The Secret Cheerleader Vote - Cover

The Secret Cheerleader Vote

Copyright© 2018 by Red Czar

Chapter 5: Betting on Haley – Part III

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: Betting on Haley – Part III - After losing a bet to her friend Zane, Carly now has to deliver the entire cheerleader squad for his pleasure. Fortunately, she has a plan...

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  


Two weeks ago, on Saturday morning, my friend Carly and I set into motion a bet on whether or not I could bed her little sister, Haley. I had caught Haley spying on us having sex a few weeks earlier, which led to some debate between Carly and I. Carly thought Haley was a nosey little pest, as usual, and was going to use this as blackmail against her.

Haley had been watching us for at least twenty minutes, I instantly saw her as a horny freshman who was totally turned on watching us and wondering what it would be like to be in there herself, and I was instantly eager to help her find out!

That Saturday, Carly made an excuse to disappear when I stopped by so that I could be alone with Haley. In no time at all, Haley was sucking my dick on the living room couch. I knew it. She really was just a horny little freshman.

As quickly as I could manage it, we were naked on her bed and getting ready to teach her how much fun it was to participate instead of just watching. Then, against our agreement, Carly came barging in and interrupted us.

Carly was supposed to stay away for the day so I would have time to charm Haley out of her virginity, but once I sent her some video of Haley sucking my dick, she decided that this wasn’t right to do to her little sister, so she came home to stop us before we went too far. Haley and I were THAT close. Carly was feeling guilty about the whole bet. What she didn’t realize was that I had been right all along. Haley was totally into it. The girl wanted to fuck.

Carly and I argued for quite a while afterward and, in the end, decided that she cheated. The bet was still on, and all the rules still applied. If Haley had said to stop at any point, then it would have been over, and we would have stopped. As long as she was a willing participant, she was fair game, and Carly was still banned from saying anything to anyone.

The Next Weeks

After Carly’s rude interruption, Haley was afraid that she had been caught and that Carly was going to tell their parents. Funny how both of them were most afraid of their parents. Fortunately, Haley is a smart girl, and when Carly asked her what I was doing upstairs with her, she just denied it. She said that she had left me downstairs on the couch when she went to get changed for lacrosse practice. Maybe I was just a perv and was trying to spy on her changing. Carly laughed at that excuse and agreed with her. She said that Haley was probably right! That sounds exactly like something I would do! I have to admit, it does. Even I laughed when I heard that.

I didn’t see Haley again until the following Tuesday at school. I wasn’t sure what her reaction was going to be. When we were in her room, she was eager to continue with every move I made. However, when Carly barged in on us, she seemed so embarrassed she barely spoke a word before we dropped her off for practice. Was she still going to be eager to see me and maybe continue our fun? Would she be totally embarrassed and hide the minute she saw me? I just didn’t know.

As I walked through the halls of the school, I had not seen Haley yet. I did, however, run into a number of her friends, who all started giggling and whispering the moment they saw me. Had Haley told them something? Finally, I found Haley. She was standing with a few of those same friends in front of her locker. As soon as she saw me, she smiled and ran up to me to say hi. She wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped up to give me a little kiss on the cheek. I think she did that more for the benefit of her friends, who immediately burst into fits of giggles and whispers. Yes, she had definitely told them something.

All of the giggling and whispering was fine with me. The kiss on the cheek was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. She was clearly still into it. The reaction of her friends just revealed that she had told them at least part of our story. Whether she told them exactly what had happened or not, I don’t know, and really didn’t care. Clearly, their minds were working hard on their own little fantasies. Perhaps I should go after a few of them when all this was over, too! Haley had some very hot, sexy friends.

Added Bonus

As an added bonus that week, another exciting thing happened. I got my driver’s license! This was awesome. This was freedom! This was a reason for celebration. The fact that my parents also gave me my own car to drive was even better. It wasn’t anything exotic or exciting like Carly’s brand new little red Cooper. It was just a used Honda, but for a high school guy, it was still freedom. I offered Carly the chance to help me break in the back seat in the school parking lot, but she made some excuse about her meathead boyfriend and declined. Such a shame.

Haley loved my car, though. She kept asking me when I was going to take her for a ride. Yeah, I was going to take her for a ride, alright. I so wanted to do just that: take her for a ride and finish what we had started. I didn’t really want to do it in a car, though. I wanted to take my time with her and really enjoy it. I also wanted to pick a time and a place that Carly wouldn’t know about, and the back seat of my car in the school parking lot was just not it.

On the coming weekend, Carly had to go to a cheerleader competition out of state. Her mom was going to be going with her, which left Haley to stay home with her dad. That was perfect. As soon as I heard that, I asked Haley what she was going to be doing that Saturday. She said she would be at lacrosse practice just like every other weekend and then hanging out with her friends. I suggested that maybe, instead, I should pick her up after practice and take her for that ride she wanted, and then she could hang out with me instead. Haley agreed to that in a heartbeat.


Saturday morning came, and I went to my own gymnastics practice in the morning; then, when I finished up, I put my things in the car and strolled out to the field to watch the end of lacrosse practice. Those girls were hot. I thought, damn, I should watch this more often. After they were done, Haley ran over to me and said she would be real quick; she just had to go change. I wanted to go in and help her, maybe a nice long shower, but I went to wait in the car instead.

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