The Tree Fort - Cover

The Tree Fort

Copyright© 2018 by shefux

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Three boys build a tree fort. One day the younger sister of one of the boys follows him deep into the woods to the fort and despite her brothers protests she is allowed to stay, but only if she does what the oldest of the three boys' demands of her. I want to thank "Zen Master" for taking the time to edit this story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Light Bond   Rough   Group Sex   Black Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Fisting  

This was the best one yet. Billy, Mike and I had really out done ourselves. We had dismantled our last fort because civilization had come too close. As a matter of fact it ended up in the middle of a new housing development. Dad said that Florida was growing so fast that the people were going to spill out into the ocean.

The three of us were best buddies. Mike was the oldest at sixteen; Billy and I were fifteen. What was really cool was Billy and I shared the same birthday and for as long as I can remember we always had our birthday party together.

This was the third fort we had built in the last two years. We were running out of Hammock to build in because of all of the new houses being built. A Hammock in Florida is what they call the high ground that the large trees grew in, and even though it was a long away from the old tree house, we were really happy with this new place. The tree was a huge old Florida Oak that branched out about fifteen feet above the ground almost like the palm of a hand. It was perfect tree fort material.

Speaking of material, some of the wood came from the last fort. The old one was just a platform nailed to a couple of limbs in a Banyan tree. It was okay except for the berries and sap that got all over the fort and us. Most of the materials for the new fort had been stolen from the developer who chased us from our last refuge.

This was the greatest fort ever, with a roof and walls with windows. Billy had found some scrap carpet that we pieced together to cover most of the floor. We had even built a porch that we could sit out on and survey our kingdom. The whole fort was built in such a way that if you locked the trap door no one could get up past the floor of the fort, at least not by climbing the tree.

If you got a big ladder or something I guess you could get in. We had a secret lock in the trap door as well as an obvious one, that way it wasn’t likely that others would find their way into our private domain. But the best part of the fort was that we had the neatest escape device ever invented and it had been my idea.

One Saturday when we had been scouring the housing development, with our dogs, Bud and Wiser, for fort materials, Mike tripped and fell over a piece of steel cable. Billy and I laughed, Mike got real mad and pushed us both down. Mike was not only the oldest; he was also the biggest and therefore made most of the decisions about what we did.

After having dispatched us he then proceeded to kick the steel cable to teach it a lesson, only to stub his toe. He began hopping around on one foot cursing while we sat in the dirt giggling, the dogs barked at our game. Anyway, after Mike calmed down we checked out the cable, it was over a hundred feet long and as big around as our thumb.

I got this great idea and told the guys about this army movie that I saw the other day where soldiers slid across a stream on a cable just like this one. I told them we could fasten one end to our fort and the other to a tree some distance away and slide down to the ground.

Everyone thought it was a great idea.

There was however, one problem, the cable was very heavy. We finally decided that the best way to move it was to pull one end dragging the rest behind like a long snake. We looked like we were in a one sided tug of war competition. It took all day Saturday and most of Sunday to drag it to the fort.

I found a piece of metal pipe that was about two feet long and big enough inside to stick a broom handle through. I slid the cable through the pipe and we fastened one end to the tree trunk near the roof of the fort and the other to a palm tree at the edge of the clearing. We could slide down the cable by holding on to the pipe and when we got to the palm tree we just dug our heels into the soft sand, like sliding into second base.

It worked great. The guy who had just slid down would then take the pipe and like a spear, launch it back up the cable to the person waiting on the porch. When we weren’t using it we had a coat hanger bent so that it hooked the pipe and kept it up in the tree

We had stocked the fort with all kinds of great stuff. We had some wooden boxes that we stored stuff in and used as chairs. We even had a hidden panel that we kept our secret stuff in. Right now the only secrete stuff we had was a big red candle that Billy had swiped from his mom’s Christmas decorations and some kitchen matches that Mike brought. It didn’t matter that we didn’t have secrete stuff. We were on top of the world. We had the greatest fort in the universe.

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