Mage - Cover


Copyright© 2018 by QM

Chapter 81

Chakra’s tale told us of a very different Yr’ch way of life and a very different society. He’d been born in Draenor and it had been obvious that he was different to most Yr’ch younglings in that he developed faster and was more inquisitive as well as more intelligent, being able to both read and write at the age of two. His father and mother were both scientists, though not brilliant ones and had a library of books which as soon as he was able, Chakra began to devour as his intellect soared.

Socially though, he was isolated, his peers were too ‘childish’ and older Yr’ch wanted nothing to do with a precocious youngling who unlike many of them was not interested in sports or capable of talking about the opposite sex, even if he knew far more about them biologically than they did.

He was however taken under the wing of a Dastur of Beog, one of the founder gods of the Yr’ch that were hardly worshipped at all these days save by a dwindling minority of Yr’ch and whose organisations were ‘ran’ to a certain extent by certain families who saw it as a career move as the temples owned huge tracts of land and property, thus controlled the massive funds attached to it to the benefit of themselves or their family/clan. Many also used it as a stepping stone on the way to political power.

Dastur Braach though was different, he really believed and passed some of his enthusiasm onto Chakra as they debated the holy books and ordinances including what were a few major flaws in them, though Braach blamed this on the Yr’ch interpretation, rather than the gods themselves.

Chakra soon passed through the school system, becoming the youngest ever Yr’ch to attend one of the top matriculi of the higher learning academia of the city state of Draenor. Soon he was studying higher physics and mathematics and producing papers which were of great interest to the various technological leading edge companies who saw the means to add such breakthroughs into their products and research. Indeed, Chakra had many offers to come and work for such companies, or be sponsored by them, but always turned them down, preferring to remain independent.

Yr’ch society at this time would have been largely recognisable to any humans looking on; they had cities, mass transit systems and all the other trappings, which if looking different, would at least have been understandable to anyone looking on. Yes, the Yr’ch were certainly more physical and their ‘sports’ reflected this along with a distressing likelihood to go to war at the drop of a hat, however they baulked at using weapons of mass destruction, their armies were pretty much all infantry and a stylised form of combat between the competing city states had developed that more resembled a sport than anything else and left the victor with some form of concession from the loser as well as bragging rights, but no gains in territory as to the Yr’ch psyche, that would have been grounds for the use of the terror weapons all states maintained.

Chakra though took no real interest in society, setting himself up as an independent scientific consultant he soon amassed enough funding to purchase a laboratory and begin independent studies in the fields which fascinated him, mainly gravitics, quantum resonance, nanotechnology and bioenhancements, the latter being down to Dastur Braach’s interest in healing the sick and ensuring that all could contribute to Yr’ch society. By DNA manipulation in the confines of a quantum field, he made a massive breakthrough in neural stranding which could couple ‘thinking’ tissue to electronics and create massive savings in production as well as speed of operation and intuitive responses. This, coupled to his designs for fusion power soon had his name talked of throughout the planet in awe as his ideas became widely disseminated. Though this meant little to the socially isolated Chakra who although being a genius, would likely have run a mile if approached by anyone he did not know, never mind a female.

Other than his living quarters above his lab, Chakra’s only emergence to the world at large was his daily visit to the temple of Beog in Draenor where he was mostly ignored by the worshippers as he earnestly prayed for guidance from his deity. This silence from the gods however piqued Chakra’s curiosity and intellect as he considered a method to contact the gods via science, rather than faith. Realising that the gods might not care for such an intrusion, assuming he could even find a means to view or contact them, he worked at the problem only in his mind until he reached the stage where he felt he had a solution, though this was the work of several years.

The intervening years brought about massive changes in Yr’ch society as Chakra’s innovations transformed the way the Yr’ch went about things with such technology as anti-gravity, nanite construction and medical repair, quantum transference portals as well as tailored virus enhancements to increase Yr’ch intelligence and abilities.

Eventually though he constructed his quantum scanner and began to seek out the gods, in particular his god, his Beog.

Säräquyael drifted between the various worlds in the chain of planets that stretched endlessly in the multiverse. He was ignored by the planetary guardians as he rarely spent any great time anywhere, always returning to Vultoq and his mostly senescent patripure. Mostly he grieved at the destruction of the perfection as the blight of intelligent life spread over and contaminated the various worlds, aided and abetted by the foolish loyalists of the Almighty. It was then that he noticed the mortal scanning the realm of quantum, looking he presumed for evidence of the Higher Powers and an old plan finally coalesced in his mind as he saw a way to free the Vultoqi to cleanse creation. All he needed was a dupe to bring this foolish race into conflict with his own and awaken their desire to complete their destiny.

It did not take Säräquyael long to find Beog, a Power perfect for the task in hand, being both arrogant, yet easily cowed by a more powerful being and set him away to talk to this mortal and send the Yr’ch off on the path of conquest.

[SO, MORTAL, YOU SEEK THE AID OF YOUR GOD?] came a strident voice from the communicator Chakra had attached to his monitor.

“Forgive me, my god. Your people have fallen away from worshipping you and merely use you as a tool to amass wealth. They have forgotten the old ways of righteousness,” Chakra almost gabbled out over his shock.


“Then what can be done?”


“It shall be as you command, my god!” he exulted and immediately began to design a quantum transfer emitter to rid Draenoric of the false gods so that Beog could return and rule supreme.

It took several years and a couple of false starts before Chakra finally had the devices ready. In all this he spoke often with Beog and was imbued with some of the god’s power, which protected him from scrutiny from the other gods. Yet finally Chakra threw the switch and felt a wave of quantum energy wash over the planet, snuffing out the Powers and transferring them to a zone in the place Beog called the Outer Realms from which prison they could not escape, nor ever return, whilst the energy form imbued the planet, something Chakra was eventually able to make permanent.


“At once, my god!” Chakra exulted.

So began the years of the unification as the City State of Draenor expanded to take over first its neighbours, converting them by the sword if they were unwilling. Chakra recognised now as the Most High of Beog cowing the city rulers and placing those found pious in the eyes of Beog in their place. He also designed the first of the cloning plants to create mass hordes to sweep aside the defenders of the City States who opposed Beog, redefining their genetics from captured and enslaved Yr’ch into limited grunts whose abilities could be supplemented by genetic modification packs.

Few of the City States would surrender initially; it was simply not the Yr’ch way, but within twenty years, the planet was unified and renamed Draenoric, the mass building projects for the elite had begun as its people though tightly controlled enjoyed peace and prosperity as they worshipped their now active god.

Chakra continued his work, for all he was acknowledged as the Most High of Beog, he was still isolated from society as a whole and had ‘enabled’ a class of Yr’ch, three from each continent except the southern wasteland to control the social engineering of the Yr’ch as a whole. These Yr’ch called themselves Archimandrites and wielded great power, both temporally and thaumaturgically. They were also ambitious and easily corrupted by Beog into adapting Yr’ch society towards unthinking worship of their only god as well as increasing their desire for conquest without mercy towards anything not Yr’ch. To this end, a scientific branch, the TechnoYr’ch was set up along with the MilitaryYr’ch to develop the means to conquer new worlds and rigidly control the ‘colonists’ who would be grown to live there. Safeguards were also put in place to ensure revolt was next to impossible due to the artificially short life span of the grunts, though the natural Yr’ch had no such restrictions. In that area the Council of Archimandrites began setting up schools to take young Yr’ch from an early age to channel and guide them into appropriate tasks, though not yet removing them completely from their families.

In all this, Beog was patiently waiting on Chakra who was busy designing a portal to other worlds in the multiverse along with a method to permit Beog to remain in control of his children on such worlds.

It was to this end that the Yr’ch launched their first deep space platforms and had the specially designed drones constructing a massive transportal ring in a lunar orbit to enable the platforms to pass through and begin observing the new worlds Beog had promised the Yr’ch.

And so the first platform was sent through to the uninhabited world of Froom to begin scientific experiments to find out how that world was so different from Draenoric in that Beog had confirmed that his powers were limited there to mere observation. Chakra was certain that the difference was in a quantum frequency emanation and devised ever more complex and intrusive devices to discern what it was, comparing them in detail to those taken on Draenoric until he believed he had ascertained what needed to be done.

An Orb was then constructed from various materials designed to withstand an orbital burn and impact. Chakra also designed a defence mechanism which recognised only Yr’ch life signs and which would irradiate any others with lethal gamma waves. This was then sent through as the Yr’ch observed from the orbital platform through a quantum scanner to see what happened to the planet’s gods.

The effect was almost instantaneous as all Powers on the new world ceased to function and remained in a form of stasis. This was enough for the Yr’ch to open a series of portals and pour through resources to carefully and scientifically take over the world for their god.

This was a far more haphazard methodology than would happen in the future, there were many false starts as the various infrastructures were constructed and arrayed on the planet. There also was a reluctance for the ‘real’Yr’ch to move there and run the various plants for the hordes of cloned grunts who were settled upon the planet and who inevitably began to form clans and squabble amongst themselves. To keep this under control to a limited extent, fighting leagues were formed and changes to the mental processes of the grunts were changed to prevent them fighting on temple lands as well as conditioning them to focus on Beog as a matter of priority.

The process itself took almost fifty years before the Council of Archimandrites were satisfied with the results, even after that time, tweaks were still being made, technology improved and bio-creatures such as the Crimonach were made to protect essential buildings.

Yet Beog was pleased and informed the Council as such along with Chakra of his pleasure and blessed his Thaumaturges greatly with extended lives.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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