Niki's Family Life
Copyright© 2018 by TailWeaver
Chapter 17: A Tail at Home
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17: A Tail at Home - After the adventures in Niki's Descent, and Niki's New Life, Niki and Max have to adjust to their parent's return. Or are the parents the ones that have to do the adjusting.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers BiSexual School Incest Mother Brother Sister Father Light Bond Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Anal Sex Bestiality Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Sex Toys Voyeurism Water Sports Nudism
Carol heard the front door open and assumed that Max and Niki had returned, it was still too early for Roger to be getting home. She had been glad that Max was out most of the day, as she was still not sure how to react after all that had happened yesterday. It was easier to be by herself, alone with her thoughts, with her memories of the day before - though that was going to change soon. Grabbing the small basket of clean laundry, she left the small utility room and headed towards the stairs, passing by the front hallway where she saw Niki standing stock still as Max put a small collar around her neck.
Max must have caught her look of surprise, though he did not stop closing the collar around his step-sister’s neck. “Now that you both know exactly who your daughter is, we can return to how things have been the last few weeks. She’s a doggie slut, and will be treated as such, won’t you Niki?”
Niki only nodded, moving to turn and face the wall before bending over, exposing her bottom to her mother and Max.
“God you are as wet as your mother was last night” Max said, running a hand up between Niki’s legs before toying with the butt plug in her ass. Working the plastic object out slowly, he held it up, exposing the anal intruder to Carol’s eyes, before tossing it into Niki’s basket. “Bet you can’t wait to have your tail back, huh you little bitch?” he then said, his voice both teasing and stern at the same time.
Carol shook her head in disbelief as Max picked up what looked like a fuzzy bunny tail attached to another anal plug, and began to run the rounded tip up and down the crack of her daughter’s bottom.
“Max, you really shouldn’t be doing such things with your sister!”
“Carol, I told you before, she’s nothing but a dog fucking slut, and she will be treated as such. I’ve already explained this to your husband”.
Carol didn’t know everything that Roger and Max had discussed, but she was not surprised that they had decided between themselves to act in such a gross way.
“Besides, she’s happier this way, aren’t you slut?” Max had then said, pushing Niki down onto all fours and pressing the tail firmly against her butthole. “Such a good pet...” he almost purred, continuing to press and pull on the tail until it slipped up inside of her rectum.
Niki groaned slightly, before moving around quite easily on the floor, sliding her head over to Max and running her forehead against the outside of his thigh, like some sort of cat.
Max turned, petting Niki as he looked Carol straight in the eye. Carol could see how he pressed the front of his pants against the top of Niki’s head, and she could see Niki slowly rubbing her hair adorned head against the front of his jeans
‘Just like last night’ she thought, remembering coming down to get a snack about an hour after Max had rubbed the balm onto her sort backside the night before. She and Roger had talked in circles most of the time, neither of them mentioning how Max had spanked her and touched her intimately, showing his almost casual disregard for her privacy. She had tried to bring it up once during a lull in their conversation.
“Don’t you think Max was going a bit too far, I mean, I am your wife after all.”
Roger had looked at her, blinking slowly, obviously thinking something but not deigning to share it with her.
“I told him that you would never accept Niki as she obviously is now, and he told me to give him a week, so that is what I am doing. Besides, it was clear you enjoyed it, so stop pretending otherwise”.
She had tried to continue protesting, insisting that she had not really enjoyed it, but they both knew she was stretching the truth, if not out and out lying...
Rolling over after a bit, she’d reached back and tentatively rubbed her bottom, surprised at how little it hurt. That balm had done quite a good job. She could still feel the two or three welts from the ruler, but for the most part, she felt much better. Telling Roger she was getting a snack, she slipped on her silk kimono, gotten as a present for herself for their honeymoon, and went down stairs. She did not really want anything too constricting on her lower body, and even though she had rarely been this casual since Roger and Max had moved in, she could not seem to bring herself to care.
Pausing in the entryway to the kitchen, she glanced at Max and Niki watching television. Rather, Max was watching television, some fantasy show of some sort, and Niki was curled on her side, facing Max rather than the television. She caught the slow movement of Max’s hand on Niki’s hip, and she was about to leave the two of them when she realized just where Niki’s head and mouth were. If Max had not been wearing shorts or pants (she could not see exactly what he was wearing) her daughter’s mouth would be pressed against his privates. As it was, she was certain that she was resting pressed up against his clothed genitals, her warm breath likely tormenting the boy. The two of them were playing a dangerous game, she thought distractedly, wondering if her daughter was consciously aware of how she was lying.
Watching Max pet his sister on the head, Carol realized that her once so innocent daughter was well aware of where her head was pressing. With that realization came the startling conclusion that Niki had probably been quite aware of how she had been lying the night before, and for all she knew, Niki had instigated that particular position.
Max patted Niki one more time before moving to the side and spanking her bottom. “Clean up your toy before you go do your homework. Dad will home soon, you can bring us a beer and let the dogs out before dinner then.”
Max watched as Niki reached up, tipping the basket towards her, taking her butt plug in hand as she crawled up the stairs, her bunny tail wagging from side to side as she mounted each step.
Carol had not moved for the last minute or so, and as she adjusted the basket in her hands and began to follow Niki, she stopped, pausing when Max placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Let’s see how you are recovering” he said, moving behind her and lifting up the bottom of her kimono without making any pretense of asking for permission.
“Oh these will never do” he told her, spying her rather ordinary ‘granny’ panties. Carol felt her kimono drop back down, and Max’s hands running up her thighs to grasp her ordinary plain cotton underwear. Grasping onto the handles of the laundry basket as if it was some sort of lifesaver, she stood stock still as he deftly lowered her panties past her knees, letting them drop to the floor around her ankles. Again he lifted her kimono, exposing her backside completely. Pulling the fabric up higher, he tried to tuck it into the gathers at the waist, but it would not quite work.
“Set that down” he ordered, pausing only for a moment to allow her to set her basket down, before lifting her dress again and pressing it into her hands “Here, hold this up while I take a look”.
Again, without asking permission, or seeking any kind of approval, Max began to run his hands all over her exposed thighs and bottom, not shying away from dipping between her slightly parted legs.
“You look almost completely recovered” he said almost wistfully, one finger tracking one of the deeper welts still visible on her right buttock.
Carol’s mind was racing, she could not believe that she was standing here, again letting her step-son casually view and caress her bare bottom. She had sworn to herself that she would not let him cross that line again, telling herself that last night’s activities had been a momentary aberration brought on by her surprise at her daughter’s actions. Blushing, her eyes darting to and fro like a frightened bird, she realized that there was something much deeper going on. Niki was nowhere to be seen, and yet Carol stood passively and let Max touch her in a way she only let her first husband touch her before. She and Roger’s physical contact had been much more sedate and proper, though after the way Roger had so easily agreed to this arrangement, she realized that there was more to her new husband’s desires that she had previously thought.
Max’s hands continued their slow casual exploration of her bare bottom, tracing the welts for a time before moving on and sliding in between her thighs, teasing at the softness on each leg, causing her to move her feet apart slightly, unable to resist the unfortunately welcoming movement. As if her leg’s slight parting was an open invitation, Carol gasped slightly in reaction, feeling the side of Max’s hand sliding all the way up between her thighs, pressing against her embarrassingly damp sex.
“Perhaps I should get another collar for Roger to put on you, it seems you like what you saw. As much or perhaps more than what happened last night, hmmm?”
Max’s voice was low and teasing, and his hand continued to move against her wetness, forcing a flush to rise up through her body.
And still she stood stock still, silently giving him permission to treat her like no one had before. What was it about the boy that brought her to such submissive willingness she wondered, confused and disturbed, though the pounding pulse in her veins helped to fuel her body’s quickly rising arousal.
Carol was standing still, legs parted even farther now, letting Max touch her at will, deftly arousing her, her hands spasming tight, clasping her dress above her hips. She heard Niki and and the two dogs begin to come down the stairs and she began to drop her dress, stopping only when she heard Max’s terse order.
“Keep it raised, we are long past hiding your wanton desires from anyone, least of all your daughter”.
Clutching her dress tightly, Carol waited, moving slowly against his hand as Niki and the two Huskies got to the bottom of the stairs and pausing to let Niki speak to Max.
“Can I get a snack before doing my homework? Lunch was very brief today” Niki asked, her eyes watching everything Max was doing. As the trio paused, watching Carol and Max, Carol was only mildly shocked to see one of the dogs (she could not tell them apart very well) licking at the dampness between Niki’s thighs.
“Yes, sorry, I forgot you told me about that. But hurry up, my dad should be home in an hour, and we will want you to bring us some beers and water your friends... ‘
Max’s amused voice followed Niki out of the room, leaving Carol to deal with the aftershocks of his lewd attention.
“Speaking of Roger, I think we should show him how well you are adjusting, hmm? Since you are not a nudist like your daughter, at least not yet, something appropriately sexy will have to do, I am sure you can find something, hmmm? And if you do not pick out something pleasant to look out, you can be sure I will strip you down like your daughter and introduce you to Milo’s tongue!”
Carol could not believe Max’s audacity, the idea of parading around the house in anything less than proper clothing was simply not done, never mind the fact that her daughter had been naked for weeks apparently.
“I can’t ... i mean...” Carol tried to protest, stopping when she felt his hand moving against her again, two fingers curling around and sliding inside of her copiously dripping cunt, embarrassing her with its obvious sign of arousal.
“Yes, you can, and you will. Besides, I can tell how much this is getting you off. You will learn to embrace your wanton needs, just like your daughter, I promise you.”
With that, Max let her go, nodding at her discarded basket. “Best get your chore done and changed before Roger gets home. It would be good to meet him at the door and send him out back to meet me appropriately greeted, unless you want to serve us beers as naked as Niki? No? I thought not. Off with you now.”
Roger was still in shock as he went out back and joined his son at one of the two chairs that had been moved near the edge of the patio. The two chairs faced each other obliquely, positioned to let both occupants keep an eye on the bulk of the back yard. Roger took the chair next to Max and got comfortable for a second before speaking.
“How ... I mean, I know you said you could, but she was wearing a negligee when she met at the d-door and took my bag...”
“I know Dad, I told you, I suspected there were more than a few similarities between her daughter and herself. And her willing obedience continues to reinforce my suspicions. Having her dress like that was simply the next step. I could have her naked if you wanted, but I think it’s a bit better like this. Different than Niki, but still far from the reserved uptight woman she was just a week ago.”
“Yes, yes, I understand, whatever you think is best’ Roger quickly replied. Eager to see just how far Max could mold his wife, he mused for a long moment about where things might end up. “I am just surprised is all, not upset. I mean, after last night ... wow”
“Well, things should come to a head quickly, either tonight, or tomorrow at the latest. Speaking of tomorrow, you remember I told you last week that we had boarded more than Milo? I have a couple more starting tomorrow. One of whom already knows Niki well”.
“Two more? So, there will be four again, like before?” Roger’s mind was racing, thinking of watching Niki with up to four dogs. He could only imagine what that would look like. His son’s confident smirk seemed to indicate that he knew quite well what Niki was likely to get up with four male dogs in the house. Or yard.
A minute later, he heard the door open and turned to see the two dogs rushing out into the backyard, followed by his naked step-daughter, two beers held aloft in her hands. He watched as she brought them over, immediately kneeling down in front of Max once she had handed them each their cold beverage.
“Very good Niki, you treat me, and my father, so nicely! Now, go play for a bit, but let me know if you need to go pee. There’s no longer any need to hide your true nature, as I’m sure you have to agree.”
Roger watched as Niki simply nodded and crawled, rather than walked across the yard, her giggles audible as one of the two dogs came over and licked at her neck and face. He was not exactly sure what Max had been talking about with Nik - her true nature? He had thought that after last night, there really could not be anything left to hide. Content to wait, sure that it would all come clear in time, he took a sip of his beer and enjoyed a few moments of quiet contemplation, enjoying the sight of a naked teen romping in the grass with a couple of large male dogs.
After a couple minutes, one of the dogs, Cooper he thought it was, wandered off to explore the bushes some more, though Milo continued to roughhouse and play with Niki. The dog’s nose was constantly between her legs, licking at her thighs, until Niki fell back, laughing, her legs spreading wide rather invitingly. As if Milo had simply been waiting, he dove in and began to lick at the human bitch with an eagerness that was obvious to the two watchers.
“She just ... lets them ... whenever?”
“Let’s them? I think she encourages them. At least she does now that she has come to terms with her own needs.
Roger shook his head, still trying to wrap his head around how much things had changed while he and Carol had been away. Turning his attention back to the girl and her dog, he was not surprised to hear her moaning in delight, and when she rolled over, spanking her buttock in encouragement, he felt a twinge in his own loins as the furry dog yelped and mounted his eager partner.
He felt a not insignificant lump begin to form in his pants as he watched the husky mating with his human bitch. Glancing at his son, he noted that Max was watching with a rather detached glance, though it was clear he was not missing anything. Turning his attention back to the naked girl being so vigorously and beastially fucked, he could hear her her sharp grunts of pleasure accenting the rapid thrusts of the Husky’s hindquarters, ensuring that everyone knew that Milo was well seated in her cunt.
It only took a couple of minutes, and then the dog was yelping as he flooded the naked slut’s eager cunt. He watched as Niki dropped her head down, tilting her sex to grant Milo just that deeper of an entry, her whole being seemingly centered on taking all that the beast had to offer.
“Oh fuck, I swear that is so hot, I don’t care how many times I see it”. Roger’s voice was a bit rough with his own unspoken arousal, and he squirmed a little in his chair as he watched the two finish their kinky congress.
As if watching his young stepdaughter fuck a dog was not enough, what happened next solidified in his mind just how much control Max has gotten over his obviously slutty step-sister.
“I’m, I need to go now”. Niki said, having crawled over to the two of them after resting for a minute after Milo finished up inside of her. Max simply nodded and picked up a leash from the other side of his chair, snapping it onto Niki’s newly worn collar before standing up and leading her a short distance across the yard toward some bushes. Roger watched the odd bunny tail bounce as Niki crawled along beside her brother, her sex and upper thighs clearly damp and stained from bestial fucking, whenever her legs parted enough to give him a peek.
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