Five White Girls - Cover

Five White Girls

Copyright© 2018 by shefux

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Five fourteen year old girls who consider themselves plain, unpopular and geeky white girls want to experience giving oral sex, but don't want to get reputations as sluts. So they devise a plan that seems to achieve that goal, but as always Murphy's Law intervenes. Eventually the narrator becomes the main character as the other girls fall to the way side.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Water Sports  

It was two days after my fourteenth birthday. We all arranged to stay over at Susie’s remember you called Susie’s father to confirm. Then the day before Susie told her dad that our plans were changed, but I never told you and neither did the other girls tell their parents.

We packed our overnight bags with our disguises and went to Susie’s, but we left her house around eight thirty. Susie told her dad she was going to bed. She put pillows under her blankets and snuck out.

Tony picked us up at McDonalds at nine o’clock. Then he drove us to the house. On the way we were excited and giggling. Susie asked how many guys were coming?

“Five guys for five girls.” He responded.

“What if we wear them all out?” Kara snickered, and we all laughed.

We got to the house and Tony parked in the garage and closed the door. We found a bathroom and put on our disguises. Tony had some plastic patio chairs and a stack of throw pillows in the corner. The blinds were closed and the lights were low.

Right at nine we heard a car pull up out front. Tony went out and we heard some low talking and then we heard Tony say “I don’t think so guys.”

Then there was some complaining. Then Tony said. “Ok but if I say that’s enough then I don’t want to hear shit from any of you.”

Apparently all was agreed and Tony opened the door. Five black boys filed in single file. None looked as old as Tony, but all looked older than us. One had to be at least sixteen because someone drove.

The last guy in said. “Look, we brought beer!” and set two twelve packs on the kitchen counter.

We squealed and clapped like thirteen year olds. Beers were passed out and everything screeched to a halt. Only the sound of slurping beer was heard. Tony sat in the corner in the kitchen and leaned his chair against the wall and said nothing.

After a moment one of the guys said I’m Martin. Then everyone started introduced themselves. The girls were introduced by their first letters and the boys by their first names. There was Martin, Samuel, Skeeter (that wasn’t his real name, but it’s what everyone called him) then there was Raymond & Jackson. Martin wanted to confirm the girl’s names so he pointed to each of as he repeated our names.

“You’re Kay,” he said pointing to Kara. “Your Ess” pointing Susie. “You’re Bee” he said pointing to me.

Beth said. “No, I’m Bee, she’s El.”

Then Martin said. “Then you must be Dubya,” That’s such an interesting name, pointing to Wendy. “Well we’re glad to meet you I love your costumes.”

Skeeter finished his beer and crushed the can and stood up. “Tony said that you girls want to have a rainbow party, is that right?”

We girls giggled and nodded.

“I guess I ought to drop my pants then.”

He kicked off his tennis shoes, then he unbuckled his belt and loosened his fly and his jeans followed the path of gravity and crumpled at his feet. He stepped out of them and stood in his boxers. A bulge was rising in his stripped cotton shorts.

All five girls were staring at that cotton covered snake then its head popped out through the fly.

The girls gasped and looked at each other.

Then Skeeter said. “Can I get some help with these shorts?”

Susie and I were the first to kneel in front of him. We each grasped a leg and pulled down. His dick caught for a second in the fly and flipped up and slapped his stomach. By now the other four boys were dropping their pants and one by one a girl ended up on their knees in front of them. Susie switched to Martin who was at her left. I already had my hands on Skeeter’s cock and balls and was marveling at its size and texture. I had seen dicks on the internet, but it was hard to compare these real life cocks to the ones on a computer screen.

Then Skeeter spoke again. “Now as I understand a rainbow party. A ho, meaning you five on your knees, (we giggled) try to see to see how far you can get your lips down our dicks then mark us with your lipstick. The one who goes down the furthest gets to pick the boy she wants to suck off, then the next furthest and so on. Is that how you understand the game is played?”

All the girls nodded.

Skeeter looked down at me and said. “Ok ho, let’s see what you can do.”

I opened my mouth wide and feed the cock into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat then I opened my airway and pushed the rest of it in till my lips were on his belly. I heard a combined gasp and some no fairs. Then I marked Skeeter’s belly with my pink lipstick and held it there. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tony leaning on the kitchen counter smiling and shaking his head. When I needed to breathe I backed off the black cock and sat on my haunches.

Then I looked around the room and with a smile I said. “I’ve been practicing with my mother’s rubber penis.”

Susie stuck her tongue out at me and said. “You know ... that rubber dick has been in your mom’s cunt.”

I replied. “No wonder it tasted so funny.” And everyone laughed.

When everyone was marked, the girls got up and re-applied their lipstick and rotated to the left. As I knelt in front of Martin I saw that Susie got almost to the base of Martins dick, however Skeeter’s cock was the longest and fattest of all the cocks here, but even Skeeter’s wasn’t that much bigger than the rest.

I swallowed Martins in one motion and planted my pink on his belly and sat back. We did this three more times. When we were all done I was declared the undisputed winner. Kara and Wendy were tied for second. Susie was third and Beth was close, but never the less last.

Obviously I chose Skeeter. Kara wanted Jackson, Wendy wanted Samuel, Susie wanted Martin and Beth got Raymond who she was perfectly happy with.

The guy’s got another beer and sat back into their chairs. The girls collect a pillow in the corner and placed it between their chosen partner’s knees.

The ho’s knelt on the pillows and began their blow jobs.

“Ahhh,” Skeeter commented. “This is the life” then he clunked beers with Martin who clunked with Jackson who clunked ... well you get the picture.

Skeeter looked down at me and I gazed up. “God you look beautiful with my cock in your mouth.”

I smiled and shoved him down my throat several times.

He whispered to me “Lick my balls.”

I took my mouth off of his cock and he scooted his butt forward. I looked at his smooth balls tight against the base of his dick and licked them till they were shining with my saliva. Then I blew cool air on them and was surprised to see them move. As if the balls inside were a living animal. I did this several more times and went back to his cock.

I heard Martin groan and watched as he filled Susie’s mouth with hot sperm. I didn’t know if she would swallow it or not because this was the first sperm in any of our mouths. However before arriving we made a pact if we could swallow, we would.

Susie closed her eyes and swallowed once, then again and again. Martin relaxed back into his chair. “Wow, Ess that was great. I shoved Ske’s cock back in my mouth and attacked it, determined to get the next load to go off. I didn’t make it as Wendy received her reward next. Then Ske coated my tongue with his jiz and I swished it around in my mouth. It wasn’t ice cream, but it tasted good to me and I let it drain into my tummy.

Kara and Beth got their load almost simultaneously. Kara gulped it down right away but Beth struggled to swallow. It took her awhile, but she eventually got it down and everyone cheered. Beth grabbed Raymond’s beer and took several swallows then handed it back to Ray. Ray told her to keep it and got up to get another. I got up and handed those who wanted one a beer. Then I sat back between Ske’s thighs and nursed on his limp cock until it started to harden again.

When Jackson saw Ske getting hard he said. “Hey, no fair. He just had that deep throat bitch on his cock, someone else should get a turn in that mouth”

Martin piped up. “Yeah, I’d like a little of that mouth pussy myself.”

I looked at them and said. “I don’t care. I’ll blow who ever can get it up”. Kay do you want to switch?”


So as we crawled past each other I flipped up the back of her skirt exposing her thong underwear. The guys whistled and hooted. Kara turned red pushed her dress down then she grabbed my skirt and flipped up. I just left it there and continued to Jackson’s dick and sucked it into my mouth.

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