Five White Girls - Cover

Five White Girls

Copyright© 2018 by shefux

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Five fourteen year old girls who consider themselves plain, unpopular and geeky white girls want to experience giving oral sex, but don't want to get reputations as sluts. So they devise a plan that seems to achieve that goal, but as always Murphy's Law intervenes. Eventually the narrator becomes the main character as the other girls fall to the way side.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Water Sports  

Hi, good to see you again. I’m glad you continued reading. Mom sent me to my room. I think she needed to masturbate again, dad in going to get his ears fucked off tonight. I don’t think we will have any dinner tonight unless we have it delivered or I cook.

Do you remember the business card that was under my mask? Well it turns out it was the woman’s card. I was kind of hoping that it was the older man’s card. You know the guy with the fat cock.

Well two weeks ago which was four days after the third party I decided to call her, I was so curious that I had to know why she left the card. Of course it could have been an accident, but I didn’t think so. The name on the card was Allison Grey.

I dressed that morning in a frilly yellow sun dress with white trim and sandals and went in search of a pay phone.

Do you know how hard it is to find a pay phone?

Ring, ring. “Good morning, Sirius Video.”

“Ah hello? Ms. Grey please.”


“Ms. Grey, this is El.”

“Oh my God, I was so hoping you would call.”

“I guess I was so curious that I just had too.”

“Oh, I totally understand. I guess you want to know why I left my card.”

I wanted to say DUH! But I didn’t want to be rude. “Yes Ma’am.”

“Please call me Alice.”

“Uh, ok, Alice.”

“The reason I left the card is because my husband and I were wondering if you might be interesting in doing some modeling for us?”

“Oh, I don’t know Ms. Grr Alice. No one at the parties is supposed to know who I am?”

“I’m aware of that and I am taking the risk of pissing Tony off by trying to contact you at all. I don’t think he would mind, but I didn’t want to risk asking him and having him say no, then I couldn’t talk to you. This way my card accidently dropped out of my camera gear.”

“I kind of figured something like that, but that still doesn’t change my desire to remain anonymous.”

“We will be happy to pay you for your time and I promise that no one will hear about you from us, besides I kind of wanted to return the favor if you know what I mean and I know my husband John would love to see you again.”


“The older gentleman at your last party.”

“Oh yeah him.” I smiled thinking of his fat cock stretching my cunt.

“How much would you be paying me?”

“Well El, that depends on what type of photos you are willing to pose for. We would have to discuss your options, which would be best done at our studio. The address is on the card.”

“If I decide to check out your offer how would I get there I’m not old enough to drive yet.”

“We would send a cab for you if you like.”

I was going to say ‘Let me think about it.’ But I knew I was already going to do it. “I could do it today if you like.”

“Wonderful. Where should I send the cab?”

I’ll be at the corner of Main and First Street.”

“He should be there in twenty minutes.”

The cab showed up in fifteen, but it wasn’t a he, it was a she. I had never seen a female cab driver before.

“Are you the fare for Sirius Video?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.”

I got in and we rode the rest of the way in silence. It took less than ten minutes when she dropped me off in front of a warehouse like building. When I got out she just drove off. She didn’t ask for any money or anything.

I knocked on the metal door that had Sirius Video painted on it and waited, and waited. I started to knock again when I saw a little sign that said press button and there was a small white button just below the small sign. I pressed it. It made no noise that I could here, so I pressed it harder. Nothing.

Then I heard a loud buzz coming from near the door handle. It startled me and I jumped, but no one came to the door and I just stood there. The buzzer sounded again only longer this time. Still the door did not open and I was getting worried that I would be stranded out here with no way to get home. This warehouse area didn’t look like the best part of town to be in. I was looking around trying to decide what to do when the door opened and Alice was standing there.

“Oh.” I said. “I was starting to worry.”

“I guess you are not familiar with magnetic door locks.”

“Magnetic what?”

“Door locks. When you push the white button it rings a bell back in the offices. Then we look at the CC video monitor to see who is at the door. See the camera right over there.”

I looked and saw a silver thing about the size of a Campbell soup can mount on the side of the building.

If I want to let the person standing out here in, I press the magnetic lock and it buzzes out here. While it is buzzing the person wanting to enter pulls open the door and enters. No buzz, no open.”

“Oh, I, I didn’t know.”

“That’s ok honey. It’s a security thing. This isn’t the best neighborhood.”

She held the door for me to pass. The interior was chilly and the hallway was long with numbered doors spaced every twenty feet or so. Over each door was an unlit light bulb that looked as if it were red. It was hard to tell because the hall way was pretty dark and none of the bulbs were lit.

At the end of the hall were two metal doors across from each other. There was a key pad beside each door. Alice pressed in a code on the door on the left and there was a click and she opened the door.

Inside was a beautiful office with plants and decorations a large leather couch and two plush chairs. There were no windows, but there were two matching desks side by side. Behind one was the older photographer who I assumed to be Mr. Gray. He stood.

Alice said. “El, this is my husband John Grey. Of course you have already met him.”

I blushed and said, “It’s good to meet you again Mr. Grey.”

“Please El call me John.”

“Ok John, this is a beautiful office you have.”

“Thank you Alice decorated it. She’s gifted that way. Please have a seat.”

Alice stood by her husband’s chair and he sat back down.”

The chair I sat in was so big and so plush I felt like a doll placed among pillows. My yellow sun dress kind of proofed up and I think Mr. Grey got a glimpse of my white panties before I put my hands in my lap and waited.

“I guess I will get right to it then. El the first time I met you I was intrigued so I brought my wife along on the next shoot to get her opinion and you blew us away. Young lady you have star power. We think you could be the biggest thing since Linda Lovelace.”


“It’s not important who she was it suffices to say that she made a big splash in the adult film industry.”

I wasn’t surprised that this place was a porn shop. Why else would a professional outfit be taping a hand full of under aged girls giving blow jobs? Then it dawned on me, they must be selling our videos and I figured that Tony must be getting a cut too, which was fine by me. He deserved something for his time.

John continued. “As I was saying we think you can make a lot of money if we work together and when I say a lot I’m talking multiple six, maybe seven figures by the time your eighteen.

“Multiple seven figures? I don’t know how much that is.”

“Ten million dollars.”


“Yes little lady Million, possibly as much as fifteen million.”

I figured they were way over exaggerating the amount, but I wasn’t doing what I was doing for the money, so it would like finding free money.

“What would I have to do?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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