Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: Revelations - Cover

Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: Revelations

Copyright© 2017 by Mike Cropo

Chapter 16

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Fifth Book in the Wolves and Dragons of the Blood series.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Shemale   TransGender   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Vampires   Group Sex   Interracial  


“ ... Delnash. Now there is an interesting man.” Sumar’s voice spoke. “He isn’t like the others he surrounds himself with. He’s cerebral ... likes to think everything through and then make his decision. He’s precise and conscious of every avenue available to him. He has run the Science Convention with skill and that same precision. I should expect no less ... he is Murano’s older brother and now I see where Murano gets it.”

Delnash stood in the corner of the transport just behind the cockpit. He was alone as the others were loading up the ramp and the pilots were running their preflight checks. In his hand he held the data disc that Martin Leonidas had given him only a few hours ago. This was the second time he had viewed the disc and what it contained and to say he was stunned would have been the understatement of the century. He glanced back as others were moving into the rear of the transport, making sure that he was undisturbed and then he turned back to the disc. In the view of the small disc in his palm he saw the holographic image of Sumar move and settle into the chair at the desk. Looking at the man he could not deny the resemblance Martin Leonidas had to him, or the significance of this. He watched as Sumar lifted a glass to his lips and drink some liquid and then turn his head.

“41 ... this information is current yes?”

-As current as the databases allowed when we left Chief Elder- The Avatar’s voice replied.

“What do you think 41?” Sumar asked.

-Nothing you have dictated is inaccurate Chief Elder. I have nothing further to add that would alter the decision you have already made- 41 answered. –If you are asking my opinion ... the information provided is sufficient enough to deduce he would act as he has always acted-

Sumar chuckled. “Thank you 41 ... your insight is always exacting in detail.”

-Of course Chief Elder-

Delnash watched Sumar lean back in the chair. “Elder Delnash ... recently married and head of the Science Convention. Among all the men and women I have reviewed so far on this trip, he is by far best suited for the position. His natural compassion balances the hard decisions he would need to make, but he will not sacrifice who he is in order to please one group. He uses facts and instinct and so far he has not been wrong in combining those two. I have spoken to Murano about him, gotten to know him through his brother.” Sumar shook his head. “Makes me wish Murano was here now. Wayonn agrees that we should have brought him ... but leaving him behind to watch over things was the wiser thing to do. Something ... something told me that his path ... his path leads him down a different road and in order to follow that road he needs to be where he is.”

“When we return I will submit to the Convention of Elders that Delnash replace me when I step down.” Sumar spoke. “Wayonn and I agree that five years is sufficient to train those Praetorians we have with us. Once that is done ... I will give the reins of leadership to Delnash and assume my role as leader of the Praetorians. I believe we can work closely together to insure our people are kept safe from the Scourge. With Delnash at the helm of political matters, I can concentrate on our defenses and be confident that he will have the interests of our people in his heart. The Scourge will be back ... of that I am certain. My fool brother made sure of that when he conducted his twisted experiments and gave them the ability to reason and think. They will not be so easy to defeat next time and it will be up to Delnash and I to make sure we are not caught unaware.” Sumar lowered his glass back to the desk. “As a side note ... my brother’s actions will taint our family now. No matter that father and I pushed for his punishment ... our mother and father and even our sisters and brother will need to endure the consequences of his foul actions. I intend to take the Conventions punishment one step further and expel the chamber with his body into the next Red Giant we pass. I will inform City Ship 19 to release the chamber with his essence into the gravity well of the Brown Dwarf Star we will pass in the next system. He grew too powerful and let that affect his decisions. He wanted to be a god. I can’t take the risk of his essence returning to his body in some way. I will be killing my brother permanently ... but it is the only way.”

Delnash watched Sumar get to his feet. “41 ... make the proper entries in the logs. Make sure they are dispatched at the next Network station with our position and status. And send a short message to Murano letting him know what I intend for when we return.”

-The usual greeting Chief Elder?-

Sumar nodded his head with a smile. “Yes ... he likes that.”

Delnash deactivated the data disc and took a slow, deep breath. This was not what he had expected when Martin Leonidas had given it to him. He had expected plans or demands that he was going to make. He had never expected this.

Sumar was, by a very wide margin, the most popular and respected Chief Elder that their people had ever elected. His victories during the First Scourge War had seen to that, but his way of leadership was also honored and respected. He did not ask of those who served with him something that he was not prepared to do himself and Delnash could see this very same trait within Martin Leonidas. He turned and watched as more of his troops boarded and took their seats. He could see Lorendo sitting with Sashan and talking in whispers. Lorendo did not look in the least bit happy but at the moment Delnash didn’t care. No matter what his reasons were, Lorendo was responsible for too many deaths in the last few days to just dismiss that. And the fact that he did not seem to care infuriated Delnash.

The flash of movement outside the ramp caught his eyes and he saw the massive dragon land by where the Lycavorian ship was resting some two hundred meters behind their own. He watched the large figure leap easily from the back of the massive dragon and knew it could only be Martin Leonidas.

“I came here hoping to find my history.” Martin’s voice echoed softly in his head as he watched him jump easily from the dragon’s back. “I came here hoping maybe ... just maybe to find my ancestors. So I could learn about my past and what it means. Instead I came here and found you.”

Those words cut Delnash deep now. Too deeply.

That Martin Leonidas was a Praetorian was without doubt in his mind. He could not deny it any longer after seeing what he had seen and he was every bit his grandfather’s equal, if not more powerful, because of the Lycavorian blood flowing within him. He knew that exceptional Lycavorian blood was what afforded him the indomitable will and drive that surrounded him and his personality. Delnash thought for a moment ... perhaps ... perhaps Sumar knew exactly what he was doing when he merged their peoples together so long ago. He may have seen this very thing. The intensity and the pull over men and women that this Martin Leonidas exuded without even knowing it. Delnash continued to watch as two men moved up to where he stood beside the massive dragon, one of them his own brother Murano. He had made the decision to return with Martin Leonidas and there was nothing Delnash could do about that now. Even as Chief Elder he could not command a Praetorian to do something and he had no intention of ever denouncing his brother no matter what anyone said to the contrary. Murano was different now. The purpose Murano had been lacking since the end of the war had returned with a vengeance and Delnash knew without question it was because of the discovery of the Praetorian blood within Martin Leonidas and his sons. Sumar had spoken in the transmission of leaving Murano behind for a purpose. This meeting, discovering these men and women, that had to be the very purpose he had been speaking of.

Delnash looked across the field and realized he did not show him enough; he had not shown him through the past years the thanks and awe that he held his brother in for doing what he did during the wars. Murano had given up so much, far more than even he knew and he had saved so many lives back then. Now Lorendo and so many like him believed they could survive without the Praetorian Guard of the Pralor people. How foolish and arrogant they had become since their downfall. It was as if they were returning to the ways that led to their destruction by the Scourge. That was something he could not allow.

Delnash felt the presence of someone and turned his head to see Kesyla standing beside him. “Kesyla?” He said softly looking at his oldest daughter.

“I know what you are thinking papa.” She spoke softly.

Delnash smiled. “Do you?”

“Uncle Murano is going with them. Elder Kasdan and his brother. Elder Radra.” Kesyla spoke. “You are wondering...”

“How did I ever let things get so out of control?” Delnash said softly, completing her statement. “Have we grown so arrogant and complacent that we think like Lorendo? That the loss of life on this mission means nothing?”

“You are not Lorendo papa.” Kesyla told him.

“Mari won’t talk to me.” Delnash said softly continuing. “And I can’t order her about any longer. She is fully grown.”

“She intends to go with Uncle Murano Papa?” Kesyla said.

Delnash looked at her. “You knew?”

Kesyla shook her head. “I suspected. She is very taken with Uncle Murano with good reason and she wants to see and experience so much more. I tried to talk her out of it but she would not hear of it.”

“Short of keeping her under armed guard ... what choice do I have?” Delnash spoke. “If I do that she will hate me.”

“You have known for many years she is adventurous.” Kesyla spoke. “It is in her very nature ... and you know where that comes from.”

“And what about you?” Delnash asked.

“I am your senior aide papa.” Kesyla answered him. “But ... if you are asking me if I would find traveling with these men and women and learning about them intriguing ... then the answer is yes. I would ... very much so.”

“You admire them?” Delnash asked.

“In a way.” She replied. “They have a spirit and passion about them. A spirit that will never be crushed. A passion that will never go away. They do not fear what will come as we do. No matter what it is.”

“A trait that can be dangerous.” Delnash said.

Kesyla nodded. “But so very rewarding.”

Delnash met her eyes and smiled. “It could be yes.” He spoke. He lifted the data disc so she could see it. “I thought it would be a list of demands or something of that nature that he was making.” He smiled. “I was wrong once more.”

“What was on it Papa?” Kesyla asked.

“Someone talking about the man I used to be.” Delnash answered. “The man I should be now.” He took her arm. “Tell me daughter ... does your admiration for these people push aside whatever fear you may have of what is out there?”

Kesyla nodded. “If it is for the purpose I see in your eyes ... yes papa. It is the look you had when mother married you ... according to her.” She finished with a smile.

Delnash smiled. “Come with me then. These Svorag have reached the surface some sixty kilometers from here and they are heading this way. We need to move quickly.” He squeezed her arm. “Grab your brother and come with me.”

“ ... Like cockroaches!” Martin spoke. “Thousands of them! And they are moving fast. Torma and I did two passes high up and one low. We got about ninety minutes before they are all over this area.”

“Everything is just about loaded fervon.” Danny told him. “We’ll be long gone from here by then.”

Murano nodded his head. “I believe everyone who has made the decision to come with us is here as well.” He stated.

Martin met his eyes. “You sure about this Murano? Are they sure? We ain’t coming back here. Not after what has happened.” Martin said.

Murano nodded his head. “I believe what has happened here the last few days has opened some eyes Martin.” He spoke. “For Kasdan and Radra both. I can’t seem to keep my niece away from me no matter how hard I try. I asked her three times to reconsider this. Each time she just looked at me like I was insane.”

Martin shook his head with a grin. “She’s a woman Murano. You can’t figure out what they are thinking half the time no matter how hard you try. Better to just agree with them. It’s safer.”

We heard that! Aricia and For’mya’s voices filled Martin’s mind at the same time and he could hear his other mates chuckling within Mindvoice.

Murano and Danny looked at him with smiles having heard the unshielded response. “No way you can hide from six of them!” Danny said. “You are really screwed fervon.”

Murano was smiling when he saw his brother moving up towards them with Kesyla and Daron in tow. “Martin.” He said motioning with his head.

Martin turned slowly having already smelled Chief Elder Delnash, his son and daughter approaching them from across the space between their ships. He watched the Pralor Chief Elder come to a halt in front of them and he could see Lorendo and Sashan standing on the ramp of their own ship glaring across the distance at them. He turned his eyes to Delnash as he came to a stop in front of him. “Chief Elder?” He finally said.

Delnash fingered the data disc for a long moment before looking at Martin. “I take it you have seen what is on this?” He asked.

Martin nodded his head. “Most of it yes.” He answered.

“Why give this to me?” Delnash asked. “After what happen here ... why give this to me now?”

“Let’s just say my grandfather saw something in you that others did not.” Martin said. “The same thing that I see, but it’s buried under a whole lot of bullshit. I wanted you to know what that was.”

Delnash looked at Murano and then back to Martin. “Bullshit? What is this ... bullshit?”

Martin smiled and looked at Danny before turning back to Delnash. “Let’s just say...”

“I believe it is a term they use to describe what could be considered a façade of sorts Papa.” Kesyla spoke.

Danny laughed. “That’s a lot nicer than I would have described but yeah.”

“You don’t give up trying do you?” Delnash asked Martin.

Martin smiled and shook his head. “Giving up ain’t in my nature. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.” He told him. “What can I do for you sir ... we’re getting ready to depart. And you should be too.”

“How long before they get here?” Delnash asked surprised at the respect and tone Martin was using with him. It was not what he had expected though he was rapidly learning that with Martin Leonidas you didn’t always get what you expected.

“Ninety minutes roughly.” Martin answered.

Delnash met his eyes. “I find myself wishing that all of this had not happened in the way it has Martin Leonidas.” He spoke evenly. “I ... I used to be able to admit when I was wrong but it seems that trait has fallen to the side in these past millennia. Not anymore. I have been wrong. About you. About your people and about listening to others with a different agenda. I want ... I want to try and make amends.”

“Why?” Martin asked. “You didn’t seem particularly willing to be open minded not so long ago. Seems awful sudden like.”

Delnash nodded his head. “No I did not.” He said in reply. “I was listening to others and not following what my own instincts told me. Instincts I have not followed in far too long.” He told him. “What ... what I allowed to happen here is not me Martin Leonidas. What I allowed to happen here is tearing my people apart ... and those are just the ones here with me. The security forces are divided about what they were ordered to do ... many of them know what you are and it goes against the very essence of our people to openly fight a Praetorian.”

“We are not gods brother.” Murano spoke now.

Delnash nodded. “No ... but you are the most respected and revered men and women in our history and they can sense that Martin is also a Praetorian, no matter the blood that runs in his veins. They also sense there are more of you. I can not imagine what it would do to our population if what happen here, if it gets out to them in a way that is not of my own accord and truthfulness.”

“So you are worried about your position?” Martin asked.

Delnash met his eyes. “I am worried about my people.” He said not taking offence at the comment. “Everything I have done through the years has been for them. Some of what I have done is not popular but ... but I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. I have been listening to the wrong people and taking their advice instead of following what I would want myself. I intend to stop that.”

“How?” Martin asked.

“I would like Kesyla and Daron to accompany you.” Delnash spoke. “No matter how much I try to keep the knowledge that you exist from reaching my people ... it will get out to them because I don’t intend to suppress it. And it will happen much faster than even I realize I suspect. I can’t deny what you are anymore ... I can’t...”

“I’m just a man.” Martin said.

Delnash looked at him. “If only that were the case.” He spoke. “If we are going to survive as a people, if I am going to see my people live on, then I need to follow what my instincts are telling me.”

“And what are they telling you brother?” Murano asked softly.

“That we are connected to you and your people Martin Leonidas.” Delnash answered him looking at Martin. “That in order to survive ... we must do so together. And that means ... that means accepting things that we have previously been reluctant too. I can’t just dismiss your existence. Not after what has happened here.”

“What are you proposing then?” Martin asked.

“That we stay in contact.” Delnash said. “Let me return and work with Teniri. Let me brace our people for the knowledge that ... that we are no longer alone. That we don’t have to be alone anymore.”

Martin turned and looked at Murano and Danny for a long moment. He turned back to Delnash and looked at Kesyla and Daron. “You would trust me with your children?” He asked.

“I trust that you are a Praetorian like my brother.” Delnash spoke. “Like your grandfather was. Protecting those in your charge is part of what you are as a Praetorian. I learned that from my brother. And I sense that you would never allow harm to come to any man’s children if it is in your power to prevent.”

[Ladies?] Martin reached for his wives and mates.

[Do not try to play this down Martin Leonidas.] Aricia’s sweet voice spoke ... assuming the tone for all of his wives as she so often did. [Do you think we do not know why you came out here? What you were searching for? It is not what we wished for ... the way it has come about ... but it is the beginning that we desired.]

Delnash could feel the tremors within the Etheric realm as Martin talked to someone. They were supremely powerful and the shields he had up were unlike anything Delnash had ever felt. He glanced at his brother who was staring at him. Delnash knew this was the right thing to do. He could feel it within him. He saw Mari come walking down the ramp towards them a look of confusion on her face, Radra right behind her. Kasdan remained at the top of the ramp of the unique looking ship.

[How is it that I was blessed to have all of you in my life?] Martin spoke to them all.

[You’re lucky as all hell.] Anja’s voice quipped playfully. [And you aren’t so bad looking either. And you have a really big... ]

[Melyanna!] Dysea’s voice cut in.

[What? I’m only telling the truth!] Anja replied.

[Anja has a point Ussta She-elf.] Isabella chimed in with more than a little humor in her tone.

[And it is all ours.] For’mya spoke now. [You have our love and devotion Martin Leonidas. And we feel your desire to do this. Follow your heart and we shall trust in that.]

[Yes we will.] Cirith finished.

Martin chuckled along with his wives and mates in Mindvoice and looked at Delnash as Mari came up beside Murano. He sniffed the air slightly and caught the scent he hadn’t detected before, his eyes growing a little wider but he kept his face and emotions rigidly impassive and turned to face Delnash fully. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Danny had detected it as well but was doing nothing. Dan’s sense of smell was very nearly as acute as his.

Martin nodded to Delnash. “It is what I want as well.” Martin said. “What I think all of us want. It’s part of the reason we came out here. And to help Muton and the others discover their history as well. There are buckets and buckets of history that connect us now because of what my grandfather did, what Muton’s grandmother did and I am not the only one who wishes to discover that history.”

Delnash nodded his head slowly. “Then let me ... let me make the first overture to you. In order to show you that I am not ... that what I allowed to happen here is not me.”

Martin shook his head. “That’s not necessary. I would be able to smell if you were lying to me.” He said reaching up and tapping his nose. “One of the little advantages we have as a species.”

Delnash looked surprised. “That ... that is fascinating.” He said shifting on his feet. “Then you ... what about... ?”

“He is lying his ass off and he hasn’t stopped.” Martin stated bluntly. “And he will be a problem for you going forward too ... now that he knows we are around. He’s hiding a lot more than what went on here.”

Delnash’s eyes narrowed somewhat and he gave a curt nod. “I will deal with Lorendo.” He said. “Trust me when I tell you that.”

“I’ll hold you to that sir.” Martin said. “He’s responsible for enough deaths already. Your own people as well as mine. Any more that occur because of him and I will deal with him myself and it will not be pleasant.” Martin’s voice was not amusing and Delnash detected that easily.

Delnash nodded. “Very well.” He said. He turned and took Kesyla’s arm. “You have met my oldest daughter Kesyla. She is my senior aide and will know how to contact me for any reason. Even in ways that others do not know.”

Kesyla bowed her head. “It will be an honor traveling with you King Leonidas.” She said softly.

Martin smiled and looked at Murano quickly before turning back to her. “You might not think so after you see the trouble that I always seem to get into.”

“Now ... ain’t that the bleeding truth!” Danny snorted softly.

Kesyla smiled at this comment and squeezed her father’s hand. “I think it might.” She said.

Delnash turned and motioned to Daron. “My son Daron. He is my oldest and is a very competent researcher. One of our best in Bioengineering Theory. He may be able to help your own people.”

Daron also bowed his head slightly. “I look forward to meeting the different species among your people King Leonidas. They seem very dedicated.”

Martin looked at Delnash now. “All three of your children?” He said. “That’s quite a vote of confidence Chief Elder.”

Delnash nodded slowly after looking at Murano. He turned back to Martin. “Perhaps it is ... but is it undeserved?”

Martin met his eyes. “No.” He said confidently. He stepped closer and held out the small disc he took from his belt. “Quantum Com Frequency that Avi monitors all of the time for me. You want me ... you contact me on that.”

Delnash looked at him. “What are you planning to do?” He asked.

“I’m going to send the bodies of my people home to Sparta.” Martin spoke. “Then I have an appointment with my sorry ass brother. After I find a nice, out of the way planet and let the hatchlings we have spread their wings and hunt for a few days.”

Delnash gripped the disc and nodded his head. “I ... I intend to make you see that you have not come out here for nothing Martin Leonidas.” He said meeting his eyes. “That your purpose for leaving your home and family was justified.”

Martin nodded. “We’ll see.” He said. “We need to get moving.”

Delnash nodded. “Of course.” He said. “If I could speak to Mari first?”

Martin turned and looked at her. “Be quick ... these lizard bastards might be faster than we think.” He said before turning and heading up into the STRIKER.

Mari looked at Delnash as he took her hands and waited for the others to move up into the ship. [What ... what are you doing?] She reached for him.

Delnash smiled. [What I should have done a long time ago.] He answered. [I’m going to be who I should be. I’m going to do what I think is right.]

[Papa ... you... ] Mari began.

Delnash shook his head. [No.] He told her. [You don’t need to say it. I can see it in your eyes and I would do the same thing as well. Your mother won’t be happy you know.]

[You will explain it to her?] Mari asked.

Delnash nodded. [I will try.] He reached up and caressed her cheek. [Mari?]

Mari covered his hand with hers. [I need to do this.] She stated.

[You realize it might not receive the reaction you are hoping for.] Delnash said.

Mari nodded. [I have to try.]

Delnash nodded. [Yes you do.]

[Thank you for understanding Papa.] Mari said.

[Just be careful. If anything were to happen to you ... your mother would have my head.] Delnash told her.

Mari chuckled and smiled brightly at him. [I will.]

Delnash leaned forward and kissed her forehead. [Go with the gods Mari my child.] He said softly.

[And you Papa.]

Delnash watched as she turned and raced back up the ramp. He looked around, took a deep breath and then turned to head back to his own ship. Perhaps things would begin to look up now. He intended to make sure events were no longer dictated by others. He intended to take charge and become the leader that Sumar believed he could be.


Martin walked onto the bridge of the ARC ROYAL with Murano, Avi and the others following close behind. Anja and Aricia were taking Jacina and Recia directly to the Medical Bay with Isabella, while For’mya, Dysea and Cirith secured the STRIKER and began to see to the dissemination of the mounds of information they had taken from the station. Murano and the others were astonished at the level of sophistication of the ARC ROYAL, more so because they had never been on any ship besides a Pralor vessel. They took everything in as they moved through the corridors and up the Elevator Lift that deposited them just outside the bridge.

Avi moved immediately to a sensor station where the female operator moved out of his way and began to monitor a smaller console just to his right. Captain Akemi didn’t rise from her command chair as Martin came up to her side which surprised Kasdan and the others with the exception of Murano. Martin Leonidas was King and they expected others to jump to their feet and bow to his will.

“Akemi?” Martin asked.

“All stations secure sire.” She reported. “We’re standing by to execute.”

Martin glanced over to where Avi stood. “Avi?” He asked the hulking Avatar.

-Twenty-three seconds Martin- Avi answered.

Kasdan stepped up next to Murano. “What is happening?” He asked looking at Martin.

Martin looked at him hearing his question. He liked the Pralor Researcher and his brother Garan. Kasdan was very down to earth, if a little excitable, and his brother had proven to be cool under fire even though he was out of his league and knew it.

“I’m going to make sure this little group of Svorag are not a problem for anyone going forward.” Martin said.

“What do you mean?” Daron asked moving closer as well.

“Watch.” Martin said.

-They have deactivated Avatar 27- Avi spoke now.

“We expected that.” Martin chimed in. “Did he accomplish his objective?”

-Affirmative. I am syncing control now- Avi answered.

“What are you doing?” Daron asked again more forcefully now.

Murano looked at him. “Something that needs to be done.” He said. “Lorendo’s horrors at this facility need to be cleansed.”

“Uncle?” Kesyla asked moving closer to him. “What do you mean?”

Martin looked at Avi’s back. “Avi?”

-I have access Martin Leonidas- Avi answered. –I am initiating shutdown of the Pralor targeting systems and main power to their weapons-

Martin turned to Akemi. “Do it!” He hissed softly.

Akemi nodded and turned her head slightly to the side. “Weapons Officer! Four Fusion Matter Torpedoes! Full yield! Target the station! Follow on with half a dozen H19 Concussion Missiles with Plasma Tipped warheads!”

“Weapons aye!” The man barked.

“Ventral weapons pods!” Akemi snapped. “Fire at will!”

“Fusion Torps away!” The man barked. “Missiles on ten second follow up!”

Akemi looked at Martin. “It’s over kill sire ... but better safe than sorry.” She spoke almost casually.

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