s go to the washroom and see if we can fix you up a little. You know the teacher could give you up to 20 days detention.”
He shrugged again defeated and sighed at the same time.” What can I do? Our clan is very small and far dispersed. We have no Burg we can defend and whatever they do to my family, the Circle of Elders will rule in favor of the Old clan.”
We had reached the bath rooms, no one else was there as everyone else was getting ready for class and he started washing his face and putting a cold towel on his eye.” I know you got a raw deal with your father, but you are Olafson and have Ragnarsson blood. The Elders are made up of men of the old clans and the Traditions are always interpreted in favor of them, always! Father often says so.”
“Maybe I should tell what happened!”
“You are out of your mind. The Peerson’s can’t wait for you to do anything stupid to have an excuse to jump all over you and Sigvard hates you because he is jealous of your clan!”
“I am not afraid of them. There is nothing they can do to me that has not already been done to me much worse at home.”
He tossed the towels in the recycler and we both headed for class as we had little time to spare and Mr. Walters was a stickler for punctuality.
“You know sometimes I think I should be more afraid of you than Sigvard and his gang!”
I gasped at his statement.” What do you mean by that? I have never hurt you!”
“Of course not, but you are driven insane by your violent father and one day you may snap and do something really unexpected.”
We entered class and everyone was turning and looking. Annar pointed at him and hissed.” You say a word and we going to kill you and take care of your parents the old fashioned Viking way!”
Gunnar the twin brother of Annar grinned deeply. “I would kill myself if I had a looser father like that. A weakling like you and who had ever heard of the Lofdahl clan?”
Yngve clenched his fists but slid in his chair and said nothing.
It was my nature. I could not stay quiet and said.” Whoever heard of the Peerson clan? You just challenged a friend of the Olafson clan and you threatened to attack his home. I wonder what your father will say if he hears you declared clan feud with the Olafsons without your clan Chief saying so!”
Annar became pale. All this old clan stuff was beaten into me on a daily basis and it was easy for me to use it in an argument like that. Despite the fact that it was quite true and Annar would be in a world of trouble.
At that moment Mr. Walters entered the class room.
Walters was almost as massive and strong looking as my father, but he did not have a beard and kept his gray hair closely trimmed to the skull. He wore he usual gray three piece suit and a white shirt underneath. Despite his bulk he could move quickly and completely silent and appear right behind you when you least expected him and thought he was clear across the room.
“Why are you still standing Mr. Olafson? Is there something wrong with your seat or are you planning to leave my class?”
“No Sir!”
“No Sir! Is a good start but not an answer! I asked you a distinctive number of questions!”
He suddenly made a half turn and scolded Sigvard, who was silently snickering. “Since you find that funny, tell me how many questions did I ask Eric?”
Sigvard’s smile froze on his face and he shrugged.” It’s none of my business what you discuss with this Outcast.”
“Wrong answer! I just made it your business and I know you heard every word since you found it funny!”
He pulled his Personal Data Device from his breast pocket. Something he only did for theatrical reasons, and said.” System, record three negative marks against Sigvard Elhir and the same Number against Eric Olafson.”
The Device responded with acknowledging beeps.
“Now be seated Mr. Olafson and good morning Class!”
Everyone responded at the same time and 32 boys said.” Good Morning Mr. Walters.”
He went up to his desk and turned. “Today is the 14th of July 4994 Old Standard time. Do you know what happened exactly 500 years ago on this date?”
He looked over the class and his eyes found Yngve who tried to hide as much as he could by keeping his head down.
“We will discuss the significance of this date after Mr. Lofdahl gave me an answer to the question I am going to ask. Keeping your head down like that could mean you try to hide the facial evidence of tears, lipstick or a fight. Since you are Neo Vikings two of these options are most unlikely. You don’t cry and you are not allowed to interact with girls at this stage!” He came closer and commanded sternly.” Look at me!”
Of course Yngve did and his eye now was really swollen and turning color.
“Now I see clear evidence of a fight on you and since it is you I doubt I find similar traces on anyone else.”
Gunnar could barely contain his giggle as he heard that remark.
Mr. Walters did not turn.” I was making a logical deduction. Mr. Lofdahl is physically incapable of defending himself against one, much less two or three opponents. That does not mean I think of him any less. I do not have to point out that his mental abilities far outshine anyone elses’.”
The teacher returned to his desk and pulled his PDD and said. “You all know or should know why fighting is prohibited on school grounds. You have been instructed on your first school day and many times since. On many other Union schools in the Galaxy this is just one rule of many and not all that important. Here on Nilfeheim the Union school board found it necessary to make it the number one rule.” He pointed at Gunnar.” Tell me why!”
Gunnar was no longer smiling and got up.” Fighting among pupils and outside of supervised fight classes is strictly prohibited to maintain order and to guarantee a safe and violent free environment to all students.”
“And because you Neo Vikings are one stubborn bunch that likes bashing others over the head. The Circle of Elders has given the Union school unrestricted control over the education process and approved the school rules. By breaking these rules you break both Union law and the Ruling of the Elders. All this is very serious and for this reason I am turning off my PDD and I give you all a chance to clear this issue here in class. Fail me and disappoint my trust and I will turn this over to the principal.”
He sat down behind his desk. “I know of the set of traditions that rule this society. However this is Union ground and that means for example that Mr. Lofdahl and everyone else here is under the protection of the Union. He was attacked under our watch and harmed. He could now insist on Federal Police taking his case.
He looked directly to Gunnar. “Federal Police could come and arrest everyone involved and put you before a federal court. If the court finds that Mr. Lofdahl was injured or perhaps black mailed and threatened it could decide on hefty fines, on forced resettlement of the guilty party to a penalty colony a so forth.”
He leaned back.”Most of you think your clans are very powerful and the Circle of Elders as the final answer. Few of you ever even glimpsed the power and resources of the Union and what it truly means to be a Union Citizen.”
Gunnar who was still standing said. “Sir, it was me and my brother. We roughed Yngve up a bit this morning.”
“It was my brother and me!” The teacher corrected and then nodded.” I already deducted that much.”
Mr. Walters said to Yngve. “Go to the school nurse and come back when she is done with you!”
“Yes, Sir. Mr. Walters.”
“Then you will report this afternoon to the detention teacher for sixteen hours for not immediately reporting the incident.”
Yngve nodded and left the class room.
Gunnar sat down.
“I have not given you permission to sit!”
Gunnar bolted back up.
“Since you came forward. I want to hear your explanation why you did that. What honor was there to be found by you two attacking one? I thought warriors honor was much important to you!”
Gunnar’s face turned red. “It was Sigvard who told us to see how far we could go. Yngve’s clan is weak and new and Sigvard thought we could earn us a few extra credits.”
Sigvard hissed loudly.”Traitors!”
“Gunnar and Annar Peerson you are going to report to the Groundskeeper Office and offer 30 hours of your free time to assist. If you complete your penalty I shall keep my word and there will be no record kept.”
Both brothers nodded in unison. “Yes, Mr. Walters we will do that.”
Annar added. “Thank you Mr. Walters.”
The teacher raised an eyebrow.” Your insight is noted and you may take 10 hours off your penalty.”
He then went over to Sigvard. “ You however will report to the principal right now!”
Sigvard got up.” You Off-Worlders think you can do anything!”
With this he left the class room.
The teacher activated the display board behind him. “Due to the events of today I am going to change the subject of our class today. Instead of history we going to make a little Virtual Excursion and visit a session of the Member Assembly at Pluribus. The class room went dark and we appeared sitting in an invisible space ship approaching a single star system in deep space.”
He pointed at me.” Mr. Olafson. What can you tell me about Pluribus?”
I got up as fast as I could.” It is the name of a Sun and a Solar system with six planets. It is the seat of our federal Government.”
“Indeed it is. Pluribus Unum is the first planet in that system and it is where all members sent their representatives to meet and discuss all matters of state and union and to make decisions.”
The classroom went dark and the display board showed a yellow sun in deep space and the image started to surround us and soon it was as if we sat in an all transparent space ship and approached a bright spot that soon turned into a planet.
“Who can tell me why it is called that way and what does the name mean?”
It was Yngve who answered, which meant he was back from the nurse’s office already.” It means out of many, one! Sir.”
“Ah you are back. It surprised me not that you know it, but I hoped for someone else answering. Mr. Bergeson can you tell me how this name was chosen and why?”
Alvar Bergeson was a quiet guy who sat just behind me cleared his throat and said meekly.” No, Sir I can’t recall this fact at the moment. I think I must have had a faulty Cerebral Upload.”
“No it was not part of your upload package for this quarter. It was part of the research assignment I gave to you all last week.”
“Ah yes Sir, I recall. The assignment, I mean.”
Mr. Walter made a mark on his PDD and said to all of us.”After the Union was formed by the four original member civilizations. It was decided to put a new government system and a new government for all onto a new place. They found the Pluribius System, back then not claimed by anyone and in almost equal distance to Saran, Spor, Ulta and Terra. A naming contest was held among all Union Citizens and after elimination process the name Pluribus was chosen. It is form an old Earth language called Latin and means what Yngve said. We are many individuals, many civilizations, many cultures but we are together in one goal and one future.”
The planet rushed up on us and our invisible space ship slowed down as it descended into the atmosphere. It was always an incredible beautiful experience for me to see a garden world from space. It was so incredibly big when it was approached and yet compared to space a mere speck. The thin blue layer of the atmosphere and clouds it all was a feast of colors that suggested hospitality and life.
Mr. Walters’s voice explained as the world turned beneath us, towards the main continent. “Pluribus Unum has as you might have noticed three continents, huge land masses that unlike your ice continents that form during Longnight never melt. Pluribus Unum is a Planet of many extremes. While it is a classified as a Garden world now, it didn’t start out that way. It is the most populated planet in the Union and more than 40 Billion individuals live and work here, with an additional 40 billion commuting almost daily. Every Corporation has either their headquarters here or a major branch office. Every bank including the Federal Union Bank has offices here. More than 4500 Member Civilizations maintain so called Culture Pavilions, while all 4995 Member Civilizations have Representative Offices with support staff here. Every occupied world is represented. I believe Eric’s Grandfather is the representative of Nilfeheim.
“Not to mention Courts, Federal Associations, Churches and temples.”
He paused as we plunged towards the surface. Walters’s gruff voice was replaced by a melodic female voice.” Welcome future Citizens to Pluribus Unum. I am Utchat, the Giga Computronic of this world and its voice.”
The voice stopped for a moment but a melodic harmony vibrated on then it said.
“As you dive past the Thermosphere into the Mesosphere you will notice the first spires and tops of the tallest Arcologies...”
Walters’s voice interrupted.” One moment Utchat, this class is form a Culture Type 191 P environment.”
His tone changed as he addressed us.”Arcologies are hyper structures. Complete Cities, enormous habitats of extreme high population density. Providing habitation, recreation and in some cases work all in one place.” He then signaled the Computronic to continue.
The female voice seamlessly continued.” The tallest Arcology is Schwartz Industries Sky Needle III with 190 kilometers height. Most of the others that become visible now reach heights of up to 85 kilometers.
The second tallest of Enroe Industries becoming visible now, is open for visitors and can be accessed via Pluribus Unum Virtual Tours.
Walters said.” We are here to see the Assembly today and watch a session.”
“Very good choice.”
The visual images were almost incomprehensible. I saw it all. I knew what I was seeing but I could barely process it. There were countless fliers, in all shapes and sizes buildings upon buildings and between the buildings canyons many kilometers deep, with bridges
and arcs connecting some of them. But it all was dwarfed by a huge white hemisphere and as our virtual flight speeded up and we rushed towards it kept on growing, everything else around it, buildings, green parks, reduced to miniature size.
“This is the Sphere of assembly.” The Computronic Voice explained. “Of course not all representatives are here all the time and some choose to use holographic Avatars, but by custom and not by any rule, most are here in person and here every weekday. The Assembly is always in session around the clock and every day of the year, except during Union Week celebrations.”
We passed through the wall and emerged inside a complete sphere. The dome shaped structure we saw from the outside was only half of the entire structure. The inner walls of the sphere were dotted with small alcoves. Each alcove had a desk and several seats. Humanoids and Non Humanoids alike occupied these alcoves. Our floating class room descended further into the middle of the immense sphere. “As you can see millions of seats are still dark, those are reserved for future members. When the assembly was constructed it was decided to build it with future expansion of the Union in mind. A section of the sphere changed color high lighting sixty eight alcoves and the Voice said.” The seats that I have colorized for you are representatives of the Andromeda Galaxy for example. Who can tell me the first Civilization that joined the Union that was not of this Galaxy?”
I heard Yngve’s voice almost immediately answering.” It was the Petharians.”
The Computronic managed to sound impressed. “Very good and correct indeed. A Knowledge Citation Star has been awarded to you.”
A single seat was highlighted next. “These are the representatives of the Artikaa Civilization, admitted as full members only yesterday. They are the very first civilization that does not belong to our friends of Attikan Hegemony joining us from the Large Magellanic Cloud.”
Our class room zoomed close to an alcove near the top of the sphere.” This is the alcove of your planet. Here your representative adds your voice to this mega culture.”
A man in expensive looking traditional Neo Viking dress, with long fur brimmed leather coat and silver beard and hair expertly braided sat there, talking friendly to a non-humanoid being. I suddenly felt a deep pride coming over me. This was my grandfather, Eric Ragnarsson; I had seen him only once as a child while mother was still alive. I think he might have been at the funeral too, but I did not remember. He looked very stately, and seemed at ease talking to being that looked almost like a very shaggy Fangsnapper.
I wanted to say something to him to let him know I saw him. The Voice said. “I am sorry Future Citizen, but this is a Virtual Experience, there is no interaction with the projected environment or individuals possible.”
“How do they all come to any form of conclusion to a problem?” Someone in the class asked.
Walters responded instead of the Voice.” Good Question Mr. Lindholm. Every problem, proposal or request is first analyzed by the Office of Proposals and is then sent to the Councils. There are eight councils: Military and Defense, Education, Science and Exploration, Health, Finance and Commerce, Justice, Civil Affairs and Security. Each Council gives a recommendation and the proposal or problem is posted on GalNet were every citizen can read about them and leave a comment or opinion. For big issues and major proposals it is advertised and Citizens are encouraged to vote on it. The representatives here can add their opinions and comments why a proposal is good or bad for them or whatever else they want to say to an issue. Finally a Computronic analysis is made considering all opinions, recommendations and the Issue complete with the analysis is put up for a vote. The assembly then has a certain time to vote on it.”
He took a breath.” Sounds a little complicated and it is, but it is the best system we could come up so far to give every citizen the chance to participate.”
Lindholm grunted.” As if the opinion of a single citizen would make a difference!”
Walters responded.” It does and it can. If that citizen’s opinion to an issue is a valid point not only does the Computronic recognize that and raise a flag for that Citizens representative, but it also sends the issue back I the analysis cycle to view the issue with the new aspect included. Besides there is a population of several Centillion sentient beings classified as legal Citizens, the chances that more than one has the same opinion about any given issue is quite high and it is usually never just one citizen who objects or suggests something, but every citizen counts and your opinion and your ideas are as important as these of the president.”
“What does the president do then?” Asked another student
“The Office of the president does not have many functions left, and many experts believe the office of the president will eventually be abolished, but even now it does not interfere with the decision and law finding aspect of the assembly. Its main function is to represent us. In cases of foreign affairs the Assembly can give the president a series of options and the president can then choose among those during negotiations.”
Our class room slowly moved to the center and we could now hear a high pitched voice speaking and an insectoid beings image was projected in midair, a moving text band identified the being as the representative of the Klack Empire.” Fellow Citizens and those assembled here. Her majesty the queen supreme Nt’gtar thk the 745th has asked me to address docket issue five and the continuous Shiss attacks on trade ships running the corridor and she suggests not only an increase of Fleet patrols but the installation of six trade lane forts along the corridor.”
While the Klack spoke a visual representation of the galaxy appeared behind him. All the major species neutral, enemies as well as Union territory were represented in color. Most of the Union was in the upper left quarter of the Galaxy, this quarter was called the Upward sector. The Klack Empire included a considerable area of space in the so called Coreward Sector. There were the Shiss and Nul spheres of influence in between and much unclaimed space. The colorfully highlighted regions were connected with A very long but narrow strip connected the Klack Empire with Union space, known as the Corridor. Of course it was not a physical corridor, but a political one. Its expanse and its boundaries subject of treaties and contracts. An enormous amount of space ship traffic went through that Corridor. Of course neither the Shiss nor the Nul liked the idea that the powerful Klack were Union members now. While the Shiss officially accepted the Corridor they claimed to have no control over private Shiss raiders that kept attacking trade ships.
All this information was transferred via text directly to my retina as I looked at the image.
The representative of a world that was close to the Corridor demanded that war was to be declared against the Shiss and their menace removed once and for all.
While we were there, the Klack proposal was approved and a fleet liaison promised increased fleet patrols along the corridor and the planet representative was happy after it was decided that a special Corridor Patrol fleet was to be created and head quartered in the same system.
The images faded and our classroom returned to its normal boring self.
Walters pocketed his PDD and said.” I want you to write about what you think would be an important Nilfeheim issue that should be addressed by the Assembly and then we will role play an assembly session tomorrow. After the break you are to upload sections four and five of the History Knowledge data package. Do not upload more than these and don’t let me catch anyone forgetting to do it! I will be here to check!”
He sternly looked at each of us and then nodded.” Dismissed for lunch break!”
We had two school yards. One was outside and the other one underground and inside, used during Longnight and it was here were the Cafeteria was.
I glanced over the menu.” Lobscouse again! “I complained to Yngve who stood in line behind me.” Not that I mind it, but she puts way to little fish and way to much beetroot on it.”
“Do you realize that she is doing you a favor? At least in a sense of value. The fish are local silver-flicks and you can buy a full kilo for less than a credit. The beetroot comes from New Holland 70 light years away.”
“I still don’t like it.”
“Well you helped me out big time this morning so I am buying lunch. Take what you want.”
While I had no money at all, father did not find it necessary to give me an allowance Yngve’s father was quite wealthy and Yngve always several hundred Credits to spend on his strip.
Quite happy I accepted his invitation and selected Pizza from the Serve-Matic and Sparkle Bright Soda.”
The Cafeteria’s view ports were actually underwater and for the most part you did not see anything but the same greenish water and the occasional fish.
I just had finished half my pizza when a collective awe made me look. A Rock Shark swam past the view ports. Everyone tried to give their expert opinion on the sex and size of the fish. Mr. Walters and another teacher I didn’t know by name stood almost next to us and he said to Walters.” I am teaching Neo Vikings now for almost eight years on this planet and I never seen a Rock Shark in the water like that. Walters said. “I was just transferred here and I am stunned by the size of that thing.”
“Its a big aggressive fish alright, only second to this worlds Tyranno Fins.”
“Is there a man in the water?” Mr. Walters asked and as he pointed it out we saw it too, there was a swimmer in the water and he was unarmed.
Annar came screaming on top of his lungs down the stairs.” My brother! Sigvard has thrown my brother into the ocean and he poured Bait scent in the water too!”
Form the green depths the gigantic shadow appeared again.
Like everyone else I rushed to the top across the school yard and climbing the shoulder high Duro-Crete wall and then crawling up the piled up tumble of boulders that closed the open end of the “C” against the sea.
There on a big rock stood Sigvard holding a Slayer harpoon in the right, laughing and yelling against the stiff breeze.” This is ancient tradition! This is how we deal with traitors and cowards!”
Mr. Walters was the first teacher that reached the top. Sigvard lowered the Slayer harpoon. “I am dealing with you Off-Worlder! The way we should deal with all space scum that pollute our ways.”
“All this was going on while Gunnar was in the water with a Rock Shark!”
I never liked Gunnar but that was no way to die, without having a chance. I simply had to do something!
Things happened rather quickly. Sigvard was about to shoot, he could not miss and the explosive tipped two meter long harpoon would certainly kill the teacher. This spear gun was magnitudes bigger than the weapon of the mysterious woman that almost killed me. I grabbed a rock and rushed as fast as possible across the rugged boulders to cover the 20 meters that covered us and threw as hard as I could.
Sigvard fired the spear gun the same time my rock hit him against the upper arm. I was close now, I didn’t want to look back, and I could hear the explosive crack of the harpoon hitting something, now I had reached Sigvard. He was taller and much stronger than me, but he held the huge 2 meter long slayer weapon and instead of dropping it to fight me. He worked the reload mechanism to rotate the second barrel into the firing position. Not to give him any chance I kicked him as hard as I could between the legs. His eyes bulged like a Silver flicker fish on land and his hand dropped from the rotating lever. I had to remain on the offensive and not give him any chance to retaliate and as he bend forward I rammed my knee under his chin, his head snapped back and he fell hard on the ground.
The Slayer harpoon rattled as it dropped to the ground. Gunnar was probably long dead. Like all Neo Vikings Gunnar had gills and could breathe underwater.
I did not know what possessed me other than I hated unfair situations and Gunnar’s situation was as unfair as could be, being unarmed in the water with a Tyranno. I grabbed the slayer and jumped.
I hit the water about twelve meters below, even though it was still Shortsummer the water was very cold. My gills opened and cold water rushed inside me. After breathing air, it was always an exhilarating and intense moment to switch to water breathing. It was an act of will to stop breathing with nose and mouth and use the gills but we all learned to do this from very early on. Along with the gills we Neo Vikings had a second eyelid that allowed us to see well under water. However I neither saw the Tyranno fins nor Gunnar, I struggled with my vest, it was not easy to take it off under water while keeping the big slayer harpoon, but I managed. I swam as fast as I could, wishing I had my fins. We had seen Gunnar from the Cafeteria Viewports.
I cannot explain what it was that warned me, but the sudden feeling of something huge made me turn as fast to the right and towards the rocks as possible. My heart made a double take and fear cramped around my throat like an invisible hand as the pointed nose and the huge maw of a shark shot past me, not further than an arm length!
The rush of his propelling tail-fin send me into a tumble and away from the rocks. Then I saw Gunnar, his hands were tied, but he was almost by the rocks. If he could make it, he’d be safe, but the shark was already turning. I completed the reload on the slayer and swam holding the weapon ready and aimed before me. While the Slayer harpoon had been used and made for exact that purpose: to hunt and kill these big fish. I had done it before and not so long ago with Tyrannos
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