Ruby and Sky - Cover

Ruby and Sky

Copyright© 2020 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Ruby (14) and Sky (18) lose their parents in a plane crash. Sky was about to go to university and decides to take Runt with her, but not until they've made some drastic and revealing changes to their wardrobe and lifestyle.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  


My name is Ruby and my story starts when I was just 14 years and 3 months old. I’m your typical skinny 14 year old girl who has blondish hair and little bumps for tits with nipples that I’m just starting to get pleasure out of when I play with them.

I have a sister, Sky, who had just turned 18 when my story starts. She is an older version of me with ‘A’ cup tits. We are more than sisters; we are really very good friends and often do things together. If I dress in some of her clothes and put on a little makeup I’ve easily managed to get into pubs and a couple of clubs with her. You see, 6 months ago, Sky went online and got us both these fake IDs that showed us both as being 19. I was a little nervous the first time that we used them but we sailed straight in and have never had any problems.

My story really starts in just after Christmas that year with a tragedy; 3 weeks after Sky turned 18 our parents were going for a much needed short break and they got killed when the aircraft that they were in crashed.

Both our parents were from single child families and our grand-parents are too old to contemplate looking after me. Besides, there was no way that Sky and I were going to be split-up. After a lot of discussions with social services, Sky was told that she could be my legal guardian. Thankfully, social services made sure that we had money to pay the bills until our parents life insurance paid out.

Naturally, it took a few months for us both to come to terms with what had happened and we both relied on each other for support. As I said, Sky and I are really close and if it was possible, that tragedy brought us even closer. I grew up quite quickly that year but I didn’t mind, my BFF was there to help, console and support me.

I really thought that we were going to have a problem when Sky’s college started talking about her ‘A’ level exams and going to university. Sky discussed our situation with her teachers and it was decided that Sky would apply to go to a university and go through the whole procedure and that she would only make up her mind if / when she got offered a place at a university.

I put the whole thing to the back of my mind and we just got on with our enforced new life.

As if we hadn’t had enough of a change in our lives; more changes were developing; but these changes were good changes.

As the weather improved a little, Sky decided that her wardrobe was going to change. The insurance money came through and we were both feeling quite well-off so for Easter Sky booked us into a hotel in London for a few days and we went shopping.

Sky had decided that our ‘out of school’ clothes were going to be more fashionable. Now that we weren’t restricted by what our mother thought we should wear Sky wanted to change our images. Trousers and jeans were out and skirts and dresses were in. What’s more, Sky liked the mini-skirts and micro-skirts that we found in the shops. Naturally, I liked them too. We bought loads of clothes that mother would have said were ‘not suitable for going out in’.

As we walked passed the underwear section in one store I asked Sky if we were going to replace all our old knickers and bras as well. She surprised me when she said that she had decided that she was going to stop wearing bras. She never really liked them and only wore them because mother told her to. Up until that time I’d only ever had one bra, a training bra and that was getting a bit old and tatty, so, I too decided that bras were a thing of the past for me – unless my breasts developed into melons, then I’d have to wear a bra just to keep them from hurting someone.

When it came to deciding what knickers we were going to buy Sky asked me if I wanted some thongs instead of my industrial strength school knickers. I asked her what she was going to get and I was a little surprised when she told me that she was only going to get 4 thongs.

My initial reaction was to ask her why she planned to do the washing every couple of days. Sky laughed and told me that the thongs were only for ‘emergencies’; the rest of the time she was going to go without.

“What?” I said, “You’re going to go commando under these new mini and micro skirts?”

“Yeah, I’ve always fancied going without; I tied it once at school last year and it was amazing. I felt so sexy and my pussy was tingling and wet all day. I hate to say it, but now that mum and dad are gone we can really start having lots of fun; and one huge bit of fun is ditching the knickers.”

“Bloody hell sis, I’d never even thought about that. Well, if you can then I can too.”

We both got 4 thongs each; all of them being see-though and very small. From what Sky was saying I wondered if they’d ever get worn.

We both dumped our knickers and bras in the next shop that we bought some clothes at and I felt very self-conscious, but nice, about my lack of underwear under one of my new mini-skirts and thin tops as we walked out onto the street.

There was a bit of a breeze blowing and it was tickling my bald pussy (Sky had started shaving as soon as her pubic hair had started growing, so I had done the same when I got my first few pubic hairs a few months previous). Both sets of nipples were erect as the fresh, cool air pressed on our tops.

I also got self-conscious about my pussy leaking. I’d never had that problem before and my inner thighs were getting wet. When I told Sky about it she told me that hers were wet as well and that it was nothing to worry about; just to ignore it. She also told me that she was going to have to teach me a thing or two about female anatomy; things that I hadn’t learn at school.

My 14 year old body had only just started getting nice feelings between my legs and I’d only rubbed my pussy a couple of time; not that there was much to rub; only a slit, but if I spread my lips a bit I could feel what must be my little clit as it started to develop. Both times it had made me feel good but I’d still to experience my first orgasm. Sky’s pussy is a more grown-up version of mine. Her clit sticks out of her slit and she doesn’t have any flaps of skin like lots of girls do.

When we got back to the hotel we both had a shower and didn’t bother putting any clothes on. Sky introduced me to flashing from the hotel room’s window. It was exciting but I don’t know if anyone saw us.

I hid in the bathroom when room service brought us some food but Sky just let the waiter in and acted like it was something that she did every day. When a different waiter came to collect the dirty plates Sky had told me that it was my turn to flash him. I was so nervous and excited. That warm, tingly feeling in my pussy was amazing and my little nipples hurt so much.

We were both tired from out hectic days shopping and we didn’t go out anywhere that night. Instead, Sky taught me how to make myself cum and I had my first ever orgasm. We both watched the other do ourselves; then we did each other. We did the same when we woke-up the next morning after falling asleep in each other’s arms.

When we went down for breakfast Sky put on her shortest new skirt with no knickers. Of course I did the same and 2 girls walked along the corridor with butt cheeks hanging out of their skirts; almost showing their wet, bald pussies.

I felt so grown-up and sexy as we walked into the breakfast room.

I’d forgotten about what would happen when we sat down and I tried to pull my skirt down as I sat and crossed my legs.

“Don’t worry about it;” Sky said, “just forget about what may, or may not be showing. It doesn’t matter; the men in here would love to see your pussy, and the women will only be jealous. Besides, we’re going home tomorrow and you’ll never see these people again. And stop crossing your legs; it’s more comfortable with them uncrossed and who cares if anyone can see up your skirt. You’ll feel good if you catch someone looking.”

As usual, what Sky said made a lot of sense and I started to relax. I say relax, but the thought of people seeing my bald slit was making my stomach churn – in a nice way.

As I sat there, eating and not caring if anyone was looking up my skirt I decided that I liked this exhibitionist thing; I wanted more.

We spent that day doing more shopping, interlaced with Sky showing me things that I never knew she knew about; she showed me some ways that I can ‘accidentally’ flash my pussy. It started with us getting naked in the changing rooms at shops. Dependant on the size of the shop and the layout; Sky either left the curtain open so that men waiting for their partners could see us; or on a couple of occasions she pulled me out into the main shop when we didn’t have any clothes on. If anyone said anything, which they didn’t, Sky was going to say that we needing to get a size smaller dress. Gawd; I was nearly crapping myself; but at the same time my pussy was working overtime and I was worried that I’d stain the dress’ that I was trying on.

When we were sat in McDonalds after the first time that she did that I asked her if she’d done that sort of thing before. She said not but she’d read stories and wanted to try it for herself.

I asked her if we could go and do it again; and we did; but not before Sky told me to open my legs and flash a couple of young men who were staring at our bare legs.

Sky took me to a pub for a while that evening. We both wore thin tank tops which showed exactly where our hard nipples were, and micro-skirts. I felt so grown-up and sexy as we got chatted-up by a group of young men. We didn’t stay long and left the guys watching our hardly covered butts as we headed back to the hotel for another night of pleasuring each other before going back home.

After those few days, both our lives changed – again; but this time there was no sadness.

When we got home we dumped most of our old clothes; and all our old underwear, in the rubbish bin. Just after our parents died I’d spent a few nights sleeping with Sky just for comfort; but it was time to change the sleeping arrangements as well. We both moved into our parent’s bedroom and only used our old bedrooms as walk-in dressing rooms.

Sky said that she was going to stop wearing clothes at home so I decided to do the same. When I told Sky she told me that we’d have to take it in turns to answer the door for the pizza deliveries or the postman. At first I thought that she was joking but 3 days later there I was, standing at the wide open front door, in front of the delivery guy, with my juices running down the insides of my thighs and my pussy feeling like it was on fire.

Sky still had her ‘A’ level exams to take and I still had a couple of months to go at school before the summer break. The first day that we went to school with no underwear under our school skirts was weird. We were both still excited when we got home and talked about it. We went to bed early that night.

Thinking back, I doubt very much that anyone saw up my knee length school skirt, and I didn’t have PE that day; but it was still super exciting knowing what I wasn’t wearing. By lunchtime I had to go and take care of the sexual frustration that had built-up before I exploded.

Sky too had had an exciting day. She told me that she’d deliberately bent over in front of a boy that she fancies; and squat down in front of one of her teachers to pick-up a pencil that she’s ‘accidentally’ dropped.

A couple of days later I had a PE lesson; and the gymnastics club practice after school. All through PE I was wondering if anyone could see my pussy up the baggy legs of my short running shorts. In the showers afterwards, my friend Aria told me that she’d noticed what I wasn’t wearing; and so had most of the class, and maybe the PE teacher. I got a bit embarrassed but I remembered what Sky had told me,

“Don’t think about what might be showing; just act naturally and 99.99% of people will either quickly look away and say nothing, or stare for a while then say nothing. Either way they’ll have seen you tits or pussy and be thinking about you in their beds that night. If you see them looking then you’ll feel good.”

And Sky was right; except that I keep looking at people to see if they’re looking at me. I guess that I want to feel good.

Aria asked me how come I wasn’t wearing any knickers. When I told her that I’d thrown every pair that I owned into the bin she didn’t believe me at first. I went on to tell her about my new clothes and the new life that Sky and I had started.

Aria was amazed and asked if she could come for a sleepover soon. I said that of course she could; just as long as she wore the same things that Sky and I did.

Some of the other girls watched me as I got dressed without putting on any knickers, or my old training bra. A couple of the miserable, stuck-up girls joked about me not being able to afford underwear; but most thought that I was brave. A few even said that they might stop as well.

After school Aria and I went back to the gym for gymnastics club. There are 12 girls between 14 and 16 in the club and the coach is the boys PE teacher. Apparently he used to be in the England gymnastics team before he became a PE teacher.

All of the team wear our own leotards for training and I had meant to get a new one when we were in London but I forgot about it when Sky and I started having so much fun.

My leotard is a couple of years old and well passed its best. What’s more, I’ve grown since mum bought it for me and it’s a very tight fit. One of the girls had told me that it was so thin that I was getting a nice camel toe. At that time I didn’t know what she meant so I’d just ignored her.

Anyway, that night as I put it on I heard a few little rips from the stitching and decided that I’d have to go into town the next day and get a new one.

The practice started with the usual stretching to warm up then after about 30 minutes, just as I started a long routine, I heard a rip and felt the air rushing passed my then bare pussy. I quickly decided to not think about it and keep going. By the time I had finished the routine the tight leotard had ridden up my body and the whole of my butt and pussy were out for all to see.

Coach congratulated me for a perfect performance but all I could think about was what I was showing. After the congratulations coach said that I could go and put my knickers on if I liked. I started to turn to run back to the changing room then remembered that I didn’t own any knickers anymore.

“Err coach, I haven’t got any knickers; can I finish early please?” I asked.

“No you can’t Ruby. To be a professional you have to learn how to cope with any situation that arises; even if that means discomfort for you. You can finish the practice like you are.”

My jaw dropped for a couple of seconds then I remembered that everyone there was a girl except for the coach; and he’d already seen my butt and pussy.

“Okay,” I thought; “I can do this. I’ll just pretend that the other girls are Sky and that the coach is the pizza delivery guy.”

I went back to the team line and saw that some of the girls were grinning and some had looks of disbelief. I’d already decided that I didn’t care.

I hadn’t really thought about it before, but a lot of gymnastics moves involve spreading your legs wide apart; but I quickly remembered that it did as the coach got us doing straddle jumps and pike jumps on the trampoline.

I quickly forgot about any embarrassment as I discovered a new enthusiasm for the sport.

At the end of each practice us girls all sit on the floor in a circle round the coach and we all talk about how we’d done and what we had to practice on our own. Of course the coach had his ideas as well. We always sit Indian style and everyone (including the coach) except the girl on either side of me, could easily see my pussy.

Aria, another girl, and the coach all told me that I had gone up a grade that evening. I had totally forgotten about my leotard being up round my waist as the coach told me how well I had done.

One of the other girls joked that it was because my leotard wasn’t getting in the way, and another said that she was right. Without even thinking I asked the coach if I could attend practice session totally naked, saying that my existing leotard was now useless and that I was sure that he didn’t want me to wear my uniform leotard for practices.

As I said that I thought that I’d gone too far and that I was going to get into trouble; especially as the coach was looking straight at me with a very stern looking expression on his face.

“Hmm Ruby,” the coach replied; “it’s funny that you should say that; when I was in the England team the girls always practiced in the nude. They too said that it gave them more freedom and more enthusiasm; and it certainly seems to have worked for you tonight.

Okay girls; starting next week, anyone who wishes to practice in the nude can do so; it’s not compulsory, entirely your decision. Just to make sure that we don’t have any embarrassing moments the last girl that comes into the gym will lock the door behind them; we don’t want any unexpected visitors. Remember, it’s not compulsory, it’s your choice, but it certainly made a difference for Ruby tonight. Okay girls; that’s it for tonight; see you all next week.”

As we all walked into the girl’s changing room we were all talking about what we were, or weren’t going to wear the next week. Aria told me that she too was definitely going to be naked.

When I told Sky what had happened she asked me if I’d deliberately sabotaged my leotard; saying that I was getting worse, or better, than she was. We didn’t buy me a new leotard that weekend.

One of the other girls in the gymnastics team must have told other girls that I hadn’t been wearing knickers, and that the gymnastics team were going to practice in the nude because word soon spread and lots of boys started asking Aria and me if it was true. After the first time Aria got asked and told me about it, I told her that I didn’t want her to lie for me and that if she wanted, she could just tell the boys that it was true. I’d already decided that I wasn’t going to tell any lies.

About half of the boys who did ask me if I wasn’t wearing any knickers asked me to prove it. Every time I got asked that I just told them to keep watching me when I go up any stairs. I didn’t think that they’d be able to see anything, but it was nice to know that they’d be looking.

When they asked about the gymnastics practices I told them that it may be true, that they’d have to come along and support the team and find out for themselves. I knew that they wouldn’t get into the gym so see us practice and that all the windows are too high for them to see in; unless you were to climb one of the trees outside or onto the changing room’s roof.

That weekend was a quiet one at home with both Sky and I staying naked all weekend apart from when we had to go to the supermarket. It’s no fun having to carry a week’s food home on your own so we always went together.

On the Monday morning when I met Aria she was keen to tell me that she had left her knickers at home and that she too felt excited and wonderful. When it came to the PE lesson at the end of the week I discovered that Aria had got her mother to buy her some running shorts like mine; and just as baggy as mine. As I watched her during the lesson I realised just how much of my pussy I must be showing a lot of the time. It made my pussy all warm and tingly.

When we were getting changed afterwards a couple of the other girls asked us why we weren’t wearing any knickers. After we told them that it felt good a couple of them said that they’d try it as well. I got the impression that they thought that they were missing out on something; and they were right.

The gymnastics practice went well. Aria, myself and another, older girl didn’t put leotards on and the 3 of us spent the whole time totally naked; not even one pubic hair between the 3 of us. It felt good and the coach kept telling the 3 of us that we were doing much better.

The number of naked gymnasts slowly increased over the next 3 or 4 weeks until all 12 of us were doing the sessions totally naked.

As the school year was coming to a close the coach told us that he had entered us into a schools competition. Of course he’d made it clear to us that we’d have to perform in our official school leotards, but what he hadn’t told us was that he’d invited some of the other teachers along to the practice to see how well we were doing.

He sprang that one on us just after our practice had started and the teachers walked into the gym to be confronted by 12 totally naked, young teenage girls.

At first all of us girls screamed and covered out little tits and pussies but the coach shouted at us and told us to stop being silly little girls and to be more professional. It was clear that a couple of the girls were not happy about the situation, but I for one, loved every seconds of it.

As I performed, and waited to perform, I kept looking over to the teachers to see if they were looking at me. It was then that I looked above the teachers, to the windows above the single storey changing rooms. There on that roof were 6 or 7 boys looking down on us.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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