NIS: Puppy Student Program - Cover

NIS: Puppy Student Program

Copyright© 2021 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The NIS (Naked in School) program has been adopted universally in high schools and universities. They have introduced a new experimental program PSP (Puppy Student Program). This is the short story of one of the first volunteers, who along with her older sister tests out what it is like to go to school as a puppy.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Reluctant   Teen Siren   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   Light Bond   PonyGirl   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Pegging   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

Naked girl sitting at a school desk

That night, my sister and I were both very tempted to play with ourselves. It was a good thing we didn’t, because Mom would have definitely caught us. She came down more than twice in the first two hours.

She didn’t mind us whisper-talking to one another. I think she expected it. She’d remind us to get some sleep. “Big day tomorrow,” and then went back upstairs in her robe.

My sister revealed to me a lot of things I already knew about her. On the surface, it was easy to say she was adventurous and a bit of an extrovert. It turns out though, she sometimes gets her validation from attention, and she thrives on it.

When it is denied to her, she gets all these self-doubts.

I didn’t have that. I have self-doubts constantly and don’t seek attention.

“I don’t get why we have to sleep in this cage at night. Isn’t it enough we are puppies at school?” My sister complained.

Mrs. Andrews had said that we were ambassadors representing the program at all times – in and out of school. I explained that and reminded Katie that the program was intended to be 24/7 just like NIS to reinforce our behavior.

“Yeah, yeah, goody-two-shoes, I get it. It’s kind of fun, but this cage is cramped as fuck,” Katie loved to make light of our situation. It was so surreal – I was grateful she could joke about it.

I couldn’t argue with her, and even though she used vulgar language I laughed. On some level, I really enjoyed the fact that we were in this together. I just couldn’t articulate the reason why entirely. My sister’s personality was different than mine – almost polar opposite.

Yet, we were so alike in other ways. I came to realize that we complimented each other and made a whole person when we worked together. I didn’t say that to Katie though. She would have considered it cheesy and too sappy.

Katie also told me that she broke up with Brad. Well, that’s not entirely true. Her boyfriend Brad broke up with her. When he discovered that she would not have any phone he didn’t care. “I think he was relieved he wouldn’t have to answer a dozen texts from an hour,” she mused. “It was when I told him that I couldn’t have sex while I was in the program, and I didn’t know how long it last that he basically told me to take a long walk off a short pier.”

“I am sorry, Katie,” I offered her my gentle support.

“I knew Brad was self-centered, and he was interested in me because I put out,” my sister admitted. “Now, do you see why I don’t’ want Mary Collins to be my handler? She’d start dating Brad just to make me go on a date with them.”

“Can our handlers take us places after school?”

“I don’t know,” my sister admitted. She said she had only half-paid attention to the orientation, but she assumed Mom might let her if Mary asked.

“First off,” I reminded her that she didn’t even know that Mary Collins would be her handler. “Secondly, Brad is a dick and doesn’t know what he lost.”

“What boy is going to date a girl who can’t even go down on him?” my sister was so casual about suggesting a blowjob. She made it sound like a trivial matter. I realized she was a lot more sexually experienced than I was.

“Well, he could wait until we are done with our time as puppies?” I suggested. “A nice guy would.”

“I don’t really like nice guys,” my sister didn’t make any sense to me when she said that. I didn’t understand what other kind of boy she might want if not a nice one.

“How long do you think this is going to last?” I asked.

“Obviously, not just a week,” my sister had reached the same conclusion I had. “Mom would be pissed if we quit after a week and she spent 300 bucks on all this puppy stuff.”

“Yeah, I think Mrs. Andrews told her that we’d have to do it for longer to get the scholarship. Do you think for the entire school year?” I gulped at the very possibility.

“Oh my god, I hope not! I don’t think I can stand eating that gross food every day for a year,” my sister chuckled.

“You seemed to like it,” I reminded her that she made a big mess of it but cleaned her bowl.

“Acting!” my sister held up one of her free fingers to punctuate her little joke.

“That dog food is disgusting,” I shook my head.

“What are you talking about? It’s mom’s meatloaf that was inedible,” my sister repeated her joke from earlier that night.

We giggled until we fell asleep. I have to admit that it helped to commiserate with my sister like this. I felt this solidarity over our shared experience. If I had to do this program alone I would have folded like a napkin. I was envious about the fact that she made all these wry comments and jokes and didn’t seem to let things bother her. At the same time, I was thankful because she helped add some much needed levity to what was most certainly the freakiest thing that could have ever happened to me.

A few hours later I felt the light strumming of my sister’s fingers along my ribcage. “Tickle, tickle,” she said as she drummed her fingers to awaken me from my sleep. “Tickle, tickle,” she repeated lightly.

“What?” I groaned.

“I can’t sleep,” she admitted.

“Try,” I grunted. I shut my eyes again. I can be grumpy when I don’t get my sleep.

“You keep grinding your butt into my crotch,” she told me. I hadn’t even realized I must have been pushing my butt out into her warm lap.

“It’s okay, it’s kind of nice,” my sister didn’t want to me to stop. “I’ve been kind of dry humping your tail,” she admitted that she had closed her legs around the base of my tail and had been trying to get herself off.

“What do you think Mom meant about alternative discipline methods?” my sister asked. I’d always thought my sister was kind of a vapid airhead. I was coming to realize she over-analyzed things just like I did and that we had more in common than I realized.

I had been dreaming about various medieval-era tortures involving heavy wooden beams, and cold iron bars pressed against my tender teenage skin because I had done something naughty. I imagined a rope attached to my pussy and nipples and run through some pully contraption. On the other end was a heavy bucket. Water was slowly dripping into it to eventually fill it

In my dream, I had to stand on my tippy toes and stretch my body to bear the impossible weight, that would eventually stretch my nipples and clit in obscene ways. It made sense that I was dreaming that when I realized part of my body was pressed against the cold iron-wrought bars of the cage, and I had been pushing humping my butt into my sister while we spooned.

“I really don’t know,” I admitted.

“I’ve been spanked before, at school. Never in front of the entire school on the lunch-room stage. I was a really well-behaved girl during my NIS week,” my sister said. I knew she liked mischief but she could behave when she wanted to behave. “I planned to be a little bolder this year. I guess I got more than I bargained for.”

“Who spanked you?”

“This really cute English teacher,” my sister mused. She told me a story about how she intentionally got into trouble. “I shared a class with Brad and I thought I would wind him up. It was worth spending a day in NIS detention.”

“Did mom and dad know?”

“No, the detention ended at the end of the school day, and I didn’t have to tell them. I could have if I wanted,” my sister seemed proud of what she had done.

“We won’t have to find out what the alternative discipline methods are if we behave,” I reminded her. I tried to go back to sleep. We had school in a few hours.

I was about to fall asleep when my sister woke me up again. “Is my asshole like this huge brown cess-pool?”


“When Bobby tells me I have a big beautiful butt-hole, I always blush,” my sister admitted. What she called blushing looked like her laughing at my brother’s joke. “I picture this big, brown swamp-hole smack dab in the center of my ass.”

“No, you have a little pink hole. It’s cute,” I assured her she had a pretty asshole. It was a surreal conversation. There was a long pause and I couldn’t get back to sleep. “What does mine look like?” I whispered.

My sister assured me I had a cute little pucker. She waited a few moments before informing me that I blow kisses with it.


“When you don’t have your tail in, and you are doing reasonable requests on the floor – it looks like you are blowing little kisses on the wind with your asshole.”

I groaned and said I was probably farting. We both laughed again pretty hard.

The morning came way too early. Mom was the first one up and she let us stretch. This time she let us outside in the backyard to piss. We ate at the breakfast table off the floor, and I did a much better job.

“You two looked so adorable sleeping together,” she observed. “You used to sleep just like that when you were little!”

“Naked in a cage?” Katie offered with a grin.

“No, butt-face! And it’s not a cage, it’s a dog crate,” My mom laughed as she scolded us at Katie’s little twist of her words. “You two shared a bed and I would come in and see you both snuggled up next to each other, and the rest of the bed completely empty.”

When we crawled back into the house, Bobby was up and still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I think he was a little surprised we were still naked and crawling and hadn’t given this up yet.

“Bobby, your job is to walk your sisters in the backyard, wash them down with the garden hose, and then lube the tips of their tails again,” my mom instructed.

“The tips of their tails?” Bobby didn’t get the reference.

“Our butt plugs,” Katie explained to Bobby what Mom meant. Bobby immediately understood that the ‘tip’ was the part that went up our asses.

“They are tails, and you sleep in a dog crate.” Mom insisted we use the proper terminology. The problem was that the tails really were just very flexible and thin butt-plugs with a flapping tail attached at the base. The dog crate was just a cage. We were even locked in at night.

The designers of the PSP manual had been very specific in their choice of vernacular for terms in the program. Mom intended to stick to it whenever possible, even if we didn’t.

I already missed eating at the table and being able to use silverware. That was also a huge change, and now I realized that giving up a privilege I always took for granted felt like surrendering my dignity and freedom. Yet, I didn’t want to rebel. I wanted to obey the rules as they were written because Katie obeyed them, and my mom enforced them. They were written in a manual and were official.

The program was a bizarre culture-shock, and yet something about the structure of it made me feel it was absolutely necessary to eat this way and not complain.

“What’s Dad’s job going to be?” Bobby asked.

“Work,” my dad looked directly at Bobby and repeated “Work. I am going to earn the money to put food on the table.”

“Can I go fetch your newspaper, daddy?” my sister mewled like a baby. She had meat and milk all over her face.

“No, I already have it, thank you.” Dad showed us a copy of USA Today. He told her that she could do it tomorrow when she appeared to be dejected. “Just do it tomorrow before you eat and get all messy.”

“Yes Daddy,” Katie offered dutifully with a big, pleasant smile.

Dad stood up and kissed my mother goodbye. She kissed him back. He asked if she was really sure this was a good program for us. “I am a little worried what some of the other students are going to say about them.”

“Mark, there are six other female students in NIS this week and they take requests to masturbate. Once the novelty of the girls crawling around passes, I am sure they will not be the center of attention.”

“I can’t imagine that happens in high school. I don’t know if I would have ever paid attention to my class work.”

“They can’t make requests during class and it’s rare it happens in the hallways between classes. The students are used to nudity and it isn’t like this constant free-for-all orgy,” Mom assured my Father that it wasn’t seen as that big of a deal. “Everyone masturbates, so it’s not like they don’t know what it is.”

“It just seems so unnecessary,” Dad seemed puzzled by the program. I suppose I was as well. Mom was about to explain how there was educational value to it, and how by normalizing it they had reduced teen pregnancy rates but Dad said he had heard all of that before and still didn’t completely get it. “It’s a new world and I will just have to get used to it.”

He patted mom on the butt as he often did and left for work.

“So, do you see guys jerk off too?” Bobby asked us as soon as Dad left the room.

“Bobby!” Mom gasped over the question.

“It’s fine,” Katie told Mom she didn’t mind answering. “Yeah, It probably happens three or four times a week. It isn’t that big of a deal to watch a guy pull his pud. Most of them aren’t very creative,” Katie seemed very calm about observing a man’s most intimate behavior.

Mom had just said how it was fine for girls to masturbate in school, so she really couldn’t come right out and squash the topic of guys jerking off. She did seem a little uncomfortable.

“Can guys just whip it out and start jerking off?” Bobby asked.

“No, they have to be officially in the NIS program that week, either through a detention or by assignment. They can only masturbate if they get a reasonable request. Boys in detention will end up masturbating in front of the class they got the detention in.”

“Wow, that sounds more like a treat than a punishment,” Bobby observed.

“You might think that now, but I can assure you – the teachers won’t make it fun,” my sister replied cryptically. I didn’t know what she meant any more than Bobby did. I had never seen that happen because I was so new at Lyman High.

My sister also explained that boys in detention that popped a boner in class would have to perform in the corner while the lecture continued. “It doesn’t usually stop class. Naughty boys may even have to stand in the window and face away from the class.”

“What happens to the jizz? Do they just shoot it everywhere?” Bobby asked. He was as inquisitive as he was annoying at times.

“BOBBY!” Mom’s face turned red. It was as if Bobby had just been trying to ask questions until Mom got so flustered she stopped him.

“He is just curious, Mom,” Katie wasn’t grinning or joking. She seemed genuinely helpful when she explained that most boys have to squirt in their own hand and then dispose of it. Bobby seemed satisfied albeit a little disappointed that there wasn’t some other answer.

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