Love Thy Neighbor - Cover

Love Thy Neighbor

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Growing up, Tommy had always been attracted to his "Aunt Connie" and now that he was a grown man, it was time he moved from fantasizing about her to having her...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   BDSM   MaleDom   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

The next morning, Connie woke up and found Tommy was awake before her, laying there watching her sleep.

“Mmm ... morning baby,” she said, smiling and stretching. “How long have you been awake?”

“I dunno ... about twenty minutes, I guess,” he said, brushing a lock of hair from her face.

“Oh, you should have woke me up hon,” she said.

“That’s okay ... I like to watch you sleep. Besides I was kinda hard on you last night!” he grinned.

“Oh sugar, that’s the kind of ‘hard’ I like! You can be hard on me like that anytime!” she giggled. “Are you hungry, sweetheart?”

“Sure! Need some help with breakfast?” he asked.

“You just come in and keep me company while I fix us something to eat, okay?” she said.

“I can probably handle that!” he said. He got up and got dressed while Connie went into the bathroom to get herself ready. Tommy was in the dining room waiting for her when she came in. Connie was wearing her thick fluffy house robe while Tommy had his jeans on but no shirt. She came in eyeing his bare chest.

“Oh, you are going to get me started this early in the day, are you?” she laughed.

He stepped up to her and opened her robe. “Just as I thought!” Tommy said. Connie wasn’t wearing anything under her robe!

His hands slid under the thick fleece and wrapped around her naked form, pulling her to him and into a deep, passionate kiss. Connie melted into his arms and moaned softly as his lips met hers. She parted her sweet lips and Tommy took the invitation to push his tongue into her welcoming mouth.

“Okay, okay!” Connie gasped as she finally pulled away. “We’ll never eat if we get back into that stuff!” She began getting things ready for breakfast. “Are bacon and eggs good for you?” she asked.

“Anything you fix is good for me ... I’m pretty easy to please!” he said.

Connie grinned and began fixing breakfast. When she had everything ready, she brought it to the table and they began eating. “I can’t tell you how nice it is to wake up next to someone again and be able to fix them breakfast. I have really missed that. Thank you, Tommy, for spending the night with me,” she said.

“Well, you are welcome. After what happened last night and what happened when I gave you your present, I thought spending the night was the best idea,” he said.

“I was a little crybaby wasn’t I?” she said, blushing a bit about it now.

“I’m just glad you liked it. Crying like that is okay,” he said.

“I do love it, baby. It is very beautiful and very special,” she said looking at it again.

After breakfast, they went into the living room to sit for a bit. Tommy knew his mother was probably still asleep at home, so there was no rush to get home right away.

Sitting on the sofa, Connie was leaning back in Tommy’s arms. “Tommy can I tell you something?” she said.

“Sure. What is it?” he said. Connie sat up and turned to him so she could see his eyes. “I have a little confession to make, Tommy. You see, a few days after that first day we had sex – when you caught me masturbating and took me – I saw a couple of my old boyfriends. I bumped into one of them at the grocery store and one of them came over to see me.

Anyway, I had sex with each of them, but the funny thing is I didn’t really enjoy it. Not like I used to. It just didn’t thrill me like it once did. Ever since you and I started having sex, I haven’t really wanted anyone else. Now I’m not saying we should move in together and get married and all that stuff – I don’t want to get married right now and you are too young yet to settle down – but I don’t know ... I’m just happy with the way things are right now.

“Honey, I don’t know if it’s the fact that you are so young and so energetic and you make me feel young too, or if it’s the fact that I am ‘Aunt Connie’ and that makes it somehow sort of taboo and incestuous, even though I am not really your aunt.

But there is something about having sex with you that makes me not want anyone else. I know it sounds silly but when I tell you that I am yours, I mean it – I am yours, darling, until you don’t want me anymore. I am not interested in seeing other men and you have kept my sex drive running at full speed! You are an amazing lover and whenever we are together, I am truly happy.

“Now I haven’t as of yet actually broke it off with these other guys – I wanted to tell you all this and see how you felt. But now that you have given me this necklace and made your wanting to possess me clear, I am going call them up and tell them I am taken. I want to belong only to you, love, I am happy just being your fuckslut, your sexy little whore,” she said.

Then it was Tommy’s turn. He pushed her back down on her back on the sofa, then moved over top of her. He lightly brushed a lock of hair from her face. She looked up into his face, her eyes darting back and forth searching for his answer, and hoping he would accept what she had told him.

“Connie, my little slut, I have already told you that I find you very sexy. I have for several years now. Ever since I was old enough to know that this cock of mine had another use besides being a pee hose, I have been attracted to you. I loved it when you used to hug me, and now I love it, even more, when I get to fuck you. I love the looks the men give you when we go out someplace, and I know that they can only wish they were me. I love knowing that they want what I have.

“Now you are telling me you want to be mine alone and that you are willing to let all your other lovers go just to be with me and belong to me. I don’t know what to say ... I am floored. I love being with you too. And while I don’t have a lot of experience with sex, I can’t, in my wildest imagination, picture it being any hotter, any sexier than it is with you,” he said.

“So does that mean that I am yours alone? I don’t want anyone but you but what about you? Am I enough for you? Tell me how you feel, Tommy, please...” she said. Connie needed to hear the words. She needed confirmation.

“Yes, slut. You belong to me and to me alone. And I am yours as well,” he said. “You are all I want and all I need. I am not interested in anyone else but you.” Then he leaned down and sealed the pact with a kiss. As he kissed her he moved over on top of her and held himself up slightly with his elbows, letting her feel him on top of her but not pressing down so hard she couldn’t breathe. She loved feeling him on top of her and she moaned into his mouth as their kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck as her tongue sought his to play with. They kissed like this for a few minutes, each getting more and more excited and their passions rising until Connie pushed him back gasping.

“Hold on there tiger! Don’t you think you should go see how your mother is doing? Me, you can always have. But you should at least go home and say hi before she heads off to work!” she panted.

He looked down and smiled at her. “Okay, but don’t think this lets you out of anything, my little slut! I am still going to have you!”

Connie giggled “Promise?” Tommy leaned down and kissed her sweetly on the forehead, then pushed himself up and off her. He helped her up off the couch and she walked him to the door. Before she opened it, though she wanted one more kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Tommy honey, you make me so happy.” Then she kissed him once more. As he left he gave her a playful swat on the ass and Connie gave him a little happy squeal in return. Then she watched as he walked down the sidewalk and over to his house next door before shutting her door.

“Hi honey, how was last night?” Barbara said when he walked in the door.

“It was fine, Mom. How was your night?” he said.

“Just fine?” she asked.

“Well, it was better than just fine. It was wonderful. But I thought you didn’t want to hear how things with me and Aunt Connie are?” he said.

“I just want to know that my boy is happy. After that I don’t need details,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

“Well, no worries there Mom,” he said. “So when do you go to work today?”

“I got the swing shift this week – I go into work at 3:00 and get off at 11:00 tonight,” she said.

“You work too hard, Mom. I wish you didn’t have to put so many hours down there,” he said.

“Well honey, we gotta eat and keep a roof over our heads. Besides, I like the work I do. It’s not as crazy as the E.R. staff and I meet some really nice people. Plus the crew I work with are pretty great,” she said.

“Yeah, but you are on your feet all shift long. That’s got to be hard on your feet and legs,” he said.

“Well, I do come home tired if it has been a long, hard shift. But the pay is good and it’s about all I know how to do well. I’m a nurse, honey, that’s what I do,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

“I suppose. But I still don’t like that you work so hard!” he said.

“Duly noted. Now what are your plans for today?” she asked.

“I don’t know ... I was thinking about going to see a few more places and see if I can get a job someplace. Maybe if I am working too, you won’t have to put in so many hours. I have to find something since summer will be over before we know it and college isn’t an option anymore. It’s time I stepped up and pulled my weight. I’m not a kid anymore,” he said.

“No, you certainly are not a kid anymore Tommy,” she said, coming up and putting her arms around him. “Have I told you lately how very, very proud I am of you?” she asked him.

“Yeah, but I could stand to hear it again!” he said, with a mischievous grin.

“Oh, you are horrible!” she laughed.

Later that afternoon, when it got close to time for her to go to work, Tommy drove his mother to the hospital so he could use the car to look around for a job. He hadn’t had much luck at it so far, although he wasn’t looking all that hard just yet. He was enjoying his last summer before making his entrance into the work-a-day world of adulthood. In high school, he was working towards continuing his education in college but the accident took those plans from him. So now he would have to find something he could do until something better came along ... hopefully.

Tommy went to one business after another but no one seemed to be hiring for jobs he thought he might like. Getting frustrated that he might not find work for some time, he decided to try one last place. It was a computer sales and repair company called Advanced Technologies Inc. They didn’t have a sign on the door, but he figured he would ask if they needed any help all the same.

“Hello is the store manager available?” he asked the girl at the front counter. She went in the back and after a couple moments came back with a skinny, balding, middle-aged man who looked like he hadn’t seen the sun since childhood.

“I’m Mr. Hamilton, the manager, can I help you?” he said.

“Hello, Mr. Hamilton. I am Tommy Andrews and I was wondering if there were any openings for computer service techs here,” he said.

“Well, I don’t know ... What are your qualifications? Where did you go to school?” he asked.

“Well, to be honest, Sir, I just graduated from Sweetwater High School this past May. I was supposed to go to MIT this fall, but I was in a car accident and my scholarship was pulled. So I was unable to attend. Now I am looking for something in the computer field, hopefully, as that was going to be my field of study in college,” he explained.

“I see. So you like computers do you?” Mr. Hamilton asked.

“Well, I like problem-solving. I wanted to get into the area of virus protection and computer security,” he said, “But I’ll take anything to do with computers – building them, repairing them, upgrades, or whatever.”

“I’ll tell you what. We are shorthanded right now and I was thinking of advertising for a tech position. But that could take a while for a decent applicant to come along. If you were good enough to get accepted at MIT, then you must have something going for you. How would you feel about getting some OJT – some on the job training?” Mr. Hamilton asked.

“Sure, what’s involved?” Tommy asked.

“Well, I will start you off with some simple things until I know your aptitude and abilities. See how you do and then I’ll have a better idea of where I can use you,” he said.

“That sounds fine to me,” Tommy said.

“Okay, now the minimum wage here is $7.25 per hour, but this is a tech business so I will start you out at $8.00 an hour. How does that sound? I would be paying a full tech $20.00 an hour so it seems fair to me,” he said.

“$8.00 an hour works for me!” Tommy said.

“Okay then. We will start you on Monday – it will be the start of a new pay period so it will be a good time to get you on board. The store opens at 8:00 am so try to be here a few minutes early so I can get you situated,” he said.

“I will be here. Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Hamilton. I will work hard to make it worth your time,” he said, shaking his hand.

Tommy left the store with a big happy grin. He couldn’t wait to tell his mother the good news!

After the computer shop, Tommy went back home. Connie hadn’t gotten home from her job at the bank yet so he hung out at his house doing some laundry and washing some dishes – trying to pitch in around the house so his mother wouldn’t have so much to do when she came home.

Around 6:00 pm, he heated up some leftovers that his mother had set aside for his dinner. Tommy had learned to cook pretty well by watching and helping his mom through the years. He could do just about everything when it came to running a household – his mother had made sure he could live on his own if he needed to.

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