Please Mister - Cover

Please Mister

Copyright© 2019 by John Harris

Chapter 1

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1 - teens raped by old pedo

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Water Sports  

They watched the old man get out his car and approach the shop slowly with his slight limp. (Sciatica) Hell on earth for the old guy now and then. He had seen the two youngsters as he drove up to the kerb and even at 60yrs of age was still appreciative of a tight arse and firm young boobs which these two kittens obviously possessed.

One had strawberry blonde hair down to her shoulders and was he guessed about 15yrs old with too much make up on trying to appear older and tight yoga type pants which clung to her legs and bum like a coat of paint, these were offset by a tight little black leather jacket and a white vest that showed her bare midriff with wording which he couldn’t read. The logo was sticking out proudly though, clearly aided by her small but firm looking breasts.

Her companion looked a little older and much more adult in her attire and make up. With raven black hair and green eyes which the old man found hypnotic as he glanced at her. Her pale skin and flawless figure made his aged cock stir and he smiled inwardly as he got a semi for the first time in months, well without the use of Viagra and some furious masturbating to get it up.

She was leaning on the wall at the front of the shop beside the ATM and in that position with both elbows on the low wall and her body pushed out ever so slightly, her light blue flower patterned summer dress fluttered gently around her thighs and clung into her crotch every now and then in the gentle breeze, giving the impression she was wearing shorts and not the very short dress mentioned previously.

Her firm young cleavage had a soft sheen over her porcelain skin caused by the heat of the day. As he got closer to the shop the old man was sweating buckets himself and not just with the heat of the day! He smiled toward the young females trying not too look like the local pedophile let loose in the school.

Just as he was about to enter the Asian grocers, a leather clad arm grabbed his wrist. this had him turn quickly and wince, as pain shot down his left leg to his foot. He was about to swear when two gorgeous ice blue eyes stopped him pleading in a very young voice that belied its owners appearance.

“Please Mister? Could you do a favour for my friend over their.” Blue eyes asked. Pointing to the jail bait in the blue summer dress. “What kind of favour.” Old man replied, eyeing the girls with a little suspicion now. “Well Holly has a party to go to, she needs to take a bottle with her?”

“But...” the girl drew out the word. “That rotten guy in the shop wont sell her any as she forgot to bring ID?” The old man knew she wasn’t old enough for an ID. So by now he was getting the idea in his head that these two might be a plant by the police, to catch people out for supplying underage drinkers?

He had heard rumours about it around the pub he frequented. “Hmm~Is that so?~How do I know your not up to something? What if I get caught doing this. I’m way too old to get jailed darling. not even for a really pretty young thing like you.” He said. By this time the nubile Holly had appeared at his side and was pleading with him.

“Oh please mister, please. I really have to go to this party.” ~ “Well sorry girls, much as I want to help you out~ but I think your way too young to be accosting older guys to buy you drink? Its dangerous for them too. You any idea what the law would do if they catch me buying you alcohol? Now don’t be hanging around here its no place for young girls like you to be.” Holly suddenly changed her tone shouting at the old guy.

“Aw just fuck off then yah old fart, we’ll hang out anywhere, anytime. Anyhow somebody else will get it for me.” The abusive Holly sounded like she was used to getting her own way and peeved at his rejection of her amateurish seduction and subsequent humiliation in front of her friend. He noted jail bait had a nasty mouth and as such the old man saw red at her insolent behavior.

Right there was where this story all started. He came out of the shop and limped over to where they stood having first looked to see if anybody was paying him attention. “Listen young lady.” He addressed Holly abruptly. “Don’t ever talk to me or any of your elders that way. Its disrespectful and will never get you what you want apart from grief. You got that?”

He pointed to his right and then gestured as if giving the girls directions. They looked at him with puzzled faces as he silently mouthed to them. “Meet me at the swing park in Hosier Street in ten minutes. I will get you sorted.” ~ “What’s your name blue eyes.” He asked the shocked looking younger girl. “Its ... its ehm, Its Jane.” she blurted out eventually. Holly, now feeling left out piped up stating her name. The old man just smirked and said sarcastically “Oh I know exactly what they’ll name you honey.” Holly blushed and pondered his reply?

I’m Tom he advised them both before limping away reminding them. “Ten minutes girls or I disappear with your goodies? As he drove away he looked in his rear mirror witnessing both girls rushing in the direction he had indicated. He looked again to see if anybody was following but had the road to himself. He glanced at himself in his interior mirror smirking when thinking about their chance meeting. This lucky old Tom gets an opportunity to go play with two lovely young kittens.

He reached the park 10 minutes later than he had said in order to make sure the coast was clear and no one was around he might recognise or vice versa. The police in particular! He pulled into the car park and saw both girls sitting on a bench, phones in hand, totally oblivious to anything else. As is the norm with their age group.

Approaching them cautiously from behind he limped past while whispering. “Follow me girls.” Both teens looked startled but giggled to each other nervously as they got up and headed after the old gent. Who for all intents just appeared to be out for a stroll with his granddaughters. Reaching the old pavilion on the edge of the Danby woods, which covered the pavilion from view on that side. He forced the door open and they all went inside. then he dropped the bombshell.

“Sorry girls. I couldn’t risk bringing what you wanted with me here.” They sighed, looking dejected and puzzled. He quickly caught the mood as expected. “If you like though! I can take you to my place and you can have anything you want from my own cabinet and fridge! What you think? Hmmm.” The girls looked dejected plus suspected this old guy was up to something more?

As per, it was Holly who muttered. “Right mate, wot you fucking up to you. You got us here for no good reason or are you thinking of trying something on? Eh? You fucking old wanker. You’ve just wasted my time luring me here.” He noted Holly only mentioned her! The mouthy teen threatened him.

“I can have a gang here in minutes who will kill you cunt.” Jane just looked on wide eyed and open mouthed as her friend tirades old Tom with obscenities. “Finished.” ~ “Good. Now shut your filthy mouth and listen for a change my dear. You may even get your way, though not that you deserve anything for your lack of manners and coarse vocabulary.” He scalded her like a school master. “Here’s the deal. I give you my hospitality and you two agree to help me tidy out my garage next weekend. What do you say?”

Holly looked and laughed and said “what? Me, working? With these nails have you any idea how much they cost? No fucking chance Mister.” Jane who had been very silent until then said in her soft young tones. “Oh Holly. Fuck up, don’t be such a bitch and stop acting all tough. You know fine you want to go to your stupid party. So shut your spoilt face and lets go get your drink. I want to go home.” Holly, looking furiously at Jane agreed to the old man’s deal so they all strolled back to the car park again, just like papa out at the park with his girls.

They arrived at Toms cottage which was a few miles out of town, on the other edge of the woods. Though secluded he did have a few neighbours and was on very good terms with them as they were mostly older and retired like him. The girls made themselves at home and sat on the sofa in the lounge. Tom opened his drinks cabinet and Holly again very ill mannered said “I’m taking the vodka and the gin mate.”

He scowled at her lack of manners again turning quickly to state waspishly. “How nice to see your expertise in alcoholic beverage surpasses your underage appearance my dear. Perhaps you will be kind enough to mix up a few glasses to partake of some with Jane and I.” ~ “Show us your bar skills so to speak.”

He knew with her ego she would love to show off and as guessed. Holly bound up to the table, immaturely pouring three very large glasses of vodka with too little mixer in her own thus ensuring hers was stronger than the others. Old Tom gave her a look that said go on cunt fuck yourself up. Young Jane was standing at the table by this time.

The old man raised his glass saying. “A toast. To young friends with an old acquaintance.” He downed his drink in one or two gulps dropping the heavy glass back onto the table with a dull thud. Holly ever keen to be one better did likewise and laughed as young Jane slurped her way through hers and looked very queasy after. Tom goaded Holly and she pressed Jane into trying some shots.

Some time later. Holly was slurring her words, saying to Tom. “I need to go now Tommo!. I’m late for my date hee hee.” Jane tried to say something also but it just came out as a mumble of words. “OK girls. I will get you a taxi into town as I cant now drive obviously.” Take whatever you want from the cabinet and I will go phone your cab.

“I’m not well” Jane slurred looking at Holly with glazed eyes. “Don’t you fuck this up Jane. I mean it. You do this all the time for fuck sake. Get a grip.” Holly had taken two bottles of vodka, one of gin, and some opened whisky. Tom returned to see her stumble when attempting to hurry to hide them in the bag he gave her earlier.

“Greed is good. Isn’t that what they say.” He smirked bending to look in the bag. “My my girls the party goers will be well looked after if this amount gets done in. He was about to say something else when Jane got up very unsteady on her feet, tottering hurriedly on drunken limbs toward the bathroom in the hallway.

Both he and Holly ran after her, arriving in time to see her with her head over the sink and her bare arse over the pan, gagging and pissing simultaneously. Holly hung over the old man’s shoulder slurring “Fucking hell Jane this old cunt can see your young cunt.” Tom could most definitely see Jane’s and was fully intent on seeing even more of it.

He suddenly shocked the mouthy Holly grabbing her by the throat and before the startled teen could utter a sound he was dragging her back into the lounge where he dropped her leaving her heaving for breath and choking on the floor. Bending down he slapped her face cheek to cheek twice. Leaving her writhing on the carpet crying heavily and cursing at him. “What the fuck? You sick old bastard! Your dead my dad will kill you for this. You fucking sicko.” The girl screamed at him with tears streaming from those emerald green eyes.

“Listen mouth, zip it. I’m fed up listening to your shit, now get stripped and get on this chair now.” Holly never flinched just lay sobbing, rubbing her reddened face. The old man pulled the high backed wooden chair closer to her kicking the screeching girl to get up now and strip. Reiterating very forcefully. “Now slut means fucking now.”

Holly curled up again as blow after blow hit her stomach and thighs forcing her to roll all over the floor trying to escape. “You stupid mouthy fuck just get up, get stripped, then get on this fucking chair.! Or do you need more of the same.”

The defeated teen rose awkwardly onto her knees, drool hung from her mouth as she fought the nausea in her stomach. Finally rising to her feet she swayed about groggily. Dazed she pulled the zipper down at the back of her dress and let it slip to the floor. She watched as it slowly draped around her feet. No bra allowed Tom free gratis to leer at her small orange sized, firm, 15 yr old tit’s. Holly turned her back on the old perv while slowly slipping her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her pale blue silk panties. As if in slow motion they slid effortlessly down, over her firm young buttocks and thighs sinking ever lower to finally hang a few seconds at her knees before a mixture of embarrassment and the cold air from the ceiling fan made her shiver, allowing them to fall in an undignified display at her ankles. Her wedge sandals trapped them from the floor.

Tom swiftly grabbed her hair forcing her to bend over doubled, as she bent to ease the pain in her scalp her feet were lifted out of her trapped underwear allowing her attacker to bend down himself and grab the still warm garment. After a quick sniff or two of her damp gusseted attire he stuffed them into his pocket. “A souvenir of our time together slut.” He derided the terrified girl while slapping her pale arse cheeks before pushing her onto the chair. Tom cable tied her hands around the back of the chair her ankles secured similarly to the front of each chair leg.

Holly sat bound and naked, her wide open legs projecting her obscenely spread raven haired mons and outer labia. Her position offering a tantalising glimpse of her tiny shit hole surrounded by a coffee coloured oasis that contrasted so erotically with her little pink anus. She sat shivering, head bowed, hair drooping to her thighs, shoulders heaving as the girl sobbed frightened tears.

Pleading hopelessly “Please mister let me go Please mister don’t hurt me. I’m sorry. I wont tell anyone, honest. Just please don’t hurt me.” Her plea for mercy was cut short when Tom cruelly advised her. “This will not end well for you slut. Mark my words.” He growled, while pulling her head upright, his left hand grasping a large clump of hair. Screaming in pain and frustration she swore a torrent of filth at him.

Tom thrust his right hand onto her exposed young fanny still holding her head back her face staring up to him big eyes wide with fear, snot running from her nose and mouth. The old man slid his gnarled fingers over her soft moist vulva, his index finger teasing her damp outer labia forcing them to split allowing him access to the inner folds of her small vaginal slit.

A slight trickle of clear liquid greased his path when he drove his index finger roughly into her cuntal entrance. “Mmm so young, so juicy. I’m going to enjoy feeding lots of cream to this little pussy. “He laughed into her contorted face while his fingers sawed in and out of her fresh young hole.

He cruelly very slowly withdrew his two wet fingers, slid them down over her glistening pudenda gently circling her pink crinkled anus. Holly’s eyes flew open. No one, not even she herself had touched there well not without toilet paper or wipes. She cried out in pain and humiliation trying to clamp her sphincter shut when he slowly started worming his slicked up finger into her poop hole, spitting on it a couple of times for lube.

She winced in pain as his fingering thrust a trifle deeper and faster, increasing her torment while eliciting babyish squeals or painful moans from his jail-bait victim. Letting go of her hair he snarled spitting the words into her face. “This is just the beginning slut. You have a lot more cumming to you. With a lot more in you also let me tell you.” He laughed again at his innuendo.

The terrified girl screamed when he pulled his finger from her tight shithole. Holly cried hysterically in pain, her once virgin arse hole felt on fire. Like he had ripped it out along with his invading digit. “Soon Bitch soon.” Holly’s humiliation was completed when she farted uncontrollably feeling as if she had shit herself as the old man limped away sniffing his dirty fingers and wiping her detritus on her blue silky knickers.

He returned to attend to Jane. Who still sat slumped inebriated in the bathroom. Holly cried and cried, she knew both of them were in deep shit. She thought about her mum and sisters, her plans for the party. Her modelling job. Her greed, vanity and naivety leading to them being lured, abducted and raped.

She was so scared, afraid this old bastard would kill them both after using them horrifically for whatever he had planned or wanted to do with them. Graphic thoughts of sexual torture and depraved acts, like the one just perpetrated on her crossed that troubled young mind. With those thoughts at the forefront, Holly bowed her head again while shifting uncomfortably in her chair. She cried heavier and louder this time as the dull throbbing inside her bum slowly subsided. For now!

Tom on entering the bathroom said. “Now then Missy. Lets see what we can do about you now. Jane only semi recovered became aware someone was yanking up her yoga pants? Old Tom was panting, sweating profusely when he carried the featherweight youngster into his bedroom. He wasn’t the fit man he was a few years back. Father time wasn’t helping either as each month seemed to get harder and unhealthier. He already had a diagnosis of heart complaints, he had a mini stroke 2 yrs back. Hence the free Viagra. Well every cloud etc.

He laid Jane down onto the bed lay down next to her then both he and the young teen slept. She stirred, slowly opened her eyes trying to take in these strange surroundings. She was confused, still feeling groggy as her light frame and inexperience with drink had her feeling fragile. She sensed Tom standing next to her at her blind side of the bed turning rapidly she recoiled on seeing him leering at her cute pert arse.

“What are you going to do to me. What do you want?” She asked plaintively. He moved closer to her and attempted to remove her top. The scared small teen rolled away from his hands and screamed. “Shush Jane honey. I’m only trying to help you get out of these soiled clothes. You were ill, in the toilet, remember? Then you fell asleep. We brought you in here so you could be more comfortable to help sleep it off.”

“Where is my friend? What have you done to her?” Jane asked alarmingly. At first he thought she could hear the noise Holly was making from the lounge as she rocked about and screeched into the gag wound tightly in an attempt to keep her noise down. “Aha yes, hmm, well. Holly got very cross at you, you apparently were keeping her from a VIP date at that party, remember? The one you didn’t get invited too? I told her I would get her a cab, look after you till I could drive, then take you back home before anyone noticed you were missing. That sound OK with you?”

“You mean she just left ... Without me! How could she. The fucking bitch. Rotten selfish cow ... Your a bloody stranger! I want to go home. Right now, please mister.”~ “Shhh, calm down babe. I’m not going to hurt you. I wouldn’t do that. I’ve got grandchildren too you know and I wouldn’t like to think someone would take advantage of them if in your position.” He sensed her relaxing and carried on lying. “Anyway I’m no monster, you’ve no worries child.” Tom sounded very sincere to the naive jail bait lying half dressed on his bed. this didn’t stop her from being alarmed though.

“I don’t want to stay any longer either then. Will you get me a cab too. Please Mister?” Jane pleaded, starting to get up and pulling her vest back over her small white bra. “I have money in my jacket.”~ “Oh girl you don’t need money? I shall take care of all you need from here on. Now, lets go into the lounge and we can discuss your options over a nice cuppa and then get you fixed.” The girl smiled relaxing a bit more as he noticed her earlier apprehension slip away.

Smiling at her as she rose up to get off the bed with his help. Jane never noticed the menace lurking behind his grin. “Please mister may I use the toilet again? I need to go really badly?” Yes, yes of course my dear, you know where it is don’t you?” They both laughed, making her gut instinct to run from danger dissipate while it further emboldened him. Patting her small buttocks when she squeezed past him. “Tea or juice baby. I don’t want to risk any more alcohol. Well not on this visit anyway.”

“This visit?” “Did he really think I would be coming again? Silly old cunt.” She thought while sitting again on the pan, the strong stream of piss releaved her bladder while flushing more of the alcohol out of her young body. Holly frantically squirmed as he approached her. She knew her friend was seconds away from the worst nightmare of their young life’s.

He pulled her a little farther into the room so Jane wouldn’t notice her right away and waited. “God that’s better. I was bursting to pee then.” she uttered good naturedly, screaming when suddenly? She was grabbed and thrown to the floor landing with a bang to the back of her head. As she stood back up wailing heavily she glimpsed Holly! Not at any party but tied up, stripped naked, gagged, sitting wide eyed staring at her friend. Both now completely terrified.

Jane swiftly had both her hands and legs bound. She screamed and screamed, the high pitch squeals grating on old Toms ears. He smacked her face a couple of times to shut her up. She didn’t, so she got another two even harder. These did the trick, her screams became petrified whimpers. Standing her up he sat her on the settee still clothed beside him.

Puffing, breathless and sweating he growled. “You bastards are going to be my entertainment for this evening.” Pausing for breath. “You slut!” He said, pointing at Holly. “You will phone this little kittens folks, tell them she is sleeping over at yours after the party.” He Paused again to catch a breath. “Then you’ll phone home, letting your mother know your staying late sleeping over with girl friends at the party house.” Old Tom paused again but only to let the information register in Holly’s nightmare induced mind. The entranced teen made no sign she had heard any of his words and he screeched at her again. “I fucking said now slut. You got that.?” Holly blubbered acknowledging a yes with two hard shakes of her raven haired head. Tom was getting anxious to get things under way his lust and Viagra taking hold.

After releasing her hands, he handed Holly her phone. The second her gag came off the girl started blubbering about being sorry pleading tearfully to be freed. Jane looked on horrified while Tom once again rammed his finger between Holly’s splayed thighs and forced his two index fingers roughly into her tiny minge. Frigging her hard he sucked on her right tit. biting at her engorged pink nipple while rubbing her aroused clit so painfully hard. Holly moaned pleading for him to stop. All this in full view of her younger friends bulging teary eyes. Jane wailed and blubbered while Holly screeched, not just in pain and humiliation but with a new timbre in her tone.

The squelching from between her legs betrayed her own arousal and the traitorous betrayal heightened as her soaked inner and outer labia expanded further. Toms ministrations sent electric spasms up through her clit into her clenching anus and feeding through her nipples. Holly rolling her head back closed her eyes. Her breathless pleading now a hoarse set of gasps as she was cruelly fingered to another bruising squirting orgasm. Shivering, shaking, her tied legs jiggling and spasming as she sat soaked in her own sticky cunt honey.

Her enchanting dark haired pussy gaping and glistening. spindly orgasmic remnants were still dribbling down her creamy thighs, while latent electric tremors swooped around her abused fanny, which tingled and throbbed in harmony with the feeling in her nipples. The bitchy girl had just had the best orgasm of her young life at the hand of a 60 yr old pedophile rapist!!

Petrified and shocked. Jane sat tied up trying to let the sofa devour her tiny frame, terrified though strangely aroused at the scene just played out in front of her young inexperienced eyes. Crying in fear while wondering when her turn would come. Would he use and abuse her in the same way? Her imagination running wild at the thought of his fingers inside her or worse, his penis? He spat at Holly. “Now slut. Fucking phone or your little girlfriends arse hole will get introduced to my cock. You get me cunt?” The sweaty, breathless, gorgeous teen nodded a futile yes.

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