The Secret Cheerleader Vote - Cover

The Secret Cheerleader Vote

Copyright© 2018 by Red Czar

Chapter 2: Riding Carly

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2: Riding Carly - After losing a bet to her friend Zane, Carly now has to deliver the entire cheerleader squad for his pleasure. Fortunately, she has a plan...

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

I walked back over towards Carly, laying spread eagle on the bed, with my cock standing up, threatening her. She just watched me approach with a huge grin on her face.

“Damn!” she said. “That’s bigger than I remember.” We had been naked together before, after all.

“You were drunk last time, and it wasn’t this hard.”

“Just bring that thing over here,” and spread her legs as wide as she could.

I pulled her to the very edge of the bed and placed myself right at her entrance. She wrapped her legs around me, and as I started to push into her, she started to pull. We both let out the same long, sensual moan. She was so tight and warm and perfect. She closed her eyes again as I pushed into her as far as I could go. We stopped like that for a moment and just felt our bodies reacting to each other.

Then I started to pump. Pulling out just a bit and thrusting back into her. I did this for a while and just fucked her deep. We got into a hot little rhythm, with her making little moans with every thrust and me grunting to push as far as I could. Every once in a while, I would glance at the mirror to see if our audience was still there. Haley hadn’t moved an inch the whole time. She was mesmerized. I couldn’t see, but I was imagining her hand down her pants, working her own little mound.

I pumped my way deep into that pussy as hard as I could until I could no longer stand; my legs got so tired. I pulled out and stepped back. I pulled Carly up and laid down on the bed myself. I changed my position so that Haley would be able to see as much as possible. Carly climbed up on the bed, straddled me one more time, and lowered herself onto my cock. I so love that feeling as she just sank that tight warm pussy around my shaft.

Carly then started to bounce and drive herself onto me. She was like a wild animal. She made so much noise. Screaming and moaning. I grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto me as hard as I could. I looked over to the door to see if Haley was still watching. She was, and just as I looked, she was staring straight at me. We locked eyes for the briefest of moments. I just smiled at her. I could see the panic in her eyes as she realized she’d been caught. In an instant, she disappeared, but my smile remained, and I turned it back up to the sister that was riding my cock.

I rolled Carly over on her back again and resumed my place between her legs. I pulled them up and started to drive into her hard again, figuring little sister was gone now, and it was time to concentrate on what I was doing. Carly started moaning and calling my name. I pounded harder. I looked to the mirror and saw that Haley had returned to her spot carefully and was watching intently as I pounded her sister hard.

At this point, I was ready to shoot the biggest load of my life. I wanted Haley to see the money shot, so I pulled out of Carly, stood up, and pulled off the condom. Carly was immediately on her knees, taking my cock in her mouth. The sensation was almost unbearable. I was ready to explode in her mouth, but I wanted Haley to see me cover Carly with it. I started a pumping motion into Carly’s mouth as she sucked and stroked me. Then, just as I was about to explode in Carly’s mouth, I pulled all the way out of her mouth, and it shot all over her face. It went on her face, in her hair, over her chest. Carly grabbed my cock, sucked it right back in her mouth, and swallowed down everything I had left.

Hey guess what...

I stood there holding her head for a moment as my cock deflated in her mouth. I then collapsed on her bed. Carly got up and collapsed next to me.

All she said was, “Holy shit...”

I agreed. “Yeah ... damn ... that was amazing.”

“So you still upset about what’s her name?”

“Oh, the hell with her. What class do you want to skip tomorrow?”

“Sorry sexy, I got plans tomorrow.”

We lay there for a few minutes, just breathing and recovering. She looked so amazing laying there naked, and my hands started wandering over her again. I couldn’t keep them off of her. This is the vision every guy in school would have killed to see. The captain of the cheerleaders lying naked next to you with your cum all over her. My hands were just rubbing cum like lotion into her skin. Just as I leaned over and put my mouth back to those nipples, we heard the door to Haley’s room close.

Carly jumped up and said, “Shit! Get dressed, sister’s home. We don’t want her to catch us.”

“A little late for that, don’t you think.”

She, of course, asked, “What do you mean?”

“She was watching us through the door for pretty much the entire time. Didn’t you see her?”

She said in a slight panic, “What?! No, I didn’t see her, did YOU?”

“Of course I did. She was peeping through the door the whole time; how could you miss that?” Of course, I knew Carly hadn’t seen her, but I had to play along as if I thought she did; that way, Haley was still in trouble for peeking, but not me for letting her.

The look on Carly’s face was priceless as she looked at the door, cracked open that tiny bit, and realized her baby sister had just watched her fucking like a rabbit for half the afternoon and NOT her boyfriend. Her mouth dropped open, her eyes went wide, and she asked...

“Oh my god, why didn’t you SAY something?!”

“I was kind of busy at the time, and I was not going to stop because your little perv sister wanted to watch. Besides, she’d already seen us. I didn’t think it mattered if she wanted to watch. I thought, sure, you saw her too. Plus, it was really hot thinking about her watching us. I’m betting she was standing there with her hand down her shorts the whole time,” and then I gave her that same naughty smile she had given me earlier.

Carly was panicking. She said, “Oh my god, what if she tells my parents?” and then, “Oh my god, what if she tells my BOYFRIEND!”

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