Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: Revelations - Cover

Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: Revelations

Copyright© 2017 by Mike Cropo

Chapter 30

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Fifth Book in the Wolves and Dragons of the Blood series.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Shemale   TransGender   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Vampires   Group Sex   Interracial  



Murano had never been on a VORTEX-Class Cruiser before, and though he was a Pralor, even he was in awe of the sheer size and utter majesty of the ship. There were many such ships at the height of their war with the Scourge, but this ship was to be the first of its unique Class. It was packed with the very finest and most advanced Pralor technology, weapons and equipment to exist at that time as well as some things that had not even been introduced to the main fleets. These items made the other VORTEX-Class Cruisers pale in comparison.

Mari clung to his arm tightly as they closely followed the Lycavorian Security Officer along the huge corridors of the ship, her beautiful face showing her excitement and delight at what she was witnessing. This ship and the others that were intended to come after it were the most powerful and sophisticated warships the Pralor people had ever built, designed to meet the Scourge Hive ships force on force and come out victorious. Mari was enraptured with the ship and to some larger extent the Lycavorian people themselves. Murano knew that Mari had been reading from dozens of data and history scrolls given to her by Helen and Wayonn. He did not know what drew his niece to this knowledge but at this point in time she was probably the only Pralor among their people with the extent of knowledge and understanding of their cultures and traditions as she possessed. Kesyla had told him Mari was a voracious reader and had graduated tops in her class at the Advanced Spacial Physics University on Artaaya. Her delight at seeing Avi had been profound and he had seen her many times discussing one thing or the other with Martin’s avatar on Manne. As they moved along the corridors of the ship heading for the bridge both of them could not help but take note of the many different species that now called this ship home.

Of course Murano thought to himself... this was no longer a Pralor ship.

If what Wayonn had told him was true and he would never doubt a Praetorian Mage, least of all Wayonn, then Murano had to believe the Pralor Elder Council back then had specifically programmed this ship for a single purpose. That single purpose was that it would not respond to anyone who did not have the blood of Sumar within their veins. They must have known all was

lost and those Elders, their lives at an end they knew, decided that the only true hope of their people was to program this ship as they had and pray to the ancients within the Rift of Time that Sumar had children. Children somewhere out there among the stars; and that would one day those children be drawn to this ship and discover its origins. Those men and women had not thought about or been concerned with what blood would flow through Sumar’s descendants, only that they would be his descendants and only they would know how to use this ship. They had trusted in the belief and faith that if Sumar’s blood ran within their veins then they would be like him in some way. Their belief, if that is what they all thought all those years ago, had certainly turned out to be true.

As they moved through the corridors, both Murano and Mari could detect the resonance of Pralor blood within scores of the Lycavorians on this ship. It may not have been prominent in many of them, but it was certainly there. Murano also noticed that many also looked at him with something akin to wonder as they passed him in the corridors. He could hear them whispering among themselves after they had gone by. They knew who and what he was and he could sense the reverence and awe many felt as they passed him. There were also more than a fair share of young Lycavorian men giving Mari more than just a passing glance. His niece was breathtaking in her beauty, Murano noticing she had changed her hair color on the ship here. He asked her about it and Mari had told him she simply returned her hair to its natural color instead of trying to be like Kesyla. Since she had returned her hair color to its natural state of a light reddish brown, Murano noticed that her beauty had become even more enhanced, but Mari possessed a bubbly nature that always made her glow even more.

These were, without question, men and women who had seen battle many times before for he doubted that Androcles Leonidas would crew this spectacular ship with new personnel fresh out their training academies. To know that and then sense their emotions about him caused new pride to flourish within Murano. Pride at what he was. Pride in who he was. Discovering that Martin and his sons existed had returned to Murano all he had thought lost. Knowing that he was not the last of his kind had revived his spirit and his resonance to new heights. Since his talks with Helen and Daniel, Murano had made it a point to look at events more openly and not judge so quickly. He had prided himself when he was younger on being more open minded than others and he had gotten away from that mentality. Now he found himself returning to his roots and he liked the way it made him feel. Helen and Daniel had been very correct in their words to him. These men and women, whether Lycavorian or Elf or Vampire, whatever their species was, they wore their emotions on their proverbial sleeves. They did not suppress what they felt inside them, they embraced it, and no doubt any who bore the Praetorian gene now would be just like Martin and Androcles. They were men or women who would embrace their passion, harness their emotions to fuel their new abilities, but they were also very different. There was no way to ever be sure Murano knew, but given what he had learned and seen so far, he doubted they would ever callously use their power against innocents. Indeed... they would die to protect them in any way they could.

Their culture was different than what he was used to though. Very different. There were few laws within Lycavorian society itself but they were very harsh in many ways. Far harsher than he was accustom too, but after further thought Murano decided that these laws were very fair and no one was above the law within their society. He realized that most of these harsh laws stemmed from their millennia as slaves to the High Coven. The percentage of Lycavorians who abhorred slavery in any shape or form was astronomically high. They had those among their species who did not follow these laws, but they were considered pirates and mercenaries and treated as criminals. Rape was another crime that Murano found the Lycavorian people as a whole despised overwhelmingly, and the rape of a mated female was considered a depraved and immoral act punishable by immediate death. The parts of their history that Murano had read had made that fact very clear and now he understood at least some of what Martin must have felt having such an act touch the ones he loved and adored. And after what Daniel had shown him that day, Murano had no doubt that the six women who held his heart were far more important to Martin Leonidas than anything else in this universe. He had studied and read as much as he was able, the trip here had allowed him to do just that and he discovered many things that the scientists of his people had never bothered to know or understand about these people. Helen had been correct, they were not Pralors, but they were one of the most honorable species he had ever come across.

He turned quickly when he felt the strong tug on his arm. “Uncle?” Mari gasped as she motioned with her head.

Murano cut his eyes and saw they were about to pass through a large set of double doors. His eyes grew wider as the doors slid aside and they entered the bridge of the ship. The bridge was shaped like a massive elongated U. There was an upper level deck that wrapped around the entire section and a short flight of four stairs that circled the entire bridge and dropped into the lower level. In the center of this elongated U was a wide, elevated platform and railing with six different stations towards the front of the bridge and a single chair behind them. They could see outside the sectioned view windows and they took in the magnificence of the other ships that dotted the area around them. Standing behind that chair were two figures that Murano recognized instantly. It was impossible to miss the size of Avatar 341, as he stood over a full head taller than Androcles Leonidas. The avatar wore a Fleet uniform similar to the other bridge crewmembers, dark gray in color and separated into pants, undershirt and short waist length jacket. This appeared to be the standard uniform for all Union Fleet members as he had seen it on Martin’s ship as well. There did not appear to be any rank insignia on any of the crew who were moving back and forth across the expanse of the bridge, though the avatar did wear a gold sash around his waist with the ends dangling to one side.

Androcles Leonidas was far more imposing in person than he was within a simple holo transmission and Helen’s words to him echoed gently in his ears.

That is what guides his oldest son Androcles, who you have only spoken to in a silly holo transmission, but who is far more unforgiving than his siblings and even his own father.

Androcles stood stoically with his arms crossed over his broad chest taking everything in. Like his father, this young man radiated staggering power within the Etheric realm. A power and resonance that was matched only by his father. The echo of their Etheric resonances made Murano feel as if he was standing once more beside his friend and mentor as he had done so many thousands of years before.

Androcles Leonidas could have been his father’s twin brother if not for the shorter hair and neatly trimmed goatee that he sported, unlike his father’s much longer shoulder length hair and meticulously trimmed beard. He was shorter than his father by an inch or two and did not appear to meet his father’s incredibly defined two hundred and forty plus pounds of rock and granite like muscle. However, Murano estimated Androcles was perhaps two hundred and twenty pounds, but no less distinct in a muscular fashion. The superb definition of his Spartan trained body was evident even under the uniform that he wore. Like his father, he would be an imposing figure to stand before even without his Etheric abilities. When he thought about it for a moment, Murano realized that he had not seen one man or woman within Martin’s entire command that was not in superior physical condition. Wayonn had told him that the Spartan way of life that Martin’s father had grown up in was brutal and sometimes lethal, but it had forged both men and women to utter physical perfection. This practice took deep root within the Lycavorian Union when Martin’s father gave his life for trillions of lifeforms that he had never known. Lycavorian, Elf, Algolian, even some of the minor species within the Union had taken up the mantle of this way of life. When Martin had returned to the Union and his people saw that he had continued this very tradition and way of life like his father without even thinking, it spurred an even larger number within the Union to perfect their bodies no matter what their age. While Murano had always kept himself in superb physical condition, he knew he did not come close to any of the men or women he had seen so far. He made the decision then to insure that he changed that fact for it appeared that Martin’s children followed this same mentality without fail.

Androcles wore a similar uniform to the avatar and everyone else, yet around his waist he wore a crimson sash with two lines of gold trim along the outer edges and the figure of a golden dragon lifting off the ground gracefully embroidered into the ends.

The young Lycavorian guard that had led them here stepped closer. “Sir... would you care to be presented to the Crown Prince now?” He asked politely.

Murano looked at him. “What are they doing?” He asked.

“I believe we are preparing to get underway sir.” The young man answered. “We were only waiting for you to arrive.”

Murano shook his head. “I’m sorry... I never asked your name.”

“Gregan sir.” The Durcunusaan answered.

“Gregan... introductions can wait. I do not wish to disturb them. I do have a question however... the sash he wears. Does it have some meaning?” Murano asked.

The Durcunusaan troop glanced over to Andro and then back quickly. “Androcles abhors any type of pomp.” The young man answered him. “You will notice that none of the crew wears rank insignia. It is a tradition that he began on the SCIMITAR and it continues here. It insures everyone is treated in the same fashion as they wish to be treated.”

Mari looked at him with wide eyes. “You refer to him by name.” She asked. “Is that... is that allowed?”

The young Durcunusaan chuckled softly. “Only to the Durcunusaan Lady Mari.” He answered. “And only in private, among family or away from too many ears. He insists upon it, as do his brothers and sisters, the King, the Queens and Crown Princesses. It is part of the reason why any of us would give our lives for them without a second’s pause. Any of them.”

Murano nodded. “Yes... I noticed that from Martin and his people.” He said softly.

“To answer your question Lady Mari, I believe it was Princess Ne’Veha who had the sashes made several months ago.” The young man said. “It is the only thing he will wear now that sets him apart from others... and if I recall correctly... she threatened to kick his mida if he did not. Each of the Crown Princesses wears one now as well.”

Mari couldn’t help but chuckle. “She threatened to kick his ass Uncle.” She said. “I like her already.”

Murano grinned as well and squeezed the young man’s arm. “We will wait until we are underway Gregan.” He said. “There is no rush.”

The troop nodded his head and stepped back to the side just as the voices began to echo across the expanse of the bridge. They were coming through an intercom of some sort and Mari realized that each station member must have been wearing one of the head implants given to her, Kesyla and her uncle while with his father. Both of them lifted their heads as the voice of a woman filled the bridge intercom.

SCIMITAR actual to SPARTA’S WRATH actual on Command Channel. We are ready to depart. What is your status?” The voice of Sa’sur asked.

-We have secured Praetorian Murano’s ship and are prepared to depart as well Admiral Sa’sur- Armen answered instantly.

“Very well. ARIZONA actual?” Sa’sur asked.

Miranda’s voice filled the bridge now. “1st Arizona Attack Wing ready and sitting on go.”

“Understood.” Sa’sur spoke. “We stick to the established plan. ARIZONA’s Attack Wing will join with King Martin and the ARC ROYAL at their present location. Admiral Lorian will then assume command of all ships in theater and establish Command and Control Directives with the King. SCIMITAR’s Strike Group, ULU WASP and the Dragon Brigade will proceed to the Beta Quadrant and rendezvous with the ARCH DEMON. I will assume command of all Union ships in the theater and begin the implementation of Prince Denali’s plan. SPARTA’S WRATH will proceed on course for the rendezvous with Yuri and Prince Dorian. Three weeks from now SPARTA’S WRATH will join with us in the Beta Quadrant and we will complete the merger of the Protectorate into the Union at that time. Once that is complete... we will depart for King Martin’s location and whatever the unknown wants to throw at us.” Sa’sur finished. “Andro?”

“Manda... what we spoke of before?” Andro asked softly as he looked towards the view window.

“If it is at all possible Andro... I will insure that it does not happen. I give you my word.” Manda answered just as softly.

“No matter the reasons Manda... he cannot be allowed to do it. No matter what. I will not have him lower himself to the level of the animal he hunts. He will never forgive himself.” Andro said.

“I understand Andro.” Miranda answered softly. “I will make it happen.”

“Then there is nothing more to say.” Andro spoke uncrossing his arms. “Armen?”

-Initiate Fleet Wide COM- Armen spoke.

“Fleet wide activated sir.” The young elven woman called from her station across the bridge.

Andro moved closer to Armen. “This is Androcles. We are going to be stepping into the very heart of the unknown now. You all know the motto of my family. Never fear the unknown for you do not know what treasures you may discover. You are the finest the Union has to offer. All of you no matter your job or title. It is my honor to lead you and serve beside you. These ships are now our home away from home. And we are all family. I wish all of you the blessings of whatever gods you may covet. May they watch over us in our tasks and look upon us with wisdom and care. Look after those to your right and left and they will do the same. And no matter what, be proud of who each of you are. All of you matter. We will reunite in six weeks and show everyone that we will honor the Pralor blood that flows within many of us. Aur taine and stali cuia fas forn innyne.” (My trust and faith go with you always.)

Murano and Mari looked around the bridge as they heard the two women on the intercom and dozens of others on the bridge utter the same word simultaneously.


Murano looked at the young Durcunusaan. “What...?”

“My trust and faith go with you always.” Gregan said. “Amen.”

Mari shivered slightly but not because she was cold. The words Androcles had spoken were meant to be inspiring and the shiver that coursed through her had done just that. It was a sensation she had never felt before. She had been studying the Lycavorians as a people for weeks now. She did not know what drew her to them, but it was powerful and fulfilling, more so than anything in her life before now.

Andro’s arms dropped to his side now and he looked at Armen. “Armen... the ship is yours. Take us out and get us to the rendezvous.”

Both Murano and Mari were wide eyed when they realized that the avatar had a name and Androcles had just turned the ship over to him.

-Understood- Armen answered.

That was when Androcles turned to look at them and Murano and Mari got a first glimpse at his utterly amazing azure blue eyes. They seemed to glow in the dim lighting of the bridge and Murano felt Mari squeeze his arm tightly. Andro didn’t hesitate and crossed the short space between them in five long strides. He bowed his head to Murano with respect.

“Praetorian Murano.” Andro said holding out his hand. “It is a true honor to finally meet you.”

Murano was somewhat taken aback by the greeting but he gripped the hand regardless and felt the Praetorian power within the grasp and resonance that was Androcles Leonidas. As it happened with Martin, Murano felt a sense of brotherhood sweep over him that he had not felt for far too long. He reached out and placed his other hand over both of theirs and smiled.

“It is I who should be saying that.” He said. “You and... you and your father... you look so much like Sumar it is almost frightening.” Murano told him.

Andro smiled warmly. “I hope that is a good thing because Deni and Deion look very much like father as well. Though most of the ladies agree that our brother Arrarn got all the good looks. Though I dare say my younger brother Deion is attracting quite the attention now that the ladies know he will be on the ship.” He said with some humor.

“He is a ladies man?” Mari asked with a sly grin.

Murano looked at her. “Mari!” He exclaimed again as Andro laughed.

Andro shook his head with a smile. “No... a ladies man he is not. But like our brother Arrarn he seems to have gotten all the good looks. He told me once that he is going to save himself for the woman who will hold his heart and soul in her hands.”

“His Anome?” Mari said softly. “Like your father and you?”

Andro shrugged his shoulders. “My father raised us to cherish and love the woman we choose to spend our lives with. Anomes are rare among my people as I am sure you are aware. If it is meant to be for Deion then it will happen. If not... whoever he wishes to spend his life with he will love her until it takes her breath away. Or he will face our father’s wrath.” He finished with a smile.

Murano nodded quickly with a smile laugh. “Androcles... this inquisitive young woman is Mari.” He said. “My niece Mari. She is my brother Delnash’s youngest daughter. And as you can see... she hungers for knowledge.”

Andro looked at him oddly for a brief moment, his nose twitching imperceptibly as he did and then he looked at Mari. This odd action didn’t deter him for more than half a second and he bowed his head to her in respect. “A pleasure Lady Mari. You honor me and all of my people with your knowledge of our people.” He said.

“You... you are letting the avatar take the ship out of dock?” Mari asked him.

“Mari!” Murano exclaimed gently. He turned back to Andro. “She has been fascinated with the avatars ever since we first saw your father’s... Avi... on Onterom.”

“He is so... different than the avatars I am used to. Avi as well.” Mari spoke excitedly. “They are... they almost seem to have their own...”

Andro glanced back and saw an elven female step up to Armen with a data pad which he glanced at and then tapped his command codes onto. She didn’t blink at this, nodded her head and then moved back to her station.

“Personality?” Andro spoke looking back to her. “Avi and Armen are far more than what you think. We have allowed them to evolve as they were intended to.” Andro told her. “Avi and Armen are the first yes... hopefully there will be more. Your people would do well to remove whatever locks you have on them and allow them to grow as we have done. I think they might surprise you.”

“You named him?” Mari asked.

Andro shook his head. “He choose his own name.” He told her.

Mari looked at him wide eyed. “He choose his own name?” She gasped in disbelief. “Uncle did you hear that?”

Murano smiled and shook his head. “The wonder of youth.” He said looking around. “In all my years I was never on board one of these ships. This was to be the first of a new class of VORTEX Cruiser. It is everything I imagined.”

“I have the Tomes prepared for transport.” Andro said. “I imagine you wish to see them and depart as quickly as you can?”

Murano shook his head. “No. I believe... I believe your father sent me here for more than just acquiring the Tomes. I intend to respect that. He told you of the disagreement that we had?” He asked softly.

Andro nodded his head slowly. “Yes.”

“He does not keep much from you does he?” Murano asked.

“I do not keep much from him.” Andro spoke shrugging his broad shoulders.

“Helen and your Uncle Daniel... they... they showed me a window into your people Andro... I... I may call you that yes?” Murano asked quickly.

Andro smiled. “Only my mothers and my mates call me Androcles... and only when they are angry with me for something I did.” Andro answered. “I prefer Andro.”

Murano nodded with a smile. “I believe Martin would want me to stay with you for a time so that I can learn more of your people. I would like to learn more. So much more.”

Andro nodded in appreciation of what Murano was saying. “It would be an honor sir.” He said. “I will warn you however, what I am...”

Murano held up his hand to stop his words. “I know what you are young man. I know what happened to your sister Androcles. I also know what else occurred during that time. What you did. What your father did.” He said softly. “Your mothers Dysea and Cirith told me. Helen filled me in on what they did not know.”

“And you do not approve.” Andro told him with no malice or emotion in his voice.

“What I approve or disapprove of is of no matter.” He told him. “You and your father, your brothers, they have the blood of Sumar within their veins. So many on this ship have the Pralor blood within them. Mari and I can sense it all around. But you are also Lycavorian. As Helen told me... that is who and what you are. I came to realize that I have no right to judge any of you. And I also realized that you and your father and brothers represent a new breed of Praetorian. A breed of Praetorian that I now believe Sumar hoped would emerge. Praetorians who embrace their instincts and emotions, unlike those of my day and my time. Now... now I simply wish to be among you and guide you and perhaps bestow my wisdom where it could be of use. But most of all... I wish to learn.”

Andro moved closer to him and stared at him intently. “Your guidance and wisdom will be far more welcome than you might think sir.” He said. “We are still trying to fully understand what this power we possess allows us to do. What purpose that the gods of fate had in store for us when they gave us this power? I think you will find that my brothers and I will come to you with questions and thoughts about what it all means.”

Murano held Andro’s eyes for a moment longer and nodded his head. “Then I now know the answer to the question I have asked for over thirty millennia.”

“Why you survived?” Andro asked him softly.

Murano’s eyes grew slightly wider but the smile that split his lips was genuine and warm as he nodded. “Your insight truly does you credit young man.” He said. “And you are correct.”

“Have you been to your quarters yet?” Andro asked.

“They wished to come directly to the bridge Andro.” The Durcunusaan troop spoke from the side.

Mari noticed that Androcles did not even blink at the soldier’s use of his first name. She watched Andro nod his head in recognition to the young man. “I’ll take it from here Gregan. Thank you for escorting them. You get your gear unpacked?”

The Durcunusaan smiled. “Not hardly. Most of us are still trying to find our way around this ship.” He answered.

Andro chuckled and slapped the man in the shoulder gently. “I do know the feeling. Pass the word to the others. We have a few hours before we link up with Yuri and my brothers. Tell them to get to know the ship at their leisure, but I want them to get some rest as well.”

Gregan nodded and bowed his head. “As you order.”

Andro turned back to Murano and Mari as the Durcunusaan moved off. “We’ll find your quarters together.” He said. “Armen gave me a brief tour, but it will take a while to learn it all. You have P1s I assume?”

Murano nodded. “Mari and I both.”

“I will have the schematics for the ship downloaded to them.” He told them. “We can use mine for now. This evening... after we link up with my brothers... you can join my family and friends for dinner. I stole one of the cooks from the SCIMITAR. I don’t think he is as gifted as my father tells me Iama is... but it is very good food.”

Murano nodded. “I would like that.”

“Your family is on the ship?” Mari asked slightly surprised.

Andro nodded as he motioned back to the doors. “My grandmothers and my younger siblings Retta, Calyb and Bryon. Though I shouldn’t call them young anymore... they are seventeen and very close to departing for their Agoges. Another year or two. They haven’t seen our father and mothers in some time and it will be good for them to finally get out and see different things.”

“The Agoge... that is... that is the training course all of your people go through isn’t it?” Mari asked.

Andro looked at her as they entered the huge corridor. “I am impressed Lady Mari.” He said. “You have been studying the history of my people?”

Mari smiled as she clung to Murano’s hand. “Wayonn gave me some material.” She told him. “It was very enlightening.”

Andro nodded his head. “To answer your question... yes. The Agoge is a tradition that my people adopted when my grandfather Leonidas died. It is a period of intense training and conditioning... and it can be brutal at times... though it is completely voluntary. It is not for everyone.”

“All of your siblings have gone through it though correct?” Mari asked as they walked. “Even your sisters? And your mothers?”

Andro nodded. “Yes.” Andro stopped in front of the elevator lift he and Armen had used earlier and looked at them. “I will warn you now... my brothers and sisters are... when we are all together we are...”

Murano laughed at Andro’s attempt to be diplomatic. “You are like all brothers and sisters.” He said. “And it will be refreshing to see.” He said.

Andro chuckled. “Don’t be so sure about that.” He said as he motioned to the lift. “Tame is not a word I would use to describe us.”

“Then it will be expressive?” Murano said. “Good. I like expressive.”

Andro laughed. “Then you will enjoy seeing my brothers Dorian and Deion interact with their sisters. Eliani likes to tease them. We will reunite with them sometime late this afternoon as I said, so tonight will be smooth sailing as they say.”

Mari looked at him as they got onto the lift. “Do you always eat at the same table when you are together?” She asked.

Andro nodded. “As often as we can. Probably too often considering the fights that we have started amongst ourselves. Our father and mothers have chased all of us from the table numerous times through the years.” He said with a smile. “You will see.”

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