Training for the Prerogative - Cover

Training for the Prerogative

Copyright© 2018 by Bytor

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Rene has chosen her path and now she must learn to satisfy a man, a woman, or any combination there of. This is how Rene learns to be all she can be while trying to maintain who she is.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual  

Week 1:
2/15/1992 - 2/21/1992

She got off the bus and walked a couple of blocks through the sunny but cool winter day. The neighborhood was clean and well-kept with every home maintained and appearing in good working order.

The multitudes of people that she was used to seeing in and around the campus were absent, which was a little disconcerting. Oh, there were people moving about to be sure, but as she walked down a block that was not known to her it was somewhat unnerving.

Arriving at the designated address, she stopped and took a deep breath and walked up the few steps and rang the doorbell. A moment later a man in his 30’s opened the door. He was a handsome man dressed in a light blue polo which was tight and extenuated his muscular build, and dark brown khakis. His hair was a light brown and close cropped with eyes of deep brown.

“Can I help you?” he asked in a smooth voice.

“Hi, I was sent here by Mr. Marbury?” she said with a hint of uneasiness.

“Oh my, you are very young. You are of legal age, aren’t you?” he asked with a hint of teasing.

She smiled nervously as she said, “Ah, well, yes, I am of legal age” she stammered.

He stepped back to allow her entry and replied, “Okay than, please come in. My name is Ian, Ian Norwood.”

She stepped in to the foyer and extended her hand and said, “Nice to meet you Ian, I’m Rene Hewitt. Are you the Trainer?”

He took her hand and shook it gently and said, “No I am not, but I will take you to him. Oh Mr. Miyagi, your, uhm, VERY young, trainee is here,” he bellowed.

From around the corner came a familiar voice “So, Rene, you have decided to take up the position, have you?”

The voice was undeniable, “Edgar? Oh wow, I never expected you to be my trainer.”

He came around the corner wiping his hands on a dish rag saying, “Well I must say Rene that I never expected you to BE my trainee.”

“Well, then we are both surprised then aren’t we” she said with a laugh.

His laugh was loud and deep. “That we are. Oh, I take it you have met Ian?”

Turning to the handsome man she said, “Yes, we met when he let me in.”

“Good. Ian is my life partner and will be assisting me in your training.”

Taken aback Rene said, “Life Partner? I take it that, uhm, you are gay?”

Ian interjected at this point and said, “Well Edgar is gay, I am Bi.”

Another booming laugh from Edgar followed by him saying, “That he is.”

A smile still upon his face but a look that was somewhat bemused Edgar said, “I see by the look on your face that this confuses you?”

Did she just step into it she asked herself? “Well, uhm yes. No” she said as she bit her lip.

“Okay. Let us go into the dining room and talk. Would you like something to drink? Water, Tea, Coffee?” asked Ian.

“Water please.”

“Excellent. Edgar?”

To Ian he said, “I’m fine.” As they walked into the dining room Edgar asked, “So, where would you like to start?”

Shrugging her shoulders Rene said, “Oh, I don’t know.”

As they sat down Edgar said in a commanding voice, “Going forward, questions asked of you must have a definitive answer. I don’t know, is not an answer. If you do not know the answer or you do not understand the question than you must provide more detail, allowing me, or anyone else with whom you are talking, to further define the question. People use this as a means of allowing others to dictate to them, okay?”

Taken aback by the strength of the rebuke she responded, “Okay.”

With a smile on his face Edgar asked, “So, where would you like to start?”

Returning his smile, she said, “I would defer to you as I am not sure what I will be doing, other than the sex part.”

“Okay, fair enough. There is much to talk about, and even more to learn in the 60 days that we have to prepare you for the position.”

“Do I need 60 days? I think I can, pass the test, if there is one” she responded shyly.

“Rene, 60 days might seem like a long time, but in fact, it isn’t, and it’s going to go by fast, very fast. And with your class workload and the things you are going to learn and do, it could be a bit overwhelming. But, it really depends on how you assimilate to this new job. Morality is an indicator of who you are and is deep within your psyche, believe me, it’s not easy to change your outlook on what is right or wrong” his tone was focused and quick to the point.

“I guess there might have been a few things that I might have, over looked. Or might not have thought of,” she replied with a bit of concern

Edgar looked to Ian and said, “I think I should modify the plans for today, have a Q&A session only and hit the ground running in our next session. How is that Rene?”

“If you think that’s best” she said with some relief.

“Right, so, let’s get to it than. There are three basic areas we will be covering; they are Self-Awareness, Physical Fitness, and Knowledge. Self-Awareness is where and how you fit into this new position and, most importantly, how you can be whatever the Customer wants while maintaining who you are. It is important that you understand the differentiation as it is the underlying definition as to what your position is, but not who you are” the last said with conviction.

She scrunched her nose and said, “I don’t understand.”

Edgar leaned forward in his chair and continued, “You, as a person, have a set of codes that you live by, your morality so to speak. The position you are in, and I am assuming this next part, has shifted your morality to accept that what you are doing is necessary for your future. Am I correct?”

“In one sense, yes. But until I actually begin to, go on dates, then it’s just theory.”

He sat back and looked intently at her. “So, when you begin the actual job, is when the question of morality comes into play? I don’t think that is how I saw it. The decision that is when it is to be made. If you accept the position, you have accepted everything that it entails.”

“But it is in the act that it would be accepted” she said forcefully. Where is he going with this?

“You are putting it off unless you have truly not accepted your decision. Have you?” The last said with a tinge of disbelief.

With an uneasiness she replied, “Yes, I have”

He spread his hands and said, “Prove it.”

She cocked her head and asked, “How?”

Edgar sat back crossed his arms and coldly said, “Strip.”

Taken aback by his command she quickly replied, “What! Why?”

“Do I need a reason?” There was something in his voice that commanded not only respect but adherence to his rule.

But she held firm and answered, “Yes.”

“The REASON is, because I am NOT wasting Mr. Marbury’s time on you if you have not yet committed to the job” the last spoken hard and with emphasis on each word and syllable.

Silent for most of the discussion Ian finally jumped in, “Edgar, she isn’t ready for this...”

Turning to look at Ian “This is not a question of whether she is ready or not, it is a question of commitment.”

Turning back to Rene he continued, “I look at you and see a young woman who believes that she has found a solution to the situation she has found herself in. But, she has not fully realized what the solution is or what it WILL do to her. Nor does she have any understanding of what a failure on her part will do, or that the impact can be devastating to more than her. I cannot let you put yourself, or Mr. Marbury, in a position of failure.”

Ian shaking his head said, “I don’t think this is the best approach. That she is here should be enough for now.”

Edgar turned quickly to Ian and asked, “Ian, what choice do I have?”

Leaning onto the table and looking intently at Edgar he said, “You have a plethora of choices, one being to start off correctly. Slow it down, focus on what is before us, think of what you want to accomplish today, and let us worry about tomorrow another day.”

Edgar away from Ian and looked down at the glass of water before him. A moment or two passed before he broke his silence, “I am not sure about this Ian.”

Ian breathed a sigh of relief and placed his hand on Edgar’s shoulder, “Your protection of Mr. Marburry is understandable, but this is the FIRST meeting and not the time for this discussion. Let us move forward with the plan as we had discussed and take it from there.”

“Okay Ian, I will take your advice.” Looking up from the glass to Rene he said, “You will need to think long on this, what you are going to be doing is not easy and for some the most difficult part of their lives.”

“Okay Edgar, I will do so.” What had just happened? What was it that pushed Edgar into the corner and challenged her resolve? Why did she question his command? Maybe she wasn’t as committed to this as she had thought she was.

She was brought back to the conversation when Edgar said, “Alright than. So, self-awareness, do you understand what it is I am talking about?”

“I believe so, becoming what I am not while maintaining who I am.” She wasn’t certain that was what he was getting at but that’s what she took from it.

“Good. Next is Physical Fitness which encompasses diet, exercise, health, and wellness. Because of the nature of the position it is imperative that you are on birth control, are you on the pill?”

“No I am not.” She tried to control her voice.

“Alright than, medical is part of your benefits with the company, so first thing next week you will need to setup an appointment with your Doctor.”

“My Doctor is back in Indiana, I do not have one here.”

“Right, okay” he replied scratching his head.

Ian looked at Rene and said, “Contact Tracy, Mr. Marburry’s Executive Assistant on Monday and tell her you need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. She’s very good at getting things done and should be able to set you up with an appointment in short order.”

“Good thinking Ian” replied a relieved Edgar.

Shifting in her seat she asked, “So I won’t be having sex, because don’t you need to be on the pill for at least a month?”

“Yes, but since Ian and I have had vasectomies and we will be using condoms we should be safe” He said matter of factly.

“Sounds good” but after saying that she was confused and asked, “Wait a minute, so, we will be having sex?” she asked.

Unphased by the question he responded, “Yes”

Surprised by his answer she said, a little over the top, “But you’re gay?”

Edgar laughed, “Being gay doesn’t mean that I cannot have sex with women. I prefer sex with men, they turn me on, whereas woman do not, that is how I am wired. Being gay doesn’t mean that I cannot appreciate the body of a women, or that I cannot understand what a woman wants, or what a woman needs to be sexually fulfilled. I just prefer men.”

Pointing to Ian he continued, “Now, Ian is Bi, he is sexually turned on by Men and Women and has relations with both. I assume that you know that you are required to have sex with women” the last was thrown out there more so as if confirming the question than a real one.

She shifted nervously in her seat, “Yes, I am aware.”

“So, will you be gay if you have sex with a woman?”

Getting a sense that Edgar was expecting more from her than a yes or no answer she replied with a hint of confidence, “I will have to wait until I have had sex with a woman before I can give you an answer.”

Edgar smiled, “Good answer. I think as time goes by, that you will see sex with women as I see sex with women, that it is not sex at all. People see sexual relations in a paradigm of a few elements, but when you look at it in whole you will see that it is much larger and varied. The two that make up the largest elements are Physical and Emotional.”

She got a sense that Edgar wanted her to acknowledge his statement before continuing. The discussion was out there, like at the 100,000-foot level and she was only at the 15,000 foot. She understood what he was saying, but only in that he understood the words, it was the meaning of what he was saying that she was getting lost in, or more important the lesson he was trying to teach.

“The Physical element is the ability to have sex without emotion, without a, mental connection with your partner. It is about the physical aspect of sex, without the emotional component. It is what it is, the base act of sex.”

“Emotional sex is built upon the Physical, adding the mental connection with the person you are having sex with, and it is this connection that takes it too another level.”

“There is a third aspect of sex. But I would think that it would not be something you would be experiencing while in this line of work. And that would be the addition of love.”

He took a moment before continuing, “How you, deal, with these, three elements of sex, will allow you to perform your duties while maintaining your idea of what sex is. This can be accomplished by managing the Emotional side of sex by, as I can only describe it as, turning your mind off to the Emotional side of sex while having sex.”

If you can disconnect, in your mind, that what you are doing with a woman is not sex, then you can maintain your straight sexuality. Of course, it is all no consequence if you find that you enjoy it and can embrace it” he said with a smile.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” asked Ian.

Shaking her head no enthusiastically she said, “Oh God no. In fact, I don’t think I can have a relationship while I do this job.”

Edgar nodded in agreement, “That makes it easier, in some respects. When you are in a relationship with someone it can be hard to perform the duties that you must do. Even if you can maintain the relationship, it could be only a matter of time before it fails. You might want to find someone with whom you can talk to about what you are doing. Having someone to vent to or confess to is good for the soul.”

“If you did have a boyfriend, trust and honesty are the keys. If you trust your partner and you are honest with your partner than you can overcome anything.”

He looked to Ian and said, “Look at Ian and I. Ian can have sex with women for the pleasure of it, without the emotional connection. I trust him in that he won’t become emotionally connected.”

“But isn’t there a chance that he could?” she asked cautiously.

Looking back to her he smiled and said, “Of course there is. But I trust that he won’t. What he and I have together is the emotional side. And I trust him to forgo the emotional connection when he has sex with someone else, because the emotional connection is relegated to our relationship, whereas a physical connection is for everything else.”

Still not sure that she had grasped the concepts from Edgar she replied anyway, “I think I get it.”

“I think it will become clearer when you start going on Dates. Next is diet, not as in dieting but as in nutrition. It is important that you understand how diet impacts your health, what foods are good for you, and what foods you should be avoiding. Are you familiar with nutrition?”

“Well, yes, but not overly. I do watch what I eat, staying away from fast food and such” she said as she placed her hands over her stomach.

“Ah to be young and have a metabolism that allows you to eat just about anything. Okay, when you talk to Tracy see if she can help you find a General Practitioner and setup an appointment as well for a physical exam. You might as well get this all taken care of now.”

“Next is physical fitness. I would strongly recommend that you join a local gym and meet with a physical fitness trainer and develop a workout strategy for toning your body, and how to maintain it.”

“Oh, and gyms, the good ones, have aerobic classes which are good for cardiovascular workouts, so when you go looking for gyms make sure you ask about that. I would also recommend yoga, something that when done properly brings a balance through meditation, not that I am into the whole mystical thing, but some people swear about the powers that can be gained from meditation. I would try it if I were you and if you don’t see the benefit you can always drop it.”

“Lastly, I would highly recommend a class in self-defense so you can protect yourself in case the situation arises. There are several Taekwondo or Karate places in the area you can take advantage of.”

Self-defense? Now she became a bit nervous as she asked, “Do you think that I will need a self-defense class?”

Sitting back in the chair he looked as if he was contemplating his response. A moment later he responded, “Mr. Marburry has my complete trust, and I do not see him as a threat, and though he may vouch for the people with whom you meet for Dates, I would not put the same trust I have for Mr. Marburry in the people with whom you would meet. You are performing a role that some would potentially take advantage of in a not so quit pleasant way, thinking that they have a license to be overbearing or physical in ways that are not allowed. Though the person might be known by Mr Marburry personally, that should not preclude you from ensuring that you take the responsibility for your safety, and by taking self-defense courses you can protect yourself.”

Satisfied with Edgar’s answer she said, “I will check into the courses.”

“Knowledge is the last and most important reason you are here, specifically the knowledge of sex, the different types of sex, what is required for the job, what it feels like, what to expect, and what you will do, and what you won’t do.”

Sheepishly she said, “I am not very knowledgeable in sex.”

“That is where Ian and I come in. We will teach you what you need to know. And what we cannot teach there will be someone who has the expertise who will.”

This caught her off guard! More people!?! “What do you mean by expertise and someone else?”

“Well, though Ian is a wonderful lover, and I know how to please a woman, there are certain aspects of pleasing a woman that are better taught by a woman.”

“So there is another teacher? Who is a woman?” she asked not totally pleased with this new revelation.

“Yes, her name is Elyse Sitton, a woman I have known. I actually met her through Mr. Marburry. She is a lovely woman who will be more than happy to help you attain the knowledge for pleasing a woman, as well as helping you with etiquette, poise, and how to act as a lady of stature.”

There was a tone in his voice that intimated a much deeper and profound relationship between Edgar and Elyse that he did not offer up.

The silence continued until Ian jumped in, “Elyse will probably have a more, profound, impact on you than we will. She has that effect on people.”

“Right, so, teaching. I hope you don’t mind that we will be having sex?” Edgar asked.

“No. Well ... No. I guess I am, but it isn’t ... Don’t take this wrong, but the Gay thing has me a little freaked out, not that you are gay, but the way you are about sex, I mean I have always thought that Gay guys would think that sex with a woman is, icky, like I thought that having sex with a woman is icky, you know? And that is kind of playing around in my mind now.” She knew she rambled; she tried to stop herself but failed miserably.

Taken aback by the explosion of words, Edgar said, “Uhm, well, that was, interesting. Let’s just, take that one at a time. Okay?”

“You know what, let’s just forget I said anything” she asked pleadingly, hoping that she did not piss anyone off.

“If that’s what you want, but” pointing to himself and Ian, “we want you to be open and honest with us. NEVER think that there is something that you can’t ask us or talk to us about. This thing you are undertaking is, life changing.”

“Okay.” She felt there was more she wanted to say, but, she felt that she was treading water here, keeping her head above water and trying not to drown. Opening herself up and asking questions would certainly sink her.

“So, next on the agenda is to talk about the ground rules, define what you will do, and define at a high level what the training regimen will be. As we all know Oral, Vaginal, and Anal sex with Men and Women will be required, with single or multiple partners. Have you had sex?” he asked in a slightly embarrassed fashion.

She was sure she blushed bright red as she answered, “Yes, uhm, oral and regular sex.”

Nodding his head he responded, “So no anal sex?”

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head emphatically saying, “That’s a no.”

“Okay, so the next item is Role playing. Sometimes Customers want you to be a character in their fantasy world, or maybe someone in the real world. These requests are, for the most part, harmless. But harmless to me might be harmful to you. The most often asked for fantasy is the incestuous sexual fantasy, and is usually requested by an older gentleman asking you to play a daughter, granddaughter, or niece.”

Some other fantasies are more troubling, as they are either simulated rape or humiliation. We generally shy away from the latter but allow the former, your feelings are?”

“I guess I’m okay with that. Uhm, how old are the guys I would be, dating?”

“Well, they vary in age, but I think the average age would in the 50’s.”

Fifties? Crap! Old guys! She knew there might be a possibility that she would have to have sex with older guys, but she thought 40’s was it. And then it hit her, she would have to have sex with older women.

She was brought back to reality when Ian asked, “Is that a Problem?”

“Uhm, no. The age thing kind of got to me is all” she stammered.

“Well, I would suggest that you find someone sexually stimulating like Luke Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joshua Jackson, or Jason Priestley, and think that you are with them when you are on a Date” he said dryly.

Edgar once again took over, “I think you need to get your head around this one and do whatever you need to come to terms with it.”

Easier said than done she thought to herself.

“Getting back to it than, we will move onto those things that have been in the past, off limits or nonstandard aspects of sex such as BDSM which is the use of restraint, or intense sensory stimulation, or fantasy power role-play, sometimes all three. This is of course all consensual. This aspect includes Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism, and role playing. Depending on the individuals pain can be part of the play. Is this something you would be interested in?”

With a shiver she responded, “No. Absolutely not.”

“Okay. I personally do not see the attraction to it but to each their own.”

“Exhibitionism and Voyeurism is similar to taking sexy picture or movies of yourself which is highly discouraged, I think it might be an offense that includes termination. The problem is that exposure is often illegal and the other is spying on people, even if they agree to it, it can lead you into situations that could cause undue attention to yourself, and in turn the people you work for.”

Next is for the truly brave of heart. It includes Water Sports, enema, and scat. Are you familiar with these terms?” he asked delicately.

“Well, yes and no, I heard of enemas.” She said in a strained voice.

Clearing his throat he continued on, “Well, water sports are sexual excitement associated with the sight or thought of urine or urination. Scat is the sexual pleasure from feces.”

“Oh God no! A definite no.”

“My sentiments exactly. The next is illegal in many places, it is sex with animals. The word illegal should give you an indication that it is not something that we approve of. If asked, just say no.”

Wrinkling her nose she said, “Definitely.”

“Since we are talking illegal, it is illegal for an American citizen or resident to have sex in another country with someone aged under 16, unless the age difference is less than 4 years, in which case the minimum age is 12. Underage sex is something that we believe should not be undertaken, especially if it is coerced. But what is unique about this situation is the age of consent varies not only from state to state but from country to country. It is best for you to know what that age is for where ever you are going so if the situation arises you can be prepared to respond. If you believe the age of the person is of issue do not engage in sexual relations. I cannot stress enough that you adhere to laws that govern us.”

With a laugh Rene said, “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

“Okay than, that’s about it for the types of sex. I think we should move on to discuss the training. First off we will discuss your body and how it works and reacts in sexual situations. You might already know these things but I think we should cover them anyway just to ensure we have it covered.”

“Okay. I am familiar with my body and I do know what I liked when my boyfriends did things to me.”

“Well that’s good; at least you have a starting point. What about oral sex?”

“Well I liked receiving more than giving.”

“Unfortunately you will find that you will be more of a giver than a receiver. Have you given many blow jobs?”

“Well, two. And a half.”

It was Ian that took up the conversation, “Half? How do you give half a blow job?”

She felt herself turning bright red, “Well, he, uh, ejaculated before I could get it in my, uhm, mouth and it got all over my face and in my hair. It was awful.”

Stunned silence greeted Rene at the completion of her tale, that is until Ian and Edgar erupted in laughter. For a moment she became very angry, but then she smiled and began laughing with them, not quite sure if they were laughing at the half of a blow job or that he had cum all over her face, or her naiveté, or all three!

A couple of minutes later, after they had gained their composure Ian said, “You know, I never heard of anyone calling a pearl necklace a half of a blow job.”

Edgar, fully recovered from laughing said, “Rene, you are precious, oh my. Anyway, continuing on to vaginal sex, from what you have said you are no longer a virgin?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Have you had many partners?”

“No, only one, and we did it only one time.”

“My oh my, you are, virginal, aren’t you. I had expected that your knowledge might be limited, but not to such a degree. As a recap, you have had only two partners, oral sex with both, vaginal sex with one, and never had anal sex.”

“That about sums it up.”

“I would strongly suggest that you find someone that you can, ah, practice on, I mean, with, to gain experience.”

“Okay. What? Wait. Uh, you want me to, mess around with someone so I can gain experience?” she asked incredulously.

It was Edgar’s turn to respond incredulously, “Why yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

She stared at Edgar for a moment or two before responding shakily, “Well, yes and no. No, in that I don’t have a problem with it, and yes in that I don’t know anyone that I can ask.”

“Without sounding pushy, you live in the dorms where there are many strapping young men who would jump at the chance to be used by you.”

“It’s not so much the availability of the strapping young men as it is their loose lips that I am worried about. I am not a promiscuous person, and coming on to a guy is not something I have done, but I am sure I could do, I just don’t want to get a reputation as easy.”

“That is understandable, but do you think you could find one that you could see and have a relationship with that is just sexual?”

“I’m not sure I could do that, trick a guy into thinking that I like him just to have sex with him.”

“Hmm, sounds like something a guy would do to get a little action” replied Ian.

“At some point you will do things that you won’t want to do but are required for the job, consider this one of them. Find some lucky guy and go to town on him and learn from him. Think of it this way, you will be gaining not only sexual experience, but also learn how to detach yourself from the emotional aspects of sex” the last spoken as if she were a child needing guidance.

She considered what Edgar said and the implications of ‘finding a lucky guy’ to learn from and decided that she wasn’t too enthused and even, for just a moment, thought that maybe this solution wasn’t for her.

Ian spoke first, “I see that this is a matter for later consideration. And when you do remember that if you find someone to better your skills that it is the first steps towards understanding the job.”

“Yes, quit right Ian” interjected Edgar, “but let us not get sidetracked. I think the first few weeks we should dedicate to the basics, Oral, Vaginal, and Anal, and the different positions, and what are the most pleasurable for men.”

“I know I have committed to this, but I am not sure about Anal. It hurts, doesn’t it?”

“If done properly and you know what to expect, no. That is not to say that at first it won’t hurt. Knowledge and experience are the keys to understanding.”

“Okay, I trust your judgment on this.”

“We will follow this up with multiple partners, getting you familiar with what to expect and how to work things out.”

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