Ruby and Sky - Cover

Ruby and Sky

Copyright© 2020 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Ruby (14) and Sky (18) lose their parents in a plane crash. Sky was about to go to university and decides to take Runt with her, but not until they've made some drastic and revealing changes to their wardrobe and lifestyle.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

When we got to the café there were 4 naked girls sat together in one corner. One was Penny so we went over. Stood in front of them were 2 other girls. All I could see of them was their backs and butts.

As we approached them Penny said,

“Hi girls, you two must be Sky and Ruby; it’s nice to meet you. My 3 NEWPS sisters here are Charlotte, Isabella and Abigail. The 2 Pledges stood next to you are Lily and Sofia. I have been informed by one of the founders of this great NEWPS sorority that you two wish to Pledge yourselves to our sorority and that you will make good candidates. Lily and Sofia here have reached this stage by means of completing the questionnaire which we then vetted.

Before we go any further, I’m sure that my sisters here are, as I am; wondering about you Ruby. You look way too young to join NEWPS; you are so small, your tits look like those of a 12 year old, and from what I can see of your pussy, it too looks like it belongs to that of a 12 year old. Get a chair over here and sit on it with your legs spread wide. We want to see all of that pussy.”

“Please Miss, err Penny,” I replied, “I know an easier way that I can show you.”

“Ruby, Pledges do not tell the sisters what to do; it’s the other way around. I’ll forgive you this time, but not the next time; now what’s this way that you have, show us.”

I stepped forward and did the standing splits with my pussy facing the NEWPS sisters. Charlotte reached forward and poked a finger straight into my wet vagina.

“Well that’s certainly been used before, maybe she is old enough.” Charlotte said.

“Well Ruby,” Penny said, “explain yourself; just why do you look so young? And stay like that for as long as you can. I like the view.”

“If you look at Sky’s and my ID cards you will see that she and I have the same date of birth; we’re twins. As for why I look like this and Sky doesn’t, I can only put it down to the sport that I do, it’s my passion and I practice it as often as I can. You see I’m a gymnast; hence the fact that I can stand like this for so long. This exercise and all the stretching must give my body something, other than growing, to think about. How many girl gymnasts do you see on the television that are my size? Nearly all of them I bet.”

Whilst I was saying that, Abigail also reached forward and was slowly finger fucking me. When I stopped talking Abigail said,

“She certainly lubes well, we’ll have to get the doctor to find out how well she cums. I’ve never heard of a 15 year old cumming like that doctor makes us; and he must be able to tell what her real age is. I suggest that we get her medical done as soon as possible.”

“Good suggestion Abigail,” Penny said, “Ruby’s explanation is feasible but yes, the doctor should be able to tell. I’ll get an appointment for her at 5 o’clock tomorrow evening. I assume that you’re free tomorrow evening Ruby? And put your leg down; I’m getting jealous.”

Penny didn’t wait for an answer and as I lowered my leg she continued,

“Pledges; to become a fully-fledged member of NEWPS you have to complete a number of tasks. It used to be called ‘hazing’ but that’s illegal now so we say that you have a few acceptance tasks to complete. To become a member of NEWPS you have to pass all these tests. At any point you can withdraw you application and none of us will think any the less of you. Not all girls are designed to be sorority girls.”

The NEWPS sisters started talking amongst themselves then Penny got up saying that she was going for some more coffees, and as she passed me she told me to follow her to help carry the cups. I was expecting her to say something about my age as we waited for the drinks to be made, but all she said was,

“It really is amazing the difference between you two twins; who would have thought that you would develop so differently.”

I had assumed that Amy had told Penny my real age and that she was in on the deception but I was really starting to think that she didn’t know.

The 4 NEWPS sisters asked us all some more questions then told the 4 of us to leave, telling us that they’d be in touch with details of our first task.

“Can I ask a question please?” Lily asked.

“What?” Penny replied.

“What does NEWPS stand for? Is it an acronym?”

“There are 2 answers to that question, I will tell you only one of the answers now; fun and female rights. As for the acronym; you’ll have to wait until you are accepted into the sorority to get the answer to that.”

The 4 of us walked out and when Sky and I were on our own I asked her why Penny was pretending that she had never met us before.

“I don’t know, maybe Amy told her not to say anything in case the others thought that we were getting some special treatment.”

“Do you think that Amy told her how old I really am?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe we should just let it play out and see what happens?”

“Okay.” I said.

Amy wasn’t there when we got home and Sky and I went up to our room. After a while I did the standing splits like I had done in front of the NEWPS girls.

“I wonder just how long I can stand like this,” I said.

“I don’t know Ruby; maybe not too long if I keep doing this to you.” Sky said as she flicked my little clit and pushed a finger inside me.

“Hey, not fair.” I complained.

“Okay then, I’ll just sit here and stare at your pussy and see what happens.”

Sky sat there with her face about 12 inches from my pussy. While I was stood there I thought about Charlotte and Abigail being so bold and poking their fingers inside me right there in the café.

“You’re getting wet.” Sky said.

I smiled and squeezed my pussy muscles then released them.

“I like doing that too.” Sky said. “There’s a name for it but I can’t remember it. It’s supposed to be good exercise for your pussy; keeps it nice and tight. I like doing it when a man is looking as my pussy.” Sky continued.

I did it again, and again, and again, whilst thinking that I’d do it the next time that a man looks at my pussy. Then Sky said,

“Men can do it as well; well not quite the same; obviously, but when they do it their cocks jump a little then falls back.”

“Wow, I’ve never seen that, I can’t wait to watch a man do it. Do you think that if I do it for a man I can ask him to do it for me?”

“You can always ask.” Sky replied.

“Ruby, you’re getting massively wet, what are you thinking about?”

“That medical that I’ve got to have tomorrow; shall I squeeze my pussy for the doctor Sky?”

“Yeah, why not we know that he’s not a proper doctor so he’s not going to get pissed off with you.”

I squeezed my pussy muscles another couple of times before Sky pulled me down on to the bed. That was it for the night.

At the end of the penultimate lesson of school on the Monday morning the teachers told us that there was a special assembly. As we all filed into the hall I was pleased to see Amy on the stage with the headmaster. There was another naked girl with her but she had her back to me. When she turned round I saw that it was Penny.

“Oh shit!” I thought; “what the fuck am I going to do now? I don’t want her to see me.”

I shuffled my way to the back of the hall where the year 10 and 11 kids were.

The headmaster shut us all up then announced that the 2 young ladies were from the university and that they were there to talk to everyone about female rights and how the recent changes in the school were affecting all of us.

Amy started talking and went on for about 10 minutes, saying everything that she’d told Sky and I at home, but in more detail. Then Amy shocked me. The last thing that I expected was for her to say,

“Boys, I know that these changes are difficult for you, quite naturally you want to look at and touch the girls.

I doubt that many of you have even seen a naked girl close-up before the start of this term and I also doubt that many of you will have actually touched a naked girl. I also know that until you do your minds will be running wild with thoughts of what a girl’s genitals look like close-up and what’s it like to touch them and what breasts feel like.

So, for the next 15 minutes I’m going to ask the girls to stand with their feet about 18 inches apart and their hands high up in the air; and for them to let any of you boys get down and look and touch their genitals and breasts.”

As soon as Amy said that I saw quite a few girl’s hands go up in the air.

“Before you all start,” Amy continued, “I know that some of you girls will not want to take part in this educational exercise, so those girls keep your hands down by your sides.

Boys; this exercise only includes girls that have their hands up in the air. DO NOT touch the other girls; that would be against their will and a contravention of the law.

During those 15 minutes Penny and I will be walking around in amongst you and will be happy to answer any of your questions. Right headmaster, can you start the clock?”

I looked around and saw hundreds of bare girl’s arms up in the air. As my arms went up I was glad that I was right at the back of the hall with the older boys; with a bit of luck Penny wouldn’t get back as far as me.

I felt some hands on my tiny tits then a boy’s breathe on my pussy. I spread my legs a lot wider than Amy had said and quickly felt a finger go inside me.

I quickly discovered that the older boys were a lot more ‘adventurous’ than the ones my age. I doubted that the year 8, 9 and 10 girls would get more than a quick squeeze of their tits or a hand on their pussies. Judging by the moans that I could hear, the year 11 boys were pleasuring the year 11 girls, and me.

It didn’t take long for me to start cumming as different boy’s hands groped and mauled my goodies.

Even though I was cumming, the hands didn’t stop and I kept cumming until the headmaster shouted that the time was up.

As I calmed down I looked round for Penny or Amy and was pleased to see them still near the front of the hall. With a bit of luck Penny hadn’t seen me.

Amy and Penny went back up onto the stage and the headmaster gave Amy the microphone again.

“Right then everyone; I hope that has quenched the curiosity of you boys. Remember boys; that was a one-off and you are not permitted to touch a girl’s body without her specific consent.”

The headmaster dismissed us all and I kept in the middle of the older taller kids as we all shuffled out of the all.

When I got home that afternoon and Amy arrived, she asked me why I hadn’t been at the assembly. I told her that I had been stood at the back and that some woman on the stage had told all the boys around me to finger fuck me and make me cum.

Amy laughed and said that she knew that I’d enjoy it. I quickly made myself a sandwich and set off for my second NEWPS medical exam. Even before I’d got to the end of the street, my pussy was soaking and I could feel my juices on my inner thighs.

I was early and watched students wandering all over the place. I kept doing a check on the number of naked girls versus the clothed girls. I reckoned that about 50% were naked.

Abigail startled me a bit as she crept up behind me.

“Hi Ruby, are you ready for this?”

“Yeah, sure, if I’ve got to have an examination to get into NEWPS I may as well get it over as quick as I can.”

“I’ll come in with you and stay with you, If you want anything just ask. Oh you may have to wait a bit at the end. I’ve arranged to have my annual check-up straight after you.”

When we got to the same room and knocked I was surprised to see a different doctor. I didn’t know if he was a real doctor or a fake and I couldn’t see anything to give me a clue.

“Hello girls, I’m Doctor Green, which one of you is Ruby?”

“Me sir.” I said.

“I’m not a ‘sir’ Ruby, only a doctor.”


“That’s okay Ruby, please have a seat and relax. I’m not going to hurt you. Can I borrow your ID card please? I need some information off it.”

The examination went pretty much the same as the previous one, even the stretching and bending. By the time the doctor asked me to get onto the couch I was starting to think that maybe Doctor Green actually was a doctor.

Even the checking of my limbs and chest seemed professional ( guessed). Doctor Green also talked to me about my slow development, reassuring me that everything was normal.

It was only after he’d examined inside my vagina that things started to change. For starters he went outside and came back in with 4 men in overalls, paint covered overalls; they didn’t look like decorators to me. Two of them looked ancient as well. My legs were still up in the stirrups (Sky told me what they were called) and the dirty old men were obviously enjoying the view.

I looked over to Abigail and saw a big grin. It was then that really knew that Doctor Green was a fake; and it looked like I was going to get raped (not).

Then the doctor started talking again in the same professional voice that he’d used before,

“Ruby, we now need to test your sexual responses. I’ve invited these gentlemen in to create an embarrassing situation for you. Some girls freeze-up in a situation like this and I need to know that you aren’t one of those. These gentlemen will remain here whilst you masturbate to an orgasm. Please start whenever you are ready.”

Wow! That surprised me; I’d expected to just lay there and let them use and pleasure me. Okay, I’d played with my pussy in public before, but that for unsuspecting strangers. These stranger were there expecting me to blatantly make myself cum in front of them. After the initial shock I decided that I actually wanted to do it; I wanted them to watch me. Sky was right; I am an exhibitionist; and what’s more I loved it.

My pussy was wet from when the doctor had that speculum thing inside me but as soon as I realised that I wanted to do it I felt myself gush. My right hand went to my pussy and started rubbing. My left hand went to my mouth and I started sucking my index finger. My eyes were looking at the men, concentrating on the eyes of each of them in turn.

As I felt the orgasm build, the fingers of my left hand moved down to my pussy, squeezing and pulling my nipples on the way. I finger fucked myself as I kept rubbing. My moaning got louder and louder until the orgasm hit me like a train.

After the initial scream, I froze for a couple of seconds with my butt nearly as high as my knees; then I dropped down and started jerking all over the place. My right hand was clamped firmly to my pussy because it felt like it was going to explode. As the waves started to subside I moved my hand to my sides and pressed down on the couch. I felt like I had a river running from my pussy down to my butt crack.

A couple of minutes later, my butt went back down to the couch and I looked at my audience. All 4 decorators were in some sort of trance. It was like they’d never seen a girl cum before.

“Well Ruby, on the outside your body may look under developed, but on the inside your sexual drive and responses appear to be well above average, just what NEWPS are looking for. However, there are still another couple of things that we need to test. Please remain where you are.”

I watched the ‘doctor’ get the magic wand (Sky told me that it was called that) and I sighed then moaned as the ‘doctor’ held it against my tiny clit.

It didn’t take long for me to start cumming again and the ‘doctor’ kept the wand against my clit when my butt went up in the air and I got an attack of the jerks.

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