The Secret Cheerleader Vote - Cover

The Secret Cheerleader Vote

Copyright© 2018 by Red Czar

Chapter 6: Betting on Haley – Part IV

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6: Betting on Haley – Part IV - After losing a bet to her friend Zane, Carly now has to deliver the entire cheerleader squad for his pleasure. Fortunately, she has a plan...

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

And this is MY room

Within no time at all, we were pulling up in my driveway. Just as I expected, no one else was home. Perfect! I escorted Haley inside and gave her the five-minute tour. She squeaked about the pool table and made some sexy comments about the hot tub and the pool, nothing that she didn’t have at her own house. Finally, I showed her the best part, my bedroom.

She looked inside my room, then looked at me and said, “So you think I’m just gonna jump into bed with you? Just like that?” (Yup! Let’s go!)

“Would you rather go outside for a swim? Or jump in the hot tub for a while? Or play some pool?”

She grinned at me and said, “That depends. Do you just wanna use me for sex?”

I screwed a surprised look on my face and said, “Who ME? NEVER!” All the time thinking, oh my God, yes, so badly!

She took my hand and pulled me into the room. I pulled the door closed and locked it.

When I turned around, Haley was just looking at me with a shy little smile, and those beautiful brown eyes all lit up and sparkling at me. Her nipples practically ripped right through that tank top. She was so sexy. She had clearly already decided what she wanted. I let out a heavy sigh in appreciation of how beautiful she looked right at that moment. I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her backward until she fell onto my bed. I then fell right on top of her and started kissing her like I hadn’t seen a girl in years.

We lay there kissing for a while. That perfume was still driving me crazy. She smelled so sexy. Slowly, I directed my kissing down to her neck, where that intoxicating smell was coming from. Haley squirmed and giggled with every touch. I kissed and licked and nibbled on her ears and neck. I was driving her crazy, and I knew it. Her hands were running through my hair, and holding my head close to her. My hands slid up under her top and were all over those perfect tits, and at no time did she ever try to stop me, no matter what I did. She started letting out little moans with every touch. Every inch of her body seemed so sensitive right now.

I stopped kissing for a moment and sat up. I then pulled her up to a sitting position and started to pull her top up. Haley didn’t even give me a chance. She grabbed the cloth and pulled it right up and over her head. I was right; she had nothing underneath. As she threw her top to the floor, my hands went right back to those nipples. Again, every touch produced a little moan of pleasure.

We climbed up onto the bed the rest of the way, got comfortable, and my mouth went right to her tits. They really were bigger than they looked, and she loved having me sucking on them. As I sucked, my hand started sliding down her tummy to her shorts. No, I wasn’t wasting any time. She would moan, giggle, sigh, and laugh, and every once in a while, let out a little gasp, like when my hand slid under the waistband of her shorts and down into her panties.

I slid my hand all the way down over that patch of wild curly hair until my fingers were sliding along her pussy. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. I pulled my mouth away from her nipples and leaned close to her face as I started to work her pussy. She was clearly in ecstasy.

I stopped for a moment and kissed her. Then, when she looked into my eyes, I had to ask.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

She looked at me and answered, “YES! Keep going!”

“Even if all I want to do is use you for sex?” I already knew the answer.

“I don’t care.”

“Even after all that stuff Carly told you?”

“Who cares about Carly? I want to do it!”

I leaned forward and kissed her again. Then I started working my fingers hard between her legs. She let out little screams of pleasure when I pushed a finger into her. She let out louder screams when I pushed two, then three into her. She outright yelled and convulsed her entire body when, as those fingers were sliding inside her, I ran my thumb up over her clit. She just kept getting wetter and wetter.

I know what I want

It was time to move things along. I couldn’t work that pussy with those shorts in the way any longer. I pulled my fingers away, and she relaxed for a moment. I stood up, pulled my shirt off, and threw it on the floor. She smiled and whistled at me. I stood up and flexed for a moment or two to drive her crazy. Then I reached over and grabbed her shorts by the waistband. Haley smiled at me and lifted her butt up as I pulled shorts and panties down those sexy legs in one swift motion.

I stood there for just a moment, staring at this beautiful naked nymph on my bed. Thinking ahead, I took my phone and put it on the nightstand. (I wanted pictures). My eyes traveled down her body. Her brown-toned complexion, those little nipples poking up like hard little stones from those perfect tits. That belly, tight and skinny, every little muscle in that six-pack still visible even though she was totally relaxed. That wild little bush of curly black hair. My cock shot up like a rocket. I looked her in the eyes, winked, and then pushed my shorts off, releasing my cock for her to admire.

Haley said, “Oh my God, it looks even bigger than before.”

“It might be! Just the sight of you is making it ache.”

I laid down next to her again, and her hands went right to my cock. I was in heaven the instant her hands wrapped around me, barely able to make their way around it.

I lay there for a moment as she played and stroked and fondled my cock and balls. It was almost as if she had practiced since the last time we were together. She was making me crazy.

I had to ask her one more time. “You’re really sure you want to do this?”

She answered, “Jeez, you sound just like Carly. I know what I’m doing. Do you want to fuck me or not?”

Well, you didn’t have to ask me that twice. It was time to fuck this girl. You know what you want? Good! Because so do I. I pushed her down on her back and rolled over on top of her. I put one knee between her legs. She spread those legs eagerly, and then I put my other leg between them, too. I grabbed one of the stray pillows and slid it underneath that perfect ass, raising her up just enough.

I reached down and started touching and caressing her pussy again. I slid my fingers into her and pulled her lips apart. Haley closed her eyes and started letting out little moans. Finally, I took my cock in my other hand and started rubbing it up against her pussy. She was so wet. She was moaning with every touch.

Suddenly, her eyes popped open, and Haley chimed in with, “Wait, don’t we need to use a condom?” (There was no way I was going to use a condom.)

“I don’t have any. Besides, I hate those things.” (I had a full drawer right next to us.)

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