NIS: Puppy Student Program - Cover

NIS: Puppy Student Program

Copyright© 2021 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 9

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 9 - The NIS (Naked in School) program has been adopted universally in high schools and universities. They have introduced a new experimental program PSP (Puppy Student Program). This is the short story of one of the first volunteers, who along with her older sister tests out what it is like to go to school as a puppy.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Reluctant   Teen Siren   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   Light Bond   PonyGirl   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Pegging   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

blonde on all 4 with two balloons above her saying ‘100% Bimbo’ ‘I suck’.

I have always known that I thrive on structure, schedules, and routines. The fear of the unknown and what could go wrong creates a lot of anxiety for me.

Over the next few days, I fell into a routine at home and at school. Those days turned into another week.

Dad voiced concern that I might fall behind academically in school. “It’s bad enough that the girls don’t have to do ANY school work, but when they are done with the program, they won’t any incentive to get good grades.”

“The program is good life experience, and it is teaching them new things,” my mom countered. “Girls like Ashley don’t need gold stars and the rewards of good grades to want to learn. When they return to class, I am sure she will catch up. If they were truly brainless bimbos, I’d be worried about them missing academic lessons for a few weeks. You will see, Mark.”

I was happy my mom stood up for us – but I really did like getting gold stars and straight A’s on my report card. It wasn’t my main reason for learning though.

At school, I did sort of learn anyway. I learned from listening to the lectures in Craig’s classes and even the responses of the intelligent seniors to the teacher’s questions.

I was also learning that I liked to be told what to do. I don’t mean sexually. I suppose I just liked being encouraged and protected like a pet but also waking up every day and knowing exactly what was expected of me.

I think on some level, as degrading as it was to be a source of amusement for the school as a naked dog – I was also enjoying being a center of attention at times. I liked making people happy and putting smiles on people’s faces. If it was an old man in the park smiling as he watched me crawl past him and sniff the ground at his feet, or Brady examining my pee-hole from a distance in awe.

I was ashamed to admit it – but I quite enjoyed it.

At night, I slept in a cage like a dog. I ate icky food like a dog. I pooped and peed on the ground like a dog. I crawled around naked except for a dog collar, knee pads, and a tail.

Craig brought me to school, and seldom spoke to me. I learned a lot in his advanced classes. I even preferred them to the Freshman classes I had before PSP. They had only just begun but I was convinced that I was learning more from the lectures in Craig’s classes than I would have in my original courses.

I rarely spoke at school. I barked whenever possible to answer Yes or No. That made Craig happy – as happy as he could be. Craig tended to be fairly stone-faced but I knew when he was pleased. He liked making things for me – knew leashes, better collar, cute hair clips.

I liked making my handler happy. I liked making people happy in general – it’s fun to see people smile and most smiled when they see me bouncing down the hallways with my tits and ass swinging and swishing.

Craig never smiled though.

At lunch, I handled a plethora of requests. Craig removes my tail immediately when he feeds me because it gets in the way of most of the requests.

Lunch was one of the only times I usually spoke to other students. Mary Collins had finished her NIS week and she had become much bolder with me. She called me a brown-noser and a dog face.

I kept wondering what she’d say or do if she ever found out that my brother had let a dog sniff around my pussy in the park. She lived nearby and people talk and spread rumors. I wondered if it would just be better to tell my parents before she found out and tried to hold it over my head. The whole thing made my pussy twitch and pucker just thinking about admitting I had let a dog sniff my pussy.

Make no mistake, I had let it all happen. Even though my brother was in charge and I was on a leash, I stuck my ass up, spread my legs and let it continue to happen. If I had really wanted to, I could have moved away and put a stop to it. That was something I was deeply ashamed of. Every time I saw Mary I thought about things like that and how Mary would love to expose me as a total slut.

Mary Collins waited with the other kids in line to give me reasonable requests – which were more like punishments.

Milton had just visited me. He’s begun making me stretch my pussy open and letting him see my pee-hole just like he did with Mrs. Andrews. She wasn’t there that afternoon.

“Finger in your ass, Jenkins,” she said when it was her turn. “Look how it just slides up there nice and smooth!”

“You’ve got a minute, Mary,” I replied brusquely that her time was running out.

“Puppy student program is perfect for you, Ashley. You are such a dumb dog,” Mary lashed out at me.

“You’ve said that before. It just gets funnier each time,” I rolled my eyes. I don’t think I would have had the courage to talk back to her before the program. I would have probably crumpled up into a tiny ball if she had said something like that to me before I entered the program. I had learned to let insults like this roll off my back.

“My NIS week is up. Do you even know how long you are in this program? Probably forever,” she teased.

“So? Cool,” I pretended that was fine with me. I really did worry that I’d be in the program for a long time. I wanted to take actual classes, go on dates, go to homecoming, things like that. I wasn’t sure any boy would want to go with a girl who had been a naked dog in front of the entire school. I thought I might ask Craig to go out, but I didn’t think he liked me “like that.” He rarely even looked at me.

I really did miss being “normal” and all the privileges that came with it. I planned to get a big, juicy cheeseburger the day I graduated from the program and got to wear clothes and walk on two legs again.

Mrs. Andrews had told us it would probably be at least a few weeks and that was only once she got more recruits in the program. No other girls had signed up. I was pretty sure I could quit and my parents would let me. If I quit though, not only would I lose the academic boost that came with the program, and a chance at a scholarship, but I’d also be way behind in my old classes and probably fail.

I decided I’d wait this out and do my best. Mary waited until her minute was up. I watched the clock the entire time. At the end, I pulled my finger out and licked it clean. I don’t have access to soap and it’s good to keep my pointer finger lubricated. I know it sounds nasty, but I’d seen my sister and Mrs. Andrews do it as well.

“You are a pig,” Mary said after I finished her request and started to walk away.

I looked over my shoulder and oinked for her happily.

Later that day, Mrs. Andrews summoned my sister and I to her office. The ever-present Mr. Jordan stood over her just as he had the first day we met her. My sister and I smiled at each other when we arrived at the office. We’ve grown so much closer after sharing a cage night after night.

I’ve come to know her much better as well through our shared experiences. She comes across like a vapid airhead, and on some level, my sister definitely could be considered one. Katie also uses that as a mask she wears to hide her own anxieties. She’d rather act like a flirty bimbo than expose the real Katie. Just like me, she has self-esteem issues, and despite looking like a knock-out, she secretly hates a lot of things about her appearance.

I jokingly sniffed her ass when I crawled into the office behind her. Mrs. Andrews looked quite severe and stern. I was worried we had done something wrong, and I was about to get punished.

“Girls, I have something to tell you and I do not think you are going to like it,” Mrs. Andrews began. “The PSP program is floundering at Lyman High. It’s floundering at the high school level in general. We haven’t had a single recruit since you signed up.”

We knew that.

“At the collegiate level, it’s doing exceptionally well. NIS is old hat to most college students because they went through it in high school. There are at least a dozen puppies at my alma matter in Georgia. They are mostly Chi-Omega girls, and we thought it was probably some sort of rush-week pledge activity, but they haven’t quit, and the program is only getting stronger.”

That was actually encouraging. Mrs. Andrews thanked Craig for his ideas about knee pads. He had made her a pair. “They are trying to find a way to distribute more of them to campuses.”

Craig nodded graciously. He didn’t take compliments very well.

“I am also thankful for the bowls you made us all,” Mrs. Andrews admitted with a big smile. “Unfortunately, we are at a crossroads with the program.”

She not only addressing Katie and me, but also Calvin and Craig. “It doesn’t make sense for there to be a full time PSP administrator at the high school level. They are very likely going to pull the funding,” she said. “The behavior changes they wanted to see can’t be achieved with minimal participation. The principal thinks there will be a political firestorm if we have a mandatory week cycle through PSP like we do with NIS. I agree with his assessment.”

I assumed we’d be told to stand up, get dressed and go back to “normal,” and suddenly I was afraid of being normal again all of a sudden. I wanted more time to ease into it. I’d just grown used to lapping up milky-water and eating dog food for lunch.

“I’ve spoken to your mother, and she wants the decision to be yours,” Mrs. Andrews explained somberly. “You can quit now and take an A in all your classes for this semester. Your NIS week will be satisfied, Ashley. Katie, was a volunteer so she didn’t need to meet the requirement.”

“Or?” I asked.

“Or,” Mrs. Andrews said that we could remain in the program. “This is the part that I feel really bad about telling you. If there is no funding, there is no scholarship. Well, there is and there isn’t, but basically, I don’t think you are going to want to go down this path.”

Now, we had to hear what that path was.

Mrs. Andrews cut to the basics and explained that the scholarship was connected to funding. “The more puppies, the bigger the funding pool. The bigger the funding pool, the more puppies we can send to college.”

We nodded.

“If you want the scholarship, you would have to complete at least three years each in the program. The way the funding works is similar to the NIS program. Every week that we have a student in the PSP program, the school receives a little funding. If we kept rotating students in and out, or one student stays in the program for the entire year, we’d get the same level of funding. We did the math and it would take three years of a single student in the program to generate enough funding to pay for one full ride to college.”

Mrs. Andrews explained that there would have been enough money to send us to college by the time we graduated. I graduate a year after Katie and they could send one student every year.

“We’ve tried everything to get students interested, but PSP may just be too advanced for high school. The rules say that you can remain in the program voluntarily, but if you drop out then you can’t be invited back in. I don’t suppose you are going to want to stay in if it means no scholarship unless you stay this way the entire time you attend Lyman.”

Mrs. Andrews apologized to Craig and Calvin and said that without any puppies, there would be no handlers either. She told Craig that she especially appreciated all of his contributions. “I’ll put in a really good reference for all four of you with the principal.”

“Are you leaving Lyman?” I asked. I was devastated by this news – most of all I hated losing my crush. Craig reached down and unleashed me. I instinctively stood up. It felt strange to stand – like I was breaking the rules.

My sister remained on all fours with Mrs. Andrews. We were all in a state of shock, but also Calvin hadn’t unclasped her leash because he was a sadistic prick.

“I won’t leave right away. The school doesn’t need a full time NIS Coordinator anymore. It did decades ago. The program basically runs itself, so they’ll hire a part-timer. If we had an active PSP program, Lyman would need me, but they don’t. I am going to wrap up here over the next few months and then help run the collegiate PSP program at Georgia State.”

We were shocked and dismayed. I didn’t know what to do. I remained on all fours, quietly wiggling my butt a little as I often did out of habit now.

“Okay, well this is bittersweet, but it must come as some relief to you, Ashley?” my sister asked.

“Yeah, well maybe you can get back with Brad?”

“Fuck that asshole. I can remain in the PSP program?” Katie asked Mrs. Andrews.

“Yes, but I don’t think you understand what I am saying. You can stay in for a few months if you like while I am here, and even after I leave. However, you would need to commit through the end of your Senior year. You are just a Sophomore, Katie.”

“Okay, and?”

“You don’t seem to understand. PSP would be full-time, even summer and Christmas break. You’d miss out on Prom, and everything.”

“I’d get the scholarship?”

“Yeah, but there are other ways to get a scholarship. You could study hard, or maybe get it through an athletic scholarship. You have a lot of other options, Katie.”

“Are you going to remain a puppy while you are here?” she asked.

“Yes, when I go to Georgia State, I’ll be setting an example. Mr. Jordan was kind enough to remain as my handler. I am married, though and I’m setting an example for body positivity and alternative lifestyle choices. I do not think you are being rational, Katie. You can stay in PSP as long as you like – but I want you to really think about this.”

I felt strange standing there naked. It was a lot more comforting to get back down on the ground and crawl. I yipped once to Craig and he attached my leash to my collar.

“You are good puppies,” she smiled at both of us with pride. I could tell in her face she knew we’d eventually tire of the constant physical requirements and quit before we could earn the scholarship.

I told you earlier that I thrived on structure, schedules and routines. I was suddenly queasy trying to even remember what my life was like before I started the program.

After school, I rode home with my head and boobs out the window to feel the wind in my face. I couldn’t stop worrying about what would happen. I was also coming to grips with the fact I had an impossible crush on a married woman and that it would never have come to fruition anyway.

Craig stopped in front of my house, as he always did before he walked me to my front door. He turned to me and said “It’s been a real pleasure being your handler. You are a smart girl. I know you like listening to my classes, but you need to go be in your own classes. I know you like being told what to do,” he said.

I wanted to tell him I was a feminist, believed inequality, and equal rights and all that – but I really did like being told what I needed to do. If someone set expectations for me, it was easy for me to determine how to achieve them. I’d discovered I liked being led on a leash and it was strangely comforting to me.

I felt a little embarrassed he saw right through me and knew my secret. I think it was obvious to Mrs. Andrews as well.

“I know you feel loyalty toward your sister, but she needs to make the choice that is best for her and you need to make the choice that is best for you.”

He walked me to the door and turned me over to my mother. He gave her my punishment tail and told me to explain to her what I wanted her to do with it. Mom already knew what Mrs. Andrews had told us today.

She was surprised that I was still in the program. My sister and I continued to behave like puppies around the house. We weren’t as playful as we once were. I think everyone expected us to give up and that made me lose confidence that I could continue.

My sister didn’t talk as much as night when we were in the cage, and we both constantly reminded the other that we were under no obligation to continue the program. “Just because I am staying in, doesn’t mean you have to stay in.”

We both said that to each other a dozen times in those first few days.

My brother Bobby started to hang around with Mary’s brother Kevin Collins. They were the same age, and they had bonded over their shared experiences being able to give their older sister’s reasonable requests.

Now that Mary had finished her NIS week, naturally Kevin was bored. My brother began inviting him over. I didn’t fully understand why at the time. It seemed like a strange coincidence, but at the same time they knew each other through our chance meetings with Mary and they were in the same grade in middle school.

At first, my mom was reluctant to permit Kevin coming over, but she said she couldn’t stop Bobby from having a social life. She was actually grateful that Bobby had a friend that wasn’t just online through his video games.

Kevin and Bobby liked giving my sister and I are reasonable requests. Kevin especially liked making us sniff each other’s butts. However, he’d always tell us to freeze in place, so it looked like we were eating each other.

“Sniff your sister’s ass, Ashley,” Kevin ordered “Now freeze!”

I didn’t mind and neither did my sister. I did it all the time for Bobby at home with Katie. He and I never talked about the encounter with Archie and Edward. He avoided him when he walked me alone at the park. However, it was hard not to think about the time a dog literally sniffed and licked my pussy with his sloppy tongue in a public park every time Bobby gave me the order.

I didn’t really hold it against Bobby though. He’d never actually gave Edward or Archie permission to lick me. He had put me in a position that made it easy, and let the dog lick my face. The licking happened when Edward stood behind me and told me to smile.

Kevin and Bobby weren’t sadistic like Calvin. They were just two horny boys. I wasn’t angry or even wary about either of them giving us requests. They were toying with us, but that was normal for me now at school (mostly during lunch) and at home.

“What’s the most humiliating request you’ve gotten so far, Ash?” Bobby asked while I put my nose up to my sister’s ass. I think he was hoping this was it.

“From you, or at school?”

“From anyone,” my brother clarified.

“Well, one boy likes to pull my pussy lips open and close and work me like a ventriloquist puppet,” I admitted. I did a few examples of his voice and everyone cracked up.

“He made it sound like your pussy was a Mexican guy?” Kevin laughed.


“Oh, is that Johnny Cavallari?” my sister recognized the request immediately. She was right. He was the boy I watched masturbate himself while he fingered his own ass in class during his detention.

When I confirmed it was my sister said he did that to her and a bunch of other girls.

“Man, I wish I had thought of that when my sister was in NIS,” Kevin snapped his fingers.

“Want to play puppet theater?” Bobby offered our pussies as finger puppets to his new best friend.

“You guys only get to do this for a minute,” I spread my legs, planted my knees firmly in the carpet and backed myself up so that my brother could reach my pussy.

“Yeah, but I get to give you unlimited requests,” Bobby pulled my pussy lips open and close and spoke in a high-pitch crazed puppet voice.

“No, you don’t I replied.”

Kevin was milking my sister’s pussy lips and spoke in a deeper-funny voice “Yeah we do!”

Katie snickered a little, but I am a ‘rule follower’ by nature. At home, we didn’t limit my brother in the number of requests, but he never gave us the same one more than once and it always lasted a minute. He’d rotate through a bunch before he ever repeated the same request.

“Come on, Bobby. We are puppies, not finger puppets,” I reminded him.

“I am not Bobby. I am President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho, of the United States of ‘Merica” where he got that name from I had no clue. It was funny and I started to laugh a little. “I say you are life support for me! The puppet that lives inside your pussy!”

Mom walked in right as he was about to go on about controlling me by my pussy and using me as a permanent ventriloquist dummy. “Bobby!”

“What? It’s a reasonable request. We hadn’t even done it for a minute,” Bobby said. He’d played with my pussy lips before around mom, although he usually never made eye contact with her.

Mom left the room and didn’t say anything else. Bobby’s fingers were coated with my pussy juice after he finished and he had to go wash his hands. I was mortified.

Over the next two weeks, Craig and I rarely spoke again. He was a great handler but he seemed reticent, as if he expected me to stop at any moment.

Most people in the neighborhood had stopped gawking at us when we crawled to the park. There were a couple dirty old man who made a point of sitting on the park bench to watch us in the evenings.

However, Mrs. Haversham, our neighbor was a vocal detractor. She told my mom, “Look, it’s been a month. These girls are shitting and pissing out here in the park every night and it is disgusting.”

“My son bags it up, and its perfectly legal,” my mom took a hard as nails approach to being told what she could or could not do by Mrs. Haversham. Mom initially wanted peace with our neighbor and had been willing to compromise and limit where we walked. She didn’t any longer. I think Mrs. Haversham had only made my mom more protective of us like the Mama Bear she really is.

I think my mom also felt guilty that she had talked us into the program only to discover we’d probably never get a scholarship.

Even though we told her we were in this until we graduated, she didn’t believe us. Mrs. Andrews, Craig, Dad, even Bobby knew it was probably a matter of days or weeks before we had enough – no matter what we said.

Kevin kept coming over to the house. Bobby and him played with us like we were an Xbox and a Playstation combined. We were human entertainment consoles. They took us outside and when they were out of earshot of our parents, Kevin liked making us lick each other’s faces, and sniff each other’s asses.

“Get your nose right in your sister’s pussy! That’s it,” Kevin would say. He had no idea that my mom quietly permitted Bobby to make us do that at home anyway. She didn’t watch but she knew he was still ordering us to make requests like that at home.

They liked to make us crawl behind them when they went bike riding (they rode slow so we could keep up). They liked to show us off to their friends and make us bark, sit up and beg and wag our tails and tongues for them. It was pretty harmless but intensely humiliating and playful.

Kevin’s sister was very different.

“Smells like filthy cunts in here,” Mary said as she walked into our house. Mom and Dad weren’t there, or they would have probably asked her to leave immediately. She was a pretty girl with a really ugly attitude.

My sister and I were caught off guard by her arrival. We expected Kevin after school but never his sister. Kevin even offered us an apologetic glance.

“Well, if its not my favorite uggos, tweedle-dee, and tweedle-dog,” she sat down on the couch. Then she patted her thighs to summon us.

We crawled toward her. What else could we do? We were supposed to obey simple requests.

“Not you, I’ll deal with you later,” she told me to stick my nose into the corner. I crawled to the nearest corner and reluctantly waited.

“We never have time to really get to know one another,” Mary said to Katie.

“That’s good,” Katie said. “Now lick my dirty feet,” Mary kicked off her shoes and my sister began to tongue bathe her former rival’s feet. I knew that had to be deeply humiliating for her. I didn’t think much of it – but no one had ever requested I lick any part of their body.

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