My Wife Used Ter Be Innocent - Cover

My Wife Used Ter Be Innocent

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2018 by Tony Tiger

Sex Story: Young hill wife grows up fast. Too fast for her new husband.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Gang Bang   Pregnancy   .

Ah went ter high school in another town cause we didn’t have one nearby in our hills. Ah lived with mah uncle and aunt. Of course that meant Ah got some good older pussy at least once a day. She was pretty hot like our family women are, so mah uncle needed the help or she’d be screwin too many of the neighbors.

Sure Ah dated high school girls. Ah’m a big solid farm boy that could easily out do them jocks in anything they wanted ter try. For years Ah’d been fucking older women that knew how ter enjoy a cock and taught me what they liked, so when these cheerleader types got a taste of my meat they were fightin each other for the next date.

They were pretty flighty and stuck on themselves so after a few fucks Ah’d cut em loose. Ah was getting plenty from Aunty so blue balls were never a problem.

One very shy girl got my attention. She was real smart but didn’t act it. Her baggy clothes looked like they hid a nice body. She was good fer my mind and helped me with schoolwork a lot. She was a REAL person like them at home. We got closer and closer and she finally let me at her tits. It had never taken so long before. She’d not had a boyfriend and was actually a virgin. We did a lot of playin around and even got ter tastin each other’s parts but that was as far as she would go.

After Ah graduated we got married and Ah taught her as much about sex as she had taught me about numbers. She loved it and turned into a real sex hound. Good thing she had an implant because her womb was always full of sperm.

Ah had a problem though. Back home yew were supposed ter share with family. That’s why Auntie was putting out for me. Of course she liked getting laid anyway. But what was Ah gonna do when me and this innocent girl moved back ter the farm? My daddy and brothers and cousins were lookin forward ter tappin some new stuff.

Ah’d been trying ter get her ter loosen up but she had her upbringing ter deal with. Now that she was married, sex was part of God’s plan. Ah thought of how Ah could use that idea. Preachers have been twisting scripture for centuries ter their own ends.

My sweetie had hardly ever drunk booze, let alone shine. So Ah laced her wine with it and found excuses ter not fuck her the day that my family wuz going ter come over fer their first visit and have a dinner.

They all trooped in except Ma who was avisiting somewhere else. As usual they took off their clothes and Ah told Mary we better do likewise. Ah had spent a lot of time explaining that customs were different here than in the city and she promised ter go along with them. When she acted shy Ah said sternly, “This is whut we do here!” Ah noticed her eyes were wide as she looked at my Pa’s big pecker which was standin up proud like my two brothers’ was. She looked at my naked sister sometimes too. Ah kept her glass filled with the spiked wine and she kept a’sippin it.

Good thing Ah wuz doin most of the cookin. We et and then went out ter the big porch. It was warm and that’s why bein nekkid was good. My sister just casually set down on a brother’s pecker and begin ter movin up and down slowly. Ah thought Mary was going ter drop her wine glass. Ah said tew her real casual like, “Why don’t yew do that ter Paw? Ma is gone for a few days and Ah’m shore he’d like yer pussy.”

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