Peeping Tom - Cover

Peeping Tom

by Adam.F

Copyright© 2022 by Adam.F

Erotica Sex Story: A man take photos of a young girl

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fiction   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

This story was written about me by another author back in 2015 so i posted it as mine

Victoria was an ultra-fit young girl, she started ballet training at three years of age, not like most three year old girls, just one hour a week, her parents were both lecturers at colleges in Cambridge University, they both worked very long hours so Victoria spent long hours in the care of a nanny, a nanny who wasn’t particularly good at her job or conscientious, so Victoria was allowed to spend several hours a day in her bedroom, training for her ballet exams.

When Victoria’s family moved from London to a small village closer to the university in Cambridgeshire the nanny didn’t move with them, so Victoria’s parents employed an au-pair to clean the house, cook meals and look after Victoria when she wasn’t at school. Their new house in Abbots Ripton was built with a twenty-five metre swimming pool in the back garden, a cabbage field behind the house and a railway line beyond the cabbage field. The house was at the end of an exclusive development, a very short road called Dovehouse Wood because the development was built in woodland that once contained the dovecotes of the old Rectory. Traditionally in the UK, dove’s eggs and doves were often used as a rich food source for wealthy land owners.

Victoria’s house was right at the end of the lane, not a very long road really, there were only ten other houses built in Dovehouse Wood and from Victoria’s front door, there was a footpath directly to the school that she had been assigned a place in, she only had to cross over one road on her way to school, Station Road and that was such a quiet road that they didn’t really need a crossing guard to help the kids cross the road safely but it had one anyway. The school was built on the corner of Station Road and Wenningham Road. The south fence of the school backed onto the houses built on Foxenfields and the eastern side of the school was unfenced but opened out onto a small wood with a car park for dog walkers just beyond.

The school took a lot of getting used to for Victoria, she had been to a school in London that had over a thousand students but her new school had just one hundred and eleven students, forty-nine boys and sixty-one other girls. There were no ballet classes in the area so Victoria had to swap alliances to track and field sports; she was extremely good at the long jump, years of excessive dance training had given her very strong leg muscles and a very low body mass index so she could run very fast and jump a really long way into the long jump sandpit.

For Victoria’s class, games lessons happened on Monday mornings, third and fourth periods, just before lunch break, and because Victoria was so good at the long jump, she was allowed to do her own thing on the long jump track, no matter what the rest of her class were doing for their sports training. Victoria was even given two of her class mates to mark each jump she made and rake the sand after her jumps; Victoria’s class always had at least two kids every week that came with notes excusing them from sports so marking for Vicky was the perfect way to keep them occupied.

The long jump pit was close to a footpath that came from the car park in the wood, used by dog walkers at the weekend to let their dogs run free on the school’s playing fields and the run up was towards the footpath, sometimes as Victoria flew through the air she felt in danger of overshooting the sand pit and landing on the gravel path and sliding off into the side of the cars parked beyond the school boundary.

It was while flying through the air one day, heading for the deep sand, that Victoria noticed something strange happen. A white Volvo estate car had been parked a few feet from the landing pit as usual, the car that Victoria often imagined she would crash into when she finally overshot her landing pit, drove away uncharacteristically early and the black four-by-four car that usually parked the other side of the white estate moved into the space that had been left. All the windows on the black car were tinted glass so Victoria didn’t even realise that the car’s driver had been in it.

As Victoria landed in the pit, kicking up a plumb of sand in front of her, she noticed that the driver’s window was open slightly and what looked like a large telephoto lens was pointing at her in the pit. Victoria did a dozen or more jumps and all the time the camera lens was following every move she made and at about eleven forty-five she told her marker and raker that she had twisted her ankle a little on her last jump and she was going to walk it off.

Victoria headed off to the northern end of the playing field and when she was happy that no one was looking in her direction she slipped into the trees beyond the school boundary and headed back towards the parked car through the trees. She could see the driver through the front windscreen as it was the only window in the car to have clear glass, she could only see his upper body but it looked like he might be playing with himself as he took photographs through the open side window.

There was a loud blast of a whistle and Victoria heard her teacher calling all the rest of her class to go into the changing rooms to shower and change before lunch. As her classmates ran from the sports field Victoria watched the man close the side window and turn to face forward in his seat, he was watching the screen on the back of his camera, Victoria could see the reflection of the photographs in the man’s face as he flicked through the photographs and his left arm began to speed up a little over his lap.

Victoria looked at the car’s registration number, the man had a personalised number plate, ‘H15 EXY’ but he had used illegal spacing so it read as ‘Hi 5EXY’. So Victoria knew several things about the stranger already. The first was that he didn’t mind breaking the law, the windows in the front two doors being fully tinted was illegal as was interfering with a vehicle’s registration mark to make it look different. The third thing was that it was illegal for anyone to loiter outside a school and also illegal to take photographs of the kids in school. The most important thing though was that the man was sitting in a fifty thousand pound car, so he had to be well off.

Victoria studied what she could see of the man, he had a round face, jolly but not fat, he had a small black moustache and black hair that was just starting to turn grey at the sides, he had a natural smile, in fact his face was built to smile even if he wasn’t really happy, his skin was dark, tanned rather than Asian but he did have the look of Italian blood in his past, Italian or Spanish, well, he looked Mediterranean.

Victoria had waited until she knew that the sports field would be totally clear, she knew that the teachers wouldn’t think anything was out of the ordinary finding her clothes still in the changing room before lunch as she often went cross county running after a hard sports lesson. Victoria slipped out of the cover of the trees and walked down the passenger side of the car, she couldn’t see through the windows while standing on the ground so she stepped up onto the running board, she had to hold on to the door handle as she pressed her hand against the tinted glass to cut out the sun so she could see into the car.

The sound of the door handle rattling alerted the driver as she climbed up and as she peeked in the window he managed to pull his camera bag onto the seat by his side to cover what he was doing with his left hand in his lap but not quite fast enough to stop Victoria catching a glimpse of the driver’s cock standing up out of the fly of his trousers.

The driver shook slightly when he realised who it was that was looking through his window. He pressed the button to lower the front passenger window, gave Victoria a wide grinning smile and said, “Hey there, you’re the long jump girl aren’t you?” Victoria nodded her head, then he said, “My name’s Adam, Adam Sherif, What’s your name darling?” Victoria didn’t reply, she was kind of moving her head from side to side, she looked like she was trying to weigh the man up or perhaps she was trying to see what he had hidden from her view with his camera bag as he still hadn’t put it away.

Adam’s body jolted slightly as if he had just received an electric shock but in fact he had just received an inspiration brought about by the look on the young girl’s face as her mop of ginger hair flopped from one side of her face to the other as she moved her head. He began to flick through the photographs he had taken, when he was happy with his start position he leaned over and handed Victoria his camera, he managed to pass the camera into her hands without exposing himself over his camera bag. “The right hand button moves the pictures on, the left button moves them back, if you don’t like the pictures I’ve taken of you, the bottom button will delete them!”

The first picture on the screen showed Victoria’s face but the rest of her body was blocked by the roof of the white estate car, Victoria didn’t hesitate to press the delete button. The next picture showed Victoria from head to toe, the white car was no longer in the way, Victoria flicked to the next picture, her face was contorted in concentration and she could see that she was taking a check step in her run up so that she would hit the take-off board but not step past the line, the point in a real competition where the plasticine strip would be placed to show the imprint of a toe if the foot crossed the line. The third picture was Victoria flying through the air, there was little grace in her pose, little femininity and the fourth picture was her landing in the sand, just before her body caught up with her heels and buried itself in the deep sand.

Most girls wore gym-knickers or one piece sports leotards for track and field, Victoria preferred the looser fit of boys shorts, her personal preference were the kind that runners usually wore, the kind that the front and rear panels of the shorts overlapped but weren’t actually sewn together at the sides, they just overlapped. In the fourth picture Victoria could clearly see a little pink flesh peeking out from between her left leg and the crotch of her shorts, Adam had been in the perfect position to take his picture to show a little of her private parts.

Adam knew the picture that Victoria had stopped at, he’d had great difficulty getting past that point himself and he decided to give her the information he had used himself to add to his viewing pleasure, “To zoom in, just put your finger and thumb over the bit you want to zoom in on and open them diagonally.”

To use both hands on the Camera, Victoria had to either step off of the running board of the car or, she took the second choice, she let go of the door handle and hooked her upper arms over the side of the door. Victoria didn’t miss the fact that Adam was altering the angle of his door mirror so that it pointed down at her shorts, giving him a perfect view of her lower body from the driving seat. Victoria put her index finger and thumb over the flash of pink showing through the leg hole of her shorts and spread her fingers to fill the screen with that small part of the photograph. The flash of pink was actually half of her private part on display to the camera as she hit the sand. It did cross her mind to delete that picture, well, it crossed her mind to delete all the pictures of herself in Adam’s camera but when she looked at his face and saw the grin and look of excitement as he adjusted his mirror to get the perfect shot of her bare thigh at the point where the front and back of her shorts crossed over.

It crossed her mind that Adam was only doing what she had tried to do moments before and see that single thing that was different between boys and girls, so she just passed the camera back, with its screen filled with the image of her inner body, well, one half of her inner body still filling the four inch wide screen. Adam took the camera in his right hand and his left hand disappeared behind his camera bag and his left shoulder began to rise and fall slowly as he rubbed himself while looking at her intimate photograph.

“I’d better go; they’ll miss me if I’m gone too long.” Victoria jumped down off of the running board and jogged back to the school building, Adam rolled his window down and shouted, “Hey darling, you didn’t tell me what your name is!” Victoria looked over her shoulder, Adam was snapping photographs of her as she ran towards the school’s changing rooms, she saw his finger moving up and down rapidly on top of the camera as he was snapping picture after picture of her bottom as she ran along and all the time, his left shoulder was rising and falling as he played with his dick. Victoria shook her head and gave Adam a smile over her shoulder and she wondered if her face would even form part of the photographs he was taking.

Tuesday, no students used the sports field on Tuesdays and Victoria was keeping a lookout for the black four-by-four arriving in the car park behind the school, she did notice a lot of comings and goings all morning though, the cars all had just their drivers in them, they would park up and the driver would go to the trees and stand at the mouth of a footpath into the bushes, then another car would arrive and the driver from that car would follow the first driver into the woods, fifteen minutes later both men would rush from the trees and drive away as fast as they could.

Victoria had a feeling of disappointment when at eleven-fifty; there was still no sign of Adam Sherif or rather his large black four-by-four. Victoria headed off to the changing room as soon as the lunch bell sounded and as she changed into her shorts and t-shirt the games mistress came over to her, “Victoria, you should really have your lunch before you go out running, I’ve told you that many times.”

“But Miss, if I eat before I run, I always throw up out on the cross country track, it’s much better for me if I eat when I’ve finished!”

The teacher had made her argument many times before, she would usually say, eat and then take a rest for fifteen minutes before your run but Victoria knew that to finish the cross country course took forty minutes and if she ate and rested first, she would have to return to school three quarters of the way around the course.

Once outside Victoria set her wrist watch to start its stopwatch function and began to run towards the path out of the school grounds and onto the car park and spiny beyond. As she ran out of the school grounds and into the car park the huge black car rolled in and parked in the corner diagonally opposite the space it had been parked in the day before. Victoria reached the first footpath and was about to be swallowed up by the trees when she heard Adam’s voice calling out, “Hi darling, I’ve brought some sandwiches; I thought you’d like to have lunch with me.”

Victoria stopped running, she stood in the trees looking around, in the thicker bushes she noticed a large number of condoms strewn around, some dangling from the branches of the bushes, she also noticed the torn foil packages that had once held the condoms, there were also sachets of lubricant that had their corners torn off so that the lubricant could be used to allow easier access to the smaller holes of the men.

Victoria walked through the trees until she reappeared out of the spiny right at the passenger’s side of Adam’s car. She clambered up onto the running board again, just as she did the day before; again, Adam covered his dick so she couldn’t see he was rubbing it. He wound down the window and gave Victoria a sweet smile; he lifted the arm rest between the front two seats and took out two packets of sandwiches, “I have one prawn cocktail with lettuce and the other is tuna and mayo with cucumber.” Inside the large armrest between the front two seats there was a fridge, just one of the extra features in the large car that made it so expensive. Adam took out two cans of cold beer as well; he pulled the rings on both cans and placed them in the cup holders, one at the front of the armrest and the other in the cup holder behind the armrest.

“You shouldn’t drink two cans of beer if you’re driving you know?”

“Yes, one will be fine but two would put me over the limit so to keep me safe you’d better join me for lunch and drink the second one.”

Victoria’s parents were very liberal in most things but they never offered her alcohol, so the offer of a pint of beer at lunchtime was probably the biggest temptation that Victoria had ever faced in her life. “I hope that me giving you my camera yesterday would prove to you that I’m trustworthy, I showed you how to delete any pictures you didn’t want me to keep in my camera but I’m really glad that you didn’t delete the good ones. Why don’t you pop into the back seat where I can look at you and you can share my lunch and my beer with me?”

Victoria still didn’t look happy at the prospect if getting into the back of the car with a total stranger and she didn’t look like she was interested in Adam’s offer at all. “Look, how can I make you feel safe, okay, I know, you’d worry that the rear doors might have child locks on them so you couldn’t get out in a hurry, so I can prove that they aren’t active, I’ll give you my keys, so you’ll know I can’t drive off with you still in the back. You’re a very good runner; you know the paths around here so if you run for it I’d stand no chance of catching up with you.”

Victoria thought about the offer but mostly about the beer, drinking a pint of beer would be the most grown up thing she would have been allowed to do in her life to that date. There was a bag and a towel on the front passenger seat, Adam reached over and picked up the towel, he used it to cover his lap, to hide his dick from Victoria’s view, and then he wriggled his body as far through the gap between the two front seats as he could get.

He just managed to catch the door handle and the rear, near side, door popped open, he threw his car keys into the far corner of the rear seat by the bulkhead, he would have to get out of the car and walk all the way around to get them back. “Come on, hop in, you’ll love the beer and the sandwich, whichever one you chose.” Two of Victoria’s concerns were mitigated, mind you, if she had been a little older she may have realised that she should have had many more than two but then, Adam had directed her into thinking that the two biggest dangers were the rear door child locks and the fact that Adam could drive off with her still stuck in the back of his car but she wasn’t older and she thought that because she now had control of the car keys as well as an easy way out of the car, she was happy to step back off of the running board and clamber into the back seat.

The seats were all very plush leather but they were a little cold on the backs of her legs as she sat down. “Good girl, you know that you can trust me, I’ll never lie to you, so, what sandwich would you like?”

“Can I have one half of each sandwich please?”

“Wow, brilliant choice, I chose these two fillings because they are my favourites, whichever sandwich you had chosen I would have been very happy to eat the other one, but half and half, what a brilliant choice.”

Adam split both packets of sandwiches and passed two halves through to Victoria in the back. Victoria was already holding the can of beer; the can said it was a blond beer, four and a half percent alcohol, it looked a little like a lager but was far sweeter than Victoria expected it to be. Adam dropped the towel back on the front passenger seat and turned in his seat so he could look over the back at Victoria. Adam ate his food with one hand while his other hand rubbed his cock, every so often Victoria got a little flash of Adam’s cock as he rubbed it gently.

Adam waited until Victoria had finished eating her sandwich and had drunk around half of her can of beer before he dropped his little bombshell on her. “I’d really love to see your breasts darling, just a quick flash if that’s all you want to give me but I’d really love it if you took your t-shirt off until it is time to go back into school.” Victoria’s jaw dropped down for a moment or two, then her eyes dropped down too, what was he going on about, breasts, if you put all the breast mass of every girl in her class it wouldn’t make up an ‘A’ cup full. After a minute or two her eyes lifted from the front of her t-shirt and she looked into Adam’s eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that, I told you I wouldn’t lie to you, I’d love to see your breasts and I’m sure that you would prefer that I was being honest with you!”

“But I don’t have any breasts!”

“Well, you have enough to interest me, I’d love to look at you with your shirt off and, well, I’d love to take a few photographs to remember what you look like when I get home later but that’s up to you.”

“But there is nothing to see!”

“Would you like to have your breasts start to show through your t-shirt?” Victoria nodded her head. “I have a few toys in my bag that can help titties grow a little faster than nature intended if you’d like to try!” Victoria sat looking Adam in the eye, then she looked down between the seats, she could see Adam’s fist rising and falling in his lap now and every so often the tip of his penis popped into view above his thumb, Victoria thought to herself, ‘Well, he’s showing me far more of his private parts than I have to show him of mine, so why not, why not make him happy, for the beer and sandwich if for nothing else.’

Victoria put the can with what little beer was left in it back into the cup holder and started to pull her t-shirt out of the waistband of her shorts, Adam had an excited look on his face as he watched Victoria making up her mind if she was going to do it or not and then, suddenly, her arms were up and over her head and her t-shirt was in her hands. Adam gave her a huge cheesy grin, “Good girl, good girl, and well done, you look beautiful!”

Adam picked up his bag off of the front passenger seat and took out two objects that looked like small glasses, he held them up to show her, “Any idea what these are for?” Victoria shook her head, “No, no idea!” Adam passed them through to Victoria, she expected them to be very heavy, made of glass but they were very light and made of plastic. On closer inspection they looked like wineglasses but they had no base at the bottom of the stem and the stem was a hollow pipe with a tap half way along it. “Can you work out what it’s for?”

Victoria shook her head, “No, no idea.”

Adam delved into the bag again and pulled out a length of black rubber tubing with a large rubber bulb attached, the kind that you fill with water and attach to a trick flower to squirt people in their faces. Adam passed the end of the tube to Victoria, “Push it on the end of one of the pipes and then open the valve.” Victoria did as Adam told her too, “Now put the open end on your chest, try to get it so that your nipple is right in the middle.” Again, Victoria did as she was asked and as soon as the device was pressed over her chest, Adam started to pump the bulb and Victoria felt suction above where her breast would grow someday.

Victoria watched as her skin was pulled up into the glass bowl, it looked like she had just one small breast. “Turn the valve and pull the tube off the pipe, then push it on the other pipe and do the same again on the other side.” As Victoria pulled the hose off of the stem, the glass bowl fell off of her chest. “Damn it, pass it over here darling!” Victoria passed the fallen bowl over into the front seat. Adam pulled his fist up the length of his cock and formed a ball of pre-cum on the end of his cock, then he rubbed the edge of the bowl in his slippery lubricant and handed it back to Victoria, “Do it again!”

This time, Adam sucked even more air out of the glass bowl, totally filling the glass bowl with Victoria’s skin, then he took the other device and rubbed that in his pre-cum too. Victoria held that one in place over her other breast and Adam sucked all of the air out of that one too. Victoria looked like she had two rather large breasts for the size of her body and they looked a weird shape too because of the shape of the clear plastic bowl.

Adam checked his watch, “We’ve got fifteen minutes left before you have to go back to school, can I take a few photographs of you please?” Victoria nodded her head but her eyes never left her well formed breasts. The camera made rapid clicking sounds as Adam took several photographs. “Now, when I nod my head, I’d like you to pull the cups off as quickly as you can and then smile into the camera for me please.”

Adam nodded his head and Victoria pulled at the cups, there was a little pain but the cups stuck steadfastly in place. “Pull harder!” Adam nodded his head again and Victoria yanked the cups off of her chest, the camera sounded like a machinegun firing as Adam took a string of photographs as Victoria’s chest shrank back to its previous flatness, well, not actually totally flat as it had been before, there was a little rise now under her nipples, just enough that she could feel the difference as she rubbed her fingertips over the little bumps and Adam kept firing off photographs as she did it.

“Will you meet me here again tomorrow darling, I’ll bring more beer and sandwiches and we can try to make your breasts even bigger if you come back to me.”

Victoria nodded her head, “I’m Victoria by the way, I’ll be out here at twelve o’clock.”

Victoria daydreamed about what had happened all afternoon and all evening at home as well. On Wednesday, when she was dressing for school, she put her t-shirt and shorts on under her school dress so she would be able to get changed faster at lunchtime. Her classes were all at the front of the school in the morning so she was more able to concentrate on her lessons but when the bell rang for lunchtime, she ran through the school, pulled her dress off as she ran into the changing room and was out of the door before the bells stopped vibrating.

A little shiver ran through Victoria’s body when she saw the large black four-by-four parked in the far corner of the car park behind the school and she ran directly to the driver’s side door, Adam wound down his window, “Hi darling, you look very excited today, want to climb in the back and get ready for me, you can remember where you got up too yesterday can’t you?” Victoria climbed into the door behind Adam, on the seat there were the two glass like cups, the rubber hose and the bulb waiting for her on the rear seat.

Victoria got the message, while Adam was opening the little fridge between the front seats Victoria took her top off and as Adam pulled the ring-pulls on two cans of beer Victoria was attaching the cups to her own chest and pumping all the air out of them, “These glasses feel bigger than yesterday!”

Adam looked back, “Yes, they are slightly larger; they come in all sizes from tiny little ones to encourage a girl’s clitoris to grow to huge ones to make a man’s cock grow even bigger.”

Adam turned in his seat so he could see Victoria, she had just pulled the rubber hose off of the second breast cup and she was looking down in amassment at how big it made her breasts look. “You want beef and mustard or smoked cheese and palmer ham today, or would you like a fifty-fifty again like yesterday?”

Victoria looked into Adam’s eyes again and said, “Fifty-fifty please.”

“How about taking your shorts off for me while I sort out the sandwiches darling?”

Adam popped the beer can into the rear cup holder, he had asked Victoria to take her shorts off so casually that it didn’t really strike her as anything out of the ordinary, and anyway, she was really turned on from the many hours of anticipation of the meeting since she woke up. Adam wasn’t even looking back at her; he was being really casual about everything, just setting about opening the two sandwich wrappers and dividing the contents. Victoria took a large drink out of her can of beer before slipping out of her shorts and sitting back down on the leather seat totally naked apart from her trainers.

As Adam passed Victoria her sandwiches through to the back of the car he gave her a very broad grin. “You look fantastic, can I photograph you again today please darling?” Victoria took another swig from the beer can before taking the sandwiches; she waited a moment before nodding her head to tell Adam that he could take pictures of her.

As Victoria ate her sandwiches and drank her beer, Adam gave her directions of how he wanted her to sit, how he wanted her to pose for him to take photographs. When she finished eating and drinking, draining her pint can of beer in just twenty-five minutes. Adam hadn’t drunk much from his can and when he realised that Victoria had finished her drink he passed his own can through to her so she could finish his beer off too.

As Victoria drank and Adam continued taking her photographs Adam asked, “Can I come into the back and sit next to you please? I’d like to masturbate and let you watch me doing it up close.” Adam didn’t even pause his photographing, he kept up clicking away as Victoria gasped at his suggestion, there was a very worried look on her face as she mulled his request over in her head. “I promise I won’t try and touch you today, I just want to cum and let you see me doing it for the first time.”

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