Love Thy Neighbor - Cover

Love Thy Neighbor

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Growing up, Tommy had always been attracted to his "Aunt Connie" and now that he was a grown man, it was time he moved from fantasizing about her to having her...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   BDSM   MaleDom   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

When the girls returned from the mall, Connie had Barbara drop her off at her place. She wanted to get the things she bought put away, and relax for a bit before she had to make dinner. When Barbara came into the house, Tommy was watching television. “Hi Mom!” he said, “Can I help you carry those things?”

“No, that’s okay, hon, they aren’t that heavy,” she said. Barbara took her things into her bedroom and shut the door behind her. Tommy thought her behavior a bit odd, but he shrugged his shoulders and figured it was her business. A few minutes later she came out of her bedroom and went into the kitchen to start dinner.

“So did you and Aunt Connie have a good time today?” Tommy asked.

“Oh yeah. It was good to spend time with her again. It seemed so long since we had lunch together like that. With her job at the bank and mine at the hospital, our schedules never seem to mesh anymore,” she sighed.

“Well with me starting work now, maybe you won’t have to work so hard and you will have more time to visit with Aunt Connie,” he said.

“First we have to get some of these bills paid off before anyone thinks of working less!” Barbara chuckled.

“I suppose. Where is Aunt Connie?” he asked.

“She had me drop her off at her place before I came home,” Barbara said.

“Is she okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, she was just tired ... we had a lot of fun at lunch, then we went to the mall and did some shopping! She was just tired,” she said.

“Well, I’ll pop over after dinner and see her,” Tommy said.

“Maybe it would be better if you went over tomorrow, son. She could probably use a night of peace and quiet,” Barbara said, putting her hand over his.

Now Tommy was really concerned. His mom wasn’t acting right. “Mom be honest with me – is Aunt Connie all right?” he said.

“Yes son, your Aunt Connie is fine. Really. She is just tired from working and needs a quiet night so she can rest. You can see her tomorrow,” she said.

Tommy wasn’t entirely convinced, but he dropped the subject. “So what did you buy at the mall?” Tommy asked, trying to make conversation more than genuine interest. He knew that if it had been something he would be interested in, she would have shown it off to him.

“Oh, nothing, just some clothes. A new boutique opened up in the mall and Connie and I checked it out,” Barbara said.

“Well, I’m glad you two had fun today. You deserve it, Mom. Both of you deserve it,” he said.

“Thank you, sweetie,” she said.

Dinner was ready and the pair sat down to eat. “So when do you start your new job, honey?” Barbara asked.

“Mr. Hamilton says I will start Monday. It’s the start of a new pay period so it will be easier then,” he said.

“I see. Well, that’s wonderful hon. I’m so glad you are going to be working in a field that is close to what you wanted before the accident. I’m glad that that accident didn’t ruin everything,” Barbara said.

“Yeah it actually worked out for the best – I have a job and can go to school and still live here at home. So you won’t have to worry about me off someplace in college or moved away to some other city or state somewhere. I have a beautiful mother and a beautiful girl next door who both want to take care of me. What’s not to love about this arrangement!” he said with a big grin.

“So you think you got a good tail-hold on the world, do you, young man?” Barbara said with a broad smile.

“Well you got to admit, it’s a pretty sweet deal from my standpoint! It isn’t perfect – I mean, I don’t have a limo and I’m not rich, but other than that I’m not complaining!” he quipped. They both laughed together at the joke.

“Well, it’s not bad from a mother’s standpoint either. I still have my boy close by and I can see he is happy to be here. That’s more than a lot of mother’s have when their children graduate high school. Right about now I would be crying my eyes out at the thought of sending you off to Massachusetts, some 1,700 miles away! Especially knowing that we don’t have the money for you to come back every summer for a visit. And what would Christmas be like without you?

“Honey, it’s been just you and me for a long, long time and while Connie has been great to help us and support us, we have gone through a lot together. I have to admit, I was dreading this time of year when this past school year started last fall. I didn’t want the time to come that I would be putting you on a bus or plane to head off to college. I couldn’t bear the thought of being left in this house alone. Your father and I got this house to be a family. Then he left and it was you and I. And you almost left me too. I am so glad you didn’t honey. You know it’s funny; that driver may have hit my baby and ruined our car, but in the end, he did me a favor!” Barbara said.

“Well since we are baring our souls here, I have to confess I wasn’t looking forward to leaving either. I have lived in this house for as long as I can remember and you have been here making it home all the while. I know that little birds need to leave the nest and all that, but I wasn’t looking forward to ‘stretching my wings’ and taking flight just yet. Yes, college would have been a good thing to help me grow up. Getting out on my own and gaining some independence probably would help me to mature and prepare me for one day having my own place. But it’s not a transition I was anxious to undertake,” he said.

“Oh baby, you are more grown up and mature than men twice your age – believe me! But it is wonderful to hear that you still want to stick close to home for a while longer. And I know that Aunt Connie is glad you are still around too. I am so happy that you have a job now and that you will still be working on your degree – just from an online school instead of a residency program,” Barbara said.

“Well Mom, one of the things that made me pick computer security as a line of work I wanted to get into is that I could work from anywhere. I fully intended to come back to Sweetwater once I got my degree. I can work anywhere there’s an Internet connection! I was coming back here after school so I can help take care of you and Aunt Connie once I graduated anyway – it’s just that now I don’t have to leave at all!” he said.

“Oh Tommy, how did I get so lucky to have a wonderful boy like you! You make this mother so proud and so happy!” Barbara said, her eyes filling with tears. Tommy hugged his mother and held her close as they sat on the sofa and watched TV together until it was time for bed.

The next day, Connie went off to work as usual. Tommy tried to catch her before she left but she was gone by the time he got over to her house. So, since he had to do some shopping and errands anyway, he decided to stop by the bank where she worked on his way.

Connie was sitting over in the New Accounts section so Tommy made like he was interested in opening an account with the bank. He sat down at her desk. “Hi Connie, I just came by to see how you were. When you and Mom came back from shopping, she said you were really tired, so she dropped you off at your place. I was just checking to see how you are feeling,” he said.

“Oh, I’m fine Tommy. Yeah, I was just tired last night. Nothing is wrong, I just went to bed early and rested. But thank you for being concerned and checking on me. It was very sweet,” Connie said smiling.

“Well, I have to look after my girl! I have to protect my investment!” he said, making a bank reference.

“Oh, so I am an investment?” she said, playfully.

“Yep ... worth more than gold! My diamond in the rough!” he said.

“Oh, you ARE a charmer Tommy Andrews!” Connie giggled.

“Well, I will let you get back to work. When I get my first paycheck I’ll be back to set up an account for real,” he said.

“Good, that way you can check up on me and do your banking business at the same time!” Connie said.

“I will be home about 4:30 today. Why don’t you come over after dinner tonight – say 7:00 pm. okay? I have a surprise to show you!” Connie said.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll see you tonight.”

After the bank and assurances that his girl was all right, Tommy went shopping. He had a few things to pick up himself and a couple of surprises in store for Connie as well. His first stop was the local hardware store. He picked up some rope and some other things. His next stop was a sporting goods store where he picked up a couple of small fishing weights and small bells that clamp onto a fishing pole to let you know you have a bite. His last stop was a secondhand store where he found a sturdy leather belt and an old wooden hairbrush with a large flat head – perfect for paddling an errant ass! Tommy found a small secondhand gym bag that he could use to hold all his equipment.

With his shopping done, he went home because it was getting close to when Barbara had to head to work. I can’t wait to get my own car! he thought as he drove home. He got back to the house just as his mom was finishing getting ready.

“Hi Mom, I’m home!” he called out.

“Okay, hon! I’m just about ready!” he heard her call from her bedroom. Barbara came out dressed in her uniform ready to head to work. “Did you get all your running around done? Do you still need the car sweetie?” she asked.

“No, you take it. I’m just going to have some dinner and go see Connie – she wanted to me to come over ... something about a surprise for me,” he said.

“Oh, I see!” Barbara said with a mischievous grin. She knew what the surprise was and she knew that he would like it!

“MOM! You know what Connie has for me don’t you!” Tommy said, looking at the way she was trying to hide her grin.

“Yeah, I know what the surprise is that she has for you. But I’m not telling – you will just have to go over and find out for yourself!” she said, as she stepped out the door laughing.

Tommy fixed himself some dinner from what his mom had left him and sat down to watch some TV while he ate dinner. He wasn’t due at Connie’s till 7:00 so he had some time to kill. After dinner, he got the things out that he had bought that day. With a sharp pair of scissors, he cut the rope in lengths that he could use and with a lit candle he melted the ends together to keep them from fraying.

With the rope cut to length, he next got out the plastic snap clips. He tested them on his finger in the store to make sure they weren’t too extreme. He opened the package of clothespins, taking out six of them from the forty-pack and saving the others in case he needed them. Then he picked up the old wooden hairbrush he found at the secondhand store. He picked this one because of its size and shape – it was nine and a half inches long and three inches wide and rectangular in shape. It would make an excellent paddle for an OTK spanking! The heavy leather belt he had gotten would serve for other spankings but he liked the OTK kind because he could tell how much she was liking them by how wet she got!

With all of his “toys” in readiness, he put them all neatly back in the bag he got for them and waited until almost 7:00. When the time came to go over to Connie’s he picked up his bag and walked over to her house.

When he walked up to her door there was a note taped to the front of the door with his name on it. He took it down and opened it:

“Tommy; the door is locked but you know where the key is. Just come on in ... I’ll be waiting for you!”

Tommy smiled – he loved her playful nature! He retrieved the key to her door and opened it stepping inside and locking the door behind him. He began looking for the object of his obsession. He didn’t call out for her because he wanted to seek her out. Not finding her in the living room or kitchen, he began down the hallway towards the back of the house.

Connie’s place wasn’t all that big – a 1025 square-foot, single-story, two bedroom, 1.5 bath cottage style house similar to his own, only a little smaller. Tommy had been over there nearly as much over the years as he had been in his own house, so he knew all about it. He had helped her move new furniture in and even helped do some minor repairs over there. So he was intimately familiar with the layout of her house.

Connie wasn’t in the main bathroom nor was she in the second bedroom – the one that Connie had made into an office. He went on down the hallway to the master bedroom at the very back of the house. The bedroom door was closed but a slight turn of the knob proved that it wasn’t locked. He continued turning the knob until the door opened. He cautiously opened the door a bit and peeked his head inside...

“Hey, stud ... you just going to stand there in the doorway with your mouth open, or come in here unwrap your present?” Connie said.

Tommy came the rest of the way into the bedroom. Connie was kneeling in the middle of the bed wearing the white chiffon shirt lingerie outfit she had picked up the day before at the boutique with Barbara. On the nightstands and around the room were lighted candles giving the room a soft warm sensual glow. Tommy could smell the sweet scent of her perfume on the air as well – the whole scene was very intoxicating!

Tommy came further into the room and sat down on the chair by the wall. He crooked a finger at her. “Come,” he said simply. Connie smiled and moved off the bed standing at the foot and then walking slowly and sexually towards him. Her hips swayed hypnotically as she walked and Tommy fell into her trance almost immediately.

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